Military, Intelligence, and Government Patriots Question The 911 Commission Report Part 1
![]() Kenneth M. Mead, JD | Kenneth M. Mead, JD – Former Inspector General of the Department of Transportation. Member of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. Prior to becoming Inspector General, he served for 22 years with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress' investigative arm. Recipient of: the Career Achievement Award from the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency and the Distinguished Service Award and Meritorious Service Award from the GAO. Currently Special Counsel in the law firm of Baker Botts.
Eleanor Hill, JD
| Eleanor Hill, JD – Former Staff Director of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry (JICI) of the U.S. Congress on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Former Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Former Chair of the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency, Co-chair of the Intelligence Community Inspectors General Forum, and Member of the Attorney General’s Council on White Collar Crime. Former Chief Counsel, U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney in Tampa, Florida and Special Attorney with the Organized Crime Section of the U.S. Justice Department. Awarded the Department of Defense Distinguished Service Medal by Secretary William Perry. Awarded the Bronze Palm to the Distinguished Public Service Medal by Secretary William Cohen. Currently Partner with the law firm of King & Spalding.
J. Terrence "Terry" Brunner
| J. Terrence "Terry" Brunner – Former prosecutor in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the U.S. Justice Department and a key member of Attorney General Bobby Kennedy’s anti-corruption task force. Former assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. Former Executive Director of the Better Government Association 1971 - 2000. Currently Director, Aviation Integrity Project.
John Loftus – Former Federal Prosecutor, Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Department of Justice under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Former U.S. Army Intelligence officer. Currently author and frequent media commentator on terrorism and intelligence services.
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George Kenney
| George Kenney – Former career Foreign Service Officer, serving as Yugoslav desk officer at the State Department headquarters in Washington, DC. Resigned his commission in 1991 over US policy towards the Yugoslav conflict. Then served as consultant in residence at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Currently consultant and commentator on foreign affairs and current events.
Fred Burks
| Fred Burks – Former State Department Interpreter for Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Vice Presidents Dick Cheney and Al Gore, Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright. 18-year State Department career.
J. Michael Springmann
| J. Michael Springmann – Former career Foreign Service Officer with the State Department and the International Foreign Trade Administration of the Commerce Department. Former Consular Officer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he supervised the issuance of visas. 20-year Federal Government career.
Daniel Ellsberg, PhD
| Daniel Ellsberg, PhD – Former Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense. Former State Department envoy to Viet Nam. While working for the government, Ellsberg attained the ultimate civil service grade of GS-18, equivalent to a Major General. Former U.S. Marine Corps officer. Former military analyst for the Rand Corporation. Most well known for leaking the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971. (See also Senator Mike Gravel.)
Craig Michael Uhl, MD
| Craig Michael Uhl, MD – Former Diplomat and Desk Officer for Tanzania and Uganda, U.S. State Department. Former Physician, U.S. Navy, 10 year Navy career.
Robin Hordon
| Robin Hordon – Former FAA Air Traffic Controller at the Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center, located in Nashua, NH, 1970 - 1981. FAA Certified Commercial Pilot. FAA Certified Flight Instructor and Certified Ground Instructor. After leaving the FAA, he had a 12-year career in the field of comedy ending up as artistic coordinator for "Catch A Rising Star" in Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA.
Danielle O'Brien
| Danielle O'Brien - Air Traffic Controller, Dulles Tower, Washington, D.C. On duty the morning of 9/11/01.
Todd Lewis
| Todd Lewis - Air Traffic Controller, Dulles Tower, Washington, D.C. On duty the morning of 9/11/01.
Senator Karen S. Johnson
| Senator Karen S. Johnson – Elected Member, Arizona State Legislature 1997 - present. Chairman: Family Services Committee. Co-Chairman: Joint Legislative Committee on Children and Family Services. Member: Finance Committee, Appropriations Committee, and K-12 Education Committee.
Rep. Suzi Wizowaty, MA
| Rep. Suzi Wizowaty, MA – Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of Vermont 2008 - present. Member, Health Care Committee. Adjunct Instructor, Division of Communication & Creative Media, Champlain College. Member of the Graduate Adjunct Faculty, St. Michael's College. Author of A Tour of Evil (2005), The Round Barn(2002)
Rep. Charles F. Weed
| Rep. Charles F. Weed – Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire 2000 - present. Member, Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Committee. Professor of Political Science, Keene State College 1972 - present.
Rep. Barbara Hull Richardson
| Rep. Barbara Hull Richardson – Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire 1992 - present. Vice Chairman, Children and Family Law Committee. Retired Social Worker and Social Work Administrator, State of New Hampshire 1973 - 1991.
Rep. Peter S. Espiefs, JD
| Rep. Peter S. Espiefs, JD – Former Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire 2000 - 2008. Former Member of the Judiciary Committee, the Ways and Means Committee, the Right to Know Oversight Commission, and the Medical Malpractice and Insurance Oversight Committee. Retired Attorney. Retired Probate Court Judge (20 years). Former Attorney, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Former Instructor, Business Law and Political Science, Franklin Pierce College. Former Instructor, Business Law, Keene State College. Former Infantry Officer, U.S. Army.
Rep. Betty B. Hall
| Rep. Betty B. Hall – Former Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire 1978 - 2002. Member and former Chair, Hollis/Brookline School Board (COOP), 2004 - present, 1963 - 1971.
Rep. Peter H. Allen, PhD
| Rep. Peter H. Allen, PhD – Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire 2000 - present. Member, Committee on Environment and Agriculture. Former Senator, New Hampshire State Senate 1971 - 1972, 1978 - 1980. Retired Forestry Ecologist. Former Ecologist, New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission. Former State Research Forester, New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands. Former Research Forest Ecologist, United States Forest Service. Former Assistant Professor, Colby-Sawyer College.
Rep. Paul Harrington
| Rep. Paul Harrington – Former Member, House of Representatives, State Legislature of New Hampshire.
Simcha Felder, MBA, CPA
| Simcha Felder, MBA, CPA – Member of the City Council and Chair of the Committee on Governmental Operations, New York City. Also serves as a Member of the following committees: Sanitation & Solid Waste Management; Education; Land Use; Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse & Disability Services; Zoning & Franchises. Previous governmental experience includes working for the New York State Assembly; the Comptroller of the City of New York; and as a tax auditor for the New York City Department of Finance. Former Professor of Management at Touro College and City University of New York, Brooklyn College.
Jonathan Weisbuch, MD, MPH
| Jonathan B. Weisbuch, BS Civil/Sanitary Eng, MD, MPH – Director, Department of Health and Social Services, State of Wyoming 1987 - 1989. Former Health Officer, State of North Dakota 1976 - 1980. Former Director of Correctional Health Services, State of Massachusetts 1974 - 1976. Former Chief Health Officer, Maricopa County, and Director, Maricopa County Public Health Department 1997 - 2004. Medical Director, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services 1989 -1995. Past President and Past Vice President, American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) and AAPHP's representative to the American Medical Association. Recipient of the Ben Freedman Award for 'long and dedicated service to AAPHP and the practice of Public Health'. Chair, National Commission on Correctional Health Care 1998 - 1999. Diplomate, American Board of Preventive Medicine. Fellow, American College of Preventive Medicine. Former Officer, U.S. Navy. Editorial Consultant, American Journal of Public Health. Associate Editor, Journal of Public Health Policy 1980 - 1984. Author of more than 40 articles pertaining to public health issues. Co-author, The Challenges of Community Medicine (1974). Dr. Weisbuch's extensive academic experience includes:
Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD
| Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD – Former Chief Mental Health Coordinator and Director of Manpower Development and Training, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Retired Clinical Psychologist. In his 40-year career, Dr. Hoffman held several academic and senior professional positions, including; Lecturer (Psychology), Boston University. Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Assistant Professor of Research, Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University. Founder and Faculty Member, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Executive Director, Brookline (MA) Mental Health Association. Veteran, U.S. Army.
Philip J. Berg
| Philip J. Berg, Esquire – Former Deputy Attorney General, State of Pennsylvania.
Roy H. Andes, MA, JD
| Roy H. Andes, MA, JD – Former Assistant Attorney General, State of Montana.
Donald R. Bustion, JD
No photo available | Donald R. Bustion, JD – Former Assistant Attorney General, State of Texas. Adjunct Professor, Political Science, Southern Arkansas University.
David E. Bauer, JD
No photo available | David E. Bauer, JD – Former Assistant Attorney General, State of Maine (1989-1991) and General Counsel of the State of Maine Bureau of Revenue Services (formerly Bureau of Taxation), 1991-2005.
Michael Mennard, PhD
No photo available | Michael Mennard, PhD – Retired career Foreign Service Officer, U.S. State Department. Served as Regional Public Affairs Officer in India. Contributing author to The Suppressed Serbian Voice and the Free Press in America (1994)
The disastrous nature of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks warrant the release of all of this information so that the American public may learn what its government did or did not do to protect them. Had this nation been properly warned of the looming and imminent terrorist threat, life saving choices could have been made that day." |
William R. Nugent, B EE, PE
No photo available | William R. Nugent, B EE, PE – Retired Assistant Director of Research at the Library of Congress' Information Technology Services (22 years of service). Served in a variety of positions at the Library, including Director of Technology of the Center for Innovative Management and Technology and as Assistant Director of Automated Systems. Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer, State of Massachusetts. Author of The Preservation and Archiving of Digital Information: A Handbook for Curators (1997).
Robert J. Carton, MS, PhD
No photo available | Robert J. Carton, MS, PhD – Retired Environmental Scientist and Researcher. Former Chief, Environmental Protection Office of Regulatory Compliance & Quality, U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command. Former Risk Assessment Manager, Office of Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency (20 year EPA career). Former President, National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 2050, which represents EPA professionals, including 1100 lawyers, scientists, and engineers at EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Paul Hellyer
| Paul Hellyer – Former Minister of National Defense of Canada. Former Deputy Prime Minister. Former Member of House of Commons.
Stephen Beckow
| Stephen Beckow – Retired Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Former Historian at the National Museum of Man (now known as the Canadian Museum of Civilization).
Peter Dale Scott, PhD
| Peter Dale Scott, PhD – Former Canadian diplomat who served at the United Nations and the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw, Poland. Professor Emeritus of English at the University of California, Berkeley. He is author of Drugs, Oil and War (2003), and seven other books including Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996) and The Iran-Contra Connection (in collaboration, 1987). Co-editor of 9/11 and American Empire (Vol I) – Intellectuals Speak Out (2006). His writings deal among other matters with U.S. covert operations and their impact on democracy at home and abroad.
Paul H. Ray, PhD
| Paul H. Ray, PhD – Former Chief of Policy Research on Energy Conservation, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources of the Government of Canada. Former Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Faculty Associate of the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Co-author of The Cultural Creatives (2000).
Walter Pitman, BA, MA
| Walter Pitman, BA, MA – Former Member of the Canadian House of Commons 1960 - 1962. Former Member of the Ontario Legislature 1967 - 1971. Appointed Officer of the Order of Canada (1992). Appointed Member of The Order of Ontario, the province's most prestigious official honor, for outstanding contribution to society in Ontario and around the world (1991). Former President of Canadian Association of Adult Education. Former Director of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Former Director of the Ontario Arts Council. Former President of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto. Former Dean of Arts and Science at Trent University. Former President of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. Author of Louis Applebaum : A Passion for Culture (2002) and Elmer Iseler: Choral Visionary (2008).
Bill Goodacre
| Bill Goodacre – Member of the British Columbia (Canada) Legislature, 1996 - 2001. Served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks; Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs; and Minister Responsible for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
Michael Meacher
| Michael Meacher – Former Under Secretary for Industry, Under Secretary for Health and Social Security, Minister for the Environment, and Member of the House of Commons (UK).
Tony Benn
| Tony Benn – Former Member of British Parliament 1942 - 2001. Longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party. Former Minister of Technology. Former Secretary of State for Industry. Former Secretary of State for Energy. Former Postmaster General.
Robin Cook
| Robin Cook (1946 - 2005) – Member of British Parliament and Holder of two cabinet posts; Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 1997 - 2001 and Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council 2001 - 2003. He resigned the latter post on March 17, 2003 in protest against the invasion of Iraq.
George Galloway
| George Galloway – Member of British Parliament 1987 - present. Co-author of Downfall: The Ceausescus and the Romanian Revolution(1990). Author of I'm Not the Only One (autobiography 2004), Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington: The Brit Who Set Congress Straight About Iraq (2005), Fidel Castro Handbook (2006).
Annie Machon
| Annie Machon – Former MI5 Intelligence Officer (the UK equivalent of the U.S. FBI). Initially served in the Counter-Subversion department, officially known 'F2'. Later served in 'T Branch', the Irish counter-terrorism section and then 'G Branch', working on international counter-terrorism; 6 years of service. Resigned in 1996 to blow the whistle on illegal activities within MI5 and MI6 (the UK equivalent of the U.S. CIA).
Andreas von Buelow, PhD
| Andreas von Buelow, PhD – Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense of West Germany. Former Minister of Research and Technology. Member of Bundestag (Parliament) 1969 - 1994.
Horst Ehmke, PhD – Former Minister of Justice (West Germany). Former Minister for Research and Technology. Cabinet Member under Chancellors Kurt Kiesinger and Willy Brandt 1966 - 1974. Professor of Law, University of Freiburg
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Eckart Werthebach, JD
| Eckart Werthebach, JD – Former President, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), Germany’s domestic intelligence service 1991 - 1995. Mayor of Berlin 2000 - 2001. Berlin's Minister of the Interior 1998 - 2001.
Axel Troost, PhD
| Axel Troost, PhD Economics – Member of the German Bundestag (Parliament) 2005 - present. German politician and political economist. Member of the Left Party. Since 1984 Managing Partner of PIW Progress Institute for Economic Research. General Manager of the Office for Research in Rostock 1990 - 2001.
Hans-Christian Ströbele
| Hans-Christian Ströbele – Member of the German Bundestag (Parliament) 1985 - 1987, 1998 - present. German politician and lawyer. Member of the Green Party.
Hans Wallow
| Hans Wallow – Former Member of the German Bundestag (Parliament) 1981 - 1983 and 1990 - 1998. Former Assistant Secretary (Ministerialrat) Press and Information Office of the Federal Government responsible for Central and Latin America. Former Director and Head of Federal Government Press and Information, responsible for areas of youth, family, health, research and technology, education and science. Frequent contributing writer to Friday, Rheinischer Merkur, and Berliner Zeitung. Author of Bitte einsteigen. Berichte aus dem politischen Alltag(Please get on board. Reports from political life) (1981), Richard von Weizsäcker in der Diskussion: Die verdrossene Gesellschaft (In discussion with Richard von Weizsäcker: The constantly complaining society) (1992), Der Profi: Rudolf Scharping (The Professional: Rudolf Scharping) (1994).
Ernst Welteke
| Ernst Welteke – Former President of Deutsche Bundesbank (German Federal Bank) 1999 - 2004. German politician and political economist. Member of the Hessian State Parliament, 1974 - 1995.
Dieter Deiseroth, JD
| Dieter Deiseroth, JD – Judge at the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht) ), one of the five German Supreme Courts 2001 - present. Chief Judge of the Administrative Court in Münster and Head of the Data Protection Agency of North Rhine-Westphalia 1991 - 2001. Judge at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe 1989 - 1991. Administrative Judge in Düsseldorf 1983 - 1989. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German section of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and Chair of the Whistleblowing Award Jury.
Lt. Col. Jochen Scholz
| Lt. Col. Jochen Scholz, German Air Force (ret) (Oberstleutnant der Bundesluftwaffe) – Retired German Air Force and NATO officer. Represented Germany in various NATO committees and multi-national organizations. 38-year Air Force career, of which 12 years were in NATO service, and the final 6 years were with the German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Wolfram Elsner, PhD
| Wolfram Elsner, PhD – Former head of the Planning Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Bremen and Director of the Bremen State Economic Research Institute, and Bremen State Official for Industrial Defense Conversion, 1989 - 2001. Currently Professor of Economics, Structural Research and Economic Policy, in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Institute for Institutional and Socio-Economics (IISO), at the University of Bremen, Germany. Also Adjunct Professor, Doctoral Faculty, Department of Economics, University of Missouri. Chair of the German chapter of Economists for Peace and Security (formerly Economists Allied for Arms Reduction) 2003 - present. and is a member of the editorial and advisory boards of several international journals, including the Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ). He has organized the Joint Seminars of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) andEconomists for Peace and Security (EPS). Author, co-author and editor of numerous books on modern economics, including International Restructuring and Conversion of the Arms Industries and the Military Sector (2002), Arms, War, and Terrorism in the Global Economy Today (2007), Advances in Evolutionary Institutional Economics(2008), Konversion als Innovation: Die bremische Konversionsförderung 1992 bis 1995 (1998), Social Costs and Public Action in Modern Capitalism (2006).
Lt. Col. Albert A. Stahel, PhD
| Lt. Col. (Oberstleutnant) Albert A. Stahel, PhD – Internationally recognized expert on military strategy. Professor of Political Science, University of Zurich 1986 - present. Head Lecturer for Strategic Studies,Military Academy (MILAK) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(ETH) 1980 - 2006. Former Professor of International Relations, University of Geneva. Managing Director and Vice President of the Forum Humanitarian Switzerland, Zurich. Director of the Zurich Institute for Strategic Studies. Member, The Military Conflict Institute, Washington DC. Member, International Political Science Association, Oslo. Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London. Member, Swiss Association of Political Science, St. Gallen. Author, co-author, and editor of numerous articles and books on the subject of military strategy, modern warfare, terrorism, organized crime, nuclear weapons, airpower, and Afghanistan. An extensive list of his many publications can be found here.
Lt. Col. Said Huber
| Lt. Col. (Oberstleutnant) Said Huber – Attorney and Clerk of the Military Supreme Court of Switzerland (Militärkassationsgericht). Former Artillery Officer of the Swiss Armed Forces.
Francesco Cossiga
| Francesco Cossiga – President of Italy (1985 - 1992) and Former Prime Minister. Also served as Undersecretary for Defence. Former President of the Italian Senate. Former Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee. Former Professor of Constitutional Law, Sassari University. Named "Doctor of Civil Law" from Oxford University. Honorary Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Member of the Council of the Foundation of the Academy of Philosophy Studies of Liechtenstein. Honorary Senator of the Senate of the University of Bonn. Holds honorary degrees from major universities around the world. Author of Il Torto e il Diritto: Quasi un Antologia Personale (The Wrong and the Right: A Personal Anthology) (1993).
Ferdinando Imposimato
| Ferdinando Imposimato – Honorary President of the Suprema Corte di Cassazione (Supreme Court of Italy). Former Senior Investigative Judge, Italy. Presided over several terrorism-related cases, including the kidnapping and ultimate assassination of President Aldo Moro (1978), the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II (1981), other political assassinations and kidnapping cases and several cases against the Mafia. Former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. Former legal consultant to the United Nations regarding institution of laws to control drug trafficking. Former President of TRIO (Transplant Recipient International Organization). Author of Un juge en Italie : pouvoir, corruption, terrorisme. Les dossiers noirs de la Mafia (2000), La Grande Menzogna (2006).
Giulietto Chiesa
| Giulietto Chiesa – Member of European Parliament, 2004 - present (Italy). Vice Chairman, Committee on International Trade. Member of Committee on Security and Defense. Journalist 1980 - 2004.
Gianni Vattimo
| Gianni Vattimo – Member of European Parliament, 1999 - 2004 (Italy). Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs. Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport. One of Italy's foremost contemporary philosophers. Internationally recognized author, philosopher, and politician. Professor of Philosophy and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Turin. Former visiting professor, Yale University, University of California at Los Angeles, New York University, and State University of New York. Speaker and presenter at numerous seminars and conferences at various universities worldwide. Member of the Academy of Sciences in Turin. Recipient of honorary degrees from several universities. Author of hundreds of scholarly articles and more than a dozen books about philosophy, ethics, religion, and politics. An extensive list of his publications can be found here.
Fernando Rossi
| Fernando Rossi – Former Senator, Italy. Secretary of the Senate's Committee on Constitutional Affairs. Member of the Parliamentary Commission for Regional Issues. Member of the Committee on Finance and the Treasury.
Roland Dumas
| Roland Dumas – Foreign Minister of France (equivalent to the U.S. Secretary of State) 1984-1986 and 1988-1993, periods which included the collapse of the Soviet Block, the Gulf War, and the negotiations of the Maastricht Treaty. Minister for European Affairs 1983-1984. President of the Constitutional Council 1995-1999. Elected Member of the National Assembly of France 1956-1958, 1967-1968, 1981-1983, 1986-1988.
Christine Boutin
| Christine Boutin – Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, France (appointed on 5/18/07). Founder and leader of the French political party, Forum des républicains sociaux (Forum of Social Republicans, FRS). Presidential candidate in 2002. Former Deputy of the French National Assembly (equivalent to a U.S. Congressperson).
Col. Pierre-Henri Bunel
| Col. Pierre-Henri Bunel, French Army (ret) – Army intelligence and artillery officer. Graduate of École Militaire of St. Cyr. Expert in the effects of artillery weapons and explosives. Served in the Gulf War as battlefield damage assessment officer and aide-de-camp to French General Michel Roquejoffre. Bunel was one of four French officers decorated by General Norman Schwarzkopf for service in the Gulf War. Also Served in French and NATO operations in Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Yugoslavia. 24-year army career.
Birgitta Jónsdóttir
| Birgitta Jónsdóttir – Member of Parliament, Iceland. Member of the Committee on the Environment. Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Member of the Icelandic delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
![]() Yukihisa Fujita ![]()
Yukihisa Fujita's speech at
the House of Councillors | Yukihisa Fujita – Member, House of Councillors (the upper house), National Diet of Japan. Member and former Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. Former Member of the House of Representatives. Former Director General of the International Department of the Democratic Party of Japan.
Tadashi Inuzuka
| Tadashi Inuzuka, MBA – Member, House of Councillors (the upper house), National Diet of Japan. Director, Committee on Budget. Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence. Member, Special Committee on Official Development Assistance and Related Matters.
Jeanette Fitzsimons
| Jeanette Fitzsimons – Member of Parliament, New Zealand, 1996 - present. Co-leader of the Green Party. Member, Transport and Industrial Relations Committee. Member, Emissions Trading Scheme Review Committee. Former Lecturer in Environmental Studies and Energy Planning, Department of Planning, Auckland University 1980-1992.
Douglas Nixon Everingham, MBBS
| Douglas Nixon Everingham, MBBS – Member, House of Representatives, Australia 1967 - 1975 and 1977 - 1984. Minister for Health 1972 - 1975. Vice-President, World Health Assembly 1975. Parliamentary Adviser, Australia's delegation to the United Nations 1982. Appointed Member by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the National Consultative Committee on Peace and Disarmament 1998 - 2000. Former family and hospital doctor and psychiatric registrar.
Paul Lannoye
| Paul Lannoye – Member of European Parliament, 1989 - 2004 (Belgium). Former Vice Chairman, Committee on Energy, Research and Technology. Former Vice Chairman, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection.
Pierre Galand
| Pierre Galand – Former Senator, Belgium. Professor of Economics and President of the Lay Action Center (Centre d'Action Laïque), University of Brussels. Former Secretary General of Oxfam - Belgium 1966 - 1997. President, World Organization Against Torture - Europe . Served as President of several international Non-Governmental Organizations, a complete list of which can be seen here.
Berit Ås
| Berit Ås – Former Member of Parliament, Norway. Professor Emerita and Former President of the Feminist University, Norway. Former Professor of Social Psychology, University of Oslo 1968 - 1994. Visiting Professor: University of Missouri, Mount Saint Vincent University (Canada), and University of Uppsala (Sweden). Former President of the International Federation of University Women in Norway. Noted feminist. Awarded honorary doctorate degrees by the University of Copenhagen, the University of Halifax in Canada and Uppsala University.
Per Mohn
| Per Mohn – Former Deputy Representative to the Norwegian Parliament.
Lt. Commander Rolf Hustad
No photo available | Lt. Commander Rolf Hustad, Royal Norwegian Navy – Former weapons specialist and artillery officer. 12-year military career.
Ole Gerstrom
| Ole Gerstrom – Former Member of Parliament, Denmark
Commander Jens Claus Hansen
| Commander Jens Claus Hansen, Royal Danish Navy – Director of Political Science, Danish Defense Academy 1998 - present. Editor of the Journal of Naval Affairs of the Society of Danish Naval Lieutenants. Assignments have included sea duty in submarines and staff duty with the Defense Staff.
Mat Herben
| Mat Herben – Former Member of Parliament, Netherlands. Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee for Defense. Prior to election to public office, served for over 20 years as a journalist and editor in the Ministry of Defense. Former Editor of Defensiekrant, the weekly magazine of the Ministry of Defense. Former Editor of Alle Hens andDe Vliegende Hollander, the monthly magazines of the Netherlands Royal Navy and Air Force.
Philippe Gratier, MA
| Philippe Gratier, MA – Retired Interpreter, European Commission 1975 - 2006. Lecturer, Linguistics, University College London 1965 - 1975.
Heikki Kurttila, DSc
| Heikki Kurttila, D.Sc. (Tech.) (Doctor of Technology) – Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst, National Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), Finland. Specialist in the investigation of pressure vessel explosion accidents and the impacts of the shock waves caused by them. 30 years experience.
![]() Vladimir Putin | Vladimir Putin – Prime Minister of Russia 2008 - present. President of Russia 1999 - 2008. Former Head of the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) 1998 - 1999. Former KGB agent 1975 - 1991.
General Leonid Ivashov – Former Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces on 9/11/2001, and Department Chief for General affairs in the Soviet Union's Ministry of Defense.
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Sergei Kolesnikov, PhD, MD
| Sergei Kolesnikov, PhD, MD – Member of Parliament (State Duma), Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman, Committee for Health Care. Former Member of the USSR Parliament. Former Deputy Director, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMN). Co-President,International Physicians for Prevention Nuclear War (IPPNW)1991 - 1998 and 2008 - present. Awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize in the field of science and technology 1984. Recipient of the Order of the Friendship of Peoples 1986. Recipient of Orders of Honour 1996 and 2007. Designated Distinguished Scientist of Russia. Laureate of Government Prize for Science and Technology. Author of more than 300 scientific articles, 19 monographers, 2 textbooks for universities. Holder of 15 patents.
Kira Lukyanova
| Kira Lukyanova – Member of Parliament (State Duma), Russian Federation. Member, Committee on Economic Policy and Enterprise. Vice Chairman, Investment Committee. President of the charitable foundation Ray of Hope, which supports family, motherhood and childhood.
Victor Zvagelsky
| Victor Zvagelsky – Member of Parliament (State Duma), Russian Federation. Member, Committee on Economic Policy and Enterprise. Chairman Economic Relations Subcommittee.
Petr Hajek
| Petr Hajek – Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic for Communication and Culture. Senior Aide and former Spokesman for the Office of the President (Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic 2003 - present).
Gen. Hosni Mubarak
| Gen. Hosni Mubarak – President of Egypt, 1981 - present. Former Vice President, 1975 - 1981. Former Commander of the Egyptian Air Force and Deputy Minister of War.
Mohamed Hassanein Heikal – Former Foreign Minister of Egypt.
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President Asif Ali Zardari
| President Asif Ali Zardari – Elected President of Pakistan 2008 - present, succeeding General Pervez Musharraf. Widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (assassinated 12/27/07). Former Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan. Former Minister of the Environment.
General Pervez Musharraf
| General Pervez Musharraf – President of Pakistan 2001 - 2008. Former Chief of Staff of the Pakistan Army. Assumed power on October 12, 1999 after a coup d'état and assumed the title of President on June 20, 2001.
Lt. General Hamid Gul
| Lt. General Hamid Gul – Former Director General of Pakistan's intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) 1987 - 1989, instrumental in the anti-Soviet support of the Mujahadin in the Afghanistan War of 1979 - 1989.
General Mirza Aslam Beg
| General Mirza Aslam Beg – Former Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army.
Senator Khurshid Ahmed
| Senator Professor Khurshid Ahmed – Member, Senate of Pakistan 1985 - 1997, and 2003 to present. Member, Standing Committee on Defence and Defence Production, Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs and Statistics, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas, Functional Committee on Human Rights, and the Finance Committee. Former Federal Minister of Planning, Development and Statistics. Vice President, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan party. Chairman, Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan 1979 to present. Chairman, The Islamic Foundation Leicester, U.K. 1978 to present. Member, Board of Trustees, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan 1980 to present. Member, Foundation Council Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization, Amman, Jordan 1987 to present. Member, Board of Trustees Islamic Centre, Zaria, Nigeria 1976 to present. Vice President, Islamic Research Academy, Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan 1979 to present. Rector, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Leicester, UK, 2001 to present. Advisor, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1976 - 1983. Former Professor of Economics, Karachi University. Recipient of Islamic Development Bank Award on Distinguished Contribution to Islamic Economics 1989. Recipient of King Faisal International Prize in Services to Islam 1990. Recipient of 5th Annual Prize of American Finance House, La-Riba, USA, in recognition of his services in Islamic Economics and Finance, at City Council, Los Angeles 1998. Author or editor of more than 70 books, book chapters, and articles related to economics, government, and human rights. For an extensive list, see here.
Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
| Senator Professor Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, MA (Journalism), MA (Political Science), LLB – Member, Senate Of Pakistan, 2006 - present. Member, Standing Committee on Education and Science and Technology; Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights and Parliamentary Affairs. Vice President, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan party. Former Professor of Journalism.
Hugo Chavez
| Hugo Chavez – President of Venezuela. Former Lieutenant Colonel in Venezuelan Army specializing in counter-insurgency. 17-year military career. Leader of a failed coup in 1992. Served 2 years in prison, then pardoned in 1994. Elected President in 1998.
Nicolás Maduro
| Nicolás Maduro – Foreign Minister of Venezuela. Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Venezuela.
Carlos Escarrá
| Carlos Escarrá – Member of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission.
Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
| Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad – Former Prime Minister of Malaysia 1981 - 2003. Former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, and Minister of Trade and Industry. Physician. Author of The Malay Dilemma(1970), The Challenge(1986), Regionalism, Globalism, and Spheres of Influence: ASEAN and the Challenge of Change into the 21st Century (1989), The Pacific Rim in the 21st century (1995), The Challenges of Turmoil (1998), The Way Forward (1998), A New Deal for Asia (1999), Islam & The Muslim Ummah (2001), Globalisation and the New Realities (2002), Reflections on Asia (2002), The Malaysian Currency Crisis: How and why it Happened(2003),Achieving True Globalization (2004), Islam, Knowledge, and Other Affairs (2006), Principles of Public Administration: An Introduction(2007).
Simeon A. Sahaydachny, JD
No photo available | Simeon A. Sahaydachny, JD, LLM – Former Senior Legal Officer,United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Vienna, Austria, 1987 to 1996. During this period, served as secretary of various inter-governmental committees of UN General Assembly and authored working drafts of model laws, international conventions and legal guides relating to international commercial transactions adopted by Commission and recommended by UN General Assembly for use. Senior Fellow and Member of the Faculty, International Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
Thomas H. Kean
| Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, 9/11 Commission – Former Governor of New Jersey 1982 - 1990. Also served for 10 years in the New Jersey Assembly. Currently President of Drew University.
Lee Hamilton
| Lee Hamilton, Vice Chairman, 9/11 Commission – Former 17-term Congressman from Indiana. Former Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Currently President and Director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and serves as a member of the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council.
Timothy J. Roemer
| Timothy J. Roemer, PhD, 9/11 Commissioner – Former 6-term Congressman from Indiana (1991 - 2003). Former member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Currently President of the Center for National Policy.
Jamie S. Gorelick
| Jamie S. Gorelick, 9/11 Commissioner – Former Deputy Attorney General of the United States 1994 - 1997. Former General Counsel of the Defense Department 1993 - 1994. Co-chaired, with Senator Sam Nunn, the Advisory Committee of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Also served on the CIA's National Security Advisory Panel. Vice chair of Fannie Mae 1997 - 2003. Currently a partner at the law firm, WilmerHale. Also serves on the Board of Directors of Schlumberger and United Technologies Corporation and is a member of the Harvard College Board of Overseers.
John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD
| John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD – 9/11 Commissioner. Former Secretary of the Navy 1981 - 1987. Former staff member to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council. Member, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
Daniel Marcus
| Daniel Marcus – General Counsel of the 9-11 Commission. Former Partner in the Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture under President Jimmy Carter. Senior Counsel in the White House Counsel's office under President William Clinton. From 1999 to 2001 he held several senior positions at the Department of Justice, including Associate Attorney General. Former Visiting Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Currently Fellow in Law and Government, Washington College of Law at American University.
John J. Farmer, Jr.
| John J. Farmer, Jr., Senior Counsel, 9/11 Commission – Former Attorney General of the State of New Jersey. Former Chief Counsel to former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman. Former Commissioner of the State Commission of Investigations. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey.
Peter Rundlet
| Peter Rundlet, Counsel for the 9/11 Commission – Former Associate Counsel to President Clinton. Former White House Fellow, serving in the Office of the Chief of Staff to President Clinton. Former Vice President for National Security and International Affairs, Center for American Progress. Currently Director of Policy and Government Relations for Humanity United, an independent grantmaking organization committed to building a world where modern-day slavery and mass atrocities are no longer possible.
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