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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Red Cocaine by Joseph Douglass part 38

This glimpse of the obvious, if we stop to think what must be happening, will also
be applicable, for instance, in banking, among the leading US law firms (as in London), and within the policymaking community, as well. Moreover few areas of US life today can be described as dependably honest any more. The decadence is pervasive, the money involved is colossal, those who control it are excessively corrupt and lacking in conscience, and minimal attention is paid to the reality that the corrupting influence of drug-related activities and money must, by now, have progressed so far that few areas of economic activity can be assumed to be immune. In some countries - Japan, for instance - corruption is an openly acknowledged way of life: indeed, there, the entire Establishment
and the corporate and financial systems appear to have been tainted almost to the point
of no return.
In Switzerland, the Federal Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, has said that the value of just the Russian criminal 'profit' money lodged with Swiss banks exceeds $40 billion'5. The
$40 billion is of course just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. How large is the total amount of illegal booty in Swiss banks? Probably well over ten times as much, perhaps as high as
100 times as much. And this is just Switzerland. The same conditions, greater by an order of magnitude, prevail in the banking systems of Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, all manner of tax-free havens and offshore islands, and the United States. That is, the $40 billion officially identified as being lodged in Switzerland is merely a small proportion of the total value of tens of trillions of dollars accumulated by the global criminalists, and sequestered with commercial and private banks all over the world.
At the end of November 1998, Sr del Ponte said that he was 'convinced that Russian
organised crime is a threat for Switzerland. It is enough just to look at at the main criminal investigations being carried out by our [cantons]... and these investigations are only the tip of the iceberg'. He was speaking in the context of the commencement of legal proceedings against Sergei Mikhailov in Geneva. Mikhailov was suspected of heading Moscow's Solntsvo criminal network, linked to another network run by the Russian mob- ster Vyacheslav Ivankov, who was sentenced to 115 months in jail in New York in mid-
1997. These facts, though, are nothing to be surprised about: for Soviet/Russian intelligence has been integrated with the 'mafia' classes in the 'former' Soviet Union for decades: the simplistic Western notion that the Russian 'mafia' is 'stand-alone', is disin- formation. Russian organised crime is the KGB/GRU, and its financial assets are handled and moved by the KGB (or its successors: but the KGB has been relabelled many times
since 1917 and all knowledgeable experts these days refer generically to the 'posf-Soviet
intelligence community as the KGB or KGB/GRU).
Switzerland has historically been used by the Russians primarily to corrupt Swiss banking and to obtain information on others who use Swiss banks. The Russians (Soviets) themselves have historically preferred to use banking facilities provided in countries which are less obvious than Switzerland - such as Sweden, where Lenin is reported to have stopped to draw $50 million out of a Swiss bank to help finance his takeover of the fledgling Kerensky government and to line his own pockets at the same time. Inciden- tally, all the original Soviet revolutionaries lined their own pockets: when Stalin ordered his police chief, Genrikh Yagoda, to provide him with a list of their secret numbered bank accounts in Switzerland, Yagoda made the elementary mistake of assuming that he was Stalin's only source of information, and duly excluded the details of his own secret bank

account in Switzerland. So, after insisting that he, Yagoda, must also comply, Stalin rewarded him also with a bullet through the head. The only senior figure he spared was Lenin's widow, Krupskaya, who was nevertheless compelled, on pain of a similar fate, to repatriate the 'assets of the revolution' which Lenin, its primary author, had himself salted away 'corruptly' in Swiss bank accounts.
It was not by accident that sizeable Soviet deception activity was directed at 'keeping the [spot]light of publicity away from our friends, the banks', as Jan Sejna explained to me on several occasions. And he should have known. For not only was Sejna firmly coupled to Soviet drug-trafficking and organised crime transactions, but he was also a member of
a special deception committee which specialised in reviewing past deception operations
and in formulating guidelines for the forthcoming five-year deception plans which had to be prepared for each successive Party Congress, building on prevailing State strategy and policy.
Those who have constructed this global criminalist empire with its integrated influ- ence and corruption potential are not nice people to know. They are, self-evidently quite ruthless, and typically make prospective or actual collaborators a type of offer that few can refuse: 'Which do you prefer, gold or lead?' They are extremely well informed, thanks to a reliable and integrated global intelligence network; and those with whom they do business - financial institutions, investment houses, accountants and lawyers -are careful to keep them well informed. Privacy, ethics, and not passing on insider information, are practices that do not apply to them - only to normal investors; and these people are far from
normal: they do not fancy losing, and they have no qualms about taking such steps as they
may deem necessary to ensure and guarantee their 'success'. Bank records, secret decisions, State decisions, private legal matters, and so forth, are open book to the international criminal elites - of which a significant fraction consists, in reality, as we have seen, of representatives of sophisticated, cut-throat, foreign intelligence services.
It is critical for the survival of Western civilisation, and in order to slow down its rapid descent into pervasive, corrosive globalised criminality and corruption, which is the grim outlook for the 21st century, that Western countries begin, even at this late hour, to understand the true nature of the illegal drug crisis - which means correctly analysing its sources, especially its political origins, its enabling mechanisms, and its related criminal dimensions. Unless the nature and provenance of the challenge is finally understood, the appropriate strategy and tactics to address it will never be formulated. The drugs scourge
continues to escalate because the measures so far developed to counter it do not take
account of the geopolitical dimension - that is to say, of the malevolent, revolutionary intent which drives it.
As a consequence, the measures taken, in the United States, Britain and elsewhere, to address the scourge, have remained essentially irrelevant and ineffective, although law enforcement developments in Britain in late 1998 were decidedly encouraging. The plague continues to spread because the West is the victim of a deliberate, sustained and relentless offensive planned and directed by enemy intelligence which Western policymakers appear not to begin, or care, to understand. Some Western leaders even share the ideological objectives of the perpetrators of the drugs offensive. To make matters much worse, the values of many policymakers have been fatally eroded; and if one has no real values, one is not emboldened to defend anything at all, let alone with conviction and vigour. Policymakers
too often stand for nothing and fall for everything - for every false assessment, for every
piece of fashionable disinformation and for every diversionary tac-

tic which is intended to add to the confusion and which clouds the truth: namely, that the
West has been targeted as an act of war, and is the victim of a sustained offensive.
Obviously, the longer this perversity and blindness continue, the more powerful and insuperable will the forces which help to perpetuate this blanket offensive, become. Soon, they will wield almost total power in some Western countries. The European Union's
collectivist structures, with their pork-barrel traditions and inclinations, are conspicuously
vulnerable to drug-related corruption. Politicians and policymakers will continue to be blackmailed. Bankers will continue to enjoy the proceeds of laundered money and to turn a blind eye to what is happening. Many regulators and investigators will persevere fruitlessly with their narrow, legalistic perspectives. Much of the media will continue its inexcusable de facto conspiracy of silence, while some newspapers, such as The Independent in London, will continue perversely to promote drug liberalisation. A detailed search of the distasteful documents arising from the 'work' of the Office of the Independent Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, in connection with the degraded behaviour of President Clinton and others in the White House, has revealed that two single-word mentions of drug-taking there, to which initial reference was made in a CNN broadcast, have been erased from it16. This suggests a perverse collusion - as though the drug dimension, like the parallel, and glaring, security issues arising from that hideous scandal, was somehow taboo.
Is this sort of official denial simply to be expected of a society which either openly or subconsciously recognises that it has been subverted, fleeced and duped - not least by those in whom our trust has had to be placed?
Corruption associated with drugs is so corrosive that, short of the targeted societies acquiring and wielding powers from which democracies, however inept and degraded, must naturally flinch, it will, sooner, rather than later, destroy democracy itself. Indeed, the very means which may now be needed to purge the West of the accumulated conse- quences of the drug offensive which has been waged against it for several decades, could themselves be considered a threat to democracy and freedom. No doubt the evil architects
of the drug offensive understood that potential of their strategy only too well from the
beginning. They recognised that democracies would never be able to summon the backbone to purge themselves of this evil, let alone that it originated as an act of warfare.
The war on drugs has not failed: it has never existed. There has been no war on drugs in the United States. And look at what has happened in countries like the Nether- lands, where a permissive approach has proved a total, filthy and embarrassing failure - and in Switzerland, where a sudden deterioration in social conditions occurred in response to the introduction of more 'liberal' attitudes and provisions from late 1994 onwards. Like Cyprus, which Russian criminalists have colonised following the sudden arrival there in the late 1980s of the son of the former Soviet Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko'7, Switzerland remains a prime money-laundering centre for Soviet/Russian intelligence community-linked criminals.
Recalling what happened to Lenin's colleagues after Stalin had demanded the repat-
riation of the 'assets of the revolution' which they had salted away in Swiss bank accounts [see pages 165-166] a similar (perhaps, but not necessarily, less drastic?) fate may well have awaited (in late 1998) the so-called 'oligarchs' (KGB/GRU officers and top Communist Party officials and nomenklaturists), who had been given temporary custody of the 'assets of the state', as part of the facade of 'post'-Communism presented to the West in 1990-91. This represented a truly novel form of Lenin's model of 'state-controlled capitalism'; and at

the time of going to press, that model was in the process of being rolled up or substantially
'modified', just like its predecessors - Lenin's notorious 'New Economic Policy' [NEP], or
Khrushchev's 'peaceful coexistence', or Brezhnev's detente scams.
In Switzerland, though, at least the population has had more sense than its bewildered political and policymaking elites. On 29th November 1998, Swiss voters decisively rejected a dangerous and misguided proposal for the legalisation of marijuana, heroin and cocaine - turning aside arguments that an officially-managed narcotics network would help to curb drug-related crime. Swiss voters saw through these false arguments, which would promote drug use, wholesale corruption, scandal and decay - as has happened so conspicuously in Amsterdam, once a jewel of mediaeval architecture that has descended into an abyss of filth and decadence. Almost 74% of Swiss voters rejected the proposals in a referendum - in the face of Federal claims that cannabis was regularly consumed by some 500,000 people in the country. Provocatively, FrancoiReusser, the  spokesman for  a  committee  which  had
sponsored the initiative 'for a sensible drug policy', argued not only that Swiss voters had
'reacted emotionally to the heroin aspect', but also that the outcome might have been different if marijuana smokers had gone to the polls18.
That statement showed that these drug-pushers are not merely misguided: they are also stupid: anyone who knows anything about the effect of cannabis on the body, on the brain and on attitudes, would be aware that smokers who are half-stoned out of their minds, do not cooperate if they can avoid doing so. There is, however, no end to the per- versity and folly of the drug liberalisation lobby: the committee, supported by Socialists, permissive doctors, lawyers [see above] and drug 'experts', insisted that it would embark forthwith upon a fresh campaign to soften-up Switzerland's voters and to collect the nec- essary number of signatures under the Swiss referendum system to be able to force yet another ballot on the legalisation of cannabis. For the standard modus operandi of the revo-
lution is to try, try, and try again until the referendum system delivers the 'correct' answer.
Why, one is entitled to wonder, are such people so anxious to achieve this diabolical objective? Not, we may be sure, because they care a damn about the victims of drug abuse, or about their physical, mental and spiritual welfare. But rather because the revolution never, ever, surrenders its perverse agenda. And because those promoting this scourge are themselves corrupted beyond perdition, they wish to bring the whole world to perdition along with them. It is the solemn duty of those who know and understand this, to resist their nefarious activities with all determination and might - and for political and policymaking leaderships to cast aside all hesitation and to throw the resources of the state into this prospectively final battle for the survival of civilisation19.

References to Chapter 12:
1. 'Student Use of Most Drugs Reaches Highest Level in Nine Years', Pride Press Release, 25 Sep- tember 1996.
2. 'High Prevalence of Recent Cocaine Use and the Unreliability of Patient Self-report in an Inner-city
Walk-in Clinic', Sally E. McNagny, MD, and Ruth M. Parker, MD, JAMA, February 26,1992.
3. Office of National Drug Control Policy, A Plan For Estimating the Number of 'Hardcore' Drug
Users in the United States, Preliminary Findings, Fall 1997.
4. Joseph D. Douglass Jr., 'Assessing Progress in the 'War on Drugs", Journal of Social, Political, and
Economic Studies, Spring, 1992.
5. See 'Lawyers 'launder drugs cash", The Daily Telegraph, London, 24 November 1998; and
'Gangland money-laundering inquiry into City law firms', The Guardian, London, 24 November 1998.
6. 'Gangland money-laundering inquiry into City law firms', The Guardian, London, 24 November
1998, op. cit.
7. See U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Report of the Special Committee to Investigate

CHAPTER 12: Grim Outlook for the 21st Centur169

Tax-exempt Foundations and Comparable Organisations (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, December 16,1954); Rene Wormser, Foundations: Their Power and Influence (New York: Devin-Adair Company, 1958; reprinted by Covenant House Books, Sevierville, TN, 1993); and William H. Mcll-hany II, The Tax Exempt Foundations (Westport, CN, Arlington House, 1980).
8. Gabriel G. Nahas, M.D., Cocaine: The Great White Plague, Ericksson, 1989.
9. That there has been no strategic revolutionary discontinuity (as opposed to a Leninist discontinuity)
has been carefully explained by the genuine Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn, in his two famous books New
Lies for Old [Dodd, Mead, New York, 1984], and The Perestroika Deception [Edward Harle Limited, London
and New York, 1995 and 1998]: see the leaflet enclosed at the back of this volume: and page VI. Contact the publishers of this book for details.
10. See, for instance, Yevgenia Albats, The State Within a State, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New
York, 1994.
Editor's Note: Care must nevertheless be exercised when considering the work of this author, who was granted privileged access to Soviet/Russian intelligence files and sources. Her work formed part of an extensive corpus of materials which served the purpose of 'explaining' the continued existence of the
powerful KGB/GRU ('successors') in the context of the subsequently exposed deception that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU] no longer existed. See Soviet Analyst, passim, and the CPUSA journal Political Affairs, for refutations of that lie, which is a central component of the strategic deception surrounding 'collapsible Communism'.
11. See Note 77 below.
12. 'Criminalism', a word coined by the Editor for use in Soviet Analyst, means 'the use of organised
criminality in the interests of strategy'.
13. Various UK press reports, 1st December 1998.
14. Gary Weill, 'The Mob on the Street', Business Week, 16th December 1996, page 93.
15. 'Swiss begin fraud trial of Russian mafia suspect', The Washington Times, 1 December 1998.
16. Editor's Note.'The transcripts of Grand Jury testimony and related documents, contained in seven
separate volumes published for the Office of the Independent Counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, in connection
with the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, were intensively examined for two known references to the taking of drugs in the White House. These had been explicitly referred to in a CNN broadcast monitored by Rachel Ehrenfeld, the respected drug and money-laundering expert. The Editor found that these references had been expunged from the formal printed record.
17. Editor's Note: Gromyko Jr, who opened up Cyprus as a leading Russian money-laundering
centre for Russian criminalist funds in the late 1980s, has remained in Cyprus. His name is found in the Limassol telephone directory. Before surfacing in Cyprus, he served as head of the Soviet Academy of Sciences under Gorbachev, a post from which he mysteriously resigned 'for health reasons'. This intelli- gence offers two insights of exceptional importance which support the analysis contained in the present work. First, it provides yet further confirmation of the lack of any true discontinuity between the Soviet regime and its 'successor' - to be added to the immense volume of evidence that the discontinuity was
Leninist (i.e., deceptive, dialectical) in character, as explained by Anatoliy Golitsyn in The Perestroika Deception' [op. cit.]; and secondly, it reinforces an impression which emerges from Red Cocaine - given that the KGB/GRU maintained its own budget financed in part by drug proceeds, thus becoming a 'state within a state - that the sheer scale of drug operations had become so immense that they provided their own justification for discarding the rigid Stalinist model as a prerequisite for enabling criminalism to achieve its full potential as a mechanism for global revolution. This is not to say that this was the primary
justification, but merely to argue that a proper understanding of the Soviet-Chinese drugs offensive is a necessary precondition for forming a coherent assessment of continuing Leninist world revolutionary strategy today.
18. 'Swiss voters turn down legalization of narcotics', International Herald Tribune, 30 November 1998.
19. See also Joseph D. Douglass Jr., 'KGB Alumni, Terrorism and Drug-trafficking', Conservative
Review, August 1992, and 'Organised Crime in Russia: Who's Taking Whom to the Cleaners?', Conservative
Review, May/June 1995.


As the years have passed, more and more evidence has accumulated that the global drugs scourge is a primary instrument of the continuing Leninist World Revolution. No genuine discontinuity occurred in 1989-91 - merely a Leninist discontinuity, stage-managed by Soviet intelligence under a strategic collective fronted by Gorbachev, whose long political pedigree stretches back to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU] held in
1956, and the 22nd Congress of October 1961 at which the revitalised long-range strategy was approved ready for presentation to the Congress of 81 Communist Parties (6th December 1961). Nor has Western intelligence monitored changes in the general directions to the KGB/GRU from the continuing Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU]t. Just about the only matter of substance which remains to be resolved is whether the Cubans were correct in their assessment, reported in this book, that targeted Western countries could be 'softened-up' with drugs for takeover from within, over a period of 35 years - or whether the Soviet opinion view that 50 or 60 years (two generations) would be necessary, was nearer the mark.
Red Cocaine provides the essential background information upon which the serious student of the continuing, relentless Leninist Revolution - which seeks fulfilment of the demented idea of World (Communist) Government, a sure recipe for global dictatorship - can profitably build a coherent understanding of the diabolical intentions of Lenin's heirs, whether operating overtly or, as Lenin himself advocated, 'working by other means' (i.e., covertly, as is more extensively the case today). One means of continuing a study perhaps begun with this book is advertised on the final page, where we provide owners of Red Cocaine with the opportunity to subscribe, at a specially reduced rate, to Soviet Analyst - the only journal which specialises exclusively in revealing and explaining the essence of the Soviet-Chinese strategic deception and long-term intelligence offensive against the West. In the pages of Soviet Analyst, you will find no 'politically correcf ideas whatsoever - not least because the origins of 'political correctness' have been definitively traced - in the pages of Soviet Analyst itself - to the bowels of the Soviet Communist Party apparatus.
For an essential perspective on the strategic deception offensive - the essence of which is convergence of the West with the East, but on the East's terms, not ours - the reader's attention is directed to The Perestroika Deception: The World's Slide towards the 'Second October Revolution' ['Weltoktober'], by the genuine Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn - famous author of the prophetic work, New Lies for Old. Mr Golitsyn's second book, originally published by Edward Harle Limited in 1995, and republished in 1998, is as prophetic as his first remarkable volume. For
details, see the reverse of the Soviet Analyst leaflet insert at the back.
* Among the sources to which any sceptic is directed for confirmation of the continuing existence of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union long after the alleged 'collapse of Communism' and of the USSR in 1991, are the October-November 1994 and April 1995 issues of the CPUSA's theoretical journal Political Affairs, which contain explicit references to the continuing existence and central importance of the CPSU. It 'coordinates' the operations of the fake 'post'-Soviet political parties. Western Governments, led by the British Foreign Office and the US State Department, chose prematurely to accept the demise of Communism and its associated pyramid of lies, including the new 'democratic' structures, at face value.


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