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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Virgo Maria - Mgr Williamson

Virgo Maria - Mgr Williamson

 Gaude, Maria Virgo, cunctas Haereses sola interemisti. (Bolt Mass Salve, Sancta Parens)
 Managing Editor: Abbé Paul Schoonbroodt

The former Anglican bishop of the SSPX now,

Bishop Williamson: a decoy

Black Orchestra

The crest and motto of S. Exc. Williamson

An episcopal coat of arms Rose + Croix Williamson-'Cunctator?

  1. Biography of Bishop Williamson
  2. The bishops of the SSPX



Bishop Williamson: a decoy

Williamson - Part # 8 - The (? Former) Anglican bishop 'on Rose' Brotherhood, imposed in the middle of the SSPX, Derek Holland, an activist of the "new right" pagan Anglo-Saxon, an admirer of Gaddafi and Khomeini

Published March 10, 2010

Richard Nelson WilliamsonFollowing a series of new revelations about dating Williamson with media activists Anglo-Saxon neo-conservatives, the movement that revolves around the British ambivalent circles the Fabian Society, the Round Table (Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild ) and globalist occult bodies, capped by high lodges that have shaped world history since Cecil Rhodes and his entourage to the progressive march at the Masonic world government.
In this VM, we give biographical activist Derek Holland, promoted and protected by the British Bishop Williamson.
Derek Holland in 2004 lived in an apartment near the Vatican, and he was bound by commercial interests with John Forrest Sharpe [see VM Williamson - Part # 7], other protected Mole # 1 infiltrated from the early 1970s in the SSPX.

Williamson - Part # 7 - The Bishop 'the Rose' imposed and protected in the journal of the SSPX in the United States, and against the advice of Father Scott, a military naturalistic neo-fascist activist: Mr Sharpe J.Forrest

Publication January 24, 2010

Richard Nelson WilliamsonBeginning of a series of new revelations about dating Williamson with media activists Anglo-Saxon neo-conservatives, the movement that revolves around the British ambivalent circles the Fabian Society, the Round Table (Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild ) and globalist occult bodies, capped by high lodges that have shaped world history since Cecil Rhodes and his entourage to the progressive march at the Masonic world government.
Mr Sharpe J.ForrestThe Father Scott wanted to oppose the infiltration of John Sharpe in the journal The Angelus(equivalent Fideliter for the SSPX in the U.S.) and accused the military of being "dropped into naturalism and have betrayed the Catholic Faith. " But nothing did, despite the termination ofMr Sharpe by Father Scott, Bishop Fellay has not argued and left to the British Bishop Williamson-'Cunctator' ex (?) - Anglican "the Rose" of the Brotherhood. Rather, Father Scott was dismissed by Bishop Fellay of his position as director of the Seminary of the Holy Cross in Australia in the summer of 2008 and was sent to Canada in a job that away from any responsibility .
The canceled visit (last highlight thankfully) Winona seminarians at the Pentagon on 11 September 2001.
The media with the recent resurgence Celier obviously concerted Williamson, duet of "role play" in an attempt to recrédibiliser one and the other, each in its role as a part of the domination of the clergy SSPX.
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Williamson's mother, follower of the Gnostic sect Protestant "Christian Science" religion of the Milner Group (UK Round Table, linked to the Rothschild clan), head of the immense Empire Victorian and historical matrix of the current Anglo-Saxon globalism

Published May 19, 2009

Bishop Richard N. WilliamsonHelen Williamson, who died in 2000, strong personality, was a devout disciple of Mary Baker Eddy. Edna Andrews, governess of the Williamson family for 20 years, reveals the hidden past of Bishop Richard Williamson. Williamson chose for his episcopal coat of arms Rosicrucian symbol very similar to that of the British Round Table. The evidence we publish today comes from research in the British press on the former Anglican Anglican pastor's son, on the occasion of his provocative statements deniers Swedish television. These are recent statements by his former housekeeper Edna Andrews Daily Mail 7 February 2009 who, having well known dissipate the thick curtain of smoke to reveal some valuable information on family origins Bishop Williamson. Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson was born of the union of Mr Williamson, Scottish Protestant Anglican, chief buyer at Marks & Spencers, who died in 1987, and Helen Williamson, died at age 93 in 2000, a follower of the sect Protestant "Christian Science" itself born in Paris to affluent American parents -. (1) - biographical elements on new Williamson, by his housekeeper for 20 years -. (2) - The Gnostic doctrine of "Christian Science" that his mother was a devout follower -. (3) - The "Christian Science" religion of Milner Group, Historical component of British Round Table. (4) - The speech of Bishop Williamson to absolve Ratzinger-Benedict XVI's heresies: a theory of "Christian Science" applied to the interior of the SSPX - (5) - Questions to three other bishops consecrated by Archbishop? Lefebvre in 1988. Based on FACTUAL that Virgo Mariaelements continues to accumulate: the origins of Williamson (Anglican pastor father, mother fan of "Christian Science" disciple of the former () - Fabien Malcolm Muggeridge, protector? , ordinator and promoter of homosexual clergy predators, rapists, etc..), Archbishop Lefebvre would he chose the Reverend Richard Williamson as a candidate to the episcopate? If Archbishop Lefebvre had learned THESE FACTS after the coronation, would he kept Williamson within the SSPX?
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Williamson in London: the return of the Bishop Rose of the Brotherhood to the British headquarters, with the Fabians?

Published May 18, 2009

Williamson at the airport in Buenos AiresWilliamson with a cap visor basketball, dressed worthy of a star of the jet-set, clear his silence a journalist at the airport in Buenos Aires, February 23, 2009. Lady Michèle Renouf, figure bow of denial, welcomed Bishop Williamson on his arrival at the airport in London. Williamson was invited in October 2008 in London cocktail organized by David Irving, biographer ofHitler, with whom he maintained a correspondence. The record of this VM state facts on the relationship of the former (?) British-Anglican, son of Anglican pastor and a follower of the sect of the "Christian Science," Bishop Williamson, and his incredible impunity both in civil society and within the SSPX, readers obviously do not find - and for good reason -. nor Dici nor the Latin Gate We see that pursued by the Jewish community and the Argentine government, the Bishop Rose of the SSPX had to leave the country quickly to London on February 23, after unsuccessfully attempting legal proceedings to block the spread of his Holocaust denial by Swedish television, and after his "regret" have was officially rejected by the Vatican. The Bishop Rose was indicted Feb. 27 by the prosecutor of Regensburg, the German Minister of Justice, Brigitte Zypries has threatened to seek his extradition from Britain to Germany, under agreements European. This notice is mysteriously remained unanswered, Bishop Williamson has announced that it would use the British House of Lords. Higher power What the German government has been able to stop and the secular arm was hit Williamson? Solicited by his knowledge, David Irving, a former associate of Oswald Mosley young (founder of the close of the Third Reich in the 30s British National Party and who collaborated with Victor Rothschild to negotiate escapes Germany), British historian asked Ms. Michelle Renouf, to ensure the home of Bishop Rose of the SSPX at Heathrow airport, with his lawyers. At the airport in London, three private bodyguardsWilliamson expected to be placed in service. Ms. Renouf, former supermodel, professes a doctrine "Hellenistic" and pagan impregnated Wagner and Nietzsche, and is illustrated its unconditional defense Irving 's so much so that his ideas are deemed excessive by the British National Party.Pagan Dr. Renouf which hosted the former (?), Anglican Bishop Williamson, worked with Kenneth Humphreys, spreading outlandish and radically anti-Christian arguments denying the existence of Jesus of Nazareth. Williamson sought the support and the board using Irving 's so that it provides arguments to justify its denialist media provocations, all correspondence about it being published by The Times on February 24. Irving recognizes the bishop to help close Rose of the SSPX. The Abbe Gaudron (SSPX), professor at the seminary of Zaitzkofen, said on German television ZDF, Bishop Williamson was the subject of an ultimatum from Bishop Fellay in the SSPX, which was to expire in late February. More than two and a half months have passed since Bishop Fellay and, of course, declined, not daring to take any decision in respect of expulsion. And, at the same time, the same Bishop Fellay fiercely courageous Méramo expelled abbot who had simply wrong - recalling his loyalty toArchbishop Lefebvre and his fight for FAITH, the priesthood and the Catholic Sacraments - to refuse shameful and suicidal suicidal "process" Bishop Fellay rallying-apostasy of the fraternity to the Father Ratzinger-Benedict XVI apsostat. Bishop Fellay far will he continue to compromise the SSPX in maintaining its Bishop inWilliamson, Bishop Rose of the Brotherhood, whose action if solvent is now widely demonstrated and known?
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The destruction of the SSPX in the United States in 1983 by the abbots and Williamson Schmidberger

Published February 28, 2009

Franz Schmidberger and Richard N. WilliamsonThe destruction of the SSPX in the United States in 1983 by the abbots and Williamson Schmidberger Moles # 1 & 2, late vocations both infiltrated in 1972 within the SSPX to better run the work of Archbishop Lefebvre preservation sacrificial priesthood Catholic sacramentally valid. Second part of the record on Archbishop Lefebvre manipulated by the former 'new'. (?) Anglican-Columbia, future "bishop of the Rose" and his accomplice Abbot Schmidberger then Vicar General of the SSPX and friend of the apostate priest Ratzinger, then "Cardinal", Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of JPII-Wojtyla. This VM which is the second part of the case on the defection - for serious reasons of conscience exposed in their "letter" published in the first part - the "new" priests ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre, who defected in 1983 led to the dismantling seminar Ridgefield U.S. Brotherhood, is integral with the previous VM that shows European traditionalist Catholic readers - most of whom are unaware of these serious events across the Atlantic - the harmfulness of actions and repeated provocations designed to undermine the Brotherhood St. Pius X from the British bishop to Rose and his protégé Abbot Ramon Angles, which will have plunged the work of Archbishop Lefebvre preservation Catholic priesthood sacrificial sacramentally valid, and his apostolate in terrible discredit it suffers today from U.S. Catholic traditionalists.
  • [1] The 'New' against Mgr. Lefebvre - 2008 - Download PDF PDF
  • [2] Letter from 'Nine' to Archbishop Lefebvre - 1983 - Download PDF PDF
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Williamson and Father Ramon Angles helped rallied to discredit the SSPX in the U.S.

Published 26 February 2009

Ramon Angles and Richard N. WilliamsonHow Williamson, Bishop Rose of the SSPX, and his protégé Father Ramon Angles helped rallied to discredit the SSPX in the United States: already provocations designed to undermine the SSPX "Angles GO HOME" placarded on the doors of the chapels of the SSPX in Kansas. The abbot Angles is currently in Dublin, Upper District of the SSPX for Ireland and a member of the General Chapter of the SSPX. In spring 2006, Williamson was in his class, as its candidate "ideal" for the office of superior general of the SSPX, before the elections in July 2006. In June 2008, VM revealed that the abbot Angles banned sacraments a parishioner who had rescued the abbot Babinet (SSPX). This VM aims to acquaint traditional French Catholics and European responsibilities of Bishop Williamson and his deputy abbot Ramon Angles in deep current discredit the SSPX in the United States. "But the abbot Angles grows criticism further. seems good government finds its realization in the anti-Semitic dictatorship of Nazi Germany. aberrant In a reversal of good and evil, the mass murderer, the devil worshiper, Adolf Hitler is transformed into a type of Christian king. 'Abbe Angles has filled with Nazi paraphernalia apartment he shows to favored boys. He shows them the ceremonial daggers worn by officers of the Third Reich. He is proud of the collection of Mercedes owned by his family, which was once owned by Adolf Hitler. A student of the Academy was invited by Father Angles there two years. campus in his room, Angles offered him a pizza and showed him a Nazi propaganda film, Triumph of the Will. He remade the film pass, stopping at times fervently commenting and reading the stack of transcripts of Hitler that he had at his side 's speech. Leni Riefenstahl, the film's producer and chief propagandist of the Third Reich is still alive and lives in South America. The abbot Angles often visits him (he talks to his students), and boasts of intimacy. "Thomas W. Cage.
Every Catholic sense, must now ask the question clearly: .1) Who is the ex Columbia ()-Anglican son of an Anglican pastor, Richard Nelson Williamson .2) Where he goes .3)?? Why has he joined the seminar Écône in 1972? Why Bishop Fellay does he still not expelled from the SSPX, as it intimately the laws of the Church, the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson - 'Cunctator'à Rose? Why did not he expelled his henchman, Father Angles?
  • [1] File Ecclesia Dei Fidelity (French) - 1992 - Download PDF PDF
  • APPENDIX A - FIDELITY ARTICLE - The SSPX is sick (the article that set fire to the powder, October 1992) by Thomas W. Case (October 1992)
  • APPENDIX B - LETTERS - Fidelity Magazine - December 1992 - These letters were written in response to the article published in Fidelity October 1992 under the title "The Society of St. Pius X falls ill." Among these letters are responses abbots Ramon Angles, Principal of the College and the Academy of St. Mary and Peter Scott, District Superior of the United States for the Society of St. Pius X. Between Mr Case and other faithful respond point by point to the letters, providing additional facts.
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Williamson: the "Bin Laden" Rose of the SSPX

Publication February 22, 2009

Richard N. WilliamsonExpelled from Argentina, Williamson disappears without a trace at the request of Bishop Fellay continues to cover the bishop ex (?)-Anglican Rose of the Brotherhood. Having "misinformed" the nature of its activity in Argentina, Interior Minister of Argentina sum Williamsonto leave the country within 10 days. For he already disappeared with his friends in the United States? According to Father Bouchacourt,quoted by Le Figaro (20 February 2009), the leaders of the SSPX "has rightly decided that Bishop Richard Williamson had to leave the jurisdiction of the territory of the Argentine nation." This means that Bishop Fellay continues to protect Williamson, Bishop ex (?)-Anglican Rose of the fraternity stubbornly not to deport the SSPX. The Abbe Gaudron, professor at the seminary of the SSPX to Zaitzkofen and foalAbbot Schmidberger undercover # 2, told German television ZDF that within 10 days, Williamson would be expelled from the SSPX s' he did not retract his remarks provocative denial. Le Figaro announced that the LICRA will initiate legal proceedings against the Bishop Rose of the SSPX in "the course of the next week." Already on February 10, the Argentine edition of Newsweek had filed a complaint against Williamson. Passivity ofBishop Fellay and his determination to keep-against the laws of the Church - (?) Williamson, former Anglican Rose of the Brotherhood within the SSPX, doubled its Enlightenment on " conversion of Rome "and its apostate leaders, become criminal, and will soon put the SSPX to the wall, ordered to choose between acceptance of Vatican II (in one form or another) and persecution by the civil authorities.
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INFO-VIRGO MARIA - SCOOP - The father of Bishop Williamson to the Rose Anglican pastor

Publication February 22, 2009

Richard Nelson Williamson. Revelation of the Daily Mail on the family of Bishop Williamson who is the son of a heretic, a man whose'' ordained Anglican totally disabled Here is what the Daily Mail published February 5, 2009: "Richard Williamson born in 1940, son of a pastor Hampshire and joined the Catholic Church in 1971 under the influence of Malcolm Muggeridge, the British journalist who discovered Mother Teresa of Calcutta. " And Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated in 1988, not only a "converted" from Anglicanism, but moreover a man whose father belonged to the pseudo-Anglican clergy. How then Archbishop he could miss this judgment and demonstrate such a lightness in his choice? It is absolutely incredible with such a family background Williamson could find support in the areas of Catholic Tradition and be recommended byAdrien Bonnet de Villers, and Paul Causeway, and many others, as he s 'is the "mole No. 1" of the SSPX. The son of Anglican pastor, graduate of Cambridge, has masterfully fooled everyone by France. It also shows the incredible ignorance of these environments that are gloating over the fact of studying and knowing subversion and revolution and, in fact, have never studied the subject Anglicans, Rose + Croix, their ritual pederasty and Anglo-Saxon Oxbridge secret societies. They are left to the knowledge of Cretineau Joly, Jean Vaquié best, but they have made ​​no progress in their reading and research since the early 1990s. They have nearly 20 years behind in the study. In reality, these self-proclaimed subversion opponents, have been for over 20 years, toys and unaware of the subtle subversion Anglo-Saxon relay, led by Bishop Williamson. Bishop Fellay When will he expel the SSPX, the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson - 'Cunctator'à Rose, the former protector, authorizing and opinionated promoter Winona clergy sex predators Urrutigoity Carlosand Eric Ensey, and the ruler of the priest "pédéRatz" Marshall Roberts?
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Bishop Fellay why he insists on protecting Williamson?

Published February 10, 2009

Bernard Fellay and WilliamsonBishop Fellay why he insists - against the laws of the Church - to protectWilliamson, protector, officer, promoter clergy rapists-predators homosexuals, the challenger who is now threatening the SSPX in world, then the SSPX goes into a media tsunami, the former Anglican Bishop Williamson "persists and signs" and designating all of the SSPX to the secular arm of government, he openly disobeyedBishop Fellay in granting an interview with Spiegel, the SSPX is now threatened ban in Germany, which, at the same time, however, Bishop Fellay referred the Father Abrahamowicz, but less guilty about less publicized, superior of the SSPX is content a scoop by dismissing Williamson from his position as director of the seminary in La Reja. For years Bishop Williamson, the British bishop Rose is denounced in the Catholic Tradition to be protected, promoted and directed for 10 years, two gay clergy rapists-predators found, abbots and Urrutigoity Ensey, in his seminary in Winona , have also ordered gay cleric, Father Roberts. Why Bishop Fellay, violating it in any explicit laws of the Church from St. Peter Damian suppressing protective clerics clerics gay, does it persist so obstinately to keep Williamson in the SSPX?Bishop Fellay would he in cahoots with Williamson in this world orchestrated discredit of the SSPX which destabilizes and now designates all its members to the secular arm of European governments?
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The Vatican rescues Williamson spreading the false rumor that he would be"dying of cancer"

Publication February 1, 2009

Richard Nelson WilliamsonWilliamson nicknamed "Tricky Dickie" (Dick the cheater) by the Anglo-Saxons. 'Bishop' Negri, supported by the apostate priest Castrillon Hoyos, spreading the rumor of a pseudo disease and moribund Bishop Williamson is dying, and Castrillon Hoyos called to pray for him. This fable is immediately propagated by the media obligingly close to the Vatican and the British press, as well as the media rallied. objective of this deception is to protect Williamson sparking feelings of compassion for his health. Obviously Bishop Williamson is not sick and like a charm as well as revealed its webmaster.Williamson participant in October 2008 at a cocktail organized by the British Windsor revisionist writer, Irving, prolific author of books on the Third Reich and former Sir Oswald Mosley relationship, a member of the Fabian Society and Chair of English Fascist Party. Occult links between Rome and Williamson began to pierce the big day, as well as its connections with the periphery of the British Fabian environment. Not only the letter of 28 January 2009 is by no means a letter of apology and retraction but a new coded provocation where he reaffirms his words symbolically hated by claiming the "Hebrew Prophet of Truth." Decoding of this letter. The apostate priest Castrillon Hoyos, while it is modernist, yet very familiar with the Scriptures, and he informed reader has understood the meaning of provocative Williamson in his use of Jonas. And yet he welcomes the "apology" of Bishop Williamson. Collusion between the Vatican and provocative revisionist bishop becomes increasingly obvious. We solemnly ask Bishop Fellay publicly expel Bishop Williamson of the SSPX pronto.
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Bishop Williamson (SSPX) hosted and directed a homosexual cleric, Father Roberts

Published January 23, 2009

Richard Nelson WilliamsonA new scandal gay cleric splashes Williamson appears more as a provocateur and a manipulator who has no place in the SSPX. has hosted and directed Winona another homosexual cleric recognized as such: "A seminarian third year, Marshall Roberts was expelled from the Institute of Christ the King provides for a homosexual relationship in a letter addressee to a first-year seminarian. Vice-rector of the seminary, which had the letter in hand, a confirmed the content. " (...) "Simply the upper blind eye to some, but not others, as was the case for a third year seminarian was sent back on the field with his business after he had been established that harassed one of my colleagues first year. Actually, a few years later seminarian, who had arranged to be ordained elsewhere, found the path of the Society of St. John in America This sparked immediately suspicious about this company traditionalist who enjoyed wide publicity given that homosexuals are recruited among themselves and help their young from predators 'catamites' and their innocent victims one after another. Also I did not particularly surprised when allegations of rape homosexuals in the Company have finally surfaced. " The Father Roberts was then hired in 2006 by "Bishop"Fulham (the episcopate very doubtful), formerly of Winona, who had studied with him. And since early 2006, he took his suite at the Chapel of St Michael the Archangel . This pseudo-"bishop", "Bishop" Fulham is vagus, but recognizes the authority of Pope Benedict XVI and supports the "process" Bishop Fellay with Rome. He strongly opposes the sedevacantists, as Williamson . According to the Dimond Brothers , "Bishop" Fulham is an anti-sedevacantist disguised as sedevacantist. He abuses the good faith of the faithful sedevacantists. The pseudo-"Bishop" Fulham has posted on its website, a conference of 10 December 2008 Bishop Williamson for the 25th anniversary of St Michaels. Therefore expected by Bishop Fellay to expel provocative Williamson ?
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Bombshell! Williamson now recognizes the infiltration of the SSPX

Published December 31, 2008

Richard Nelson WilliamsonAccording to Max Barrett , former Anglican Bishop Williamson has just written him to recognize the existence of a " clique infiltrators"within the SSPX. British bishop also recognizes that the " withdrawal of the decree of excommunication "is conditioned by Rome prior to signing a withdrawal request signed by the four bishops of the SSPX, which unmasks and fully discredits the" Rosary Crusade "launched byBishop Fellay . It now remains to Williamson to provide us the list of infiltrators who compose the clique. What is it? Max Barret Will he ask him? That would be the least of it. Then, since there is infiltration - that would never have tolerated the Archbishop if he had knowledge - Williamson will he submit this serious problem to Bishop Fellay in requesting the dismissal of their undercover job and their expulsion from the SSPX? But in reality all this is a huge operation in sham Bishop Rose of the SSPX. And for good reason: the " clique infiltrators "it is he who directs underhand with the Father Schmidberger , as we have continued to show in the presentation of proven and overwhelming FACTS that directly affect them.
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Williamson and Father Laguérie trying to hide the invalidity of 'priests' conciliar and rallied

Published December 2, 2008

Richard N. Williamson and Philip LaguérieThe former Anglican Bishop Williamson to Rose, and Father Laguérie trying to diversion to hide the new conciliar ecumenical rite radically invalid "consecration" Episcopal (18 June 1968). Worried awareness that s' expands within the SSPX, the work entrusted to his task by Archbishop Lefebvre to perpetuate the sacrificial priesthood sacramentally valid Catholic Bishop Rose of SSPX Bishop Williamson , trying to light a fire against diverting the attention of the new Conciliar rite of "consecration" Episcopal (changed and "reinvented" 100% in 1968 by Paul VI Montini ) to the new conciliar rite of "ordination" to the priesthood (but cleverly slightly modified). Very significantly Cambridge graduate, a disciple ofMuggeridge (ex () - Fabien ), infiltrated in 1972 alongside Archbishop Lefebvre , in turn comes a few weeks after that - in a public letter to the abbot Bouchacourt - the abbot Laguérie he himself tried to dissuade Bishop Fellay to make a new ordination sub conditione a defector from the clerk IBP (the Father G. ) who joined the SSPX after being ordered IBP by a pseudo- "bishop" Conciliar sacramentally invalid.
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The gay predator priest Urrutigoity protected for 10 years by the Anglican Bishop Williamson form (COMPLETE STUDY)

September 7th, 2008 Published

The gay predator priest by Bishop Williamson Urrutigoity protectedCOMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF FRENCH TRANSLATION (FULL DOCUMENT) - The gay predator priest Urrutigoity protected by the Anglican Bishop Williamson-form 'Cunctator' with the Rose. A gay priest, ordained in the SSPX, protected by Bishop Williamson and Denounced by Bishop Fellay .What Does this mean protection? Why did it last so long? (10 years) . Do We Have to Consider from now on the hypothesis of a gay network HAVING Infiltrated the SSPX? Would prefer Bishop Williamson Being gay more than thinking the "sedevacantist" way? With Appendixes.

Interference against Williamson Cacqueray to save Celier, author of the "cartridge"

Published May 29, 2008

After the "cartridge" of Celier ridiculing Bishop Fellay, the farce continues, is "Alice in Wonderland" by Bishop Williamson, the protector of the Celier. And Williamson out of the woods, accompanied by anti-campaign Abbot Cacqueray and orchestrated on internet forums.
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The gay predator priest Urrutigoity protected by the Anglican Bishop Williamson-form 'Cunctator' with the Rose

May 3rd, 2008 Published

UrrutigoityA gay priest, ordained in the SSPX, protected by Bishop Williamson and Bishop Fellay Denounced by. protection What does this mean? Why did it last so long? (10 years). Do We Have to Consider from now on the hypothesis of a gay network HAVING Infiltrated the SSPX? Would prefer Bishop Williamson Being gay more than thinking the "sedevacantist" way? TRANSLATION OF FRENCH STUDY (Part 1)

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Williamson - Part # 6 - The Rose + Croix crest of Luther and the episcopal coat of arms of Bishop Williamson

Published May 2, 2008

>>> (Continued) After noting the strong similarity, if not identity, between the rose of episcopal coat of arms of Bishop Williamson and the rose of the powerful British globalist secret society, the Round Table, we observe today 'Today the strong resemblance between the pink coat of arms Rose + Croix Luther and pink episcopal coat of arms of Bishop Williamson . (to be continued ...)
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Williamson - Part # 5 - The Rose of the Round Table and the episcopal coat of arms of the former Anglican

Published April 7, 2008

Round Table>>> (Continued) Investigations are continuing on the former Anglican , today we discover a great resemblance between the rose emblem of the secret society pentagon-shaped inverted the Round Table UK Oxford (' Table Round ') and rose placed by Bishop Williamson(SSPX), former (?)-Anglican center his episcopal coat of arms, surrounded by a white cross. This accumulation of facts relating to secret societies and globalist imperial around Williamson , former Cambridge student, starts to become more and more worrisome. Who really isRichard Williamson , one of four bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre in June 1988? What he plays in the SSPX? (to be continued ...)
  • [1] 'A short history of the Round Table' - Banyan - Download PDFPDF

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The former Anglican Bishop Williamson private Rome and Naples. Visit Bishop Fellay calls for the lifting of the decree of excommunication

Publication April 6, 2008

WilliamsonPlan rally SSPX soon? maneuvers and lies multiply. The former Anglican Bishop Williamson spent several days on a secret visit to Rome and Naples. Castrillon Hoyos ad in the Osservatore Romano the possibility of an agreement "practice" without the doctrinal conflicts are overcome and falsely claims that Archbishop Lefebvre have accepted all the constitutions of Vatican II. Bishop Fellay just sent secretly to the apostate priest Ratzinger an official request for the lifting of the decree of excommunication against the four bishops of the SSPX.Castrillon Hoyos recognizes that "likes" the new rite of Bugnini-Montini-Paul VI and declares that "he celebrated every day." scenario rallying becomes clear: Levada would "review" translations of Vatican II. A testimony from a reader: the abbot Cocault-Duverger promotes infiltration of Arfel-Madiran in the activities of the SSPX. The Celier resurfaced and artificially highlights, inventing a dialectic that would position it credible opponent against La Croix. Bishop Tissier de Mallerais recommends stopping 'discussions' with apostate Rome: he becomes the target network infiltrators.
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Williamson - Part # 4 - The wolf became Shepherd - Fr Méramo - Abbot Aulagnier

Published March 18, 2008

>>> (Continued) Its direct action or its relay to rule men who thwart his plan. fable of La Fontaine, 'The wolf became shepherd', applied to the British bishop to the symbolic Rose + Croix. The direct action of the ex-Anglican by internet relay ( ) to try to evict the abbot Méramo by Bishop Fellay . The action duo Williamson - Schmidberger to expel the Father Aulagnier by Bishop Fellay in 2003, as is clear from his book. stake of the Church '(2007) Williamson deviates by interposed relay men who thwart his plan to take control of the SSPX, a global organization established to ensure the survival of the Catholic priesthood sacrificial. (to be continued ...)
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Williamson - Part # 3 - SLIDESHOW - Reading keys - Williamson

Published March 15, 2008

>>> (Continued) The slide manipulation during the part of the relay Williamson , or British bishop himself to overthrowBishop Fellay , isolate or impose signature rallying the Rome 'antichrists. (to be continued ...)
  • [1] SLIDESHOW - The modernist control by the duo SSPX Bishop Williamson / Father Schmidberger - Download PDFPDF
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Williamson - Part # 2 - The support of some sedevacantists Bishop Williamson against Bishop Fellay

Published March 10, 2008

>>> (Continued) Williamson : The light on 14 years of playing a politician mitred against Bishop Fellay . Part # 2 - (!) The incredible indulgence, or even support, some sedevacantists environments to the former -Anglican disciple ofMuggeridge (to be continued ...) . The site Sedevacantist wish Williamson takes the place of Bishop Fellay and the bishop has to Rose as a future Pope (sic). Some work environments and is responsible sedevacantists discreetly in private or in public objectively, to support and strengthen action " Cunctator , "the bishop to Rose. This action of Bishop Williamson is summarized in two axes since 1994: - 1) weaken Bishop Fellay to push into the arms of the apostate Rome. - 2) to establish itself as the leader of the forces that oppose the rally. These two objectives require cutting the link between Bishop Fellay and France. and the guardianship German-Anglo-Saxon tradition in France. The "anglovacs" play into the hands of the enemy within the SSPX
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Williamson - Part # 1 - 14 years of playing a politician mitred against Bishop Fellay

Published March 3, 2008

Beginning of a series of articles on the real action and occult former Anglican within the SSPX to deliver the Catholic Tradition in the hands of the conciliar Church Ratzinger. Part 1 - The inconceivable speech of Bishop Williamson to Brémien July 18, 1994 (to be continued ...) . A case study: the subversive action of Bishop Williamson within the SSPX, the goal of the secret service, but conciliar Church Ratzinger . Portrait of an ex-Anglican dual man, educated at Cambridge. "huuummm .. there you see how I'm going to break my career, eh? It would be nice to say, ah, we open houses everywhere, we build, we in other countries, we have vocations, everyone is beautiful, everyone is sweet, everyone is young, all world is nice, everyone is excited, we bishops ... huuummm ... they are nice ... huuummm ... " ( Williamson , about two minutes into the recording). In Part 2, we will discuss on the basis of concrete examples of the incredible indulgence some circles or personalities sedevacantism demonstrate against the former Anglican either outright or by supporting either protecting their unbelievable silence about his actions now made ​​public. Many readers will remain stunned.
  • [1] Extract the recording of Bishop Williamson Brémien - July 18, 1994 - Download MP3PDF
  • [2] Full Record of Bishop Williamson Brémien - July 18, 1994 - Download MP3PDF
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Father Laguérie involves intellectual honesty of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais

Published January 15, 2008

A situation "explosive." Father Laguérie involves intellectual honesty of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais: This is a "shame unprecedented Brotherhood" , "it leaves the Brotherhood!" he says! Should we see the hand of Bishop Williamson leapt behind the Father Laguérie ? The upper IBP attack Bishop Tissier for his criticism of Ratzinger at the symposium of the SSPX in Paris November 11, 2007 on the centenary of "Pascendi "of St. Pius X , symposium was under his patronage. The Father Laguérie accused of "perverse anachronism" as if Bishop Tissiermaliciously abused to deceive his audience by ancient texts Ratzinger , which date back to "40 years" and would now be obsolete.Paradoxically, this abbot, a former rebels expelled from the SSPX in 2004 for insubordination and publicly supported to Paris by former Anglican bishop became Bishop Williamson , is now the fervent support of Bishop Fellay and Policy infiltrated rallying Brotherhood to the apostate Rome, requiring him sanctions against the French bishop, Bishop Tissier order to silence or even excluded. The former parish priest of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet also attack the abbot Chautard today first vicar of the abbot Beauvais to Saint-Nicolas, treating with condescension and ridicule the "youth" of the abbot is also professor of philosophy at the Institut Saint Pius X. A virulent unprecedented load of the Father Laguérie against Bishop Tissier de Mallerais . Demonstrated what Bishop Tissier de Mallerais : the relentless pursuit of modernism by Joseph Ratzinger . Joseph Ratzinger : a very coherent continuity for 40 years. The burden of the Father Laguérie against the abbot Chautard , specialist criticism of Father Lecuyer . The key to attack the Father Laguérie against Bishop Tissier de Malleraisand Father Chautard . The burden of the Father Laguérie is she to convince Bishop Fellay to prohibit Bishop Tissier criticize Ratzinger ? Should we see the hand ofBishop Williamson leapt behind the Father Laguérie ?
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  3. Conference Bishop Tissier de Mallerais symposium 'Pascendi' (SSPX), November 11, 2007 in Paris, on the super-modernism Father Ratzinger (Text attacked by Father Laguérie)PDF

The admiration of Bishop Williamson to Tolkien, author of the popular esoteric circles

Published 5 January 2008

The admiration of Bishop Williamson to Tolkien, a supra-denominational author appreciated esoteric circles. A reader tells us that at a conference he attended in Strasbourg in winter of 2003, a person asked Williamson it had to think of the film Tolkien . Williamson has made ​​a very warm praise, noting that Tolkien was a Catholic author. A person who retorted to him that the film was violent, Williamson said he was a good violence, while embarking on a comparison between what seemed to him a good and bad violence, to the great astonishment of a large part of the audience. This declared admiration Williamson for Tolkien and his pseudo-traditional and supra-confessional world appreciated esoteric circles, strengthens the body of evidence that already reveals the strong influence of Malcolm Muggeridge (and his entourage movement marked by fabienne ) on British bishop consecrated in 1988 by Archbishop Lefebvre .
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The Illusionist and modernist Father Castrillon Hoyos in Versailles

Publication of the December 9, 2007

The reversal of the doctrine of Christ the King magnified by Castrillon Hoyos in his sermon to an audience of admiring rallied. Castrillon Hoyos was the wily gravedigger of the doctrine of Christ the King in Colombia. It was also the protector of 'priests' pedophile United States. Well an alert by Dr. Bond, he remained without reacting to packages of homosexual predator, Father Urrutigoity and his friend the Abbe Ensey,protected former Bishop Williamson (SSPX). A disappointing mobilization for the coming of the right arm Ratzinger assigned to community rallied.The sermon pseudo Cardinal Hoyos: a modernist sermon disguised in a Christian vocabulary. False modernist doctrine of Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ preached by Hoyos. Castrillon Hoyos confused by the writings of Pope Pius XI. Hoyos distorts the doctrine of Christ the King by concealing the nature NSJC right to magnify the law would unfairly acquired. Modernist method Hoyos' s joined that of Ratzinger as Bishop Tissier de Mallerais was shelled and denounced. Castrillon Hoyos who preaches love marshmallow but not the Catholic sense of sin. Bishop Fellayhe was chloroformed by the seducer Castrillon Hoyos? His sermon can be downloaded in MP3 from the VM site.
  • [1] Recording sermon Father Castrillon Hoyos in Versailles December 8, 2007 - Download MP3 PDF
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Ratzinger excommunicated Father Kovpak (Ukrainian) protected by Bishop Fellay

Publication December 1, 2007

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Ratzinger's authority, confirmed November 21, 2007, the excommunication of Father Kovpak because illicit ordinations of its priests by Bishop Fellay. "Great excommunication 'strike Abbot Kovpak for his crime of having recourse to Bishop Fellay "which is not in communion with the Apostolic See" and the institutions founded by the Superior of the SSPX are "not canonical and illegitimate." Conviction is supported by "his EminenceCardinal Lubomir Gouzar" under "canons 1436, § § 1-2, 1437; 1448, § 1 of the Code of Canon Law of the Eastern Churches."Whereas in the West, propaganda infiltrators in full swing within the SSPX to rent the Motu Proprio and the "good" Ratzingerexposed to "bad" bishops who allegedly his "disobedient" not wanting to apply, and that these infiltrators of the SSPX to soon announce the lifting of the decree of excommunication against the SSPX and Rome in the East the situation is quite different. So when the clergy and faithful of the SSPX will they continue to tolerate this operation intoxication faithful to rally, while at the same time, the eastern conciliar authorities, supported by Rome condemn the work of Bishop Lefebvre, through the Society of St. Josaphat? So when Bishop Fellay will he let them destroy the West by a small clan of infiltrators, that courageous priests built to the east, facing the conciliar authorities unleashed? So when these three clerics, Bishop Williamson and abbots Schmidberger and Celier, will they be expelled with loss and crash?
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Max Barret denounces the "moles" that infiltrate the SSPX

Publication November 23, 2007

The existence of a French resistance in the FSSPSX after highlighting the actions of the former Anglican Bishop of the Rose, Williamson and infiltrators. Bishop Fellay, the "third man" from its 1994 election. Indirect attempt clan "Williamson-Departed" to distort the battle plan of Flavigny.Barret Max denounces "moles" of the SSPX. After the clan infiltrators attempted to censor invoking the specious argument of section 1314 of the Code of Canon Law, Max Barret responds and denounces infiltration: "I am not hostile to the SSPX! I am fiercely against hostile by the moles who infiltrated and want to divert paths laid down by its founder Archbishop Lefebvre, the teaching of which I remain totally faithful! ". On the other hand, the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson - 'Cunctator' to Rose, the former protector, authorizing and opinionated promoter Winona clergy sex predators Urrutigoity Carlos and Eric Ensey, now beginning to be unmasked in France. This resistance is able to change the balance of forces within the SSPX and refers to the election of the "third man °" Fellay in 1994. And it is this "third man" that the Williamson clan now trying to destabilize before Flavigny, as already Williamson had tried in late 2004 in Paris, full Mutins to Paris and Bordeaux. It is very clear that in 2004 Bishop Fellay embarrassed the British. Were there to be signed emergency Bishop Fellay, before the disappearance of Wojtyla, John Paul II threatened? Compromise increasingly obvious Avrillé with former Anglican Bishop Williamson. Revelations to come on the work of Williamson clan who tried to distort the battle plan of Flavigny.
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Gay Urrutigoity: the involvement of Father Schmidberger

Publication November 19, 2007

Gay Urrutigoity: the involvement of Father Schmidberger Gossip protector Urrutigoity, the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson-'Cunctator' to Rose. Testimony by Mr. the abbot Schoonbroodt . Testimony that Mr. the abbot Schoonbroodt book here (he wished to remain anonymous the name of the Father) confuses the Father Schmidberger which is superior of the SSPX, at the time of termination of homosexual predator, the abbot Urrutigoity , is fully involved to protect and punish the Father Morello , the superior of the seminary of La Reja denouncing the homosexual cleric, today sued the federal courts of the United States for his homosexual crimes, at the same time that one of his accomplices the Father Eric Ensey , former SSPX priest ordered, protected and promoted also by Williamson in Winona where he was spiritual director of seminarians Bishop Rose of the SSPX, appointed to this post this former Anglican. "With seminarians he had made ​​a folder on the odd behavior of the abbot Urrutigoity . Probably the abbot Morello approved. To be sure Mgr. Lefebvre receives the file 12 pages, faithful paid the airfare for a seminarian to put the file into your own hands of Monsignor. This was done. Schmidberger flew a few days later to visit La Reja and punish the perpetrators of the report. Father X should have been sent to Spain. But as the accused received no sanction, X Father and seminarians left because of this injustice. I believe that this crisis had as result that the seminar was emptied ... the seminarian the abbot Urrutigoity was transferred to Winona. " Abbot Schoonbroodt .
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Gay Urrutigoity: Dr. Bond calls Williamson

Published November 13, 2007

Dr Bond, President of Collège St Justin, calls the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson-'Cunctator' Rose on the protection of predatory homosexual cleric Urrutigoity. Ten years (1987-1997) of stubborn protection of this gay cleric predator found in the SSPX: - 1987 by Father Alphonso de Galarreta to LaReja on pressure from family Calderon - 1987-1997, Winona by former Anglican became bishop, Mgr. Williamson- 'Cunctator'à Rose. We supplement our report on the long and stubborn protection of ten years given to Winona by Mgr. Williamson , the former Anglican bishop became the Rose of the Brotherhood, the seminarian homosexual predator Urrurigoity Carlos , he will relentlessly to order itself to promote Professor of Dogmatic his seminary in Winona. The reader may notice the public issue that Dr Bond (accuser 'sUrrutigoity ) poses in the open at the former Anglican bishop to become the Rose of Fraternity letter, the ordinator, protective stubborn for ten years, and promoter seminary in Winona, homosexual predator cleric Urritigoity and his "disciples" public question left unanswered so far as we know, and we now completely ours, and which we sum Williamson finally bring a credible response. "How can he chased after Carlos Urrutigoity for homosexual behavior of one of his seminars, the SSPX has subsequently admitted to another of his seminars, and has ordered the priest and had even made ​​him a teacher? "(Open letter of 2 September 2002 Dr. Jeffrey Bond , President of Collège St Justin Martyr)
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Testimony in 1989, Father Schmidberger protected homosexual predator Urrutigoity

Publication November 10, 2007

"A form seminarist SSPX in Germany denounces the apology Given by Fr Schmidberger (Head of SSPX) to the homosexual predator Urrutigoity in 1989". A former seminarian denounces homosexual predator protection Urrutigoity by Father Schmidberger in 1989. This evidence shows that 'In 1989, the abbot Schmidberger , Superior of the SSPX, protected homosexual predator Urrutigoity denunciations against the abbot Morello , Superior of the SSPX seminary in La Reja, who wanted to expel the homosexual: "I am a witness these events in La Reja in 1989, because after the problems there,Schmidberger came to Zaitzkofen and we spoke about it and how the "devil acting" Morello persecuting "innocent seminarians." One of them was, as you know, the idiot with a Basque name Urrutigoity . The other was the Father Mariano Barte who asked the authorities of the Frankenchurch (Conciliar Church) to be released from celibacy. In both cases, Morello was right. But Morello was forced to leave. I'm sorry, but as it is heavy enough for me to digest anything, (...) I am a family man and the idea that these kinds protected by Williamson may one day molest my children or those my friends, fills me with anger. " We find this dual protection Williamson and Schmidberger to homosexual predator Urrutigoity. Till when this duo Williamson - Schmidberger which neutralizes the battle of the SSPX will he tolerated?
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Fax Bishop Fellay: Flavigny, he wants to advocate the "Sacred Union" behind Ratzinger

Publication November 10, 2007

A Flavigny, Bishop Fellay wants to advocate the "Sacred Union" for the motu proprio and Ratzinger behind against the conciliar bishops. In a fax sent on 3 November 2007 ( facsimile message at the end ), Bishop Fellay Superior gathers Communities friends in Flavigny for December 4, 2007. Announced by Bishop Fellay ? It adopts a warrior imagery: "true victory", "war raging in the Church" , "the war" , "radicalization of the struggle" , "we make a common front" , "fight" . But what is at stake in this war? But who is the enemy? Who are the allies? The challenge? Bishop Fellay tells us that it would be ritual. So the issue of this "war" is not the one defined Lefebvre , it is neither doctrinal nor sacramental. The enemy is not Ratzinger , for the battle of Bishop Fellay is neither doctrinal nor sacramental, it is ritual. So the enemy in this war is not the one designated Archbishop Lefebvre August 29, 1987 atthe Abbe Fellay when he denounced in the engagement letter he addressed to the four bishops: "The Chair of Peter and the Rome positions being occupied by antichrists, the destruction of the kingdom of our Lord continues apace even within His Mystical Body here " . Allies in this war which is neither doctrinal nor sacramental, and whose enemy is not Ratzinger but "bad conciliar bishops" are joined and Jean Madiran , that is to say those same who are currently marginalized by the "bishops" conciliar. To Bishop Fellay , you have to block, you have to number, it must do what is in Amiens Suresnes, that is to say, the Tradi-ecumenism, with even those who fought Archbishop Lefebvre at and after . the sacred 1988 Bishop Fellay said: "the recognition by Pope Benedict XVI that the Roman Missal promulgated by St. Pius V has never been repealed" . This is false, the motu proprio does not recognize the Missal of St. Pius V, but that of John XXIII Roncalli 1962. November 10, Williamson - 'Cunctator' just starting to consider a "compromise with Rome", surrounding it all together in false precautions. The expected end of this behavior Bishop Fellay is that once the rally is signed, Rome begin maneuvers to dismiss and put in its place a straw man entirely his boot or to promote Williamson . Meeting Flavigny is for friends of the SSPX communities the opportunity to ask with Bishop Fellay head ( Williamson - Schmidberger ) of this undercover network that takes the fight and rots the work ofArchbishop Lefebvre and summon him to clean the Augean stables in the SSPX, eradicating modernism and its agents. There is indeed a war, but it happens within the SSPX.
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The doctrinal sabotage carried out by Williamson

Published November 3, 2007

Journal Sodalitium identifies and refutes errors distilled by former Anglican Bishop. Williamson-'Cunctator' the Rose , in issue 23 of Salt of the Earth Winter 1997/1998, reviewing the protector Father gay Urrutigoity takes under his wing. These are fallacies that supports Williamson in theSalt of the earth : "a) Denial of the infallibility of the ordinary magisterium of the Pope with the addition alleged pretext of conditions. The same applies to the Ordinary Magisterium Universal. b) Deny the next rule of our faith (the Pope), coincides with the rule away (Revelation). c) Statement that a liturgical rite promulgated by Pope can be "inherently harmful". d) Statement that a dogmatic definition can be good in itself bad but per accidens, that is to say, because of the circumstances. e) Statement that the definitions of the Church are due solely to the decrease of charity among the faithful. "
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Anglicans, Freemasons & Rosicrucians - Ritual of the Rose + Croix of Heredom by Walton Hannah

Published November 3, 2007

This message VM entirely in English, has a chapter of Hannah Walton, an English Catholic who in 1954 denounced the masonry and its intimate connection with the (pseudo) Anglican clergy. In Chapter XI of his book, he gives the degree ritual Rosicrucians. This work of Hannah illuminates the folder Muggeridge . - Ritual of the Rose + Croix of Heredom by Walton Hannah . In the United Kingdom, Walton Hannah HAD converted to the Catholic faith and Then he unmasked the linkages Between the Anglican (counterfeit) Church and the Freemasonry. On 1954 he published 'Christian by Degrees - Masonic Religion Revealed in the Light of Faith. This book has-been made ​​available by the CIRS (Rore Sanctifica) On Their website. In this book, he unveiled the Ritual of the Rose Cross of Heredom. This chapter is just below.In Provided the Appendix B of Hannah's book, You Will find a list of names of "Anglican clergy in higher degrees" (see pages 2007 and Following)
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The clerk predatory homosexual Urrutigoity protected by Mgr. Williamson

Publication November 1, 2007

The clerk predatory homosexual Urrutigoity protected by the former Anglican Bishop. Williamson-'Cunctator' to Rose. A gay priest ordained in the SSPX, protected by Williamson and denounced by Bishop Fellay . What does this protection? Why did it last so long? Should we now consider the case of a homosexual network infiltrated the SSPX? For Williamson , would it be better to be gay than have the opinion "sedevacantist"? Mrs.Randy Engel tells us more in his book "The Rite of Sodomy", published in 2006 in the United States. In a sum of 1318 pages and 4523 notes, the American investigative journalist Randy Engel is the historical networks pederasty in the Catholic Church for over 100 years. In his book, Randy Engel also devotes several pages to the case Urrutigoity and the role of Bishop Williamson and the involvement of Bishop Galarreta . We have translated into French, and reproduced in Appendix 1, with their original English Annex 1a. These pages describe with very raw and painful details to read the horrible reality of the acts perpetrated by the abbot Urritigoity . Why, he knew all the charges against the priest Urrutigoity , Bishop Williamson has he made ​​the decision to promote Argentine as professor in Winona? Why is it that that was right, the abbot Morello , who was expelled from the SSPX, not the culprit, homosexual predator Urrutigoity ? Why is it the one who denounced the crime was expelled, not the criminal? Why the criminal has he been promoted by Bishop Williamson ?
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Surrounding Ratzinger compromise homosexuality

Published 20 October 2007

Tomaso Stenico, Office of the Congregation for the Clergy and professor at the Lateran professes his homosexuality on Italian television hosting a male prostitute in his Vatican office. Before the scandal, Ratzinger must disembark. The Congregation for the Clergy was still held by the abbot Castrillon Hoyos juqu'a even recently. Now that the "father" homosexual activist Stenico is relieved of his teaching at the Lateran University, modernist apostate priest Ratzinger could in turn appoint the "Theological Commission" that will "discuss" with that of the SSPX! The former Anglican Bishop. Williamson - 'Cunctator' the Rose, might be taken, too, the "father" homosexual activist Stenico under his protection as he had once protected the Abbe Urrutigoity so worried about such trends in the SSPX in the USA, which we reported the case in our message VM on September 17. And it is with this Rome "antichrists" that Bishop Fellay says he wants engage called "discussions" doctrinal and obtain lifting the decree "excommunications"?
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Is Williamson's-Bishops 'Cunctator-s' Coat-of-Arms a Rosicrucian one?

Published October 18, 2007 th

Father LaguérieThe Coat-of-Arms of Bishop Williamson (Said aussi 'Cunctator') is adorned by a rose put on the middle of a "adorned with flowers" cross. Such a symbolic Why? How Could one ignores icts full similarity with the Rosicrucian Coats-of-Arms? Bishop Williamson HAS odd underscored this very symbolic of a Rose in the middle of a Cross by surrounding this rose with a pentagon pointing Toward the bottom.
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Castrillon Hoyos, the architect of religious freedom in Colombia

Published October 16, 2007

A master of negotiation, which has worked with Pablo Escobar, the "Pope of Coke" guerrilla rebels and Colombian authorities, before enclosing Bishop Fellay into the trap of "discussions" with Rome. These revelations the man with whom Bishop Fellay negotiating since 2000 a "process" which aims to put into the hands of Rome "antichrists" the work of Archbishop Lefebvre we learn: • That he was the architect of the repudiation Catholicism as the state religion in Colombia and the establishment of religious freedom Vatican II in the new Colombian Constitution of 1991. • There has been a negotiator Machiavellianism and ruthlessly efficient with the narco-trafficker Pablo Escobar , the "Pope of Coke" and guerrilla rebels. • That it is strongly in 2002 in the United States to preserve the conciliar priests pedophiles just sanctions that American "bishops" planned against them. Wonderful promises, golden and shiny that dangled the Father Castrillon Hoyos under the astonished eyes of Bishop Fellayare nothing else, an irony that those who were promised Escobar , that is to say a kind of prison-palace in the open. Similarly, it is asked Bishop Fellay that his commitment and attachment to Ratzinger , his position as Superior General would he (they say) preserved. But Escobar , all very badly and ended quickly.Bishop Fellay should seriously ponder this precedent, because it certainly would not be long held in place as soon as it is signed, as expected, would be acquired.Williamson - 'Cunctator' or another, could indeed soon rob him to allow direct control of Rome and the SSPX not engage in its implementation, as the Father Castrillon Hoyos has not in the Fraternity of St. Peter in driving the rebellion internal 16 against the abbot Bisig in late June 1999.
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An episcopal coat of arms Rose + Croix Mgr. Williamson-'Cunctator?

Published October 15, 2007

The coat of arms of Bishop Williamson (nicknamed 'Cunctator') includes a rose placed at the center of a cross "flowery." Why this symbolic? How can we ignore its complete similarity with the shields Rose + Croix? Williamson has even exacerbated this symbolic of the Rose (pentagon) in the middle of a cross. Our questions Mgr. Williamson-'Cunctator' . After the disciple enthusiast Malcolm Muggeridge , himself and his two son strongly related media Fabians, Anglicans and High Chirch (closely united to the British Enlightenment boxes), one of his son belonging to the same sect Enlightenment apocalyptic Darbyste Plymouth Brethren, Christian-Zionists today, including specifically the parents of famous mage Satanist Aleister Crowley were fanatical followers, we wonder now faced with the choice of Arms made ​​by Bishop Williamson for his episcopal consecration. • Why a red rose? • Why the center of a cross "flowers"? • Why in a pentagon? • Why the Pentagon he has a point down?(Known negation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Stella Maris in defined environments). And that means its motto 'he be found faithful? • True to that, what? A Rosicrucian? This currency is ambiguous, it allows dual interpretation. WHAT IS AMBIGUOUS IS NOT CATHOLIC . And these very curious things do not stop there. Indeed, during the 10 years anniversary of the coronation, Fideliter magazine, published in May-June 1998, in his No. 123, the shields of the four bishops. And, to our surprise, we find that the crest of Bishop Williamson 1988 (published in 1998) is not that of 1990. Indeed, the shield 1988 displays so much more discreet, more "subliminal", the symbolism of the Rose and the pentagon Croix.Le is less marked. We also find that the font is 1990 different from 1988. In 1988, it is commonplace in 1990, it is a gothic font characters, which we know is very popular in the Rose + Croix Anglo-Saxon backgrounds. And curiously, the arms (modified) ofWilliamson have been published very late, more than 2 ½ years after the coronation, only four months before the untimely death of Archbishop Lefebvre .
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Muggeridge # 1 - The "Golden Dawn" and the globalist occulto-Anglo-Saxon

Published October 2, 2007

150 years of subversion globalist anti-Catholic. Prehistory of the Fabian Society and lodges Enlightenment Anglican Rose + Croix. Importance and objectives of this study the background of Mentor Williamson . Mentor's study of the former Anglican Bishop Williamson, Fabien (repented?) Malcolm Muggeridge, led us to update a network where interweave various influences: the Fabian Society and the globalists and occult circles, the Anglican High Church of the Plymouth Brethren and media Ecclesia Dei Anglo-Saxon. We continue our study on these environments and especially their genesis and historical and ideological circumstances that have hatched. Such a study will make the environment more familiar mentor of the former Anglican Bishop Williamson , Fabien (repented?) Malcolm Muggeridge and reveal what the sacred in 1988 by British bishopLefebvre (on the advice of that ?), has never wanted to talk. In this "Genesis Muggeridge # 1 ", we look at the facts that depict European illuminati secret societies in the nineteenth century. Epiphanius - MASONRY AND SECRET CULT: THE HIDDEN SIDE OF THE STORY. PUBLICATIONS MAIL FROM ROME, 2nd EDITION, 2005. p. 161. CHAPTER XI - THE EUROPEAN SOCIETIES SECRET
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Encyclical "Pascendi Dominici Gregis" - SSPX under the thumb of a small modernist clan.

Publication September 29, 2007

The full text of the great encyclical of Pope Saint of modern times. Condemnation of Modernism ('sewer collector of all heresies') by Pope Saint Pius X Sunday, September 8, 1907. 100 years later, the apparatus of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X in the hands of a small clan of modernists. At a time when the international leader of modernism, the abbot apostate Ratzinger took possession of the property and securities of the militant Catholic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ , as a wolf in sheep's clothing (symbol of the Fabian Society to which the Mentor Williamson ,Malcolm Muggeridge was closely linked familialement), it is essential to read and ponder this sentence of that modernism by Pope Saint Pius X , in 1907. This meditation becomes even more necessary to unmask the modernism of the small clan of infiltrators in a similar infiltration of the Church under the movement Pope Pius XII , took control of the apparatus of the SSPX and especially the media thereof.
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Insider trading? Williamson-"Cunctator" reveals the "Fourth Secret" of Fatima

Published 25 September 2007

Father LaguérieBy 2000, seven years before the controversy Socci-Bertone, fueled, if prompted (?), By the apostate priest Ratzinger, the former Anglican bishop became the wick sold by revealing the text of the future "fourth secret" Fatima soon disclosed.. "Poor council will be planned and prepared Which will change the face of the Church Many souls will lose the Faith, confusion will reign everywhere The herd seek in vain its pastors Schism tear the tunic of my.. son. " . importantly, the text of Bishop Williamson , clean all the details of La Salette which actually exclude such an interpretation would be consistent with a reading by typical millenarian outlook mid Plymouth Brethren and other sects Anglican Enlightenment announcing the Antichrist, and are not abusing the faithful astray by a false eschatology applauded by some supporters of the current U.S. government that long to organize the "Armageddon" by promising fair to be protected by the theory of abduction ('Rapture'). Now we can clearly see, through these facts, Williamson has a double play and continues to legitimize the false conciliar hierarchy, now devoid of any Catholic sacramental and sacrificial power.
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Clan Suresnes and Father Lorans rehabilitate Bishop Williamson

Published 18 September 2007

Three years after the public support of Bishop Williamson to "rebels" in the summer of 2004, the abbots of Suresnes and Father Lorans rehabilitate Bishop Williamson and place it alongside the abbot of Cacqueray. A further indication of the underground connection Suresnes Williamson. Reminder support of Bishop Williamson to the "rebels" in 2004 against the abbot of Cacqueray and Bishop Fellay . The personal intervention of Bishop Fellay in early 2005 in Argentina to obtain the silence of the former Anglican and banning preaching of Bishop Williamson in the District of France. The secret connection Williamson with small clan modernist infiltrated present at Suresnes. A double meaning: hidden irony to theabbot of Cacqueray and support section first revolutionary Motu Proprio . Simultaneously, the abbot Lorans promotes Williamson in Christendom.Carried away by the small chopper for the final clan undercover soon Bishop Fellay ?
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The solvent action of the former Anglican Bishop Williamson within the SSPX USA

Published September 17, 2007

The solvent action of the former Anglican Bishop Williamson, the disciple of Fabien "repentant" (?) Muggeridge, within the SSPX in the United States. English release of the facts about Bishop Williamson (see the appendix). A cleric with well known Williamson demonstrates . By a reader, we receive the following e-mail that we will deliver it contains the testimony of a clerk who knew Bishop Williamson , who reported evidence of other seminarians. It is about the abbot Urrutigoity , a former Argentine SSPX priest, protected by Williamson , who has now joined the Conciliar Church (Société Saint-Jean). Business manners about this defector and his new community are documented on the website: . it seems we increasingly clear that the operation of taking control of the SSPX and preparing his support for the Rome of "antichrists" (cf. Lefebvre ) is conducted by the binomial Williamson - Schmidberger , the former British Anglican trying to regroup, to better neutralize the refusal and reaction clan and German friend of Ratzinger , acting on the apparatus of the SSPX for driving force in rallying Ratzinger abbots who are willing to be intimidated. Bishop Fellay appears in this as someone who does not really take orders, but is pushed behind the scenes by his mentor, Father Schmidberger and the little clan infiltrated the German modernists made ​​to . up, especially at the head of the media "In fact, more than once we were criticized that the abbot Williamson "sowed disorder" wherever he went -. a kind of agent provocateur "
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Malcolm Muggeridge, Fabien repented (?) (And former MI6), Mentor Williamson

Published September 17, 2007

Study Virgo Maria fully translated into French . Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990), formerly of Cambridge, British journalist, satirist and provocateur, his family ties Fabians, two other son, is in the Enlightenment sect of Plymouth Brethren, or in traditional Catholic circles joined, including its daughter Anne Roche (and the review of the work of the latter byRatzinger ), co-authored a book with the "Reverend" Anglican High Church, Alec Vidler , dean of modernism and specialist in Cambridge. Praise and support the debt of gratitude to Bishop Williamson to Muggeridge , its subtle in tandem with theFather Schmidberger to prepare the rallying of the SSPX. Description of the Fabian Society and the role of husband Webb , from the work of Courrier de Rome ("Freemasonry and Secret Societies: The hidden side of history" by Epiphanius, 2005).
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Malcolm Muggeridge, Fabien repented (?) (And former MI6), Mentor Williamson

Published 11 September 2007

Study Virgo Maria. Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990), formerly of Cambridge, British journalist, satirist and provocateur, his family ties Fabians, two other son, is in the Enlightenment sect of Plymouth Brethren, or in Catholic circles traditional rallied, including his daughter Anne Roche (and the review of the work of the latter by Ratzinger), co-authored a book with the "Reverend" Anglican High Church, Alec Vidler, specialist modernism and Dean Cambridge. Praise and supported debt of gratitude to Bishop Williamson to Muggeridge , its subtle in tandem with the Father Schmidberger to prepare the rallying of the SSPX. Description of the Fabian Society and the role of husband Webb , from the work of Courrier de Rome("Freemasonry and Secret Societies: The hidden side of history" by Epiphanius, 2005).
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Supporters of Bishop Williamson and Abbot Tanoüarn want to expel Father Meramo SSPX

Published August 23, 2007

Supporters of Bishop Williamson and Abbot Tanoüarn, frightened by the strength of the arguments Father Meramo on Motu, seek to be expelled from the Society of St. Pius X. The arguments of the Abbe Meramo are fly France and in the English-speaking world. An impressive impact just 24 hours, despite the summer. Eyes they eventually by open? The abbot Meramo is in line with the best writings of Archbishop Lefebvre , and saying aloud, that a very large majority of scholars believe in the SSPX, it makes a great service to the institution backup priesthood founded byArchbishop Lefebvre . The small clan modernist infiltrated destabilized by the relevance and objectivity of arguments of the Abbe Meramo . The lure of the trap Ratzinger is stale, and the character appears as misleading in itself, that is to say, as a manipulator, a determined enemy of Tradition andArchbishop Lefebvre . The head of the Catholic Free Forum tent artificially dramatizing the incident to push Bishop Fellay to evict the abbot Meramo . EA ( Free Catholic Forum ) disseminates false information. What is the consequence of this about EA if to suggest a new "mutiny" Bi case would lead to obtain the exclusion of theFather Meramo and possibly that of other priests, a kind of "August 2004" on the to three years later, a purge to that of the "mutineers in 2004." The site presents the abbot Meramo as seeking affrontrement against Bishop Fellay : should see there the hand of Bishop Williamson ? The interest of Williamson and networks is also to expel the abbot Meramo Brotherhood because it deprived him of his opponent official site finally publicly proclaiming the real arguments and real Catholics findings, not intellectual gruel "mentévacantisme" "good Pope Ratzinger in good heart Bavarian "or false future" fourth secret "of Fatima, Akita Williamson continues to be used to design the faithful and clergy of the SSPX to disarm intellectually to face the abbot apostate Ratzinger . The aim of those who distort the position of abbot Meramo in "opposition to Bishop Fellay "break the SSPX while gagging real opposition rally.
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Fallacy Avrillé (Williamson?): 2 conflicting churches activists led by the same hierarchy!

Published August 13, 2007

Fallacy Avrillé (blown by Bishop Williamson ?): Two contradictory activists Churches headed by same hierarchy! Before "the two forms in one rite" in section 1 of the Motu Proprio , Avrillé already announced a few months ago Two contradictory churches and a single chiefRatzinger : two successive illustrations of the fundamental ontological negation of the principle of non-contradiction. Six months before the publication of the Motu Proprio , it is necessary to remember, Dominican Avrillé have distilled the fallacy of two contradictory activists Churches same hierarchy. This fallacy is absurd. It aims to prevent criticism of Ratzinger and especially that is placed anywhere the question of the legitimacy of the person directing the false Conciliar Church "antichrist" (cf. Lefebvre ) who took possession of the property of Catholic Church and who claims the authority, titles and privileges. And since July 7, 2007, we have now signed the pen of the Father apostate Ratzinger , a twin liturgical fallacy: two forms of the Mass together in a "one and the same Roman rite ': the' ordinary form '(rite ofMontini - Bugnini - Botte 1969) and the 'extraordinary form' (rite of Saint Pius V). It is always the same fallacy of amalgam. Note that the Father van de Pol , a staunch supporter of "ecumenism", expressed in his 1967 book, the method of "comprehensiveness" (completeness) Anglican, which can appear together in one very flexible structure of all entities completely incompatible and totally contradictory. It is this same spirit that makes the fallacy comes qu'Avrillé serve us with their two contradictory Churches Religion of Man who is God amalgamated with the Religion of God who became Man, directed by simultaneously single legitimate hierarchy.
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Father Van de Pol - Anglicanism - The World Church # 4

Published August 13, 2007

A 1967 study by a professor at the Catholic University of Nijmegen. The purpose of the "ecumenism". The spirit of "comprehensiveness" of Anglicans. The table of contents of the entire book. We continue to publish the result of this almost unknown text of Father Van de Pol SJ and yet absolutely fundamental, which reveals the true objectives and methods of "ecumenism." We have already published three fundamental parts of this book. The Dominican Avrillé closely monitored by Williamson , the former Anglican (Methodist variant) as the Directorate of SSPX infiltrated by small clan undercover modernists, are completely silent on this crucial book RPVan Pol book which reveals the true project applying today the early 1967 Father apostate Ratzinger since 1982 and gives his true face. Application by Bishop Fellay and Ratzinger of "ecumenical" methods rally of the SSPX to the apostate Rome. The Motu Proprio of 7-7-7 is an expression of the "comprehensiveness" of Anglicans currently practiced byRatzinger in the Conciliar Church, which admits probation, the rite of Saint Pius V, provided recognize, "the value and sanctity" of the "ordinary form": the new rite of Mass 1969 Montini - Bugnini - Botte . And Bishop Fellay and the little clan undercover modernist practice in their "dialogue" with Rome "tension in the unit," and the famous nebulae "doctrinal discussions" to come in no way an obstacle to the process, but on the contrary the maintaining and strengthening. This is what is practiced in the "dialogue" "ecumenical."
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Bishop Fellay would it have been trapped by Ratzinger on Fatima?

Published August 13, 2007

The case of "spiritual bouquet" is it related to false "fourth secret" of Fatima prepared by Ratzinger? tandem Williamson - Schmidberger Father gathers the agents of the operation of the "fourth secret." As as we progress in our investigation of the operation of the preparation by the abbot apostate Ratzinger the next revelation of an alleged complement (which we call the "fourth secret" of Fatima) the false already produces June 26, 2000 by the Vatican, called "vision" presented to the world as being the "third secret" of Fatima to be revealed in 1960, the scope of maneuver and compromise its artisans gradually come to light. Recall the controversy Socci - Bertone fueled by Ratzinger in Italy. TheFather Schmidberger (together with Bishop Williamson ) publish by Avrillé false "repentance" of Ratzinger . Bishop Fellay is trapped by linking awkwardly sending the "spiritual bouquet" in his secret letter to Rome with the completion message Fatima. It is therefore very likely that the secret letter put in relation the 3rd request "bouquet" and Fatima, and in doing so, Bishop Fellay to complete rushing into the trap of "spiritual bouquet" which was suggested by Rome and its agents. Now decode the trap prepared by Ratzinger to Bishop Fellay and the SSPX. If now enjoying an international developments coming tense geopolitical situation and economic and financial crisis we perceive in August 2007 the warning signs, the abbotapostate Ratzinger decided to proceed with the publication of a new text Fatima, revealing the pseudo-"fourth secret" thus prepared, which prophesy a "apostasy" and "council misinterpreted," Bishop Fellay would be trapped by its own letter, for Ratzinger present its action as the total fulfillment of the conditions the "bouquet" and give himself posture "Restorer" of the Church fully "legitimized" by the new text of Fatima allegedly manufactured again for the occasion. Two key agents of subversion of the SSPX in full light: the former Anglican bishop became, Williamson and Father Schmidberger . Williamson ., the typical profile of the high subversion Bishop Fellay has he never studied subversion Anglican and British influences methods? It is obvious, and Bishop Fellay should understand that such operation as perverse, can only succeed if it is covered by secrecy, especially secret epistolary exchange between Bishop Fellay and Father Ratzinger . Archbishop Lefebvre had always refused this practice of secrecy in its relations with Rome. The publication of the letter accompanying the "bouquet" would probably already alerted the clergy and faithful advised on the trap in which Ratzinger has grown Bishop Fellay .
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Williamson-Schmidberger orchestrate Fatima to present Ratzinger in "restorer"

Publication August 12, 2007

Collusion Williamson - Schmidberger to exploit Fatima to present Ratzinger in "restorer". Players gives us his very interesting comment on the collusion of Bishop Williamson and the Father Schmidberger to exploit Fatima to pass Ratzinger a "restorer" of the true Catholic Church. The complicity of the bishop Cambridgien (former Anglican) and the Bavarian friend the Abbe apostate Ratzingerbecomes daily more evident. We are here in the presence of heart subversion of the SSPX. In February this year we Orchestra evokes the image of black. In the Salt of the Earth Summer 2005, a personal letter of Father Schmidberger to Father Louis-Marie Avrillé has a "secret" of Ratzinger would have been "forced" by John Paul II to interpret the text published by the Vatican June 26, 2000 as the true secret of Fatima 3: "" A few intimate, Cardinal Ratzinger told his difficulty accepting the papal interpretation of the message of Fatima Excellency. Schmidberger Father says: ' about the third secret of Fatima, I can tell you this ... during a summer school held annually Aigen, Austria, Bishop Krenn ... publicly stated ... I was myself even present at this meeting and I heard with my own ears the claims of Bishop Krenn ... ' "". Manipulation performed by the Father Schmidberger (with accomplice agreement Williamson sponsoring Avrillé and Salt of the Earth ) bursts. This manipulation also appears in Under the banner "" A source in Austria, who will not be revealed, ensures that Cardinal Ratzinger had recently confessed to an Austrian bishop friend, 'I have two problems on consciousness: Archbishop Lefebvre. For Fatima and the last was forced my hand. the first I failed '"." • The "Austrian bishop "extract SLB would it not Bishop Krenn is talking about Salt of the Earth ? • What was the Abbé Schmidberger in a summer university conciliar presence of a conciliar bishop? • The so-called "confidence" of the Father apostate Ratzinger seems clearly to have been released voluntarily by the Father Schmidberger in circles Tradition to give the image of a Ratzinger "repentant" and thus prepare the operations which it is a rallying conductors.
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Father Van de Pol - Anglicanism - "ecumenical" Bilan - Masonic method of the "Union of opposites" , No. 3

Publication August 11, 2007

P.Van Pol # 3 - Anglicanism - Review "ecumenical" - Masonic method of "Union of opposites." A 1967 study by a professor at the Catholic University of Nijmegen.Lambeth Appeal. Speech of Dr. Ramsay in 1966 and response Montini Paul VI . Address of Cardinal Bea . We continue to publish the result of this almost unknown text of Father Van de Pol and which reveals the true objectives and methods of "ecumenism." We have already published two fundamental parts of this book.Dominican Avrillé closely monitored by Williamson , the former Anglican (Methodist variant) as the Directorate of SSPX infiltrated by small clan undercover modernists, are completely silent on this crucial book RPVan Pol , book that reveals the real plan applied by the abbot apostate Ratzinger since 1982 and gives his true face. The Father Van de Pol announces the union "all the churches" and shows the centrality of the Anglican Communion in the "ecumenical" process. The Anglican Communion in fact provides the historical model which the Conciliar Church is tender. This Motu Proprio which, in its Article 1 says the "uniqueness and identity" of the two rites of St. Pius V and the Novus Ordo 1969 Montini - Bugnini - Dom Botte , results from these Anglicans "meeting" principles . This method of "meeting contrary or contradictory" ("The Marriage of Christ and Belial") is a fundamental and universal principles occultists. It brings to proceed with the final mix of the murderer with his victim, allowing him to run the process to fully appropriate the spoils and the very being of the victim, while denying that there is retrospectively never had any prior existence of a crime nor a contradiction. These Anglicans "meeting" principles have been advocated by Dom Beauduin in his famous "The United Church of England and non Absorbed" to the Archbishop of Maline (suspect Americanism), the future report Cardinal Mercier , for the fourth " Conversation Mechelen "20 May 1925. THE CHALLENGING DISABILITY of Anglican FOR 'ORDINATIONS SUSPICIOUS' WHICH WILL ENABLE THE UNION ECUMENICAL. APPLICATION BY MGR FELLAY AND Ratzinger METHODS "ECUMENICAL" THE RALLY OF THE ROME APOSTATE SSPX.
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Third secret of Fatima - Bertone / Socci - Ratzinger he prepares a "coup" toseduce Tradition?

Publication August 4, 2007

The case of the third secret of Fatima: Bertone debate in the controversy. Ratzinger he prepares a "coup" to seduce Tradition? In Italy the battle rages between the abbot Bertone and Antonio Socci , known and respected journalist who accuses the Vatican in 2000 have obscured an essential part of the third secret of Fatima. The Father Louis-Marie Avrillé and review The Salt of the Earth discredited on this important subject. The double set of Bishop Williamson . Ratzinger he prepares a dramatic reversal to seduce the Catholic Tradition? The Secretary of State Ratzinger , unable to refute the book Socci , loses his cool. A double set of Bishop Williamson on Fatima. Duplicity Ratzinger writes to consolidate the two protagonists Bertone and Socci . A new maneuver reverses the abbotapostate Ratzinger in preparation? A hypothesis: the exploitation of a false fourth secret of Fatima for more easily rally the SSPX? Arguments Laurent Morlier show that the third secret of Fatima published by the Vatican June 26, 2000 is a fake. First document. Translation of the text of the Remnant . Bertone against Socci .Christopher A. Ferrara . Journalist REMNANT , New Jersey. Second document. "The final battle of the devil."

Warning: The entire work " The Final Battle of the devil, " has very interesting passages we have quoted, but he associated himself with the false thesis of a "4th Secret" that is to say a additional hidden text, which allows to say that the vision published June 26, 2000 is still authentic. This is the thesis of Antonio Socci and this thesis is a lie.

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Father Mura (SSPX) casts doubt on the validity of the episcopal consecration of Ratzinger

Published August 2, 2007

A new release of the CIRS 31 July 2007. ICSAR reacts to information published on a forum, where a speaker publishes excerpts from a book by Father Mura published in the journal The Salt of the Earth Dominican Avrillé (No. 5 in 1992 and No. 40 in 2002). The abbot Mura was a professor at the seminary of the SSPX in Germany (Zaitzkofen). And at the same time the website Salt of the Earth continues to maintain its arguments repeatedly wrong and opposed, among others canon 235 East Canon Law promulgated by Pope Pius XII . The scandalous day August 4, 2007 Dominican Avrillé to magnify the priesthood which they themselves obstinately, since article 54 of the Salt of the Earth , declared publicly and globally interdependent worst enemies sacramental validity. We note the double play Dominicans who change their minds so completely opportunistic, and in the realm of truth, and in a more severe as that of episcopal consecrations field, disseminate sometimes doubts the abbot Mura (SSPX) and sometimes make their erroneous arguments of the reformers of 1968.What respect have these Dominicans of truth? Why do they behave like politicians theology? Why do they yield to pressure from Bishop Williamson or Menzingen? What confidence can we have in them now to treat seriously, that is to say, in true Catholic theologians, serious theological issues that involve the salvation of Catholics?
  • [1] Press the CIRS 31 July 2007 - Salt of the Earth - Father Mura doubts on the episcopal consecration of Ratzinger - Download PDFPDF
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After Italy, Bishop Fellay promotes Motu of the apostate priest Ratzinger in the United States in The Remnant

Published July 19, 2007

French translation of the interview with Bishop Fellay in The Remnant July 12, 2007. Bishop Fellay approves and applauds the Motu Proprio and Article 1, but distracts pretending firmness on 'subsistit in' on the occasion of a recent Vatican document. Bishop Fellay tries a diversion to avoid having to talk to Article 1 of the Motu Proprio he endorsed with shouts of joy and the sound of the Te Deum , while now the priests of the SSPX ask him on a withdrawal article 1, which degrades the Mass of St. Pius V sacrilegious Mass 1969 Bugnini - Botte . Bishop Fellay continues to express its satisfaction at the Motu Proprio whose principles are poisoned accept the new mass. An avoidance of the common strategy France Bishop Fellay and Williamson .Refuse the text 'subsistit in' to better accept the wrong item 1 of the Motu Proprio ? The supposed 'satisfaction' of the other bishops: a gratuitous assertion without evidence of Bishop Fellay .
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Unmasked, Williamson disappears greenfield

Published July 19, 2007

Bishop Richard WilliamsonWilliamson comes to close his blog "Motu proprio" in haste. After his call to pray for "the" heart Bavarian "guide the conciliar head Ratzingerin a Catholic leadership " (the idea is laughable), Bishop Williamson has to shut his blog. No doubt we should see the effect of our latest VM on it, especially the 11 July "Williamson rejoices for the Motu Proprio of 1984 ' .
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Avrillé said: "it is likely that many new Masses are invalid"

Published July 18, 2007

Avrillé said: "it is likely that many new Masses are invalid" review The Salt of the Earth , Summer 2007. This statement Dominican Avrillé opposes Article 1 of the Motu Proprio which proclaims "a unique and even rite "in two forms expressing the 'same lex orandi 'and' same lex credendi . The Motu Proprio requires that those who will claim to recognize "the value and sanctity" of the new rite of 1969. Avrillé just put radically into question in the name of Saint Thomas Aquinas , the validity of the new rite of the Mass, which totally ruined Article 1 of the Motu Proprio on the identity and uniqueness of the lex orandi and credendi the new rite of Bugnini - Botteand the rite of Saint Pius V. Avrillé not concluded, but put in the balance in favor of disability, the weight of Saint Thomas Aquinas .
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The reference Celier (SSPX) to rocker Satanist and drugged, Jim Morrison

Published July 17, 2007

Editions Clovis broadcast for 13 years "The mortal god" Gregory Celier where the abbot of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X publishes highlight a quote from the song "Celebration of the Lizard" Satanist and junkie rocker Jim Morrison. 1 ) Damning facts for Celier and diving Catholics in dismay. 2) Bishop Fellay warns against the dangers of rock. 3) The systematic method of double game of Celier and "winks eye. " 4) The hidden support of Bishop Williamson to Celier face Dominicans Avrillé attacking his book 'mortal god' . 5) The song 'The celebration of the lizard' ofJim Morrison . 6) Qu ' meant the Celier ? 'Place the other side? Which side? 7) Protection diehard Suresnes to the Celier . 8) An opposition on 10 points of Celier against the ideas and work of Archbishop Lefebvre . 9) Consequences for Bishop Fellay and the SSPX.
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Williamson wants to pray for the "heart of Bavaria" (sic) Father Ratzinger!

Published 16 July 2007

The former Anglican bishop became the SSPX it take the Catholic faithful for fools? This home is a matter of routine method. After we have hummed the rhyme of mentévacantisme (that Ratzinger would not have his wits), he wants us to pray with him "more than ever" so that his "his heart Bavarian continues to push his head in the direction conciliar Catholic " ! (Sic) Small biography of Bishop Williamson .
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Williamson rejoices for the Motu Proprio 1984

Publication July 11, 2007

"It shows the release of Tradition from the same head of the Church" Bishop Williamson, 1 November 1984. accomplice of the Father Schmidberger - The leader of the resistance False Ratzinger and NAME . (1969). He said in 1984: addressing Motu Proprio Quattuor abhinc annos ofWojtyla, John Paul II , that "There are signs that show that this decree is to stop the rise of the tide, breaking the long lock anti-lock Tridentine ... It shows the release of Tradition from the same head of the Church. " and although "Love grows and hopes, and it grows and hope that the Holy Father governs finally, as we were waiting for so long ... he governs." This former Anglican (variant Methodist) joined the seminar 'Écône in 1972, the same year as the Father Schmidberger . German and UK work together to prevent the case of the invalidity of sacred conciliar do so in public.
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Testimony - Avrillé blocked facing Celier. By Williamson?

Published 6 June 2007

The reasons hidden half a battle that never ends against the theories of Celier. The French reaction blocked by a former Anglican?A caller Avrillé says: "The Father Innocent-Marie . states that "we do not want to quarrel with someone who could pass for pressure on the authorities of the SSPX" Would not you rather editorial board of the Salt of the Earth, Williamson head (and the abbot of Cacqueray Suresnes), which would put pressure on Avrillé for ever the name of Celier be revealed in the Salt of the Earth (or otherwise in any publication of the SSPX ...)? Under the guise of clerical solidarity Avrillé has never denounced the abbot Célier despite the enormity of it. Consequently, the abbot Célier always takes center stage , continuing to dump its scandalous thesis (Mass pipaule ...). Thanks that? Thank Avrillé ... " One witness.
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Discredit section of Celier about the new rite of sacred

Published 6 June 2007

A strange similarity between sophistry Williamson and Celier reveals many links. A letter from Bishop Williamson on 25 February 2006. A statement from CIRS debunked the articulet the Celier published by Fideliter . The childishness of a cleric from the office? Comments that oscillate between Café du Commerce and adolescence. A articulet the abbot Célier (SSPX) made ​​half a summary of the false arguments of the Benedictine conciliar Ansgar Santogrossi , highlighted by the Abbe Barthe and already publicly refuted entirely for several months by the CIRS and the Cekada . An appeal by analogy to a false comparison with the rite of the Mass, similar to the sophisticated about Williamson . Curiously, in a letter to one of our readers, dated February 25, 2006, Williamson has already developed itself the argument here resumed Abbe Célier .
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Williamson, the former protector Celier face Avrillé abandons his protege fortactical reasons

Publication of 3 June 2007

After Bishop Tissier de Mallerais a second bishop rejects Celier and his book " Benedict XVI and the traditionalists' . Williamson discusses theCelier of ' modernist completed 'and calls his superiors to crack. False opposition rally, Williamson , sacrifices the "fuse" Celier now charred by the abject failure of its campaign to promote his book promoting rallying to the Father Ratzinger , in an attempt to regain control and keep his future role 'car brush' resistant rally once the Motu Proprio issued, and continue to lock the question of invalidity of the new rite of episcopal consecrations of Paul VI Montini . Publication of a facsimile of the letter in which Bishop Williamson protect the Celier face Avrillé in 1995.
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Dominican Avrillé cornered in full doctrinal turmoil

Published April 25, 2007

Special invalidity conciliar episcopal consecrations. What will they do now? The pseudo-"demonstration" invented by the trioBugnini : -. Botte - Lécuyer the alleged validity of the pseudo-sacramental episcopal form promulgated by Paul VI Montini 18 June 1968, popularized by Father Pierre-Marie de Kergolay , now destroyed. The ruin of sophistry and misleading to use "Oriental sacramental rites." Study of CIRS we just spread, which completely negates section of the abbot Calderon , published in issue 58 ofSalt of the Earth (Fall 2006 ), provides an impressive retrospective of successive setbacks Dominican Avrillé.
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Published April 5, 2007

Argentinean site translated into Spanish on our analysis pressures Williamson to erase our questioning of a hidden dialogue of the former Anglican (variant Methodist) with Father Schmidberger. Our analysis flows in different countries and we receive evidence showing that the faithful are now becoming more influential on lucid relay apostate Rome within the SSPX.
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Black Orchestra SSPX met currently in Schönenberg

Published February 23, 2007

Williamson and Father Schmidberger their act together in Germany, under the cover of lectures on classical secular music.Collusion of Bishop Williamson with the German network. Meeting Schönenberg. Front cover of the "classical music" was once the cover of "the study of Latin." The action network infiltrators modernists of the SSPX and their leader, the Father Schmidberger . The secret connivance between Williamson , false opposing Ratzinger , and Father Schmidberger , supporter of rallying.
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Williamson, another undercover (alternative)?

Published January 31, 2007

Paris - The future successor of Bishop Fellay competing for the head of a false structure that rejects rallying? In Rivarol, January 12, 2007, interviewed by Jérôme Bourbon , the former Anglican (variant Methodist) arises so loud pseudo-opponent and invokes spurious reasons that objectively confirm the Motu Proprio Ratzinger , step 1 dela " reform of the reform ". Does he play the driver of the car brush Tradition? Doctrinal analysis of errors propagated by Bishop Williamson .
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The very strange Williamson and permanent omission Avrillé

Published December 18, 2006

The new operation Father Schmidberger: entryism Lutherans in the SSPX. Discreet coordination Williamson , former Anglican, and the Father Schmidberger ? Twin cards in the royal art of Father Ratzinger ? The head of traditional Anglicans, John Hepworth , and Williamson , former Anglican. The Rose + Croix, Anglicanism and the conciliar church omission studies Dominican Avrillé. Avrillé mission to preserve the work of Dom Botteand Father Lecuyer , personal enemy of Archbishop Lefebvre . Williamson , the official opposition to Bishop Fellay , who controls any reaction.Discrete strategy of the Father Schmidberger to infiltrate the SSPX by a core Lutherans. in parallel to the project Ratzinger connecting Lutherans in Northern Europe in the conciliar church, as twin sister future "Anglican Rite Catholic Church." Some key actions of Bishop Williamson which reveal his intentions. A discreet but strong coordination between Williamson and Father Schmidberger , Bishop Fellay being willing pawn?
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