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Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Justice of God: Ancient pagan lies - and the Rothschilds in America and Russia and Y'israHell - The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy

The Justice of God: Ancient pagan lies - and the Rothschilds in America and Russia and Y'israHell - The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy


Chiun - Saturn - Kwan Yin - Remphan (Rempham)

From Saint Stephen's speech before the council especially condemning the Satanic worship of Remphan and Moloch. Today Remphan is the Devil as the god of Zionism and Moloch worship of Satan is abortion and drug related human sacrifice of babies including the worst perversion.
Acts Chapter 7 [43] And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Rempham, figures which you made to adore them. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

In Idolatrous tribalism even the cube at Mecca, the Kaaba, would be considered a path to Saturn - Saturn is actually Satan, the Devil. Islam, please note, forbids idolatry and completely condemns Satan, Iblis. Muhammad cleaned out the idols at Mecca at the Kaaba and preached worship of God alone and never anything but condemning Satan. If anyone worshipped the black stone at the Kaaba or the cube itself they would be guilty of Satanic idolatry. Freemasonry attempts among all its other sins to reinstate the tribalism, that the Arabs converted to Islam were led out of.

Notice the heavenly aspect of Saturn-Satan as a goddess in the Chinese form, shared by Japanese Buddhism as well. (Note: Both the triple god and the triple goddess are condemned in Christian faith and Islam.) The ancient triple god and triple goddess each had three aspects, the earthly and then the heavenly and then the diabolic (the real and unifying aspect). The Buddha, for instance as the Dainichi Nyorai, is exactly the same, a triple immanent false god or goddess - either. The root is Egyptian and is the same as the Satanic Star of Magen which the deicide Jews worship - Jesus Christ said about the Jews: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.


Satan as the sun god
click on picture

The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy:

(How the bankers took over the World)

German poster from 1935

The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy... world leaders openly spoke about it... many governments went as far as taking drastic measures in an attempt to put an end to it.

... the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy (also known as: the International-Communist-Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik conspiracy, and the International-Marxist-Judeo-Masonic conspiracy)

Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati

Portrait of Adam Weishaupt from 1748

Adam Weishaupt was the son of George Weishaupt, who was a rabbi in Ingolstadt (Bavaria). After his father’s death, when he was 5 years old, Weishaupt came under the tutelage of Johann Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt, both his grandfather and godfather, and who changed his name from Weisthaupt to Ickstatt after he abandoned the Jewish faith. Ickstatt was a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, and initiated Weishaupt in rationalism and the philosophies of the enlightenment. Weishaupt was educated in a Jesuit school (order which he later despised). He also studied law, economy, politics, history and various occult philosophies. In 1771 Weishaupt met a Danish trader named Franz Kolmer, who initiated him into Egyptian magical practices and the doctrines of antireligious Manichaeism; after which he developed an anarchist spirit. In 1772 Weisthaupt became a professor in law, and then a professor in cannon law in 1773 after Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuit order.

Weishaupt travelled through France between 1773 and 1775; were he made a friendship with the Marquis de Lafayette (general in the American Revolution and personal friend to Washington and Franklin, promoter of the French Revolution, member of the National Assembly, general of the revolutionary army, commander of the National Guard in Paris, [1] and Freemason [2]) and with Maximilien Robespierre (one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution, and a central figure in the Jacobin Club [3]).

Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry in the Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath (Theodore of Good Council)" in Munich in 1777. [4] However, soon after, he became disappointed with Freemasonry; as he considered it a simple social club. He decided to found his own order in 1776, based on what he learned in the Jesuits and the Freemasons. The order was first called “Order of Perfectibilists” and later “the Bavarian Illuminati”. He adopted the code name “Spartacus”, as he considered himself a liberator of the human consciousness and of the dogmas and religions that enslaved men. The mission of the order was the abolition of all monarchical governments and state religions in Europe and its colonies.

Due to the small number of members the order had, Weishaupt asked one of his adepts, Baron Adolph von Knigge, for help. The Baron was a German freemason, born near Hanover in 1752; [5] where Mayer Rothschild worked for the Oppenheimer family. Thanks to the reputation acquired through his work with the Oppenheimer banking house and William I, Mayer Rothschild had frequent deals and contacts with Royals and Nobles; but a direct connection between Mayer and the Baron cannot be confirmed. However, it is confirmed that the Baron funded and gave a great impulse to the Illuminati order; which helped in the recruitment of adepts and the creation of many lodges throughout Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Russia. The order formed an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies throughout Europe. The structure of the order consisted in isolated cells of initiates, which reported to a superior whom they did not know; a party structure that would be effectively adopted by some later groups.

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them (especially the Grand Orient of France, of which Franklin was a member). When Weishaupt himself became a member of the Grand Orient, the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment. [6] The Duke of Brunswick himself (Grand Master of Germany) said in 1794 that the Masonic lodges were controlled by the Illuminati. Also Winston Churchill was convinced this was the case, and in 1920 wrote: "This conspiracy against civilization dates from the days of Weishaupt ... as a modern historian Mrs. Webster has so ably shown, it played a recognizable role on the French Revolution." [7] It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild. [8][*]

The order was operative across Europe until 1784, when a messenger en route from Frankfurt am Main (where the Rothschild's shop was located) to Paris was struck by a lightning. On the dead body, the authorities discovered a piece of paper written by Weishaupt himself, and titled "The Original Shift in Days of Illumination". The content described the future goal for "the New World Order through Revolution" and notes for the French revolution (which began just 4 years later); the destiny of these writings was the Grand Orient of France. [9][*] Soon after, on the 22 of June 1784, the Bavarian authorities also discovered more documents in Weishaupt’s home on how to control all facets of Freemasonry, overthrown all European Monarchies and put an end to the Catholic Church using the same methods that the Jesuits used to protect it from Protestantism. The authorities ordered the prosecution of all members of Freemasonry and the Illuminati. However, Weishaupt and his family escaped with the helped of Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (also a Freemason and member of the Illuminati [10]). He lived in Gotha under the Duke's protection until his death on the 18th of November 1830; still renouncing from the Catholic faith.

… Next Chapter: The Illuminati in America

Wikipedia: Adam Weishaupt ( and (

[1] Wikipedia: Marqués de La Fayette (
[2] The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (
[3] Wikipedia: Maximilien Robespierre (
[4] Henry Coston, “La Conjuration des Illuminés”, pp. xxxvii-xxxviii. Pb. 304 pp., Paris, 1979.
[5] Henry Wilson Coil, “Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
[6] Nesta Helen Webster, “The French Revolution: a Study in Democracy”, London, Constable & Co., 1919
[7] Wikipedia: Nesta Helen Webster (
[8] William Schnoebelen, “Masonry: Beyond the Light”, Ontario, 1991
[9] Kris Millegan, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Skull and Bones But Were Afraid to Ask, 1996.
[10] Wikipedia: Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (

[*] I couldn't find better sources for these two statement.


Masonic Foundations of the U.S.








Russian Communist Freemasonry - See this link - Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye: Jüri Lina
Under the sign of the Scorpion- the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire

This 447 page book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons and Illuminati, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Illuminati movement was founded on the 1st of May 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The book describes the role of the Illuminati in the French "Revolution". It then goes on to examine the so-called Russian Revolutions in 1917. J�ri Lina shows how the events in Russia between 1917 and 1991 still affect the fate of the world.

The author tries to answer questions like: Where did the Communist idea originate and how was it developed? Why did powerful international financial circles finance the "Russian revolutionaries" in March and November 1917? What was the purpose of the social destruction that followed and in which way did this serve the forces behind the Communists?
"Under the Sign of the Scorpion" will change the reader's perception of reality. After the fall of the Soviet power on the 24th of August 1991, the official archives have begun to reveal their secrets to amazed Russian historians. There is a constant flow of new shocking information but only a trickle has as yet reached us in Western Europe and America. Above all, we lack an overall picture. It is this picture which J�ri Lina attempts to give us in his book, which is largely based on released Russian material.
The author also explains why the Soviet Union was abolished and is currently being recreated under another name - the European Union.

See link above.


Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court

The Israel Supreme Court is the creation of one elite family: the Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they’ve agreed to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction. The reasons for those conditions are quite evident: the Supreme Court building is a Temple of Masonic Mystery Religion and is built by the elite, for the elite.


Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli legislature). Its peculiar architecture has earned critical praise due to the architects’ opposition of old versus new, light versus shadow and straight lines versus curves. Almost all critics and journalists have however omitted to mention the blatant occult symbols present all over the building. Masonic and Illuminati principles are physically embodied in numerous instances, proving without a doubt who runs the show in there.

House of the Rothschilds

The Rothschild family is an international dynasty of Germans of jewish descent who established a worldwide banking and finance operation. The offsprings of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) have spread all over Europe and became major actors in the social, political and economic life of the continent. By knitting close ties with the elite of England, Austria, France and Italy, the Rothschilds became a hidden force in most political events of the last centuries. Alternative historians say they are part of the infamous 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, along with the Rockefellers and the Duponts.

The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of the state of Israel. James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset, Israel’s main political building. Right in front of it sits the Israeli Supreme Court, donated by another member of the dynasty: Dorothy de Rothschild.

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Painting at the entrance of the Supreme Court – The Rothschilds with Shimon Perez and Isaac Rabin

In the same general area of Jerusalem we can therefore find the Knesset and the Supreme Court, built by the Rothschilds and, following a perpendicular layline, several blocks away, sits the Rockefeller Museum (other elite family). You might start to understand who owns this area now.

Jerry Golden wrote several years ago on the Israeli Supreme Court, appropriately pointing out its occult concepts. When you study those types of buildings, you quickly realize that the same themes inevitably reappear: illumination, pyramid, ascent, the number 13 or 33 , phallic/yonic symbols, etc. This building has it all and more.

Path to Illumination

A journey through the Supreme Court is in fact a symbolic course towards Illumination. The ultimate “goal” of the journey is to reach the top of the pyramid which is located on the roof of Supreme Court, atop of an area where the “holy of holies” would be in a Jewish Temple.

On each side of the pyramid’s apex is a hole representing the “All-Seeing Eye” of the masonic Great Architect (see the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States).

Pyramid with All-Seeing Eye

Let’s go through the path of the “profane” to reach illumination.

Darkness to Light Stairway

One who enters the Supreme Court finds himself in a dark area, in front of a stairway leading to a source of light.


By climbing those stairs, the visitor gradually leaves the depths of darkness to finally reach glorious sunlight. There are exactly three times 10 steps, totaling 30. They represent the 30 first degrees of Freemasonry, where the profane is gradually taken from the depths of material life (darkness) to wisdom and illumination (light). We know that Freemasonry comprises a total of 33 degrees and we’ll later see where we can find those last three degrees in the structure. On the right side of the stairs are old rocks reminiscent of walls of ancient Jerusalem while on the left is a smooth and modern wall. This represents the timeless nature of occult teachings, who have been transmitted since ancient times to this day.

Once having climbed the stairs the visitor can admire a great view of Jerusalem. In a symbolic way, the enlightened person gained “spiritual sight”.

view jerusalem
View of Jerusalem after climbing the stairs of Illumination

Embedded on the floor is a layline, guiding the traveler to the entrance of the library, which is conveniently placed right under the pyramid.

The Library

Second Floor of Library

The library is divided in three levels, symbolically representing the last three degrees of Freemasonry (31st, 32nd and honorary 33rd) . The first level is reserved for lawyers, the second is reserved for judges and the books on the third level can only be read by retired judges. The library’s way of functioning – where some information is the exclusive privilege of a selected few – directly correlates with the functioning of occult orders, where teachings of a certain degree can only be given if the initiates have successfully cleared the previous degrees.

The 3 levels of the library

The library contains legal, judicial, philosophical and spiritual works. There is no doubt that the “reserved” books contain a wealth of esoteric knowledge. Right above the higher level of the library (representing the 33rd level of Masonry) is the base of the pyramid. This is where Freemasonry symbolically ends and the hidden order of the Illuminati begins.

View of the pyramid from inside

Right under the apex of the pyramid, on the floor, we can find sacred geometry patterns.

Sacred Geometry

Jerry Golden has mentioned that a crystal is embedded right in the middle of the pattern, right under the eye of the pyramid. What does it signify?

Judges Bringing Illumination

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The entrances of the courtrooms are said to resemble ancient Jewish tombs. The holes atop the doors are meant to permit the soul to leave the room. Also notice the contrast between old and new.

The prison cells, the courtroom and the judge’s quarters are placed one on top of the other, symbolizing the threefold nature of the world. The inmates are stuck in cells, symbolizing the prison of the lower material world. The courtrooms, placed right over the prison cells, represent the “higher world” where divinity gets in touch with humanity:


In the courtrooms, the judges are illuminated by a natural source of light. So the judges, hearing the pleads of the masses sit there with divine light constantly shining upon them. After the hearings, the judges retire to their quarters, situated right over the courtroom. They symbolically “ascend” to the divine world. When a decision is taken, they “descend” to bring illumination to the lower world.

Fertility Symbol

Outside the courtrooms is a stairway leading to a lower level. No occult temple would be complete without those next two features.


In the middle of the stairway is the shape of a vesica piscis (representing female genitals) “penetrated” by a column (phallic symbol). This is an obvious fertility symbol, a union of the male and female principles. Numerous occult temples insert a fertility symbol in their lower floor (see the Manitoba Legislative Building or Washington Capitol). But wait, there’s usually a rotunda along with the

fertility symbol. Oh, there it is.

Some occult buildings hide the star of Ishtar (fertility symbol) at the center on the lower rotunda. Is hidden there?


The exterior of the Supreme Court contains loads of symbolic features. Just follow the “Dorothy de Rothschild” stone to see where it leads you.




This is the Dorothy de Rothschild grove. The obelisk is the most commonly used and the most blatant occult symbol used throughout the world. In ancient Egypt, the cult of this phallic symbol was associated with the god Osiris, who was cut in 13 pieces by Seth. Isis traveled far and beyond to retrieve all of Osiris’ body parts and was successful, except for one body part, the penis, which was swallowed by a fish. “The lost phallus” is thus representative of male energy, and is almost always placed (as in this case) inside a circle, which represents female genitalia and energy. The obelisk in the middle of a circle represents the sexual act and the union of opposite forces. In our modern world, obelisks are found on nearly all important landmarks, and thus became and symbol of the occult elite’s power.



The courtyard has beautiful zen-like feel. A source of water is constantly bubbling and streaming through a narrow path towards a strange stone. Official Supreme Court documentation say that the courtyard is a physical representation of the verse from Psalm 85:11:

“Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven”

The judge’s offices overlook the courtyard, so they are symbolically “looking down from heaven”. The stream of water goes straight and ends up right under a strange and enigmatic stone.


What is this thing and why is “truth who sprung from earth” leading towards it? The stone’s polished surface reflects a distorted image of the courtyard. What does it represent?

Trampled Cross

6-24-2009 11-22-17 AM

At the center of the parking facilities are pathways shaped like Christian cross. Jerry Golden has mentioned that this cross has been specifically placed to be trampled on by visitors. He is most probably right. In a building where spiritual symbolism reigns supreme, there are effectively little chances that the layout of those pathways haven’t been thoroughly thought out by the architects. In other words, this can’t be just a coincidence. The visitors have to go down the stairs – symbolically “descend” to lower spheres – to reach the cross. As you might have noticed, the importance of the act of ascending and descending in this building is very important. This is not an exception.

Occult secret societies have historically been at odds with the Christian church who repeatedly persecuted and accused them of all sorts of heresies. During the Middle-Ages the Knights Templar (ancestors of Freemasonry) have been accused by the Archbishop of Canterbury of numerous anti-Christian deeds, including “trampling the Cross under foot” during their initiation processes. Are they poking back at Christianity with this symbol?



Those pomegranates lying on the floor might seem extremely insignificant for the average onlooker. They however hold a special signification for students of the Mysteries and of Freemasonry.

“Among the ancient Mysteries the pomegranate was also considered to be a divine symbol of such peculiar significance that its true explanation could not be divulged. It was termed by the Cabiri “the forbidden secret.” Many Greek gods and goddesses are depicted holding the fruit or flower of the pomegranate in their hands, evidently to signify that they are givers of life and plenty. Pomegranate capitals were placed upon the pillars of Jachin and Boaz standing in front of King Solomon’s Temple; and by the order of Jehovah, pomegranate blossoms were embroidered upon the bottom of the High Priest’s ephod”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

As stated by Hall, pomegranates were placed on top of the two pillars standing in front of Solomon’s Temple. If you have minimal knowledge of Masonic teachings, you know that the Temple of Solomon and the pillars named Jachin and Boaz are of an utmost importance.

“The capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze net-work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians.”
-Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

We know that the Masons patiently look forward to the day they’ll rebuild the Temple of Solomon on its original grounds – Temple Mount, Jerusalem. Are those pomegranates waiting to be placed on the pillars of the next Temple?

To Conclude

This article barely scratches the surface of the occult symbolism of the Israeli Supreme Court. It is however clear that the building’s architecture carries important symbolism relating to spirituality and the attainment of illumination. There are no religious monuments relating to Judaism or any organized religion. The Supreme Court is a temple of the Mysteries, which are an amalgamation of pagan rituals interlaced with an esoteric interpretation of the Scriptures. The teaching of the Mysteries is reserved to members of occult secret societies, which the Rothschilds are obviously part of. The esoteric meaning of this building is concealed from the public but it unmistakably reveals to the initates who possesses real power in the world.

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The Final Trial: No to all Terrorists

And see this:

And see this:

See this link: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew, Chapter One

. . .

God foretells the opposition of Satan's principle agent of hell - the Antichrist in the rebuilt Temple of Remphan. We must have nothing to do with it.

. . .

The epitome of black magic in the ancient world was the use of human sacrifice (especially children) in front of an idol with a high-priest/king murdering the child as an offering to gain magical power. Given the types in Ezechiel and Daniel above, it is certain that the Antichrist will do the same thing in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. This, with the Antichrist’s declaration (utterly false) that he is god, will be the Abomination of Desolation that Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us of in St. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 24.

. . .

Neither Truth nor Papal 'infallibility'can hinder Rome's grand design to rule the world from a reconstructed temple at Jerusalem in non-Semitic, anti-Semitic, Zionist Israel.

"Such a secular, earthbound state could easily become the political and military power base for the Antichrist when he comes. For the Antichrist will be in perfect accord with the ideals of such a Zionist state. Moreover, the State of Israel has demonstrated that it has the will and ability to go to war and win the secular goals to which its heart is attached. Thus when the Antichrist comes to power as head of such an efficient, superbly equipped, scientific State, founded on nationalism, race and blood, he will be able to conquer the rest of the world. He will be the first, the only Jew to reign with political, economic, military power over the whole world from his capital city, Jerusalem, the city in which Our Lord was crucified" (Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J., The Antichrist, p. 152).

. . .

A brief excerpt:

Father Kramer continues:

“ . . . A second “sign” appears in heaven having a hostile relationship to the first. It is a blood-red dragon and is a horrible contrast to the first figure of divine beauty . . . This red dragon . . . brings the Church into great distress at that time. . . No fiercer enemy of God and man has appeared in Christian times than Communism, and strange to say, RED is its emblematic color. Communism may by that time have gained control of the governments of Europe.”
Here, Fr. Kramer could have used the term “Judeo-Freemasonry” interchangeably with “Communism,” since the former gave life to the latter. Also, the color red of the Communist flag originated with the red emblem of the Jewish banking House of Rothschild, which means “red shield.” While the governments of Western European have never become formally Communist, most have been under the tight grip of Freemasonry for many years, and have thus covertly participated with the Masonic "superpowers" in the plot to overthrow the Catholic Church.

See above link.

This lead to the total apostasy of the Vatican and all who follow them - they have become ancient Satanic pagans doomed to hell forevermore. Come out from among them - be totally separate or share their fate.

And see:

And see:

And see:

And see:

The right to life fight, which ancient baby murdering Satanism opposes and seeks to destroy - The Justice of God: Right to Life: Leila Hussein: Right to Life: THE LORD SAID

Leading to:


Beware the rebuilt temple. It is damnation for all who align themselves with it.
click on picture.

Illuminati Groups

5 Illuminati inner circle

300 Illuminati

1001 Club

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