After 1958 - EVERY [ANTI]POPE IN THE VATICAN (John xxiii, Paul vi, John Paul i, John Paul ii, Benedict xvi) WAS/IS AN APOSTATE - ANY OPINION TO THE CONTRARY IS WRONG.
See: Vatican II (2) - Vatican II (1) - Great Apostasy led by the Jews and Vatican II (1) - Cardinal Siri (1) - Siri (1)
HazánkértCanada Online 1492 – 0956Hazánkért, 2007. 05. 15. Masons Control the VaticanAnd The Roman Catholic ChurchCompiled by Rev. F.J.G. Ragelis (1976)
Although Liberalist and Marxist infiltrators have been more active in the Roman Catholic Church in the past 50 years, with selected agents entering the seminaries as candidates for the Priesthood, the disciples of the Church kept these infected intellectuals underground, restraining any open activity. Pope John XXIII knew there were dangerous elements in the Church, and specifically to bring them out in the open, he convened the Second Vatican Council. The Council had no sooner opened when the secret elements took control. The conservative Council Fathers were unprepared and could not foresee that they would be the losers. When the documents of Vatican Council II were published, they became a tool in the hands of progressivist elements. Special commissions were created to work out what was to be changed and how the changes must be enforced under obedience. The special commissions were of course controlled by the same secret elements. Listed below are the names of Monsignors, Bishops and Cardinals who are Masons and who are working in the Vatican, From the number of them -and from the exalted posts they hold it is easy to see how they completely control the Holy Father, the Vatican and the entire Church. These are some of the men responsible for the detested changes being forced upon good Catholics all over the world today.
1. Cardinal Villot, Jean (Protector of the Church Ss-ma Trinita al Monte Pincio), Archbishop of Bosporo. Birthplace: Saint-Amant-Sallende, Diocese of Clermont; October 11, 1905; ordination April 19, 1930; consecration October 12, 1954; created and proclaimed Cardinal on February 12, 1965. Cardinal Villot is Secretary of Vatican State of His Holiness and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. Residence. Vatican City State. Cardinal Villot is Prefect of: The Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes; (president) Administrator of the Patrimony of the Holy See. Practically, Cardinal Villot controls Vatican foreign affairs and the most important Sacred Congregations. He became a Mason on August 6, 1966. [note El Universal daily in Mexico City on 10th of August 1976 published articles of the International Committee of Defense of Catholic Tradition about Cardinal Villot. It says Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Villot is one having come forth from a French family that produces, from father to son during the last two centuries Grand Masters of Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians Cardinal Jean Villot is Camerlengo. What does the Camerlengo position mean? After the death of Pope Paul VI, Villot will govern the Church until a new Pope is elected] 2. Cardinal Poletti, Ugo, Titular Bishop of Medelizi, Birthplace: In Omegna diocese of Novara, April 19, 1914; ordination June 29, 1938. Consecrated as Bishop, Sept 14, 1958. Created and proclaimed Cardinal March 5, 1973. He is the Vicar of His Holiness Pope Paul VI for the diocese of Rome and districts since March 6, 1973. Archpriest of Patriarchal Basilica of Lateran; Great Chancellor of the Pontifical University of the Lateran; member of Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and Divine Worship, member of Sacred Congregation for Priests and Religious; President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith; President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith; President and Protector of Liturgical Academy. Became a Mason on February 17, 1969. 3. Archbishop Bugnini, Annibale. Birthplace: In Civitella del Lago, diocese of Todi, June 14, 1912; was ordained in 1936 and consecrated on February 13, 1972. Bugnini was Consultant in Sacr. Congregation of Propagation of the Faith; in the Sacr. Congregation of Holy Rites in the section of Sacred Liturgy with commission; in the administrative tribunal he was a perito. Bugnini was the father of the Novus Ordo (New Order). He joined the Masons on April 23, 1963. [note: Msgr. Annibale Bugnini, author of the New Mass, was sacked in July 1975, when unquestionable proof of his being a Freemason was submitted to the Holy See. He has not even been publicly reproved, despite his being subject to automatic excommunication because of his being a Freemason. Archbishop Bugnini continues to exercise a diplomatic function in Iran on behalf of the Vatican. 4. Msgr. Biffi, Franco, Chaplain of the Holy Father and since Oct. 29, 1970. Rector of the Pontifical University of the Lateran. He was initiated into the Masonic Rite on Aug. 15, 1959. 5. Archbishop Casaroli, Agostino, Titular Archbishop of Cartagine. Birthplace: In Castel S. Giovanni, in the diocese of Piacenza, Nov. 24, 1914; ordained on May 29, 1937. Consecrated July 16, 1967, prelatus Domesticus, Secretary of Public Affairs of the Church; Consultor of Sacr. Congregation of Bishops; member of the Commission for Russia; Consultor of Pontifical Commission for Revision of Canon Law; member of Pontifical Commission for Latin America; member of Pontifical Commission for Emigration and Tourism; Sub-secretary of Vatican State on Extraordinary Affairs. Initiated in to the Masonic Rite on Sept. 28, 1957 6. Msgr. Macchi, Pasquale, Prelate of Honour of the Holy Father since June 13, 1964. Minutante of the second class, minor official of 1st grade of Vatican State. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on April 23, 1958. Msgr. Macchi is the private Secretary of the Pope, on whom he depends in order to write speeches and private correspondence. 7. Msgr. Rizzi, Mario, Prelate of the Holy Father since January 21, 1969. Chief of the Office; major official of 2nd class of Sacred Congregation of Oriental Church. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on September 16, 1969 8. Archbishop Brini, Mario. Birthplace; in Piombino, diocese of Massa Marittima, May 11, 1908; ordained June 29, 1938.; consecrated Jan. 28, 1962. Secretary of Sacred Congregation of Oriental Church; member of Pontifical Commission for Russia; Consultor of Commission for Christian Union; Consultor of Pontifical Commission for Revision of Canon Law and for Canon Law of Oriental Church; member of Administration for Convertites; Prelate of all Sacred Congregations. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on July 13, 1969. 9. Msgr. Pinto, Pio Vito, Attache of Secretary of State of Second Class. Notare of 2nd Section of Supreme Tribunal and of Apostolic Signature. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on April 2, 1970 and has monogram initials V.I.P. as very important person. 10. Msgr. Marschiasano, Francesco (from Turin), Prelate of Honour of the Holy Father since Feb. 29, 1972. Sub-secretary of Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities of Study. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on Feb. 4, 1961. 11. Msgr. Virgilio, (Levi) Lovino, Prelatus Domesticus, President of Commission of Sacred Art. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on July 4, 1958. Fr, Virgilio is Assistant Director of L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily paper. 12. Fr. Virgilio, Noe, Vicar General of Fratres de Misericordia. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on June 13, 1959 13. Fr. Alessandro, Gottardi (G. Dv. Pietro). Procurator and Postulator General of Fratelli Maristi. Initiated into the Masonic Rite, on June 13, 1959 14. Bishop Angelini, Fiorenzo, Titular Bishop of Messene. Birthplace: In Rome, Aug 1, 1916; ordained February 3, 1940; consecrated July 19, 1956. Commendator di Spirito Sancto; delegate of Cardinal Vicar of Rome for hospitals. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on Oct, 1957. 15. Cardinal Baggio, Sebastiano (efeso), Protector of the Church Angeli Custodi, Titular Archbishop of Caglari. Birthplace: In Rosa, diocese of Vicenza, May 16, 1913. Ordained Dec. 21, 1935; consecrated on July 26, 1953. From 1964 was in Brazil as Apostolic Nuncio. Created and proclaimed as Cardinal on April 28, 1969. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on Aug. 14, 1957. Cardinal Baggio is the Prefect of the Roman Curia Congregation of Bishops. He controls Bishops. 16. Cardinal Pellegrino, Michele (Turin), Protector of the Church SS-mo Nome di-Gesu, Archbishop of Turin. Birthplace: In Centallo, diocese of Fossano, April 25, 1903; created and proclaimed as Cardinal on June 26, 1967. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on May 2, 1960. 17. Cardinal Suenens, Leo, Josef. Birthplace: In Ixelles, archdiocese of Mechelen Brussels, July 16, 1904; ordained Sept. 4, 1927. Consecrated March 19, 1962, with title and Protector of St. Peter in Chains; created and proclaimed as Cardinal March 19, 1962. He worked as Cardinal in Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide, Congregation of Rites and Ceremonies, and Congregation of Seminaries and University Studies. Was in Pontifical Commission for Revision of Canon Law; was delegate and moderator of Vatican II Council; had been affiliated with Pentecostalism. Initiated into the Masonic Rite on June 15, 1967. CANON LAW TELLS A. An election must begin between the 16th day and the 19th day after the death of the Pope (Canon 84) B. The Cardinal Dean asks the elected Cardinal if he will accept the office C. During the Vacancy, the exercise of supreme authority in the Church is suspected. D. The Cardinal Camerlengo with three Cardinals composes a special congregation (Canon 85). NOTE: The Cardinal Camerlengo presides over the Apostolic Camera. After having assured himself of the death of the Pope, and after having published the death notice, he takes possession of and assumed the government of the Apostolic Palace. He also sees to the safeguarding of the rights of the Holy See. E. At the vacancy of the Holy See, the college of Cardinals and the Roman Curia have no other power that that of the Constitution of Pius XII (see Canon Law, Text and Commentary, pg. 153.) The Constitution abrogates all other previous ordinances. * A. The Cardinals cannot change Church Laws B. Two special congregations of Cardinals, one general and one special are to transact business in order to arrange the Conclave C. The following Cardinals retain their powers: (a) The Cardinals Camerariou. At their head is the Cardinal Camerlengo J. Villot) (b) The Major Penitentiary, for urgent cases; forum conscientiae (c) The Cardinal Chancellor (d) The Cardinal Vicar of Rome (e) The Legates (f) The Nuncios (g) The Apostolic Delegates (h) The Papal Almoner D. The Secretary of State expires and is taken by the Secretary of the Sacred Colleges E. The Sacred College governs the Vatican State F. The Sacred Congregations have no power (see pg. 153 of Canon Law) G. The Tribunal of the Rota and the Signature retain their jurisdiction (no. 24228). Msgr. Pinto Pio Vito is the Mason who holds power of Signatura and does not lose power during the Sede Vacante, i.e. after the Popes death H. The right to elect the Pope belongs exclusively to the Cardinals I. Simony is severely condemned under excommunication, but does not invalidate the election J. Immediately upon his acceptance, the elected Cardinal acquires, by Divine Law, the full power of Jurisdiction MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: 1. HIGH RANKING CHURCH OFFICIALS OF THE VATICAN, ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS ARE ACCUSED OF BEING PART OF MASONRY (El Universal of Mexico, August 10, 1976) Geneva (Agence France Presse). High-ranking Church officials in the Vatican and Archbishops and Bishops of different countries are militant members of Freemasonry, as was denounced yesterday here by theInternational Committee of Defence of Catholic Tradition. Among them figure none other than some of the principal collaborators of the Pope, such as the Secretary of the Holy Father, Msgr. Pasquale Macchi, the Vatican diplomat Agostino Casaroli and the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Msgr Jean Villot. This presence of the enemies of the Church, in the internal structure of the Church forms a part of the mystery of iniquity and should be unmasked, the international organisation affirmed. The list of prelates accused of being Masons was published by the International Committee of Defence of Catholic Tradition which is formed, as it is affirmed, by renowned personalities of different nations who are identifies in all the force of their Faith as theologians in unity with Catholic Tradition The Integralists, who propose for themselves (to defend the Traditional Church), directly mention the Vatican Secretary of State, Jean Villot, as one having come forth from a French family that produces, from father to son during the last two centuries, Grand Masters of Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians Other high-ranking dignitaries of the Church accused by the International Traditionalist Organisation are the Primate of Belgium, Leo Suenens; the Vicar of His Holiness for the diocese of Rome, Ugo Poletti; the Archbishop of Turin, Michele Pellegrino; and the Prefect of the Roman Curia Congregation of Bishops, Cardinal Baggio. The International Committee of Defense Of Catholic Tradition, after indicating that the Bishop of Lille (Nord, France), Achille Lienart, also belongs to Freemasonry, publicly gave out the same accusation against other bishops. The well-known Vatican diplomat Msgr. Agostino Casaroli and the Private Secretary of the Pope, Msgr. Pasquale Macchi, are also both Masons, according to the International Committee of Defence of Catholic Tradition. Msgr. Casaroli is qualified as the Kissinger of Vatican diplomacy, the great artisan of the opening up to the (Communist) East and all of the scandalous destitution of Cardinal Mindszenty 2. El Universal of Mexico, August 10, 1976 Paris (Agence France Presse). Some French literary personalities sent a letter to Pope Paul VI, published yesterday here by the conservative Le Figaro, asking him to reconsider the sanctions applied to the Traditionalist Bishop Archbishop Lefèbvre. They added that Pope John XIII „esteemed and loved”Lefèbvre, and they indicated later on in the letter: „They are being celebrated everywhere and with impunity certain strange Masses, sometimes ecumenical ones, that have absolutely nothing to do with the Mass of Pope Paul VI.” -- Then it would seem that any and all Eucharistic celebrations be tolerated, save the traditional Mass. Prepared by Rev. F.J.G. Ragelis ![]() Additional Copies -- if still available -- from: Christian Book Club of America Post Office Box 900566 Palmdale, California 9590 |
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