Part I
SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA AND THE LEBANON SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA AND THE LEBANON A CONSIDERATION OF THEIR ORIGIN, CREEDS AND RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES, AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH AND IN- FLUENCE UPON MODERN FREEMASONRY By BERNARD H. SPRINGETT, P.M., P.Z. LONDON: GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD- RUSKIN HOUSE, 40 MUSEUM STREET, First published in 1922 (All rights reserved) Printed in Great Britain by BROTHERS* LIMITED, THB GRESHAM PRESS^ LONDON AND WOKINO INTRODUCTION A SURPRISING amount of scorn and ridicule has been the reception accorded by Freemasons, both in Great Britain and in America, to previous attempts to place on record some very plain proofs that we are justified in saying in our Masonic Ritual that " we came from the East and proceeded to the West/ 1 The plain fact that much of what we now look upon almost entirely as Freemasonry has been practised as part and parcel of the religions of the Middle East for many thousands of years, lies open for anyone who cares to stop and read, instead of running by. But it is frequently and scornfully rejected by the average Masonic student, and this seems to betoken an unwillingness to credit Masonry with an existence of more than two or three hundred years at most. It is painful to those who, like myself, take a justifiable pride in the antiquity of Masonry, far exceeding that of any other religion in the world known to mankind, to hear it so frequently condemned as completely legendary. In the following pages I have attempted to bring together, from a very large number of sources, reliable evidence as to the prevalence amongst the inhabitants, ancient and modern, of Syria in general and the mountains of the Lebanon in particular, of various ceremonial rites, manners and customs. These, with the accompanying initiations, signs, pass-words and grips, together with the allegorical and symbolical language ^employed, seem to me' to point 'to' an extremely remote origin, and I hope some of my readers, at least, may be equally convinced. So far, as some writers would like us to believe, from the Templars who took part in the Crusades leaving behind them among the Arabian and Syrian tribes they came in contact with some traces of Masonry, we can see, plainly enough, that they, on the contrary, found 6 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA own Masonic knowledge strengthened considerably by what they came in touch with in the East. Thus, on their return to their native land, a natural result would be some develop- ment of the extremely ancient ritual of the Druids, remnants of that Stellar Cult which seems to be the true source of Freemasonry, which extended by the influencing visits of Phoenician merchants, had been carefully preserved and added to by the loving care of Alfred and Athelstan, as proved by reliable documents in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. Still further revised and modernized, altered in certain attributes of the symbolism, altered, very materially of course, in language, Freemasonry in its present form has preserved for us unchanged, as being unchangeable, the Ancient Landmarks, for some of which Enoch might even have been responsible, as claimed by our traditions. The late Mr. A. L. Rawson, the American artist who illustrated several books on classical mythology for J. W. Bouton, the New York publisher of Isis Unveiled? wrote for Madam Blavatsky a long description, which will be found further on in this present work, of his initiation into the Druse sect, which gave me my first incentive to research into Syrian Masonry. Mr. Rawson was very enthusiastic indeed on the resemblances he found in the Druse system with that of Freemasonry, but his views met with such ridicule among American Masons that he considered it would be a thankless and hopeless task to publish anything further on the subject with a view to educating them. The Rev. Haskett Smith, when reading a similarly interesting and carefully prepared paper before the learned " Ars Quatuor Coronatorum " met with equal coldness. It will be seen from the note on the subject in the Appendix that while only one learned Brother could praise the author, and he only because he had introduced a fresh line of research, several were prompt enough to ridicule his propositions ! Lyde, Taylor, and Von Hammer, in the innumerable traces 'their very interesting works have supplied me with of a connection between Syrian religions and Masonry, have themselves only found therein occasions for pouring contempt on the practices of Freemasonry, as imitating the debasing customs INTRODUCTION 7 of the Syrian tribes as it appeared to their non-Masonic souls that all initiatory customs were only a prelude to debauchery and excess. How much more we might have gathered with regard to the subject of our inquiry, the prevalence of Masonic rites amongst these tribes, had these learned authors been themselves Freemasons ! Nor have later writers on Masonry developed this connection with Syria as they might have been expected to do. Yarker has given only certain references where one might J^ave expected him to go thoroughly into the subject. (Waite, the great writer on mystic Masonry, with probably the profoundest knowledge of ritual and tradition possessed by anyone, would seem to have carefully avoided any endeavour to confirm traditions, but rather to have discussed resemblances, and explained symbolisms, on a groundwork of mediaeval institution. Dr. Oliver refers to traditions as if he believed in them, and took them as having, at least, a vestige of foundation in fact. But most modern Masonic authors treat him as visionary. Churchward went at length, in his Arcana of Freemasonry, into the undoubted antiquity of the signs, tokens and words used in modern Masonry, and traced back their connection through all the ages with the Stellar Cult of antediluvian times. But one may well ask: "Who has believed his report ? " On the contrary, the average Freemason, at any rate in this country, seems quite willing to be told that all the ancient allusions in our rituals are purely traditional, have no actual foundation in fact or history, and are all due to the imagination of those who compiled our present rituals and constitutions, some- where in the eighteenth century. Take, for instance, the Rosicrucians. One would have thought that either Waite or Wynn Westcott, while clearly showing the influence of the Arabian alchemists on the writings and researches of European disciples, would have associated the establishment by Christian Rosen- Kreutz of a " House of the Holy Spirit, " on his return from his sojourn in the East, as a very natural result of his becoming acquainted, while passing through Egypt (the only available route for him from Damascus to Fez), with the " House of Wisdom " at Cairo. There can be little doubt in the minds of those 8 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA who study intelligently the Rosicrucian rituals, and reflect thereon, that the close connection between Freemasonry and Alchemy which they find revealed is due to the teaching he received, during his Eastern wanderings, from Arabian Freemasons, still holding to their Masonic tenets, even if the " House " itself had been ruthlessly destroyed some hundred years earlier. I am dealing with this question more fully in a subsequent chapter, as I am convinced that herein we find a very strong corroboration of my contentions that to Asia in general and to Syria in particular, we must look for the source of Masonic tradition and ritual. It is a vast subject, and has involved research in the works of a large number of writers, as will be seen from the Bibliography I include in the present volume. It has been necessary, as a background, to survey the ancient Magian schools, an inheritance from the earliest prehistoric times, and to trace their influence, in Arabia, Persia and Egypt ; on the early Syrian Gnostics, and on the Jews during their Babylonian captivity, whence they evidently derived their Kabalistic philosophy. We shall have to glance, if only cursorily, at the doctrines and practices of sects which, at first sight, may appear to have so little in common. These include the Druids, the Manicheans and Gnostics, with all their developments traceable through to the Pythagorean system : the Templars ; the Essenes, Therapeutae, Nazarenes, and their modern representatives, the Mandaites, or Christians of St. John ; the Sabeans, Nabatheans and Samaritans ; the Sufeites, and the various Dervish Orders ; the secret sects of Islam, the Ismaeli, Batenians, Karmatians, and Metawileh ; the Lodge of Wisdom at Cairo, the Assassins, the Nusairis, and the Druses. The links in each case have lain ready to hand throughout the ages. All that was needed was some loving and careful hand to attempt to weld them into an homogeneous chain, strong enough to bear the strain of keen criticism from the majority of my Masonic brethren which I am willing and prepared to brave, in the hopes that some, perchance, may be strengthened in their own convictions by the perusal of these pages. It has been largely a task of collating the writings of INTRODUCTION 9 others, putting them, as it were, in a fresh setting with the points of view of other authors. There should be a gain in lucidity and value, when a comparison is presented, or a condensation made, of that which has been noticed and described by men thoroughly engrossed in the subject they have written about, in the majority of cases, from a non- Masonic view-point. In order to ascertain more clearly the reasons for many points of ritual in whic'i will be found the connections with modern Freemasonry, it has been necessary to deal at some length with the Creeds of Mohammedans, Nusairis, and Druses. But this of itself will no doubt be found an interesting study by most of those who purchase and read this volume, who are interested in Craft Ritual, or in the symbolism of the higher Masonic Degrees. In this earnest hope I leave myself and my labours in their kindly hands. In the preparation of this work I have benefited laigely by the kind suggestions of my good friend, Mr. William Tait, of Belfast, and through him I have had access to some useful notes of the late Mr. A. L. Rawson. I am most grateful also to W. Bro. W. J. Songhurst, the Librarian and Secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, for permission to reprint Mr. Haskett Smith's paper on The Druses ; and to the Theo- sophical Society, for permission to reprint an article by Madam Blavatsky. I have endeavoured to give full attribu- tion to the many authors, alive or dead, from whom I have quoted at more or less length, especially Miss Lucy Garnett, whose unique details with regard to Dervish ceremonies I have so fully made use of. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION 5 I. THE ROOT PRINCIPLES OF ALL FREEMASONRY . . . 15 II. THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 21 III. THE ANTIQUITY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE LEBANON . 34 IV. THE SABEANS, WORSHIPPERS OF THE POLE STAR . . 43 V. THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS .... 52 VI. OTHER GNOSTIC SECTS: THE OPHITES, BASILIDEANS, AND FOLLOWERS OF SIMON MAGUS 6l VII. THE SCHIITE SECTS : SUFEISM AND THE DERVISH ORDERS 68 VIII. INITIATION RITES AMONG THE DERVISHES ... 75 IX. OTHER SCHIITE SECTS : THE METAWILEH .... 83 X. THE SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS . . 89 XI. PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM 98 XII. THE ISMAELI AND THEIR VARIOUS BRANCHES : ORIGIN OF THE ASSASSINS IOJ XIII. THE ASSASSINS Il6 XIV. THE MOHAMMEDAN CREED ; FROM AN ORIGINAL ARABIC CONFESSION OF FAITH 123 XV. THE FIRST FOUR CALIPHS AND THE TWELVE IMAUMS . 133 XVI. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSA1RIS . . . 140 XVII. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS Continued . 154 XVIII. RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS . . . .165 XIX. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND DEEPER MYSTERIES OF THE NUSAIRI RELIGION 175 XX. THE " HOUSE OF WISDOM " AT CAIRO, AND THE FOUNDING OF THE DRUSE SECT BY EL DORAZI AND HAMZEH . l8o 11 12 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA CHAPTER PAGE XXI. THE RELIGION OF THE DRUSES 1 88 XXII. RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES OF THE DRUSES .... ig8 XXIII. RELIGIOUS CREED OF THE DRUSES 2O8 XXIV. RESEMBLANCE OF THE DRUSE RELIGION TO THIBETAN LAMAISM 234 XXV. THE RELATION OF THE DRUSES TO FREEMASONRY . 248 XXVI. THE YEZIDIS, OR DEVIL-WORSHIPPERS .... 259 XXVII. MODERN ARABIAN FREEMASONRY 270 XXVIII. SYRIAN INFLUENCES ON MODERN FREEMASONRY . . 275 XXIX. SYRIAN INFLUENCES ON THE ORDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE . 288 BIBLIOGRAPHY 297 APPENDIX- NEW YEAR'S EVE CEREMONY AMONG THE MANDATTES 303 THE NUSAIRI FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS, OR MEELAD 308 THE NUSAIRI FESTIVAL OF NUROOZ . . . . 310 MOHAMMEDAN FESTIVAL OF MOHURRAM . . 3IO LAMENTATIONS FOR ADONIS 311 DISCUSSION OF IIASKE1T SMITH'S PATER ON THE DRUSES 312 FAITH HEALING AMONG THE DRUSES . . . 313 THE TWO PILLARS OF NIMROD 314 TWO PILLARS IN THE CASTLE OF HARAN . . . 315 THE TWO PILLARS OF SETH 315 JACHIN AND BOAZ 316 LEGENDS OF ENOCH 317 MOSES' KNOWLEDGE OF ASTRONOMY . . . . 318 DISPUTE BETWEEN ADAM AND MOSES , . .318 MOSES DID NOT TEACH THE DOCTRINE OF IMMORTALITY 319 CONTENTS 18 PAGE APPENDIX (continued) ELIAS THE FOUNDER OF THE ESSENES . . . 319 THE ANCIENT BOOK OF JASHER 319 CLASSIFICATION OF THE TEMPLE WORKMEN . .320 JEWISH FREEMASONRY IN THE BABYLONISH CAPTIVITY 32! GNOSTIC EMPHASIS ON " RIGHT " AND " LEFT " . 32! THE SPIRIT OF GNOSTICISM 322 PORPHYRY 322 MANES MEANS COMFORTER 323 GEBA1L, THE ANCIENT BYBLUS 323 ANTIQUITY OF SIDON 333 RUINS NEAR MARAH, WITH MASONS' MARKS . . 324 ANCIENT OLIVE GROVES OF SYRIA . . . .324 AQUEDUCT OF SEMIRAMIS 324 THE MYTH OF THE PHCENIX 325 WORSHIP OF THE PEACOCK 326 THE TRIQUETRA AND PENTALPHA .... 327 THE SANCTITY OF THE TREFOIL 328 EASTERN IDEAS OF PARADISE 328 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SEVEN ARCHANGELS 329 ORIGIN OF THE KORAN 330 CREATION OF THE KORAN 330 ORIGIN OF THE SWASTIKA 33! CIRCUMAMBULATING THE LODGE . . . 331 CIRCUIT WITH THE SUN, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT . 332 THE THREE STEPS OF VISHNU 332 ORIENTATION OF LODGES 333 MASONIC TRACING-BOARDS AND ANCIENT CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 333 RELIGIOUS WORK OF THE ANCIENT FREEMASONS . 335 14 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA PAGE APPENDIX (continued) PATRIARCHAL SOURCE OF FREEMASONRY . . . 336 TRANSITION FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN INITIATIONS 336 KHONX-OM-PAX 337 THREE STARS OF ORION'S BELT 337 SYRIAN USE OF TOBACCO 337 FAMA FRATERNITATIS I THE FOUNDING OF THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER 338 KABALISM 340 THE TEMPLE AND THE CHURCH 340 MASONIC MEETING IN A MOSQUE .... 341 PRINCIPAL AUTHORS QUOTED 343 INDEX 345 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA CHAPTER I THE ROOT PRINCIPLES OF ALL FREEMASONRY " FROM the commencement of the world/' says William Pieston, 1 " we may trace the foundation of Masonry. Ever since symmetry began, and harmony displayed her charms, our Order has had a being. During many ages, and in many different countries, it has flourished. No art, no science, preceded it. In the dark periods of antiquity, when literature was in a low state, and the rude manners of our forefathers withheld from them that knowledge we now so amply share, Masonry diffused its influence. This science unveiled, arts arose, civilization took place, and the pi ogress of knowledge and philosophy gradually dispelled the gloom of ignorance and barbarism. Government being settled, authority was given to law r s, and the assemblies of the fraternity acquired the patronage of the great and the good, while the tenets of the profession diffused unbounded utility. " Masonry is a science confined to no particular country, but ifextends over the whole terrestrial globe. Wherever arts flourish, there it flourishes too, and by secret and in- violable signs, carefully preserved among the fraternity, it becomes a universal language. The distant Chinese, the wild Arab, and the American savage will embrace a brother Briton. The universal principles of the art unite in one indissoluble bond of affection men of the most opposite tenets, of the most distant countries, and of the most contradictory opinions ; so that in every nation a Mason will find a friend, and in every climate a home/ 1 * Illustrations of Masonry, p. 6. London, 1801. 15 16 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA No matter what degree of Masonry we are concerned with, or in whatever country Masonic rites are practised, the groundwork is ever the same, the Immortality of the Soul, symbolized more or less dramatically by the death of a victim, and the methods to be adopted to restore that victim to life, of another kind. In tracing, therefore, the antecedents of our present ritual we must endeavour to find the earliest mention of this doctrine of the Resurrection. The story of the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and the Ascension would appear to have been clearly foreshadowed, and pictorially represented, some two hundred thousand years before our Christian era ! The combined discoveries of geologists and Oriental scholars and decipherers of cunei- form inscriptions leave no room for doubt on this important point. A pictograph reproduced by Dr. Churchward, 1 taken from some ruins in Central America, which he reckons to be over two hundred thousand years old, " represents the Crucifixion during the period of the Stellar Cult, and shows a victim crucified on the two Poles, North and South. The hieroglyphics state that this is the GOD of the North and the South, the Great One of the Seven Glorious Ones (attributes). A Crown of Thorns is depicted on his head. His side is pierced with a spear, from whence blood and water is falling on his spiritual name, which, in Egyptian, is Amsu. He is supported by his four brothers, Amsta, Hapi, Taumutf, and Kabhsenuf, four ' Living Creatures ' represented else- where in primeval drawings by a Lion, a Calf, a Man, and an Eagle, symbols of the Four Evangelists : seen by St. John in his Apocalyptic vision : and also handed down to us, in the ritual of the Royal Arch, as the Banners of the four armies of the Israelites. This Crucified Deity was known by different names in different countries, namely : Horus, of the Stellar Cult of the Egyptians ; Huitzilopochtli, of the Astecs ; Zipe, of the Zapotics ; Hacaxipectli, of Guate- mala ; Ptah-Seker-Ausar, of the Egyptians, in their Solar Cult ; Tien-hwang Ta-Tici, of the Chinese ; Merodach, of the Babylonians ; lu, or Ea, of the Chaldeans, Assyrians and Druids of Britain ; Uiracocha, of the Peruvians, and many other names in various parts of the world ; yet all 1 Arcana of Freemasonry, p. 41. ROOT PRINCIPLES OF AIX* FREEMASONRY 17 one and the same, as proved by the same signs and symbols always associated with him, in whatever part of the world found." I From these ancient pictures, from hieroglyphics in Egypt and Central and South Ameiica, above all from the deciphering of the Book of the Dead, with its complete Ritual of the Ancient Mysteries, we know for certain that, ages before the Flood, our primeval brethfcrn were assembling in the forerunners of Masonic Lodges, using signs, symbols, and secret words, many of which are still in use in our own Lodges : that they had three^ principal degrees, and thirty- three in all : that their temples were built in the form of a double cube : and that there were always two pillars at the entrance to these temples. But to deal with Masonry at this early period of the world's history is not within the scope of the present work. Those who need convincing proof of the extreme antiquity of the Masonic ritual should study Dr. Churchward's two books closely, 2 and also the Book of the Dead, of which an admirable translation has been prepared by Dr. Wallis Budge. According to this Book of the Dead,* the builders of temples, who were the first originals of our Brotherhood, and who were initiated into the Lesser Mysteries, were called Craftsmen and Companions. At the time of the Stellar Cult a body of these Craftsmen, it is recorded, left Egypt and travelled into the Land of Chaldea. The Stellar Cult became merged in the Solar Cult. The Sun and Moon in addition to the Seven Stars became part and parcel of the religion of the country. Then followed the Great Deluge, which appears to have left Syria the centre of the habitable earth, to carry Masonry back again into Egypt through the agency of the Shepherd Kings. With the introduction of the Sun as an object of worship, as symbolical of the Grand Architect of the Universe, and representing to His human creatures the magnificence of His Glory and Power, came a change of name of that All-powerful Deity from Horus, GOD of the North Pole-Star, to El-Shaddai, GOD of the South Pole-Star. Here we find the origin of Operative, as distinct 1 Churchward's Arcana of Freemasonry, p. 42. Arcana of Freemasonry and Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man. 3 Book of the Deaa, chap. Ixxx. 2 18 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA from Speculative, Freemasonry, as we have it at the present day. iAey~us the same name for the Deity : they salute the rising sun with the seven-fold salute which was originally Stellar, but continued as an early Solar custom : they have a circular altar in the centre exactly under the plumb-line which comes down fiom the God of the Pole Star North. El-Shaddai was the Phoenician name for Sut, to whom the Egyptians erected the Second Pyramid, the First being dedicated to Horus, the North Polar Star, called by the Chaldeans "Jtao/' probably from " lu," one of the Egyptian names for Horus. Both lao and El-Shaddai were divine names in use amongst the Phoenicians. Whilst the Sacred Name of lao, as well as its Egyptian origin, lu, developed amongst the Hebrews into Jah, and its extension, Jahovah as handed down in the ritual of the Royal Arch Degree, the Druids in Britain worshipped the Deity under the names of lau and Hu. Here, then, would seem to be convincing proof, sufficient one would think for the most sceptical of English Masons, that it is to the Phoenicians, journeying from the East to the Western Isles, that we owe knowledge of signs, symbols, and words, unchanged in most respects, certainly in the more important aspects, from those used by our extremely ancient brethren, in pre-historic ages. If further proof is wanted of the Eastern source of our rituals let us again turn to the Royal Arch Degree which, while commemorating Masonry as practised by the Jews in their Babylonian captivity, makes use of certain words long anterior to that epoch. Probably few Egyptian scholars will attempt to refute the fact that the Chaldee words made use of in Royal Arch Masonry were in use, of a certainty, in this country, at least a hundred years before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone enabled the ancient Chaldee language to be read, by deciphering Babylonian and Assyrian tablets. Obviously, therefore, such words as were used in our rituals must have been transmitted orally. And if transmitted orally, it very naturally follows, equally plainly one would think, that they have been transmitted from the age when they were in use as the Babylonian and Chaldee language, that is, before the conquest by the Persians, and their introduction of their own language. I am a member of two ROOT PRINCIPLES OF ALL FREEMASONRY 19 Orders of extreme antiquity, both closely allied to Masonry, though probably unknown to the large majority of English Freemasons, too many of whom seem to imagine that the three Craft Degrees constitute the sum total of Masonry. In both of these the Sacred Name lao is employed in speaking of the Almighty Father of the Universe, in one accompanied by the ancient Chaldean words Khonx-Om-Pax, 1 following the Egyptian words Khabs-Am-Pekht, a very significant proof of the antiquity of the source from which this particular ritual is derived. The other Order to which I refer claims to have preserved its ritual from the inhabitants of the submerged Atlantis. And however remote may seem this origin, it is a peculiar fact that the symbolical representation of the Sun and the Moon in this Order, the arrangement of the Temple, and much of the ritual, would appear to synchronize solely with the very earliest hieroglyphic descriptions of both Stellar and Solar worship. The universality of the science, to which attention is called in our Masonic ritual, is evidenced by the unexpected quarters in which Masonic signs and secrets are suddenly found available. While the Solar ritual alluded to just above is in many respects similar to one in use amongst the Aborigines of Australia, the three steps of our First Degree will admit one, it is said on good authority, to the innermost and most sacred shrines of certain Hindu temples. Later on in this work will be found an instance of the Five Points of Fellowship being hailed with delight by the Nusairi, as showing that their visitor was indeed a Brother Mason. My own sponsor in Masonry, when prospecting in Mexico, was received into blood-brotherhood by the chief of an Indian tribe far remote from civilization, with signs, unknown to him then, but afterwards entrusted to him when being made a Knight of Malta. Scotch Masons may be interested to learn that in some extremely ancient remains of a Druidic temple at Glammis, the Five Points of Fellowship are very clearly defined on a stone known locally as the Gravestone of Malcolm II, but certainly of much earlier date than his reign, which ended, in 1302. Here this world-wide sign of Masonic brotherhood 1 See Appendix. 20 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA is surmounted by a square vessel, into which two forms are disappearing, only their legs showing, a solstitial symbol of the commencing of a fresh year which we may presume it was thus hoped would be distinguished for an especial display of brotherly love. And on surrounding stones are to be be found emblems showing a very close connection with the symbolical religions of the Hindus and other Asiatic peoples of the earliest pre-historic origin. CHAPTER II THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES " THE institution of the Mysteries/' says G. S. Mead, "is the most interesting phenomenon in the study of religion. The idea of antiquity was that there was something to be known in religion, secrets or mysteries into which it was possible to be initiated ; that there was a gradual process of unfolding in thjng^jeligious ; in fine, that thertTw as a~ science of the soul, a knowledge of things unseen. " A persistent tradition in connection with all the great Mystery-institutions was that their several founders were the introducers of all the arts of civilization ; that they were either themselves gods or were instructed in them by the gods in brief, that they were men of far greater knowledge than any who had come after ; they were the teachers of infant races. And not only did they teach them the arts, but they instructed them in the nature of the gods of the human soul, and the unseen world, and set forth how the world came into existence and much else/ 1 1 The first and most important secret of the Mysteries, whether celebrated in Eastern Asia, Egypt, or Greece, was, of course, that which is the grandest truth in theJUniverse^ the absolute Unity in Trinity oT^GoD, and His Eternal" Nature, apart from all other existences. The second was the existence of the Holy_ Spirit, the femina nature of the Deity, and the medium by which all creation was made manifest. The third secret was the Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection and^Ascension of the Third Person of the Trinity arid the " Blessed hope of Everlasting Life/ 1 thereby revealed to the human race. These principles were only in part communicated to those initiated into the Lesser Mysteries, 1 Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, p. 46. London, 1906. 21 22 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA a full revelation being rigidly preserved for those privileged to obtain admission into the Greater Mysteries: Epiphanius says that Enoch l was the founder of the Mysteries, although he does not say whether of the Lesser, the Greater, or of both. Under the name of Mithraic Worship, the Supreme Deity was symbolized for adoration as the Sun, which the name Mithras signifies, while it also, if taken at its numerical value in the Greek letters, produced the number 365, the days of the year, just as does the name Abraxas of the Gnostics, and Belenos, the name given to the Sun in ancient Gaul. On Mithraic monuments we find representations of the globe of the sun, the club, and the bull, symbols of the highest truth, the highest creative activity, and the highest vital power. Such a Trinity agrees with that of Plato, which consists of the Supreme Good, The Word, and the Soul of the World : with that of Hermes Trismegistus, consisting of Light, Intelligence and Soul ; and with that of Porphyry, which consists of Father, Word and Supreme Soul. The religion of the Magi, says Franz Curnont, the great authority on Mithraism, 1 "which was the highest blossom of the genius of Iran, exercised a deep influence on Occidental culture at three different periods. In the first place, Parseeism had made a very distinct impression on Judaism in its formative stage, and several of its cardinal doctrines were disseminated by Jewish colonists throughout the entire basin of the Mediterranean, and subsequently even forced themselves on Orthodox Catholicism." " The influence of Mazdaism on European thought was still more direct when Asia Minor was conquered by the Romans. Here, from time immemorial, colonies of Magi who had migrated from Babylon lived in obscurity, and welding together their traditional beliefs and the doctrines of the Grecian thinkers, had elaborated, little by little, in these barbaric regions a religion original despite its complexity. At the beginning of our era we see this religion suddenly emerging from the darkness, and pressing forward, rapidly 1 See Appendix : " Legend of Enoch." a Mysteries oj Mithra, American translation, Chicago, 1903 : preface to the French edition. THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 28 and simultaneously, into the valleys of the Danube and the Rhine, and even into the heart of Italy. The nations of the Occident felt vividly the superiority of the Mazdean faith over their ancient national creeds, and the populace thronged to the altars of the exotic god. But the progress of the conquering religion was checked when it came in contact with Christianity. The two adversaries discovered with amazement, but with no inkling of their origin, the similarities which united them. The defeat which ensued for Mithraism was not due entirely to the superiority of the evangelical ethics, nor to that of the Apostolic doctrine regarding the teaching of the Mysteries ; it perished, not only because it was encumbered with the onerous heritage of a superannuated past, but also because its liturgy and its theology had retained too much of its Asiatic colouring to be accepted by the Latin spirit without repugnance. For a converse reason the same battle, waged in the same epoch in Persia between these same two rivals, was without success, if not without honour, for the Christians ; and in the realms of the Sassanids Zoroastrianism never once was in serious danger of being overthrown." The defeat of Mithraism did not, however, utterly annihilate its power. It had prepared the minds of the Occident for the reception of a new faith which, like itself, came also from the banks of the Euphrates, and which resumed hostilities with entirely different tactics. Mani- cheism appeared as its successor. This was the final assault made by Persia on the Occident an assault more sanguinary than the preceding, but one which was ultimately destined to be repulsed by the powerful resistance offered to it by the Christian empire. A scrupulous respect for the traditional practices of their sect characterized the Magi of Asia Minor, and continued to be manifested with unabated ardour among their Latin successors. On the downfall of paganism the latter still took pride in worshipping the gods according to the ancient Persian rites which Zoroaster is said to have instituted. These rites sharply distinguished their religion from all others that were practised at the same time in Rome, and prevented its Persian origin from ever being forgotten. 24 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Amongst the few reliable details that have been preserved for us of the Mithraic ceremonies, a text of -St. Jerome, confirmed by a series of inscriptions, informs us that there were seven degrees of initiation, and that the mystic successively assumed the name of Raven, Occult, Soldier, Lion, Persian, Runner of the Sun, and Father. On the bas-reliefs they are represented in garbs suitable to those titles, which, or something similar, appear to have been common survivals of an extremely primitive cult amongst all nations of antiquity. The seven degrees of initiation through which the candidate was forced to pass, in order to acquire perfect wisdom and purity, answered to the seven planetary spheres which the soul was forced to traverse in order to reach the abode of the blessed. From being Ravens the initiated were promoted to the ranks of Occult in which, hidden by a veil, they remained invisible to the rest of the congregation, to exhibit them constituting a special and solemn rite. The Soldier formed part of the sacred militia of the invincible god, and waged war under his direction on the powers of evil. The dignity of Persian recalled the first origin of the Mazdean religion, and he who obtained it assumed, during the sacred ceremonies, the Oriental custom of wearing the Phrygian cap, which had also been bestowed on Mithra. The latter having been identified with the Sun, his servitors invested themselves with the name of Runner of the Sun (Heliodromoi) ; lastly, the title of Fathers was borrowed from the Greeks, among whom this honorable appellation frequently designated the directors of the community. In this septuple division of the rite, according to Porphyry, the taking of the first three degrees did not authorize participa- tion in the Mysteries. These Initiates, comparable to the Christian Catechumens, were the servants (Huperetountes). Only those who had received the Lion degree became Participants (Metechontes) and it is for this reason that the grade of Leo is mentioned more frequently in the inscriptions than any other. Finally, at the summit of the hierarchy were placed the Fathers (Patres Sacrorum) who appear to have presided over the sacred ceremonies, and retained until their death the general direction of the cult. We do not THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 25 know if the initiates were obliged to remain in any one of the grades for a fixed time. The Fathers probably decided when they were sufficiently prepared to receive the higher initiation, which they conferred in person. In the degree of Soldier (Miles), after taking a solemn obligation of secrecy, and numerous lustrations with consecrated water, the candidate was " sealed," not as in the Christian liturgy with an unction on the iorehead, but with a mark burnt in with a red-hot iron. In the degree of Lion there were fresh purifications, but with honey poured on the hands, and applied to the tongue. A loaf of bread and a goblet of water were placed before the officiating priest, who consecrated them with a sacred formula. Wine was at a later date mingled with the water, replacing the intoxicating juice of the Haoma, used in the original Mazdean service. Only initiates who had attained the grade of Lion were allowed to partake of these oblations, from which was probably derived their title of Participants. It was after the imbibing of this sacred wine, to which super- natural effects, which were possibly akin to intoxication, were ascribed, that the candidate underwent the awe- inspiring trials which have always been associated with the Mysteries by the early Christian writers. The Sanctuaries of the Mysteries were always subterranean, and in each was placed a ladder with seven steps, by which ascent was made to the Mansions of Felicity. The candidate for initiation was prepared by numerous lustrations with fire, water, and honey, after which he had to pass through numerous probations, ending with a fast of fifty days' continuance, spent in perpetual silence and solitude. If the candidate escaped partial or complete insanity, an occurrence of great frequency, and surmounted the trials of his fortitude, he was eligible for higher honours and the superior degrees. According to Heckethorn * the first degree was in- augurated with purifying lustrations, and a sign was set on the neophyte's brow, whilst he offered to the Deity a loaf and a cup of water. A crown was presented to him on the point of a sword, and he put it on his head with the 1 Secret Societies, p. 31, 26 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA words " Mithras is my crown." In the second degree the candidate put on armour, to meet the representatives of giants and wild beasts whom he was sent to encounter in the subterranean vaults of the temple, the characters being entrusted to priests perfectly prepared to attack the candidate fiercely and often inflict serious wounds on him, possibly causing loss of life. In the next degree he was robed with a mantle on which were painted the signs of the Zodiac, in which he again encountered appalling sights of terrifying monsters. Escaping these in due course, he was saluted as a " Lion of Mithras/' alluding to the Zodiacal sign in which the Sun obtained his greatest power. Then the grand secret was imparted to him, which, from the most authenticated traditions, we may conclude was the highest knowledge concerning the origin of the universe, and the attributes, perfections, and works of the Almighty Creator. The Lesser Mysteries, says Banier, served as a preparation for the Greater, celebrated at Eleusis, and by their means candidates were initiated into the secret rites of Ceres. After having passed through a good many trials, the candidate was termed Mystes, that is, qualified for being very soon initiated into the Greater Mysteries, and to become Epoptes, or the witness of the most secret Mysteries, which was not permitted until after five years' probation, during which he might enter into the vestibule of the temple, but not into the Sanctuary. And even when he was Epoptes, and enjoyed that privilege, there were still many things of which the knowledge was reserved to the priests alone. At his initiation, the candidate was introduced into the Temple by night, after washing his hands at the entry, and placing on his head a crown of myrtle. Then he was presented with a little box, containing the Laws of Ceres, and the ceremonies of her Mysteries, which he was told to read, and transcribe. After this, terrifying darkness, peals of thunder, vivid flashes of lightning, and the appearance of multitudes of terrifying figures were succeeded by visions of charming beauty. It may be said, says Theo of Smyrna, that " philosophy is the initiation into and the tradition of real and true Mysteries. But of initiation there were five parts. That which has the precedency indeed, and is the first, is purifica- THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 27 tion. For the Mysteries are not to be imparted to all who are willing to be initiated, but to the pure only. And the second thing after purification is the Tradition of the Mystery. The third stage is denominated Inspection. Then comes binding the head, and placing on it crowns : so that he who is initiated is now able to deliver to others the Mysteries which he has himself received, whether it be the mystery of a torch-bearer, or of the interpretation of the sacred ceremonies, or of some other priesthood. But the fifth thing, which arises from these others, is the felicity which results from being dear to Divinity, and the associate of the Gods/' The Epoptae in the Mysteries, says Faber, in his Pagan Idolatry, were supposed invariably to have " experienced a certain regenera- tion, or new birth, by which they entered upon a new state of existence, and were deemed to have acquired a great increase of light and knowledge. Hitherto they were exoteric and profane now they become esoteric and holy. The rite itself consisted sometimes in the aspirant's being born, as it were, out of a small covered boat, in which he had been previously committed to the mercy of the ocean ; sometimes in his being produced from the image of a cow, within which he had been first enclosed ; and sometimes in his coming forth through the door of a dark, rocky cave, or artificial stone cell, in which he had been shut up during the time appointed by the Hierophant." The Elysian fields, into which the Epoptae were conducted after their fearful progress through the realms of death and darkness, were variously said to be situated on the summit of a lofty mountain, in the orb of the Moon, and in the midst of the Ocean. According to the Chaldean teaching, the soul, after its various migratory purgations, is exhorted to hasten to the luminous abode of the Almighty Father from whom it emanated, and to seek for Paradise. In the archaeology of Wales, says Kenealy, 1 where the Eleusinian Mysteries passed under the name of Ceridwen, the Holy Spirit, we find traces of the oath which was imposed on the aspirant. The latter, led by an accompanying priest before the Hierophant, or Chief Priest, solemnly pledged himself, under terrible penalties in case of violation, to 1 Book of God, ii, p. 53. 28 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA preserve the laws of the Sanctuary, however he might be assaulted by his enemies, or deserted by his friends. In the Isle of Anglesea, these rites took place in a sacred twilight, gradually replacing the pitch darkness into which the candidate was first taken, and he passed through fire, as the symbol of GOD, and then through water, as the symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Eleusinian Misteries the candidates received on their foreheads the mark of the Tau Cross, symbolizing the Light they were admitted into, and they were given at the same time a sprig of acacia, an evergreen plant opening its leaves in the morning and shutting them at night, symbolizing Innocence, or freedom from sin, as its name implies, conveying the same idea as the myrtle of the Mithraic Mysteries, and the palm used in the Egyptian Rites. Its use by Freemasons, though attributed to a different reason, has evidently had its origin in the Mysteries, as will be clear to every intelligent student. The ancient Mithraic Mysteries were celebrated on the 25th of December, which was called The Day of the Nativity of the Invincible. In Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries com- menced on the I5th of September, and lasted to the 23rd, thus being held at the same period as the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles. In a subsequent stage of the Mysteries the fully initiated were made to undergo circumcision, and from this would appear to have originated the idea of non-Masons that all candidates for admission into the Craft had to suffer branding or mutilation, with the satisfaction in consequence of the initiate on finding this was merely a myth. Among the ancient Hindus, the periods of initiation were regulated by the increase and decrease of the moon, and the Mysteries were divided into four degrees, the age at which the candidate might be initiated into the first degree being as early as eight years. He was then prepared by a Brahmin who became his spiritual guide of the second degree, the probationary ceremonies of which consisted in incessant occupation in prayers, fastings, ablutions, and the study of astronomy. In the hot season he sat exposed to five fires, four blazing around him, with the sun above ; in THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 29 the rains, he stood uncovered ; in the cold season he wore wet clothing. To participate in the high privileges which the Mysteries were believed to confer, he was sanctified by the sign of the cross, and subjected to the probation of the pastos, the tomb of the sun, the coffin of Hiram, darkness hell, all symbolical of the first three properties. His purifica- tion being completed, he was led at night to the cavern of initiation. This was brilliantly illuminated, and there sat the three Hierophants, in the East, West, and South, representing the GODS Brahama, who was painted red to represent substance ; Vishnu, painted blue to symbolize space ; Siva, painted white, in contrast to the black night of eternity, surrounded by attendant mystagogues dressed in appropriate vestments. The initiation was begun by an apostrophe to the sun, addressed by the name of Pooroosh, here meaning the vital soul, or the universal spirit of Brahm ; and the candidate, after some further preliminary ceremonies, was made to circumambulate x the cavern three times, and afterwards conducted through seven dark caverns, during which period the waitings of Mahadeva for the loss of Siva were represented by dismal howlings. The usual paraphernalia of light, of dismal sounds, and horrid phantoms, were produced to terrify and confuse the aspirant. Having arrived at the last cavern, the sacred conch was blown, the folding doors thrown open, and the candidate was admitted into an apart- ment filled with dazzling lights, ornamented with statues and emblematic figures richly decorated with gems, and scented with the most fragrant perfumes, intended to represent Paradise. With eyes riveted on the altar, the candidate was taught to expect the descent of the Deity in the bright pyamidal fire that blazed upon it ; and in a moment of enthusiasm thus artificially produced, the candidate might indeed persuade himself that he actually beheld Brahm seated on the lotus, with his four heads and arms, representing the four elements and the four quarters of the globe, and bearing in his hands the emblems of eternity and power, the circle and fire. The symbol of initiation was a cord of seven threads, knotted thrice three. In the Egyptian Mysteries, the candidate for initiation, 1 See Appendix. 80 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA conducted by a guide, was led to a deep, dark well or shaft in the pyramid in which, erected over vast subterranean caverns, their initiation ceremonies were carried out. Into this well, provided with a torch, he descended by means of a ladder fixed to the side. Arrived at the bottom, he saw two doors, one of them barred, the other yielding to the touch of his hand. Passing through it, he beheld a winding gallery, whilst the door behind him shut with a clang that reverberated through the vaults. Inscriptions like the following met his eye : " Whoso shall pass along this road alone, and without looking back, shall be purified by fire, water and air : and overcoming the fear of death shall issue from the bowels of the earth to the light of day, preparing his soul to receive the Mysteries of Isis." Proceeding onward, the candidate arrived at another iron gate, guarded by three armed men, whose shining helmets were surmounted by emblematic animals, the Cerberus of Orpheus. Here the candidate had offered to him the last chance of going back, if so inclined. Electing to go forward, he underwent the trial by fire, by passing through a hall filled with inflammable substances in a state of combustion, and forming a bower of fire. The floor was covered with a grating of red hot iron bars, leaving, however, narrow interstices where he might safely place his feet. Having surmounted this obstacle, he had to encounter the trial by water. A wide and dark canal, fed by the waters of the Nile, arrested his progress. Placing the flickering lamp upon his head, he plunged into the canal, and swimming to the opposite bank, found the greatest trial, that by air, awaiting him. He landed upon a platform leading to an ivory door, bounded by two walls of brass, into each of which was inserted an immense wheel of the same metal. He in vain attempted to open the door, when, espying two large iron rings affixed to it, he took hold of them. Suddenly, the platform sank from under his feet, a chilling blast of air extinguished his lamp, the two brazen wheels revolved with formidable rapidity and stunning noise, whilst he remained suspended by the two rings over the fathomless abyss. But before he was quite exhausted the platform returned, the ivory door opened, and he saw before him a magnificent temple brilliantly illuminated, and filled with THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 81 the priests of Isis clothed in the mystic insignia of their offices, the Hierophant at their head. But the ceremonies of initiation did not cease here. The candidate was subjected to a series of fastings, which gradually increased for nine times nine days. During this period a rigorous silence was imposed upon him, which, if he preserved inviolate, he was at length fully initiated into the esoteric doctrines of Isis, and publicly proclaimed as a person who had been initiated into the first degree. But little is known of the rites of the second degree, called the Mysteries of Serapis. Apuleius, who has given us so many details of the first degree, scarcely touches upon the second, and lamblichus seems almost equally reticent. It would appear, however, as might be perhaps anticipated, to have been a rite of mystical death, followed by the resurrection in the third degree, called the Mysteries of Osiris, in which the candidate, as in the third Craft degree, typified the murdered Osiris. In most cases, the initiation ceremony concluded with this third degree, but Egyptian monarchs, and the higher grades of the priesthood, were initiated subsequently into a fourth degree, of seven grades, involving the rite of circumcision, if not already performed, much solitary meditation, and prolonged fasting. The postulant once again went through a mystical death, before being finally instructed in the higher branches of science, especially astronomy, astrology, and communication with unseen worlds. The whole aim of all the ancient Mysteries would clearly seem to be moral and instructive, and it is only as time went, on that licentiousness and mystification replaced the religious symbolism of the original institutions. A relic of the ancient mysteries can be found in the following account of an arduous trial of fortitude employed in certain female lodges in Paris. A candidate for admission, we are told, was usually very much excited. During a part of the ceremony she was conducted to an eminence, and told to look down at what awaited her if she faltered in her duty. Beneath her appeared a frightful abyss in which a double row of iron spikes were visible. No doubt her mind was in a chaos of fanaticism, for instead of shrinking at the sight, 82 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA she exclaimed, " I can encounter all," and sprang forward. At that moment a secret spring was touched, and the candidate fell, not on the spikes, but on a green bed in imitation of a verdant plain. She fainted, but was soon recovered by her friends, when, the scene having changed, she was reanimated and soothed by the sweet strains of choral music. The priests were practically the masters of the old world, says the learned but anonymous author of The Canon, in which the ancient religions, with their ceremonies and beliefs, are treated from a numerical standpoint. Everything and everybody, he says was subservient to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and no work could be undertaken without its authority. " That the priests were legitimately entitled to regulate the building of the temples of the GODS, nobody will deny. And that they did exercise this control is beyond dispute. For we find that Freemasons, or somebody corre- sponding to the mediaeval Freemasons, with exclusive privileges and secrets required for building the temples, under ecclesiastical authority, have always existed. And the knowledge which we possess of the mediaeval Freemasons is sufficient to show that their secrets were the secrets of religion, that is, of mediaeval Christianity/' " It must be borne in mind, that only the vaguest ideas prevail as to the mystical secrets of the old priests. 1 Every- body knows that the Egyptians, Greeks, and other Eastern nations concealed the vital doctrines of their theology from the ignorant and vulgar, and it was only by a gradual process of initiation that the meaning of the sacred writings and ceremonies was explained. And then, after this preparation, the initiates were allowed to be full partakers in the religious rites. " The doctrine of these Mysteries is assumed to have been a defined scientific tradition, communicated orally to the initiates or mystics, who secretly passed it on from generation to generation. This mysticism, however, must not be confounded with the speculative mistiness which is cultivated by certain dreamy philosophers of our own day. The Mystic (Mustes) in the old sense has naturally become extinct, together with the Gnosis which formerly instructed him." 1 The Canon, p. 4. London, 1897. THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES 38 We do not know if the Hebraized or Christianized version of the Masonic ritual, as we now know it, has anything more than faint resemblance to its primitive form. We have some slight intimation of the ritual of the Mysteries from allusions in the works of the early writers, Christian and pagan, some of whom had themselves been initiated. More details are given, for those who can read between the lines of carefully veiled symbolism, in the Kabala, the works of lamblichus, and those attributed to Hermes Trisniegistus, which are some of our most diiect sources of information on the subject. The Kabala, perhaps contains the nearest approach to a direct revelation of the ancient secrets of the old world, and it has undoubtedly formed an important part of our Masonic traditions. The Christian equivalent to the word Kabala was Gnosis (knowledge), and from innumerable references in the writings of the Fathers it is evident that the Gnostics, whose doctrines will be dealt with in a subsequent chapter, like the older Christians in the construction of the Gospel and ritual of their Church, perpetuated the same mystical tradition which they had received from the Hebrews. The nature of their " knowledge " is thus stated by Clement of Alexandria l : " And the Gnosis itself is that which has descended by transmission to a few, having been imparted unwritten by the Apostles." St. Basil * also alludes to it thus : " They (the Fathers) were well instructed to preserve the veneration of the Mysteries in silence. For how could it be proper, publicly to proclaim in writing the doctrine of those things which no unbaptized person may so much as look upon ? " Miscellanea, Book vi, chap. vii. De Spintu Sancto, chap, xxvii. 3 CHAPTER III THE ANTIQUITY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE LEBANON IN writing of the Druses and Nusairis, those lifelong inhabitants of the Lebanon, we are dealing with people who retain practices spoken of by the Patriarchs, and who still exhibit in their life and customs many of the metaphors made use of by the Prophets. Here, says Urquhart, " may be seen the rudiment of the Pyramid, and the element of the calculations carried by the Etruscans to the West. 1 The ' Exalted Horn ' is still the wonderful appendage of the married Druse woman, and carries the conviction of being a practice of the remotest antiquity, and therefore evidence of the unbroken continuity of the people. The cubes super- imposed on Syrian tombs present the very diagram of Lepsius in explaining his theory of the Pyramids. The carat, or division by twenty-four in Europe, preserved in the testing of the precious metal, the weighing of gems, and the division of ship property, is in common use in the Lebanon/ 1 " The name given by these people to themselves is Sur. The race is the Surian, the Zuroi of the Greek, and Syrian modern tongues. The mountain is Gebel Suria. Lebanon is a foreign and descriptive term, from the Hebrew, implying 4 white/ As it is the name they both use and cling to to-day, repudiating for their mountain the name of Lebanon, and for themselves that of Arab, so was it the name it bore in the time of Moses.* That the Hebrews should have called it by a name of their own invention shows how strange it was to them. The Jews, 700 years later, did not understand 1 Urquhart, History of the Lebanon, vol. i. p. 15. " And we took at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites the land which is on this side of Jordan, from the river of Arnon unto Mount Hermon ; (which Hermon the Sidonians call Sirion, and the Amorites call it Shenir)/' Deut. m. 8, 9- 84 THE PEOPLE OF THE LEBANON 35 the Syrian tongue. The Jews wanted no interpreter with the people of Canaan." The circumstances which show that the Hebrews did not conquer the Lebanon, show likewise that the Canaanites had not conquered it before them. Had the same race occupied the mountain and the plain, or had the Canaanites conquered this mountain, the defeated and expelled nations would have retreated thither, and made there their stand, which they did not and they too gave to Gebel Suria a name of their own Shinir. The people who, on the shores of the Atlantic, have preserved the names of " Hivite " and " Amonite," and recall the event of their dispersion by " Joshua the robber, th -j son of Nun," would not have forgotten and abandoned memory and name among inaccessible retreats and mountains fastnesses overlooking their native land. This is certain ; neither the Canaanites, when pressed by the Hebrews, nor the Hebrews, when pressed in their turn, ever took refuge in the Lebanon, as they must have done, had it not been already occupied by a powerful and warlike people. 1 Xenophon speaks of the Suroi to the east as well as the west of the Euphrates, and Strabo makes these extend, mingled with the Arabs, from Cilicia to Judea, Phoenicia, and the coast ; just as to-day, were there a common name for Nusairis, Metawilis, Druses and Maronites, it would include the same districts. We may well consider then that these people have dwelt continuously in this land from the earliest peopling of the globe. The Bible informs us that after the deluge had subsided, the land was divided amongst the sons of Noah. The Biblical account is confirmed and extended in the " Book of Jubilees/' an Apocryphal book which bears traces of being written in the second century B.C., and whose narrative embraces material contained in the Book of Genesis and part of the Book of Exodus. We are told that Shem allotted to his son Arpachsad " all the land of the region of the Chaldees to the east of the Euphrates, bordering on the Red Sea, and all the > " I found in the Lebanon," says Urquhart, " no less than three villages named Ai Tat the Hittites of Scripture, and a tribe still flourishing in Morocco. The name of a people would no|t be given to its own villages, but settlements of refugees would naturally be so called." 86 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA waters of the desert close to the tongue of the sea which looketh toward Egypt, all the land of Lebanon and Amana to the border of the Euphrates." But Canaan, a son of Ham, " saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his own inheritance to the west to the sea (that is north-west Africa) but he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea." He refused to hearken to the complaints of his father and brethren, that he was entering a district not apportioned to him, but " dwelt in the land of Lebanon, he and his sons, unto this day/' And for this reason the land is called Canaan. Kesed, the brother of Arpachsad, had a son named Ur, who, in the land apportioned to his father, built a city, which he called after his own name, Ur of the Chaldees. Here he " taught his sons the researches of the Chaldees, to divine and augur, according to the signs of heaven." Ur's great-grandson was Abram, who, about A.M. 1936, went forth with Terah his father from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Lebanon, and into the Land of Canaan, and dwelt in the land of Haran. The investigations of the last few years, writes Brace, 1 in the cuneiform inscriptions of Babylonia have brought forth remarkable results, both as regards an ancient faith and a forgotten people. " In Northern Babylonia existed, probably three thousand years before Christ, a race who had attained a considerable degree of cultivation, and who are supposed to have invented the cuneiform mode of writing. 2 They have been called the 'Akkadians/ 3 or Mountaineers, from the mountainous district on the north-east, whence they probably issued. They were long thought to be of stock foreign to the Semitic-Assyrian race who inhabited this region, and were believed to be Turanian, or connected in language with such races as the Finns, Turks, and Mongolians. But closer investigation makes it probable that they were mainly Semitic in blood, though perhaps 1 C. Loring Brace, The Unknown God, p. 51. 1890. * Sec Appendix, p. 317, where it is attributed to Enoch. * Akkad, or Agade, their city, is mentioned in Genesis. THE PEOPLE OF THE LEBANON 87 with strong Turanian mixture. The language of their inscriptions and tablets may have been* a kind of classical or sacred dialect of the Semitic-Assyrians. This ancient people had made a considerable progress in civilization two thousand years before Christ, possibly nearly four 'thousand years. They had founded great libraries ; their scholars had written treatises on astrology, magic, 1 and certain branches of mathematics ; they possessed various histories of the wars and exploits of the Assyrian kings, and had constructed temples and many public buildings, and (to judge from their cuneiform tablets) seem to have carried on elaborate commercial affairs. This race or people is deeply interesting to the student of religions, because it manifestly drew its religious traditions from the same source as the Hebrews. And out from the region inhabited or influenced by the Akkadians came forth one of the great figures of history, Abraham the father of monotheism. It seems to have been a people with a deep sense of the mysterious and supernatural. The Chaldean magic became known to all Oriental races. It was in that stage of development in which it especially worshipped the elemental powers, or the spirits of earth and storm, and sky and sun, and dreaded the evil powers of the universe. 1 ' The Akkadians, like the generality of mankind in all ages, believed in a divine Mediator, whom they called Silik-Khi, and later Merodach or Marduk, worshipped at first as the Sun-God, and later as Bel, or Baal, the Lord. It is interesting that in the inscriptions of Cyrus (c. 549 B.C.) illustrating his reign, he (Cyrus) is spoken of as " governing in justice and righteousness," and Merodach is described as " beholding with joy the deeds of his vicegerent who is righteous in hand and heart." * " Merodach, who in his necessity raised the dead to life," goes on the inscription, " who blesseth all men praying in need, hath in goodness drawn nigh to him, hath made strong his name." The prophet Isaiah uses like words of the same Cyrus : " I (GoD) have raised him up in righteousness. For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel 1 The author no doubt alludes to Magian lore, as distinct from so-Galled " black magic." a Sayce, Ancient Monuments, p. 156. 88 SECRET SECTS (51* SYRIA mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name ; I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me." x The inspired prophet of Israel evidently believed that the Unknown GOD was guiding and strengthening the Persian conqueror, though he knew him not. At the time of the Exodus of the Children of Israel, when they came in sight of the Promised Land, distinct injunctions were laid upon them as to certain tribes who were to be conquered by them, and into whose lands they w5re to enter, and take possession. These injunctions were relentlessly carried out, implying in many instances the blotting out by merciless slaughter of the whole race, and in some instances, the total destruction of all their possessions. But certain tribes were exempted from the same fate, and permitted to remain as neighbours, fulfilling from time to time certain acts of servitude, but with whom any such closer intermingling as would result in inter-marriage, and mixture of races, was prohibited. And amongst these are specified the Hivites. The same GOD who directed the destinies of one branch of the descendants of His servant Abraham, through Isaac and Jacob, in their sojourning in Egypt, their return to Canaan, and their preservation as a totally distinct race to the present day, notwithstanding all efforts at extermination, was not likely to forget that other son of Abraham, Ishmael, any more than He did that other forefather of Arab tribes, Esau, the wandering son of Isaac. Ishmael, no doubt, in the mountainous region of the Lebanon, became the founder of a mighty nation, called after him to this day, and therefore certain to be preserved from annihilation when the descendants of Isaac, through Jacob, returned to the country of their great ancestor, Abraham. Bryant, 3 quoting Eusebius and other early historians, says that " the sons of Ham seized upon all the country which reaches from Syria, and from the mountains of Albanus and Libanus. They also got possession of the places which lie upon the sea coast, even to the ocean, or great Atlantic." These people were chiefly Cushites, children of Cush, or * Isaiah, xlv. 13 ; xiv. 4, 5. a Bryant, Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 6 vols. London, 1807. THE PEOPM OF THE LEBANON 89 Ethiopians, who over-ran Egypt, and conquered the former inhabitants of that country. Others, under the generic name of " Ammonites/ 1 occupied the principal islands of the jEgean Sea, also Sardinia, Crete, and Cyprus, apparently extending their journeying into the Isles of Britain, where the ancient Druids showed evident traces of Ammonite ancestry in the doctrines they taught, as far as they can be ascertained, and the religious rites which they pract'sed. * Of the same family were also the Cadmians (descendants of Cadmus, identified with the Egyptian Taut, or Thoth), and the Phoenicians, and the Hivites or Ophites, who came from Egypt, and settled near Libanus and Baal Hermon, upon the confines of Canaan. 1 The Cadmians, according to Bryant, "probably founded the temple of Baal Hermon, in Mount Libanus (the ruins of Baal-Bee are mentioned in the Appendix), and formed one of the Hivite nations in those parts. Bochart has very justly observed, that a Hivite is the same as an Ophite ; and many of this denomination resided under Mount Libanus, and Anti-Libanus ; part of which was called Baal Hermon, as we learn from the sacred writings. 2 There were other Hivites, who are mentioned by Moses among the children of Canaan.3 But the Cadmonites, and many of the people about Mount Libanus were of another family. The Hivites of Canaan Proper were those who, by a stratagem, obtained a treaty with Joshua. 4 Their chief cities were Gibeon, Cephirah, Beeroth and Kirjath Jearim. These lay within the tribe of Judah, and of Benjamin, who possessed the northern parts of Canaan. But the other Hivites, among whom were the Cadmonites, lay far to the north, under Libanus, at the very extremities of the country. The sacred writer distinguishes them from the Canaanites, as well as from the other Hivites, by saying ' the Hivites of Baal Hermon/ And he seems to distinguish the Sidonians, and justly, from the genuine Canaanites ; for if we may credit profane history, the Cadmians had obtained the sovereignty in that city,5 and the people were of a mixed race. They were particularly famed for their knowledge in astronomy, architecture, and music, 1 Ibid. pp. 242, 460. Judges iii. i, 3. 3 Qenesjs x. 17. 4 Joshua ix. 3, 7. $ See Appendix. *0 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA and were looked upon as adepts in every branch of science. They were the first navigators of the seas, and, if we may believe Herodotus, carried their arts westwards, to Rhodes, and to many parts (of the West) besides." It is not within the reach of human comprehension, says Chasseaud, even did inclination tend in that way, to pretend to ascribe to the present Druses of the Lebanon any lineage which might prove their descent from the Hivites. " The fact is that no man living could accomplish such a feat ; but as far as human foresight, or rather comprehension, can discern, the present inhabitants of the Lebanon are a people equally as brave as those who at the exodus of the Israelites were permitted to remain there, to act as a check upon their audacity, and to remind them that with GOD everything was possible, and without His assistance even the most trivial wars were dubious, both in their character and as to their results." " Beyond a doubt, whatever grave theorists may say, there is an inherent virtue in people as a class, a peculiar system and belief which indirectly descends from generation to generation. Though these very people may have, in the lapse of time, changed their theories and doctrines ; and although it might be a feasible theory to presume that the people who have so long held sway upon these very mountains are of the same race as that old people, the Hivites, we have unfortunately no record to refer to ; no plausible ground on which to pronounce that such is the case. Although the beginning or the origin of the Druses, however, is and must ever remain an unsolvable mystery to the curious, it is feasible and plausible to suppose that this peculiar sect originated with the Freemasons that followed upon the steps of Solomon. Theirs was a mystery that has ever remained closed or a sealed secret, and so it is with the Druses." The Israelites, whom Joshua had led into the land of Canaan, were a powerful and all-conquering people ; and the Hivites of those ancient days must have been a remarkably courageous and resolute nation to have been able to with- stand the subjugating arms of so potent a foe. Now, the present race of mountaineers, who inhabit those same heights of the Lebanon, are characterized by similar qualities of THE PEOPLE OF THE LEBANON 41 undaunted bravery and stubborn determination ; and as, of old, the Hivites resisted the Israelites effectually, whereas surrounding nations fell completely under their victorious swords, so have the present race of Druses sustained an indomitable resistance against the yoke which the Turkish Government succeeded in fully imposing upon all other classes inhabiting districts within the range of the Ottoman sway. The Druses have always substantially held their own, and the Turks cannot be said to haw ever entirely subdued their rude independence. It was not without a special object that the ancient Hivites were permitted to dwell in the Lebanon unscathed by the Israelites. If they were thus made a signal exception to that general practice by which the Israelites, on entering upon their new possessions, did not desist until they had scattered and rooted out all the infidels whom they encountered if the Hivites were allowed to remain undispersed in their mountain homes in the land of Canaan it was, as we are explicitly told in the words of the Bible, in order " to prove Israel by them. 11 They became a peculiar instrument of Providence in bringing about the chastisement and humiliation of the children of Israel. The Angel of the Lord had announced that the Hivites of the Lebanon would be as thorns in the sides of the Israelites and they were so. It is a strange coincidence that, in like manner, have the Druses proved themselves as thorns in the sides of the Ottoman Government. They have not only resisted and overcome the various attempts made at different times to trample down their national freedom ; but, professing a creed entirely foreign to that of the Ottoman Empire, they have also stood as a permanent and effectual barrier against the spread of Islamism upon their mountains. Learned and inquisitive travellers who have ventured to penetrate into this district, besides the imminent peril they incurred from the inhospitality of a most inhospitable people, found an invariable check to the furtherance of their projects from a superstitious objection on the part of the inhabitants to the exhumation of any trifling stone or monument which might have contributed, through the 42 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA learning of those attempting their investigation, to universal information. It is a strange theory, yet one undoubtedly based upon some ancient but substantial evidence, that every peculiar stone or rock marked by inscription or device, or in any way inviting the attention of the stranger, was there placed as a record of buried treasure. There is no reason to doubt that, in a country so often subjected to sudden commotions, people were in the practice of interring treasures and other property which did not admit of being transported or removed in the moment of sudden exigency ; and consequently, even down to the present hour, these people are particularly jealous of any excavations which the natural researches of science may give rise to, but which they falsely attribute to motives of self-interest. CHAPTER IV THE SABEANS, WORSHIPPERS OF THE POLE STAR IN one of the five hymns of the Rigveda, the sacred book of the Brahmins, we are told that Vishvakarman, the GOD of Life, when creating the World, in order to make earth and heaven visible by his might, blew into existence, from all sides with his arms and wings, eyes, faces, arms and feet, thus begetting the single GOD, the Pole Star, Agohya. The Phoenicians looked upon the Pole Star as a goddess, whom they knew as Astroncema, the Deity presiding over growing corn, and in whose honour a New Year's Festival of the first fruits was held. In the Stellar Cult which preceded Solar worship the Pole Star was considered to be a one-eyed god, the giant Cyclops. Our present Pole Star, the last of the constellation known by astronomers as Ursa Major, is worshipped in China under the name of T'ien-hwang Ta-Ti, " The Heavens- king who is the Great Ruler." Older Chinese records refer to the period when the Pole Star was in Cygnus, about 16500 B.C., and in Draco, about 3000 B.C. Chow-tsze, a distinguished Chinese scholar of the eleventh century, referred to it as " The Great Extreme." Under this name, or that of " The Great First," the Pole Star appears to have been worshipped in China, according to the Yi-king, or Book of Evolutions, which is considered to have been compiled about 1143 B.C., if not considerably earlier, that is, at least 600 years before Confucius, who refers to it. Shang-Ti, the Supreme Ruler of the Taoists, the followers of " The Way," was said to have as his celestial abode " a space round the North Pole." We read in the Yi-king that " day and night, the dark and the clear, succeed without end ; 49 44 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA such is the ordinary course of the Tao of celestial phenomena ; a period of increase and a period of decrease, such is the Tao of heaven." In the legends and institutions of the Sumero- Akkadians of the Euphrates delta, we are told I that the first civilizers of the country were the people led by the GOD la-khan or la, the fish, the son of the house (/) of the waters (a) the birth-ocean. He came thither clothed in fish-skins in the ship Ma, the constellation Argo, called by the Zends Sata- vasa, or the star of the hundred (sata) creators, and landed at Wri-du or Wri-duga, the holy (duga) city, whither they came from Dilmun, the isle of GOD (dil), where la first appeared to human eyes as En-zag, the first-born (zag) of GOD (en), the fish-born son of the waters. This was the island of Bahrein celebrated for its pearl fishery. These people, with whom the eastern Munda, or Malay sun-worshippers were intermingled, settled as the race known as Sumerians on the coasts of the Euphratean delta and the south-eastern shores of Arabia, forming the west coasts of the Persian Gulf, and divided the country into provinces, each of which had its central town surrounded by its associated villages, and its own gods worshipped in the village groves, together with its series of provincial and village festivals. This system prevailed over the Euphratean delta, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and the whole of south- western Asia, and extended to Egypt, which was divided into Nones, each with its central city, holy groves, and local gods. These became, in the Euphratean countries, the provinces ruled by the numerous cities into which the land was divided, and in Syria the districts of the early Canaanite population of the Rephaim described in the Book of Joshua as cities with their associated villages. These districts must have been very small, for in the territory of the tribe of Judah, covering about 1,200 square miles, one hundred and six cities, each ruling its provinces, are mentioned, giving only about eleven square miles to each province. These immigrants became, in their new home, the race * I am indebted to Primitive Traditional History, by J. F. Hewitt, London 1907, 2 vols., for this condensed account of the origin of the Sabeans, and the references throughout are those given by Mr. Hewitt. THE SABEANS 45 known in Akkadian and Assyrian history as the " Sons of la, the black-headed race," of Sumer. The first city founded by these Sumerians was Erech, originally called Unuk, meaning " the Place of the Settlement/' the Enoch of Genesis iv. 17, and its seaport was Eriduga, the holy city. 1 These Sumerian sons of the Mother-tree and the Holy Grove became the black Himyarite Sabeans of the Euphratean valley and the southern coasts of Arabia, the race known in Assyrian history as the Kalda or Chaldeans, who were skilled astronomers, and who, according to the Babylonian traditions recorded by Berosus, were the first rulers of the country after the Deluge, who studded it with towns forming, with their surrounding districts, associated provinces, and whose eighty-six kings reigned for 34,080 years. 2 They are proved to have measured time by the Pleiades, by the calendar of Telloh or Girsu, the city containing the oldest Akkadian monuments and inscriptions yet found, as their New Year's festival of the goddess Bau of the watery abyss was held in the middle of October.3 The modern representatives of these fresh settlers in the Euphrates valley are the Sabean Mandaites, who call themselves the Sons of the Word (manda) of GOD, the traders of Mesopotamia, who begin their solar-lunar zodaic with which they measure their months and years with the Parwe, they Pleiades.4 They are now artisans and traders in Mesopotamia, but the Sabean race to which they belong were once rulers of Southern Arabia, called Saba, They were the chief merchants of the East, and their territory, described in Genesis x. 26-30 as the thirteen provinces ruled by the sons of Joktan, one of whose sons is Sheba or Saba, stretched from Arabia to the Mountain of the East, the Akkadian mother-mountain of Khar-sak-kurra, the mountain of the ox (khar), of the rain (sah,) of the East (hurra). They are called in Isaiah Ix. 6, Jeremiah vi. 20, Ezekiel xxxvii. 22, the richest merchants in the East, who, as the sons of Dedan, 1 Sayce, Hibbert Lectures for 1887, Lecture III, p. 184. * Ibid. Babylonia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, gth ed., vol. iii. p. 283. 3 Sayce, Gilford Lectures for 1902, " The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia/' Part II, Lecture IX, p. 473. 4 Sachau, Alberuni's Chronology of Ancient Nations, chap. xi. p. 227. 46 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA one of the sons of Jokshan (Genesis xxv. 3), sold precious cloths for riding, that is, Persian saddle-bags, carpets, horns of ebony, and ivory brought from India (Ezekiel xxvii. I5> 20). These people worship the Pole Star as the visible sign of the Father GOD. Their New Year's Day service is now held at the Autumnal Equinox, 1 but originally, as Alberuni tells us, they, and apparently all the people of the south-west of Asia, began their year with the Feast of Booths made of tree branches. This was held from the fourth to the eighteenth of Hilal Tishrin II, October-November. 2 In Arabia this festival is now a New Year's Fair. " The Subbas, (or as they call themselves, Mandoyo, that is, ' ancients ') of Mesopotamia/' says O'Neill,3 " still pray towards the Pole Star ; and they put the sole door of their temple in its south side, in order that those who enter may face the Pole Star ; and the reason of this is that Hivel Zivo, the Subban Creator, when he took up the government of the worlds he had formed, placed himself at the limit of the Seven Matarathos, at the extremity of the Universe, where the Pole Star was then created to cover him. Hivel Zivo seems to be another name for Avather, whom the Pole Star also covers, and who is the Judge of Souls. The theory that places the supreme, the upright, the unbiassed, the unwavering, divine judge at the only spot of the cosmos that seemed irremovable, unshakable that is the Pole of the heavens will be found to support in a remarkable degree the still older belief in the clear-seeing eye of the same Deity, still a well-defined attribute of the G.A.O.U. in our Masonic ritual. The supreme Babylonian GOD Ea (identified with Kronos) is called on the tablets the ' Lord with the clear- seeing Eye/ and also the ' motionless Lord/ which last seems to be an epithet peculiar to the polar divinity/' To these should be added the all-piercing eye of Atlas in the Odyssey ; the eye of Ra, and the all-seeing eye in the forehead of Krishna. A close parallel is to be found in the Rig Veda (iii. 59) where " Mithra sustains the earth and the 1 Hewitt, Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times, vol ii. essay viii. pp. 156, 165. * Sachu, Alberuni 1 's Chronology of Ancient Nations, chap, xviii, " The Fasts and Feasts of the Magians and Sabeans," pp. 315-17, 3 Night of the Gods, vol, i. pp. 490, et seq. THE SABEANS 47 sky, Mithra with unwinking eye beholds all creatures." The Avestan Mithra has 10,000 eyes, high, strong, sleepless and ever awake. The Persian god Ahura Mazda is sometimes said to have only one eye, at others to see everything with his eyes, the sun, moon and stars. In all their actions, and in their position during sleep, the Subbas must turn towards the Pole Star, which fixes the spot where Avather dwells, and therefore the direction of Olmidanhuro, their heaven. The corpse of a Subba is laid out head to south and feet to north, so that the dead may have the Pole Star before his eyes and he is buried in the same way. In one of their legends (which they share with the Moslems) Solomon obtains access to the heavenly city through a hidden door in the centre of the wall facing the Pole Star. Here then we have a community who, while worshipping that star, are also Baptists who are held to continue the traditions of St. John, and to worship him also as Yahio. Their religion was one of those tolerated by Mohammed on paying tribute, and Sale says " travellers commonly call them Christians of St. John's." Of course, a large proportion of the Mohammedan Arabs were Sabeans in their worship. Siouffi, a French vice-consul at Mussul, said the name of Subbas is given to them by their Christian and Moslem neighbours, but they call themselves Mandoyo, " ancients/' In 1875, there were about 4,000 of these Subbas or Mandoyo near Basrah, where Turkey joins Persia ; those of Shushtar (the ancient Susa) are looked up to by the rest as being better educated in religious and other ways. None of them till the ground, but they are chiefly highly skilled goldsiiiiths and joiners : a few are blacksmiths, and a few traders. Norberg's Codex said their name came from 11 Mando d'hhai," living word. O'Neill also quotes a remarkable passage on this subject in the Koran (vi. 77) : " And when the night overshadowed Abraham, he saw a star, and he said ' This is my Lord/ but when it set he said ' I like not gods that set/ And when he saw the moon rising he said ' This is my Lord ' ; but when he saw it set he said ' Verily if my Lord direct me not I shall become of the people that go astray/ And when he saw the sun rising he said ' This is my Lord, this is the 48 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA greatest.' But when it set he said ' Verily I direct my face unto Him who hath created the heavens and the earth/ " Now the Pole Star and the Bears and other Polar constellations do not set in Arabic latitudes. The commentators say there- fore that Abraham's youthful religion was the Sabean, which consisted chiefly in worshipping the heavenly bodies, but especially the Pole Star. The Sabeans held the belief, as do the modern Subbas, that at the four cardinal points, guarded by four angels, are buried the four Shambube, the principles of the winds, and that if these were suffered to escape the world would be overturned. From this O'Neill traces the archaic origin of the square, that chief jewel of Freemasonry, and the oldest symbol of Deity. He points out that these four corners exactly accord with the Chinese absolute conception of a square earth, and a square altar of earth, while that of the heavens is round. Here again we get the source of the Egyptian belief in the Four Lords of the Four Angles of the heavens, and a reason for the antiquity of that sacred Hindu symbol of Deity, the Swastika. The Chinese north is the point " over which the Pole Star stands," while the three other points are referred to the sun : east where he rises, south where he rests, west where he sets. The Emperor when officiating at the round altar of heaven faced the north, and the Taoists turn towards the same point when addressing the first person of their Trinity. The Sabeans, the worshippers of the Saba t the Host of Heaven, believed in one GOD, and alleged many reasons for His Unity, says Jervis ; but they also paid adoration to the stars, or the angels or intelligences which they supposed resided in them and governed the world under the Supreme Deity. " They go on a pilgrimage to a place near the city of Hauran in Mesopotamia, where great numbers of them dwell." They derived their religion from Seth, and, according to Hyde, " those of Mount Lebanon have so high a veneration for him that they lay more stress on an oath made in his name than on one made on the name of GOD, Wa Sheyth, ' by Seth ' being their most solemn oath." They paid special adoration to the seven planets : hence we have Balaam, in following the old Sabean, Chaldean and ancient Arab form of THE SABEANS M worship, erecting seven altars, and offering on them seven oxen and seven rams. This same worship of " the Seven " continues among the Sabeans of the desert, says Dunlap, and is seen in the Desert-Christian religion of the Nazarenes of the Jordan. 1 According to Wetzstein * the ancient Sabeans possessed the " secret of providing those glowing regions with water, a secret which has perished with them." He refers to Plutarch who says (de Iside, Hi.) " In the sun's circuit, called the search for Osiris, they go round the temple seven times, the goddess desiring greatly the water of winter. And they go round just so many times because the sun with the seventh month completes the passage from the winter to the summer solstice." Many of the houses now standing in the Hauran are estimated by Jervis to have been the dwellings of the old inhabitants of Basan, and many of the cities of the Hauran have names which cities of Basan bore in the earliest times. An Arab historian of the tenth century, Hamzah Issfahani, remarks that what is left of the Chaldeans is now in the two cities Harran and Roha, and that in the time of el-Maimun they gave up the name Chaldeans, and took the name of Sabeans, or Chaldean Harranites. Another Arab writer classifies Baylonians, Chaldeans, Nabatheans, and Syrians together as all descendants of the Sabeans. According to Jervis,3 the Nabatheans inhabited the southern foot of Mount Libanus, and, like the Jews, were hostile to the Syrians, whose country " was repeatedly overrun by Nabatheans and Sabeans," thus drawing a distinction between the two peoples. " Like John the Baptist," he goes on, " and the Nazarenes, their guests or neighbours, they drank no wine, and denied themselves many things." The Codex Nazaraeus (i. 5), says that the Nabatheans were the teachers of the Ebionites, and afterwards took their name . Jost (i. 411-14) says that "Christianity created for the Essene doctrines a stronger sympathy and produced an Ebionite tendency, in which so-called Gnosis shaped itself entirely as a spiritual science called for by the expounding of the law. * S. F. Dunlap, Sod, tht Son of the Man, p. 8. Wetzstein, Reiseberich uber Haw an, pp. 37 ff. 3 Jervis, Genesis, p. 382. 60 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA The altogether mystic colouring of Christianity harmonized with the Essene rules of life and opinions, and it is not improbable that Jesus and the Baptist John were initiated into the Essene mysteries, to which Christianity may be indebted for many a form of expiession ; as indeed the community of Therapeutae, an offspring of the Essene Order, soon belonged wholly to Christianity. Thus gradually distinct communities formed themselves. History names them, now Nazarenes, now, with a slight distinction no- longer known to us, Ebionites. Irenseus (i. 26) says that " the Ebionites, as Sabeans, agreed that GOD created the world, while worshipping the stars. Their festivals were appointed for the days when the exaltations of the planets occur, the greatest taking place on the day when the sun enter Aries, with them the first day of the year, when they put on their Sun-day clothes. They celebrate the festival of every planet in a chapel dedicated to him, and derive their religion from Noah himself." The Sabeans say of Adam that when he quitted the country adjacent to India for the confines of Babel, he carried with him many wonderful things, amongst which were one tree, whose branches, leaves and flowers were all of gold ; another all of emerald ; also two of the leaves of a third tree, so verdant that the fire could not consume its leaves, and so large as to cover up ten thousand men of equal stature with Adam. This legend, according to Dr. Kenealy, in his Book of GOD, may be taken to refer to some ancient book, of which the authorship was referred to Adam. This sacred book of the Sabeans is mentioned by Maimonides, who calls it the " Book of Thammuz," or The Hidden One. They had other books, according to the same writer, called Tam-Tam, or the " Book of the Sun " ; the book Hassearab ; and the " Book of the Messenger Hermes." The Sabeans also worshipped twelve Messiahs, who would appear to be identical with the twelve Imaums, or Sacred Sheiks of ancient Arabia, commemorated also, according to the Nazarenes, by the sending forth of the Twelve Apostles, Writing on this subject of twelve Messengers, or Messiahs, Kenealy, in his Book of GOD, and carrying out his own idea of six hundred year cycles, considers the first Messenger THE SABEANS 51 was Adam, whose date he gives as A.M. 3000 ; the second, Enoch, 3500 ; the third, Fo-hi, 4200 ; the fourth, Brigoo, of the Druids, Brahm of the Hindus, and Buddha, 4800 ; the fifth, Zaratusht or Zoroaster, 5400 ; the sixth, Thoth, 6000 ; the seventh, Amosis, or Moses, 6600 ; the eighth, Lao-Tseu, the great Chinese Teacher, 7200 ; the ninth, Jesus of Nazareth, 7800 ; the tenth, Mohammed, 8400 ; the eleventh, Genghis Khan, 9000 and Kenealy apparently estimated that as the twelfth cycle was concurrent with his own writings, he himself might, modestly, assume that he was the Twelfth Messenger. The Nabatheans were followers of St. John the Baptist in Lebanon, and the books of this sect are yet existing in Syria. Marcion, who left Rome about A.D. 140, would seem to have followed the Gospel of St. Luke. Eusebius, St. Jerome and Epiphanius have stated that these sects were blanches of the Essenes, and Jones, in his Ecclesiastical History, says there is no doubt that several of the sects, which were eventually classed as Gnostic by the church of Rome, really proceeded from the Essenes. Irenaeus gives an account of the initiation ceremony of the Marcians, which, however, the sect repudiated, in which there would appear to be considerable resemblance to the rites of the modern Dervish sects. He says there is first a baptismal service, with an invocation to light, spirit and life, followed by one to " angelic redemption/' by which the Neophyte became united to his Angel, concluding with a formula of " restitution/' or unity to the super-celestial power, to which the Neophyte responded in declaring his redemption by the name lao. CHAPTER V THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS, AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE ORDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLARS THE general name " Gnostics " is used to designate several widely different sects, which sprang up in the Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, almost simultaneously with the first planting of Christianity. Their doctrines are dealt with in a very complete manner by King, whose exhaus- tive work is a text-book on the subject. 1 From this is taken the following summary. The term " Gnosticism " is derived from the Greek Gnosis, knowledge, a word specially employed from the first dawn of religious inquiry to designate the science of things divine. Thus Pythagoras, according to Diogenes Laertius, called the transcendental portion of his philosophy, Gnosis ion onion, the knowledge of things that are. And in later times Gnosis was the name given to what Porphry calls the Antique or Oriental Philosophy to distinguish it from the Grecian systems. But the term was first used (as Matter on good grounds conjectures) in its ultimate sense of supernal and celestial knowledge, by the Jewish philosophers of the celebrated Alexandrian school. A very characteristic production of this Jewish Gnosis has come down to our times in the Book of Enoch,* of which the main object is to make known the description of the heavenly bodies, and their correct names, as revealed to the Patriarch by the angel Uriel. This profession betrays, of itself, the Magian source from which the inspiration was derived. Gnosticism therefore cannot receive a better definition 1 The Gnostics and their Remains. London, 1864. a See quotations from this book in the Appendix. 62 THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS 58 than in that dictum of the sect first and specially calling itself " Gnostics," the Naaseni (translated by the Greeks into " Ophites/') viz., " The beginning of perfection is the' knowledge of man, but absolute perfection is the knowledge of GOD/' The entire system may be thus described. Gnosticism professes to teach the knowledge of GOD and of man, of the Being and Providence of the former, and of the creation and destiny of the latter. While the ignorant and superstitious were degrading the glory of the incorrup- tible GOD into an image made with hands, and were changing " the truth of GOD into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator," the ancient Gnostics held purer and truer ideas. And when these corrupted and idolatrous forms of religion and worship became established, and were popularly regarded as true and real in themselves, the " Gnostics " held, and secretly taught, an esoteric theology of which the popular creed of multitudes of deities, with its whole ritual of sacrifice and worship, was but the exoteric form. Hence all the mysteries which almost all, if not all, the heathen religions possessed. Those initiated into these mysteries, whilst they carefully maintained and encouraged the gorgeous worship, sacrifices, and processions of the national religion, and even openly taught polytheism, and the efficacy of the public rites, yet secretly held something very different at the first, probably, a purer creed, but in course of time, like the exoteric form, degenerating. The progress of declination differed according to race, or habit of thought : in the East it tended to superstition, in the West (as we learn from the writings of Cicero) to pure atheism, a denial of Providence. This system was adopted likewise by the Jews, but with this great difference, that it was super-induced upon and applied to a pre-existent religion : whereas in the other Oriental religions, the external was added to the esoteric, and developed out of it. In thie Oriental systems, the external was the sensuous expression of a hidden meaning ; in the Jewish, the hidden meaning was drawn out of pre-existing external laws and ritual ; in the former the esoteric alone was claimed as Divine, in the latter it was the exoteric which was a matter of revelation. To remedy this seeming defect, the Kabalists, 54 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA or teachers of the " Hidden Doctrine," invented the existence of a secret tradition, orally handed down from the time of Moses. We may, of course, reject this assertion, and affirm that the Jews learnt the idea of a Hidden Wisdom, underlying the Mosaic Law, from their intercourse with the Eastern nations during the Babylonian captivity ; and we may further be assured that the origin of this Secret Widom is India. Perhaps we shall be more exact if we say that the Jews learnt from their intercourse with Eastern nations to investigate the external Divine Law, for the purpose of discovering its hidden meaning. The heathen Gnostics, in fact, collected a Gnosis from every quarter, accepted all religious systems as partly true, and extracted from each what harmonized with their ideas. They strove for the knowledge of GOD, says the great authority on the Gnostics, G. R. S. Mead : * " The science of realities, the gnosis of the things-that-are ; wisdom was their goal ; the holy things of life their study. They were called by many names by those who subsequently haled them from their hidden retreats to ridicule their efforts and anathematize their doctrines, and one of the names, which they used for them- selves, custom has selected to be their present general title. They are now generally referred to in Church history as the Gnostics, those whose goal was the Gnosis if indeed that be the right meaning ; for one of their earliest existing docu- ments expressly declares that Gnosis is not the end it is the beginning of the path, the end is GOD and hence the Gnostics would be those who used the Gnosis as the means to set their feet dpon the Way to GOD." It will be seen from the above description of the Gnostics how much they had in common with the ancient sects in the Lebanon, while their " Inner Mystery," the continuous search for the " Hidden Wisdom," gives us more than a clue as to the Masonic searches for various " lost words." The Gnostics attached great value to the numbers jfrye ^n^seven, and in the " Pistis- Sophia," one of their very interesting books, of which the authorship is attributed to St. Philip the Apostle, we find references to " Five Marks," " Five Trees," " Seven Vowels," and " Seven Amens." 1 Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, p. 32. London, 1906. THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS 55 Manicheism is a development of the Indian source of Gnosticism alluded to above, and is so called from Manes, a Persian slave and scholar, who gave to certain Magian notions a definite shape, and constructed, says King, a system " with such skill that it spread not merely over the East, but throughout Europe. In the latter region its im- portance is evinced by the fact (mentioned incidentally by Ammianus), that Constantine himself, before finally changing his religion, following the Apostolic precept, ' Try all things, hold fast that which is good/ carefully studied the Manichean system under the guidance of the learned Musonianus, whom we must suppose to have been a great doctor of the sect." Another follower of Gnosticism before accepting the Christian faith was St. Augustine, who has left on record what he found to be the weakness and fallacies of the Manichean tenets. In Justinian's time a fierce persecution of the Manicheans took place in Syria, and in the fifth century they were also attacked. They reappeared, however, in Asia Minor in the seventh century as Paulicians ; and at Tephrice, near Trebizond, they held the mountains till 880 A.D., then Basil the Macedonian drove them out. In the middle of the eighth century Constantine Copronymus transplanted a colony of Armenian Paulicians to Thrace, where they were increased by others from the valleys of the Caucasus in the tenth century. They there converted the Bulgarians, and spread to Sicily, Rome, Milan, and France. In the twelfth century the Albigenses in France derived their dogmas from these heretics, and no doubt also from the Gnosticism of the Manichean Priscillian (in the fourth century), Bishop of Avila, in Spain. Gnosticism had found its way to Gaul in the time of Irenaeus, and Jerome speaks of the heresy of the great Gnostic Basilides, in Spain. Thus, side by side with the orthodoxy of Greek and Latin Churches, the great Manichean system, combining Cfojistianity, Buddhism and Mazdean ideas in one syncretic doctrine, flourished in the Byzantine age from Persia to Spain, in spite of persecu- tion by Arian and Orthodox emperors alike. 1 That Gnosticism, under its Manichean form, reachpn 1 Sec Gibbon* Decline and, Fall, chap. liv. SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Britain is evidenced by numerous discoveries, especially in Wales, of ancient medallions engraved, often very rudely, with Gnostic devices. And the tenets of Manicheism long prevailed amongst the Albigenses, who in the twelfth century were so ruthlessly exterminated by the general Almeida by order of Francois I. These European Manicheans were in large part the disciples, under the name of Paulicians, of Constantinus Sylvanus, a native of Samosata, who in the middle of the seventh century propounded a somewhat curious mixture of the doctrines of St. Paul with those of Zoroaster, inter- mingled with a larger proportion of the former than Manes had thought fit to introduce in his own theosophy. The new teacher easily united into one church the remnants of the old Gnostics, especially the Manicheans of Armenia, and the still unconverted Zoroastrians of Pontus and Cappadocia. They spread into what is now Bulgaria, and from thence diffused their doctrines into Italy, and so, as we have seen, into the South of France. The Manicheans were divided into classes or grades. The first grade were known as Disciples, and were more or less probationers. The second grade were known as Auditors, who were permitted to hear the writings of Manes read, and interpreted in a mystical form. The third grade were the Perfect, or Elect, who were the priestly order of the sect. From these last were chosen the Magistri, or Council, who were twelve in number, as in the Culdee system, with a thirteenth as President. In common with other sects professing Gnostic tenets they had secret forms of recognition, three in number, described by St. Augustine as the word, the grip, and the breast. Manichean doctrines were thus being diffused during the period when the Templars were at the height of their prosperity and power, and King 1 devotes several pages of his work to a consideration of the close resemblance between these Orders. Gnosticism, he points out, in one shape or another, was still surviving on the very headquarters of the Order, among their closest allies or enemies, the mountaineers of Syria. x Gnostics and their Remains, pp. 410 ff. THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS 57 The Templar Order " had been modelled after an original, the last to be looked for according to modern views, for Von Hammer has here been successful in demonstrating that its constitution is a servile copy of that of the detested ' Assassins/ The statutes of the latter prove the fact beyond all gainsaying ; they were found upon the captives of their capital, Alamoot, by the Mogul, Halakoo, in the year 1335, when, by a most singular coincidence, Caliph and Pope were busied in exterminating the model and the copy in the East and West, at one and the same time." From these documents were verified the " Eight Degrees of Initiation " as established by Hassan, the first Grand Master, or " Prince of the Mountain/ 1 These degrees, probably suggested by the ancient Mithraic tests, were : I. The Trial of Knowledge. II. The Trial of Persuasiveness ; i.e. the talent for proselytism. III. Denial of the Truth of the Koran, and of all other sacred scriptures. IV. The Trial of Silent and Perfect Obedience. V. The Disclosure of the Names of the Great Brothers of the Order, royal, sacerdotal, and patrician, in all parts of the world. VI. The Confirmation of all the preceding Steps of Knowledge. VII. The Allegorical Interpretation of the Koran, and of all other Scriptures. In this Order the divinity of all founders of religious systems was alike denied. Religion was shown to be a mere step to knowledge, its narratives to be merely allegorical, and exhibiting the progress of civil society : thus Man's Fall signified political slavery ; Redemption his restoration to liberty and^ecjuality. VIII. That all actions were indifferent, provided only they were done for the good of the Order, there being no such thing, absolutely, as vice or virtue. It will be seen, says Von Hammer, that the principle 58 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA running through these " Degrees " is identical with that pervading the main counts in the Articles of Accusation brought against the Templars. The same author, in his History of the Assassins, also shows that the organization of the Templars was exactly modelled upon that of the Assassins, and thus confronts the several degrees in each of the two Orders. DEGREES OF THE ASSASSINS I. The Grand Master, or Prince of the Mountain. II. The Dais-al-Kabir, or three great viceroys under him. III. The Dais, or provincial masters. IV. The Refek, or chaplains. V. The Lazik, or military body. VI. The Fedavee, or death-devoted. VII. The Batinee, or secret brethren, i.e. those affiliated to the Order. DEGREES OF THE TEMPLARS I. The Grand Master. II. The Three Grand Priors. III. The Provincial Prior. IV. The Chaplains. V. The Knights. VI. The Esquires. VII. The Serving Brethren. VIII. The Danato and Obligati. IX. The Affiliati. The " Donati " and " Obligati " were sworn, in return for the protection afforded to them by the Order, to leave to it all their property at their deaths, and consequently to , or even to stand sponsors to the children of others. If married at the time of joining the Order, they were bound to put away their wives. Infraction of the vow was punished by perpetual imprison- ment. The " Affiliati " had, probably, nothing to do with the secrets of the Order ; they merely, in return for a certain THE GNOSTICS AND THE MANICHEANS 59 sum paid down, received their daily maintenance (their commons), out of the corporate fund ; such an arrangement being a simple anticipation of the principle of life annuities, and admirably adapted to the requirements of those barbarous times. Waite, an enthusiastic exponent of the high place taken in the religious aspect of Masonry by the ritual of the Knights Templar Degree, without allowing himseli to be committed to any statement which the ordinary reader might construe into a definite opinion, has many references in his Secret Tradition in Freemasonry to the influence from the East, which is to be distinctly traced in the Templar rites. Appar- ently, he attributes this in some measure to the Essenes, or, at least, he does not controvert such a statement by others. The tradition preserved among the Druses, that the present seat of their Grand Master is Europe, and that they have members of their faith existing at the present day, both in England and Scotland, tallies curiously enough with Von Hammer's theory about the close relationship that existed between the Templars and the Ismaeli, or Assassins, the actual progenitors of the Prunes. " The influence of the Crusades, and their results upon the mind and life of mediaeval Europe cannot possibly be exaggerated. The true masters of the Western barbarians in philosophy, science, and many of the arts, were the Arabs, firstly those of Syria, later those of Spain. Together with their learning they communicated other ideas, far different from those originally contemplated by their pupils. Never- theless, the connection between their science and their secret creed, was so intimate that, in reality, no other result was to be looked for. So much of primitive Gnosticism, before its admixture with Christianity, was based upon Magism, that is, upon astrological ideas, as to make it often difficult to determine whether a Gnostic monument involves a religious notion, or is merely a sidereal talisman." x The strange ceremonies observed on the admission of neophytes into the various secret societies that flourished under the Lower Empire and in the Middle Ages are all of * King, The Gnostics and their Remains, p. 414. 60 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA them no more than faint traditions of the penances, or " Twelve Tortures," that purchased admission into the Cave of Mithras. How widely diffused were these Mithraici, especially in the West, is attested by the innumerable tablets, altars, and inscriptions still remaining in Germany, France, and this country. The religion of Mithras was so readily embraced, and flourished so extensively among all the Celtic races, in consequence of its analogy to the previously dominant Druidical religion, an affinity which had been observed by Pliny I and a hundred years before him by Caesar, 2 both of whom found that the subjects of study amongst the Druids were literally those of the Magian Gnosis. Druidism expressly taught the eternal existence of the Two Principles, the final triumph of Good, and the Renovation of all things. A most valuable fragment of early Druidical teaching has been preserved for us by Plutarch, in his strange essay " On the Face in the Moon," by the title of the Doctrine of the Sons of Saturn, which is full of Gnostic ideas, those of Manes, for instance, and even of Gnostic expressions. * Nat. Hist, xxx, 4. Bell. Gall, vi. 13. CHAPTER VI OTHER GNOSTIC SECTS: THE OPHITES, BASIL- IDEANS, AND FOLLOWERS OF SIMON MAGUS THE Ophites, according to Clemens Alexandrinus, were founded by one Eucrates at the beginning of the Christian era, and were a well-organized fraternity early in the second century. Their doctrine, though to some extent correspond- ing with that of the Mandaites, or followers of Joha the Baptist, was very Osirian, or Serapian, with Semitic names for the Coptic ones. Hippolytus, the Greek historian, styles them : " The Naaseni who specially call themselves Gnostics. But inasmuch as this deception of theirs is multiform and has many heads (a play upon their name of serpent-followers), like the hydra of fable, if I smite all the heads at once with the wand of Truth, I shall destroy the whole serpent, for all the other sects differ but little from this one in essentials," Their strange-sounding title, " Naaseni/' " Followers of the Naas," the only way in which the. Greek, from its want of aspirate letters could write the Hebrew word Nachash, " Serpent/' was literally rendered by " Ophites/ 1 the name which has ever since served to designate them. They first assumed a definite existence about the same time as the Basilideans, in the second century. Like other Gnostics, they rejected the O|d T?.8jtiament altogether as the work of a subordinate divinity, and con- taining nothing of their revealed Sophia, or Divine Wisdom, and they held that the New. Testament, although originally of higher authority, had been so corrupted by the interpola- tions of the Apostles as to have lost all value as a revelation of Divine truth. They drew the chief supports of their tends out of the various " Testaments " and similar books 61 62 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA then current, and ascribed to the Patriarchs and the most ancient Prophets, as, for example, the Book of Seth. The primary article of their doctrine was the Emanation of all things from the One Supreme, long utterly unknown to mankind, and at last only revealed to a very small number capable of receiving such enlightenment. Hence He is named Bythos, " Profundity," to express His unfathomable, inscrutable nature. Following the Zoroastrian and Kabalistic nomenclature they also designated Him as the " Fountain of Light/' and " The Primal Man," giving for the reason of the latter title that " Man was created after the Image of GOD," which therefore proved the nature of the prototype. The primitive Ophites, such as the Naaseni, regarded their serpent "The Naas" as identical with Christ, according to Epiphanius employing a living tame serpent to encircle and consecrate the loaves that were to be eaten at the Eucharistic supper. To establish the identity of their Ophis with the Saviour of Mankind, reference was made to the words of St. John : " For as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilder- ness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. 1 ' This proves that the section of the Ophites which later on regarded the serpent as evil by its nature must have been led away from the primitive doctrine of their sect by the prevailing Zoroastrian and Jewish notions upon that subject. In common with the Basilideans, they called their Supreme Deity " Abraxas/' and attributed miraculous powers to the arrangement in the form of a triangle of the form of that name, Abracadabra. The Ophites preserved the celebration of both the Lesser and the Greater Mysteries, and are believed to have had three grades, with separate initiatory rites for each. The Basilideans took their name from Basilides of Alexandria, a disciple of Menander, a pupil of Simon Magus, This system had three grades, the material, intellectual, and spiritual. Two allegorical statues, a male and a female, had a prominent part in their religious ceremonies. As in the Mysteries, a quinquennial silence was exacted from their disciples. Their doctrine, whilst in many points strongly resembling that of the Ophites, also ran on the lines of Kabalism with a succession of ^Eons, Emanations and Sephiroth, over OTHER GNOSTIC SECTS 68 which an Archon, or Angelic-prince, presided. They also tught that Simon of Cyrene took the place of Jesus at the Crucifixion. Basilides was succeeded as head of the sect by his son Isidorus, and a tradition says that Matthias the Apostle communicated to these two some secret dis- courses which, being specially instructed, he had heard from the Saviour. Irenaeus, who was a contemporary of Basilides, thus describes his doctrines : " Basilides, in order to invent something more refined and plausible in the Gnostic speculative philosophy, pushed his investigations even into the Infinite. He asserted that GOD, the uncreated eternal Father, first brought forth Nous, or Mind : l and Mind, the Logos, Word ; this in turn, Phronesis, Intelligence ; whence came forth Sophia, Wisdom, and Dynamis, Strength/ 1 Irenaeus understands Basilides as making a Quinternion of Beings, or Personal Intelligences external to the Godhead ; but Bellermann, with more reason, takes them as signifying personified attributes of the Supreme forms of his working internally and externally. According to this explanation, 3 says King, Basilides would only have borrowed his system from the Kabala ; it is, however, equally likely that he drew the whole from a much more distant source, and that his " Uncreated " and " Quinternion " stand in truth for the First Buddha and the successive five. " When the Uncreated Eternal Father beheld the corrup- tion of mankind/ 1 continues Irenaeus, " He sent His first- born, Nous, into the world in the form of Christ, for the redeeming of all that believe in Him out of the power of those who fabricated the world namely the Demiurgius and his six sons, the Planetary Genii. Nous appeared amongst men as the Man Jesus, and wrought miracles. This Christ did not die in person, but Simon the Cyrenian, to whom He lent His bodily form, suffered in His stead, inasmuch as the Divine Power, the Nous of the Eternal Father, is not corporeal, and therefore cannot die. Whoso therefore maintains that Christ has died is still the bondman of Ignorance, but 1 Compare the Religious Creed o! the Druses, in chap, xxiii. * Gnostics and tkeit Remains, p. 261. 64 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA whoso denies the same, he is a freeman, and hath understood the purpose of the Father." From this tenet the Basilideans got the opprobrious title of the " Illusionists." There is in all this a remarkable similarity to the desire of the Buddhist, Brahmin, and Mohammedan to preserve the dignity of the Father by refusing to believe in the human sufferings of the Son. Madam Blavatsky is at issue with Irenaeus as to the doctrines of the Ophites, and considers he had perhaps good reasons for disfiguring them. Describing the systems accord- ing to an old diagram preserved among some Copts and the Druses of Mount Lebanon she says : l " The Gnostic Ophites taught the doctrine of Emanations, so hateful to the defenders of the unity in the Trinity, and vice versa. The Unknown Deity with them had no name ; but his first female emanation was called Bythos or Depth. It answered to the Shekinah of the Kabalists, the ' Veil ' whicbr conceals the ' Wisdom ' in the cranium of the highest of the three heads. As the Pythagorean Monad, this nameless Wisdom was the Source of Light, and Ennoia or Mind, is Light itself. The latter was also called the ' Primitive Man,' like the Adam Kadmon, or ancient Adam of the Kabala. Indeed, if man was created after his likeness and in the image of GOD, then this GOD was like his creature in shape and figure hen,cehe is the ' Primitive, Man.' The first Manu, the one evolved from Swayarnbhuva, ' he who exists unrevealed in his own glory/ is also, in one sense, the primitive man, with the Hindus." Thus the " nameless and the unrevealed," Bythos, his female reflection, and Ennoia, the revealed mind proceeding from both, or their Son, are the counterparts of the Chaldean first triad as well as those of the Brahamic Trimurti. Though he is termed the " Primitive Man/ 1 Ennoia, who is like the Egyptian Pymander, the " Power of the Thought Divine," the first intelligible manifestation of the Divine Spirit in material form, is like the " Only-Begotten " Son of the " Unknown Father," of all other nations. He is the emblem of the first appearance of the Divine Presence 1 Isis Vnveikd, pp. 169 ff. OTHER GNOSTIC SECTS 05 in His own works of creation, tangible and visible, and there- fore comprehensible. As neither the male nor female principle, blended into the idea of a double-sexed Deity in ancient conceptions, could be comprehended by an ordinary human intellect, the theology of every people had to create for its religion a Logos, or manifested word, in some shape or other. With the Ophites and other Gnostics who took their models direct from more ancient originals, the unrevealed Bythos and her male counterpart produce Ennoia, and the three in their turn produce Sophia, thus completing the Tetraktya, from which will emanate Christos, the very essence of the Father Spirit. The only difference between the Ophite cosmogony and that of the St. John Nazarenes is a change of names. We find equally an identical system in the Kabala, the Book of Mystery (Liber Mysterii). All the three systems, especially that of the Kabalists and the Nazarenes, which were the models for the Ophite Cosmogony, belong to the pure Oriental Gnosticism. The Codex Nazaraeus opens with : " The Supreme King of Light, Mano, the great first one/' etc., the latter being the emanation of Ferho the unknown, formless LIFE. He is the chief of the ^Eons, from whom proceed (or shoot forth) five refulgent rays of Divine light. Mano is Rex Lucis, the Bythos-Ennoia of the Ophites. The followers of Simon Magus, though considered last, are estimated by Hippolytus to have had great influence upon the tenets of the two sects described above. He says : " It is here ray intention to exhibit the system of Simon Magus, a native of Gitteh, in Samaria, and I will prove that from him all those that come after have derived the elements of their doctrine, and impudently attempted the same things under different appellations. This Simon was skilled in magic, and had imposed upon great numbers, partly by practising the art of Thrasymedes after the manner which I have already exposed (in the Book upon Magicians), and partly by miracle working through the agency of demons. He attempted to set up for a god, being a thorough impostor and altogether unscrupulous and daring ; for he was that one whom the Apostles confuted, as is recorded in the Acts. " Simon speaks, when interpreting the Law of Moses, 66 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA in an impudent and fraudulent fashion, for whenever Moses says ' Our GOD is a burning and consuming fire/ Simon, taking what Moses has said in a false sense, maintains that Fire is the Principle of all things. He designates the Principle of all things * Boundless Power ' in the following words : 4 This is the Book of the Declaration of the Voice, and of the Name, from the inspiration of the Great, the Boundless Power. Wherefore the same is sealed, hidden, wrapped up, stored in the dwelling wherein the Root of all things is established/ This dwelling, he says, signifies Man here below, who is born of blood, and also signifies that there dwells within him a ' Boundless Power ' which he asserts is the Root of all things. But this Boundless Power (or Fire according to Simon) is not a simple substance in the same way as most people who call the Elements ' simple ' account Fire likewise as simple : on the contrary, he maintains that the nature of Fire is, as it were, double ; and of this double number he terms one part the Insensible, the other the Visible ; asserting that the insensible are contained within the visible parts of the Fire, and that the visible parts are generated by the invisible. (This is the same thing that Aristotle expresses by his ' Force ' and 'Energy/ and Plato by his ' Intelligible ' and ' Sensible/) " The commencement of the creation of the world was in this wise, according to Simon : six ' Radicals ' (lit. Roots), the First Principles of the beginning of Creation, were taken by the Begotten-one out of the Principle of that Fire ; for he asserts that these Six Radicals emanated by pairs out of the Fire. These Six Radicals he names ' Mind and Intelli- gence, Voice and Name, Reason and Thought/ And there exists in these Radicals taken together the whole of the ' Boundless Power/ but existing in potentiality , not in activity. Now of these Six Powers, and of the Seventh which goes along with them, the First Thought Simon terms ' Mind and Intellect/ ' Heaven and Earth/ teaching that the one, of the male sex, looks down upon and takes care of his consort ; while the Earth below receives from Heaven the ' Intellect ' and fruits of the same nature with the Earth, which are poured down from above. For this cause, says Simon, the Word, often looking down upon the things that spring out of Mind and Intellect, says * Hear, O Heavens, and receive OTHER GNOSTIC SECTS 67 with thine ears, O Earth ! for the Lord hath spoken : I have begotten and brought up sons, but they have despised me. He that saith this is the Seventh Power, ' He who standeth, hath stood, and shall stand ' ; for He is the author of those good things which Moses commended, saying that they were very good. " Voice and Name are the Sun and Moon ; Reason and Thought are Air and Water. But with all of these is mingled and combined that Boundless Power, ' He who standeth/ as already mentioned/ 1 This teaching of a pronounced Male and Female principle, helped by the worship paid to the two pillars representing those principles, and also largely provoked into gross im- morality by Simon's own licentious conduct with a harlot of Tyre named Helena, to whom he attributed a divine origin, is undoubtedly the source of the allegations of immoral rites and drunken orgies ascribed to other secret sects in Syria, and for this reason I have mentioned it here. I conclude with a few more words quoted from the same author, Hippolytus : " The disciples, therefore, of this Simon practise magic arts and incantation, and make philtres and seductive spells ; they likewise send the so-called ' dream-bringing demons ' to trouble whomsoever they choose. They likewise practise the rites of the gods named Paredroi, the ' Assessors ' ; they have also an image of Simon, in the guise of Jupiter, and like- wise one of Helena, in the figure of Minerva ; and these they worship, calling one ' The Master ' the other ' The Mistress/ " No reference seems made by any historian of this sect to any special rites of initiation practised by them. A few words of Gibbon will suitably close this chapter : " The sects of Egypt and Syria enjoyed a free toleration under the shadow of the Arabian Caliphs, and therefore may reasonably be supposed to have maintained their peculiar notions and observances down to the time of the Crusades. Of such protracted existence we have the most convincing proof at the present day in the numerous sect, the Mandaites, or Nazarenes, of the Shat-el-Arab, and Bassora ; veritable Gnostics, holding a creed, the true image of that of Manes, in their Book of Adam ; and detested by their Christian and Moslem neighbours alike/' CHAPTER VII THE SCHIITE SECTS: SUFEISM AND THE DERVISH ORDERS SCARCELY had Islamism thrown out some roots in the places formerly subject to the empire of the Sassanides, and the religion of the Magians, than a schism, political and religious, lit up there the torch of fanaticism. 1 When the faith of Islam was forced upon the Persian nation by the sanguinary Omar, it was declared by the conqueror, that all who did not receive it with implicit obedience should be put to the sword. Such a summary process of conversion left the real tenets of the great majority of the nation unaltered ; from old associations, they began to regard the Imaums, or chiefs of the faith, as Bodhisatwas ; and, as we shall have occasion to notice hereafter, this principle pervades all the Schiite sects ; the chief difference between them being as to the number of incarnations. The Schiite notion of an Imaum is precisely the same as that which the Thibetians form of their Grand Llama, and the Burmese of their Bodhisatwas. 2 The dogma of the union of the divinity to Ali and the Imaums of his race 3 " owed its origin, if I am not mistaken, to the ancient system of the Parsees. It is also to the ancient theology of the people of Eastern Asia that we must refer the origin of the belief in the transmigration of souls, and perhaps the study of the books of the Grecian philosophers contributed to strengthen and extend this opinion among the Mussulmans." The Sufees are a secret society of Persian mystic philo- sophers and ascetics, whose original religion may have * De Sacy, Religion of the Druses, Introd. p. 27. * Taylor, History of Mowmmedanism, p. 152. A separate chapter later is devoted to this resemblance. 3 De Sacy, Introd. p. 31. 68 THE SCHIITE SECTS 69 been that of the Chaldeans, or Sabeans, who believed in the unity of GOD, but adored the host of heaven (Tsaba), especi- ally the seven planets, as representing Him. Zoroaster, the introducer of the Magian religion, or a section of it, taught the existence of two principles, Ormuzd and Ahriman, and, as light was with him a symbol of the former, the good spirit, he directed his followers to turn to the fire lighted on the altar, if worshipping in a temple, or to the sun if worship- ping in the open air. The modern Persians are Schiites, that is, Mussulmans who reject the Sunnah, or the code received by Mussulmans of Turkey and the West, as founded in the traditions of Mohammed, collected and commented upon by the four Orthodox directors. They also look upon the first three Caliphs as usurpers, and consider Ali as at least equal to Mohammed. But many look upon him as far superior. It is quite a common saying in Persia, " Though I do not believe Ali tp be GOD, I believe that he is not far from being so." In all portraits of Him he is represented with His face covered, because, as they allege, the glory of His countenace is too bright for mortal eye to behold. The Sufees, says Sir John Malcolm, 1 represent themselves as devoted to the search after truth, and incessantly occupied in adoring the Almighty, a union with whom they desire with all fervour of divine love. The Creator, according to their belief, is diffused over all creation. He exists everywhere, and in everything. They compare the emanations of his essence or spirit to the rays of the sun, which they conceive are continually darted forth and reabsorbed. It is for this reabsorption into the divine essence, to which their immortal part belongs, that they continually sigh. They believe that the soul of man, and the principle of life which exists through Nature, are not from GOD, but of GOD. The Sufee doctrines are as old as Mohammed, and became general in Persia under a Sufee sheikh about A.D. 1499. The Sufee tenets allow a man to retain outward ceremonies in the first stage. They have four gradations, and secrets and mysteries for every gradation, which are never revealed to the profane. 1 Malcolm, Persia, vol. ii, p. 269. 70 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA " Look in your own heart/' says the Sufee, " for the Kingdom of GOD is within you." He who truly knows himself knows GOD, for the heart is a mirror in which every divine quality is reflected. But just as a steel mirror when coated with rust loses its power of reflection, so the inward spiritual sense, which Sufees call the eye of the heart, is blind to the celestial glory until the dark obstruction of the phenomenal self, with all its sensual contaminations, has been wholly cleared away. The clearance, if it is to be done effectively, must be the work of GOD, though it demands a certain inward co-operation on the part of man. " Who- soever shall strive for our sake, We will guide him in Our ways/' says the Koran (xxix, 69). Action is false and vain, it is thought to proceed from one's self, but the enlightened mystic regards GOD as the real agent in every act, and therefore takes no credit for his good works, nor desires to be recompensed for them. Both Moslem and Sufee declare that GOD is One, but the statement bears a different meaning in each instance. The Moslem means that GOD is unique in His essence, qualities, and acts ; that He is absolutely unlike all other beings. The Sufi means that GOD is the One Real Being which underlies all phenomena. Thus the Sufees conceive the universe to be a projected and reflected image of GOD. The divine light, streaming forth in a series of emanations, falls at last upon the darkness of not-being, every atom of which reflects some attribute of Deity. Man reflects all the attributes, the terrible as well as the beautiful, love and mercy as well as wrath and vengeance ; he is the epitome of heaven and hell. Ammian, in his history of Julian's Persian expedition, says that one day Hystaspes, as he was boldly penetrating into the unknown regions of Upper India, came upon a certain wooded solitude, the tranquil recesses of which were " occupied by those exalted sages, the Brachmanes or Shamans. Instructed by their teaching in the science of the motions of the world and of the heavenly bodies, and in pure religious rites, he transfused them into the creed of the Magi. The latter, coupling these doctrines with their own peculiar science of foretelling the future, have handed down the whole THE SCHIITE SECTS 71 through their descendants to succeeding ages." *' It is from these descendants/' writes Madam Blavatsky, 1 " that the Sufees, chiefly composed of Persians and Syrians, acquired their proficient knowledge in astrology, medicine, and the esoteric doctrine of the ages. We hold to the idea which becomes self-evident when the Zoroastrian inbroglio is considered that there were, even in the days of Darius, two distinct sacerdotal castes of Magi : the initiated, and those who were allowed to participate in the popular rites only. We see the same in the Eleusinian Mysteries. Be- longing to every temple there were attached the ' Hierophants' of the inner sanctuary, and the secular clergy who were not even instructed in the Mysteries. It is against the absurdities and superstitions of the latter that Darius revolted, and 4 crushed them/ for the inscription on his tomb shows that he was a ' Hierophant ' and a Magian himself. It is also but the exoteric rites of this class of Magi which descended to posterity, for the great secrecy in which were preserved the ' Mysteries ' of the true Chaldean Magi was never violated, however much guess-work may have been expended on them. The mysterious Druses of Mount Lebanon are the descendants of these ancient philosophers. Solitary Copts, earnest students scattered hither and thither throughout the sandy solitudes of Egypt, Arabia, Petraea, Palestine, and the impenetrable forests of Abyssinia, though rarely met with, may sometimes be seen. Many and various are the nationalities to which belong the disciples of that mysterious school, and many the side shoots of that one primitive stock. The secrecy preserved by these sub-lodges, as well as by the one and supreme great lodge, has ever been proportionate to the activity of religious persecutions : and now, in the face of the growing materialism, their very existence is becoming a mystery/' " The Sufee doctrine," says King, 3 " involved the grand idea of one universal creed which could be secretly held under any profession of an outward faith ; and, in fact, took virtu- ally the same view of religious systems as that in which the ancient philosophers had regarded such matters." 1 Isw Unveiled, vol. ii. p. 306. 1 The Gnostics and their Remains, p. 185. 72 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Although the ordinary Sufee principles are professed generally by the higher grades among the Dervishes, some of the Orders hold doctrines more purely mystical, and others more purely pantheistic, than the rest. Of the more purely mystical, the Nakshibendi and Khalveti Orders are the chief representatives. The former was founded by Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, the latter by Ali, the third Caliph. The successful establishment of other communities having caused the extinction of the two original fraternities, they had remained unrepresented, the former until the thirteenth, and the latter until the fourteenth century, when Mohammed of Nakshibend and Omar Khalvet respectively founded Orders which assumed their names. 1 The rule observed by the Nakshibendi Dervishes is held to be in strict accordance with that instituted by Abu Bakr, and the members of this Order live in their own homes, and pursue their ordinary avocations, meeting only at stated times for the performance of religious exercises. This Order seems to have remained one of the most numerous and popular in the Turkish Empire. The Order of the Khalvetis, although professing to be a revival of the primitive congregation of the Caliph Ali, practise a much more rigid austerity than was compatible with the rule originally observed of remaining in the world and fulfilling the ordinary duties of citizens. The members undertake to live much in retirement, and to devote a great part of their time to solitary contemplation. The Order of Jhe BeJ^tashis was instituted in the fifteenth century by the" Hadji Bektash, " Bektash the Pilgrim/' who, according to "YarTcer,* received his " Mantle " from Ahmed Yesevee, who claimed descent from the father-in- law of Mohammed. He established a " Path," consisting of seven nominal, but four essential degrees, and a descrip- tion of the initiation ceremonies is given in the next chapter. These degrees are magical in their nature, as they aim at establishing an affinity between the Aspirant and the Sheikh, from whom he is led, through the Founder, and the Prophet, to Allah. This Order, in addition to its numerous adherents among * Garnett, Mysticism and Magic in Turkey, p. 17. Arcane Schools, p. 188. THE SCHIITE SECTS 78 the Osmanlis, is said to include in its ranks some Albanian Moslems. Bektash was one of the many learned men whom the munificence of the early Ottoman Princes attracted to Asia Minor from Khorassan, and Orchan is said to have attributed many of his victories to the presence in his army of this holy man. He built for him, at Sivas, a monastery and college, and sought his approval and blessing on every undertaking. And when he had enrolled that first fair young band of Christian boys which was destined to develop into " the strongest and fiercest instrument of imperial ambition ever devised upon earth/' 1 he led them to the abode of the saintly Sheikh, and begged of him to bestow upon them his blessing. With his arm, draped in the wide sleeve of his mantle, stretched over the head of a youth in the front rank, Hadgi Bektash thus addressed the Emir : " The troop which thou hast formed shall be called Yeni Sheri, (New Troop). Their faces shall be white and shining, their right arms strong, their sabres keen, and their arrows sharp. They shall be fortunate in battle, and never leave the field save as victors." 2 The Yeni Sheri, or Janisseries, in consequence of this benediction, remained, until the massacre of their corps in 1,826, closely incorporated with the Order founded by this famous Sheikh. 3 Other Orders of Dervishes, to whom we can only allude in passing, are the Rufai, or " Howling Dervishes," founded in the twelfth century ; the Mevlevi, or " Dancing Dervishes," founded in the thirteenth century ; and the Kalenderi, or " Kalender Dervishes," founded by a disciple of Sheikh Hadji Bektash, Kalender Yussuf-Andalusi. Expelled from his original Brotherhood on account of his overbearing temper and arrogant behaviour, Yussuf made unsuccessful attempts to gain admittance to the Mevlevi Order, and ended by establishing on his own authority a Brotherhood, the rules of which included the obligation of perpetual wandering, and of entertaining an eternal hatred against the Orders from which he had been excluded. The title of Kalender, which he assumed and bestowed on his 1 Creasy, History of the Ottoman Turks, pp. 14-15. * Von Hammer, Histoire de I* Empire Ottomane, vol. ii. p. 71. 3 This was followed by a general persecution of the Bektashis. 74 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA followers, signifies " pure," implying the purity of heart, spirituality of soul, and exemption from worldly contamina- tion, which Yussuf required in his disciples, qualities somewhat at variance, one would suppose, with the above-mentioned obligation. This same title of Kalender, it may be remarked, 1 is also given to Dervishes of all Orders who are distinguished among their brethren for superior spirituality. It is this class of " enlightened " beings which has produced so many dangerous fanatics in every age of Mohammedanism. From it have come the assassins of sultans, viziers, and grandees of the Empire, and all the unconscious impostors who, under the title of Mahdi, have misled thousands and desolated whole countries by their supposed prophecies and divine revelations. 1 Mysticism and Magic in Turkey, p. 20. CHAPTER VIII INITIATION RITES AMONG THE DERVISHES ' THE founder of one of the earliest Orders of Dervishes, Sheikh Olwan, laid down certain rules to be observed in the admission of new members into his Brotherhood ; and these rules, though subsequently elaborated by certain of the Orders, are still substantially the same in their leading features, differing only in the severity of the discipline imposed upon a candidate, in the length of his period of probation, and in certain minor details. As a general rule, a neophyte is required during his novitiate to live in complete retirement from the world, to perform the menial offices of the Tekkah, (Monastery) and to repeat daily, 101, 151, or 301 times one of the attributes of the Deity. These are ninety-seven" in number, and are called the Isami Ilahi, or " Beautiful Names of Allah." Seven only of these are used by a Murid, or Candidate ; they are La Ilaha il Allah (" There is no GOD but Allah ") ; Ya Allah (" O GOD ") ; Ya Hoo (" O Him ") ; Ya Haak (" O Truth ") ; Ya Hay (" O Ever Living ") ; Ya Kayyoum (" O Self-existent"); and Ya Kahhar (" O Almighty"). In the first stage of his probation the neophyte repeats only the first attribute, and his advancement through the seven successive stages depends upon the proofs he is able to give of the reality of his vocation for a Dervish life. These proofs are found in the frequency and vividness of the dreams and visions vouchsafed to him, which he is bound to communicate to his Superior. Admission into the Mevlevi Order is only obtained by the performance of an uninterrupted novitiate of a thousand and one consecutive days. Should the Murid fail in a single day's duties, or be absent from the Tekkah for one 1 From Mysticism and Magic in Turkey, by L. M. J. Garnett. London, 76 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA whole night, his probation must be recommenced ; and, whatever his worldly rank, he must consider himself the subordinate of every member of the Tekkah. He is instructed in his duties by the Ashjibashi, or Chief of the Kitchen, spends much of his time in prayers and fasting, and in committing to memory the prayers and passages of the Koran more especially used by his Order. He must also become proficient in the mystic dance, and take part in the public services of the Brotherhood. The novice, having passed through his period of probation to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Kitchen, that functionary who acts as his sponsor reports him to the Sheikh as worthy of admission to the initiatory grade of the Order, and a meeting of all the Brotherhood is convened in the Ismi Jelik Hujreh, the private assembly room of the Tekkah. When all are assembled, the Murid is led by the Ashjibashi to the Prior, who occupies the seat of honour in the angle of the divan ; he kisses the extended hand of his Superior, and seats himself on the floor before him. His sponsor then places his right hand on the neck, and his left- on the forehead of the neophyte, the Sheikh takes off the kulah which, with the rest of the Mevlevi costume he has worn during his novitiate, and proceeds to chant a Persian distich composed by the founder of the Order. He then delivers an exhortation to the young disciple, at the termination of which he replaces the kulah on his head. The Murid and his sponsor now place themselves in the middle of the room, where they assume a posture of profound humility, standing with folded arms, crossed toes, and bowed heads. The Ashjibashi is then addressed as follows by the Sheikh : " May the services of the Murid, thy brother, be agree- able to the Throne of the Eternal, and in the eyes of our Pir, may His satisfaction, His felicity, and His glory grow in the nest of the humble, in the cell of the poor. Let us exclaim Hoo (Hm) in honour of oijr Mevlana" l The Murid and his sponsor answer " Hoo " and the former then kisses the hand of the Sheikh, who addresses to him some paternal remarks on his new position, and concludes by asking all the members of the congregation to embrace and welcome their new brother. 1 The founder of tht Order, Mevlana Jelalu-'d-Din. INITIATION RITES AMONG THE DERVISHES 77 A novice of the Bektashi Order is also required to perform a novitiate of a thousand and one days, during which he frequents the services in the Tekkah. But the formalities observed by this Order in the reception of candidates differ from those of the Mevlevi Brethren, and are even more elaborate. A candidate is recommended to the Sheikh by two members of the community who are called his " Inter- preters." x He must also have already given, during his novitiate, proofs of spiritual knowledge and acquirements, and have faithfully kept certain pretended secrets of the Order imparted to him as tests of his powers of reticence. His reception into the Brotherhood is also determined by the revelations concerning him received, in dreams or visions, by the Sheikh, from the Pir or from Ali. What is thus revealed is not communicated to the neophyte. On the evening appointed for the ceremony of initiation for the services of the Bektashi Order are always held by night the neophyte takes with him to the convent a sheep and a small sum of money. The sheep is sacrificed on the threshold of the Tekkah, part of its w r ool is twisted into a rope, the rest being preserved to be made, later on, into a girdle for his use. If the candidate desires to take the vow of celibacy, he is stripped naked ; but if he proposes, as in the generality of cases to take only the ordinary, or secular vow of this widespread and numerous Order, his breast only is bared. With the rope round his neck he is led by his " Interpreters/' one of whom carries the symbol termed the tebber, a kind of battle-axe, into the hall of the Tekkah. Here he stands with his arms folded across his breast, his hands on his shoulders, his toes crossed, and his body inclined towards the Sheikh-*-a posture signifying abject humility and designated buyun kesmek. The Prior and the Twelve Elders are seated around the hall on their sheepskins, a lighted candle being placed in front of each. One of the " Interpreters " announces to the Prior that he has brought to him a slave, and requests his acceptance of the gift. He acquiesces, and the neophyte, addressing him, repeats this prayer : 1 Terjuman. This term also signifies the secret pass-word or phrase of the Bektashi Order. 78 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA " I have erred ; pardon my fault, O Shah ! For the sake of the Accepted One (Ali) of the Exalted Place ; for the sake of the Martyr (Husein). I have done wrong to myself, and to our Lord, and I implore pardon of Him/' His " fault " is supposed to consist in having so long delayed to join the Order. The Sheikh then recites a sort of Litany, to which the Murid makes the responses. " In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and the Clement : " I beseech Allah's forgiveness (thrice repeated) ; I have come to implore pardon ; I have come in search of the Truth ; I ask it for the sake of the Just. Truth is the path which leads to Allah, the All True, whom I know. What you term Evil, I also know to be Evil, and I will avoid taking with my hands what is another's. . . . Repent of your sins unto Allah, a repentance that knows not return unto sin." Then follows an exhortation by the Superior : " Eat nothing forbidden ; speak no falsehood : quarrel with none ; be kind to your inferiors ; overlook the faults of others, and conceal them. If you cannot do this with your hand, do it with your skirts, your tongue, and your heart." The novice then kisses the hand of the Sheikh, who continues : " If thou now accept me as thy father, I accept thee as my son. Be hereafter the pledge of Allah breathed in thy right ear." He then repeats after his Superior the words : "Mohammed is my leader, and Ali is my guide/' The Sheikh asks, " Dost thou accept me as thy Guide (meaning as the repre- sentative of Ali) ? " to which he responds, " I accept thee as my Guide " ; and the Sheikh adds, " Then I accept thee as my son/' The postulant is now led by his " Interpreters fl to the Sheikh, before whom he first bows low and then prostrates himself, touching the floor with his forehead. Kneeling opposite to him so closely that their knees touch, the Superior takes the postulant's right hand in his, and the thumbs are raised to represent the Arabic letter Alif. The latter places his ear to the mouth of the Sheikh who imparts to him in a whisper the Ikranameh, or secret vows of the INITIATION RITES AMONG THE DERVISHES 79 Order. As the tenets of the Bektashis are believed by many to be purely pantheistic, it is asserted that the words whispered by the Sheikh to the Murid convey a doctrine to which he must assent on pain of death, and admit the unity of God and Nature. But this assertion is positively denied by others ; and it would, indeed, be difficult to prove it, as the secrets of the Order are never committed to writing, and are known only to its members, who, it is believed, are deterred by the most frightful penalties from divulging them. When the disciple is presented with the girdle and the stone worn in it, the Prior, as he binds it round his waist says to him : " I now bind up thy waist in the path of Allah O Holy Name, possessed of all knowledge ! Whoever knows this Name will become the successor of his Sheikh (Naib)." Certain principles of the Order are then imparted to the novice, who is also instructed in various mystic tenets concerning the universe and the Koran. The Sheikh then sums up by saying, " There is but one Light, and the Truth is (as) the Moon. He who has found the science of his own body (called the Hum i Vurgood, his spiritual counterpart) knows his Lord ; for the holy Prophet has said, " To know thyself is to know thy Lord. In this is comprised a know- ledge of thine own secret, and that of thy Creator." When a Bektashi takes the vow of celibacy, he is asked by the Sheikh whether, if he break it, he is willing to come under the sword of Ali, to which he replies in the affirmative. The inner signification of this phrase is said to contain one of the secret vows of the Order. On putting on for the first time the sash or A lif-lam, 1 he says, " I abandon all matrimony, and bind myself to this sash so to do." The Murid then recites chapter cxii of the Koran ; after which the Sheikh declares to him that " Allah doth not engender or bring forth, and so may men tell of thee, and no one is equal to Him." Twelve being the Bektashi mystical number, a member having broken a vow, incurs twelve punishments. One of their secret signs is said to consist of the words Tehran and Toolan "far" and "near" signifying "near in affection and far in conceit." > The first and last letters of the Arabic alphabet. 80 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA The ceremonies of affiliation of the other Orders bear a great resemblance to the foregoing, with the exception of those of the Kadiri, the Rufa'i the Sa'di. A novice of the Rufa'i receives from the Sheikh a small cup of water from the Zemzem the Sacred Well of Mekka, which, after reciting a prayer over, he drinks. At the initiation of a Sa'di Dervish, a number of dates are placed before the Superior. He selects one, extracts the stone, breathes upon the fruit and puts it into the moutfy of the neophyte who is seated on the floor before him. Two members of the Order seat themselves to the right and left of him, and proceed to sway him from side to side, reciting at the same time : " There is no GOD but Allah/' the Sheikh doing the same, until he has swallowed the date. All then rise, and the Murid, after kissing the hand of the superior, is acknowledged as a brother by the rest of the congregation. A person wishing to join the Kadiri Order intimates his desire to one of its members. The Dervish enjoins him to frequent the Tekkah and its services, and also to wait upon the brethren and their guests. These menial duties are required from every neophyte, whatever his worldly rank may be. The period of probation lasts for many months, during which time the Murid becomes greatly attached to his Superior. When he has been deemed worthy to enter the ranks of the Dervishes, he is directed to procure a cap of plain white felt, which is carried by his sponsor to the Sheikh. A gul, or piece of cloth stamped into the shape of a rose of eighteen petals, and having in the centre the " Solomon's Seal " two interlaced triangles is then attached to it. When the brethren assemble in the Tekkah for the performance of the Zihr, or invocation of Allah, the Sheikh takes his place on his sheepskin and the neophyte, led by his sponsor, kneels before him and kisses his hand. The Sheikh takes off the novice's ordinary cap, and replaces it by that bearing the " Rose," which he has carried in his bosom, and says, three times, " Allaha Ekber " (Goo is Great). A disciple does not, however, even after this formal reception into it, become at once a full member of the Order. This grade is only reached after, it may be, years of further probation, and its attainment depends upon the proofs he INITIATION RITES AMONG THE DERVISHES 81 is able to give of his progress in spirituality. His final admission to full brotherhood is usually determined by a revelation from the Pir, or from Ali, received simultaneously by himself and his Sheikh. While passing through these intermediate stages, the aspirant is under the guidance of the Superior, or of an initiate who has himself reached the highest degree. During the first stage, which is termed Sheriat, or " the Law/' the disciple observes all the usual rites of Moslem worship, obeys all the commands and precepts of the Koran like any other True Believer, and is treated by the brethren of the community as an uninitiated outsider. He is taught, at the same time, to concentrate his thoughts so completely on his " Guide " as to become mentally absorbed in him as a spiritual link with the supreme object of all devotion. This Guide must be the neophyte's shield against all worldly thoughts and desires ; his spirit must aid him in all his efforts, accompany him wherever he may be, and be ever present to his mental vision. Such a frame of mind it termed " annihilation into the Murshid," and the Guide discovers, by means of his own visions, the degree of spirituality to which his disciple has attained, and to what extent his soul has become absorbed into his own. The Murid now enters upon what, in Dervish phraseology, is called " the Path/' During this period, which forms in reality the transition Irom outward to hidden things, the disciple is familiarized with those philosophical writings of the great Sufi masters which form the chief object of the lectures and studies of the Order. He is taught to substitute spiritual for ritual worship, and led by degrees to abandon the dogmas and formulas of Islam as necessary only for the unenlightened masses. This method is, however, pursued with great tact and caution, for a disciple is not released from the usual observances of religion until he has given proof of sincere piety, virtue, exceptional spirituality, and extreme asceticism ; and a Dervish at this stage of his novitiate passes most of his time in solitary contemplation, endeavouring to detach his mind from all visible objects in order to attain the desired union with the Deity. His Guide, meanwhile, imparts to him his own mystical philosophy as he finds him capable of receiving it. If the disciple's religious feeling 6 82 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA appear to be shocked by any maxim to which he has given utterance, the already mentioned Jesuitical expedient known as the Ketman supplies the Master with a double sense which enables him at once to convince his disciple of the groundless- ness of his objections. If, on the contrary, the Murshid finds his pupil's theological digestion robust, his advance on the path will be correspondingly rapid. He is now supposed to come under the spiritual influence of the Pir, or founder of the Order, in whom he in turn becomes mentally absorbed to such a degree as to be virtually one with him, acquiring his attributes and power of performing supernatural acts. The next stage of the mystic life is that termed by the Dervishes " Spiritual Knowledge/' and the disciple who believes himself, and is believed by his Sheikh, to have attained to such knowledge or, in other words, to have become inspired, is held to be on an equality with the Angels. He now enters into spiritual communion with the Prophet himself, into whose soul his own has become absorbed. The fourth degree is usually attained during the forty days of fasting and seclusion, observed by every Dervish during his novitiate. In his ecstatic state he believes him- self to have become a part of the Divinity, and sees Him in all things. The Sheikh, after witnessing this remarkable proof of the success of his teachings, gently awakens the disciple from his ecstasy, and having restored him to his normal condition, bestows upon him the rank of khalifeh (" successor "). The mystic now resumes his outward obser- vance of the rites of Islam, and prepares for his pilgrimage to the Holy Cities. Not every Dervish, however, attains even to the third grade ; and the highest is attained only by the few. Those less spiritually gifted, or less mystically minded, still continue to recognize the personal and anthropomorphic Allah of the Koran, and look forward at death only to a closer intimacy with Him than that which will be enjoyed by those who have not entered on " the Path." CHAPTER IX OTHER SCHIITE SECTS: THE METAWILEH FROM the fact that the so-called Orthodox Mohammedans have taken the name of Sunnites (Traditionists), " followers of the Sunnah/' to distinguish themselves from the Schiites, the impression prevails in some quarters that the latter entirely reject tradition. But with all the veneration of the Schiites for the Koran as the Word of GOD, and the repository of all the dogmas, doctrines, laws, and ordinances of the faith of Islam, they believe also in the value of oral traditions. They reject, indeed, says Wortabet, 1 "many traditions which the Moslems believe to have been handed down by the earliest successors of Mohammed, because these mediums are detested by the Schiites, and their report of traditions is considered as untruthful. But while they deny the genuineness of many of the traditions preserved by the Moslems, they have a set of their own, which again are regarded as spurious by the Sunnites. " The Schiites of Syria term themselves Metawileh ; they are found in Akkar, a district to the north of Tripoli ; in Belad Besharah and Shukeif, the mountainous country east of Tyre and Sidon, with a small number in these cities ; and in Baalbec and Coele-Syria. Their number in these places possibly amounts to about fifty thousand souls." They believe, with the Orthodox Mohammedan, that the divine mission of Mohammed is established beyond all doubt by the numerous and satisfactory miracles of which he was the subject, and by those which he performed. They believe that the Koran is the undisputed word of GOD, and the guide of men to truth, virtue, and paradise, and that there- fore there is great merit in reading it. 1 Wortabet, Religions of Sym* PP 266 flL 8$ 84 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA On the subject of ethics, the Metawileh do not differ much from other Moslems. 1 All good works they divide into duties, or works of ordinances, and works of supererogation. The first division comprises prayer, fasting, alms, and pilgrimage ; the prompt performance of duty to parents, kinsmen, and slaves ; circumcision of males ; self-preserva- tion ; a life that is neither extravagant nor niggardly ; marriage in all cases where there is danger of sin ; veracity in the communications and transactions of life ; good faith both to believers and unbelievers, even to the murderers of El Husein ; the performance of all engagements and promises ; the right use of all the blessings of GOD ; con- tentment ; exhortation to others ; feeding the poor, and helping the distressed, etc. These duties, however, though among the most primary, are not in every instance binding on all ; e.g. alms is a duty only when the person is of full age and in affluent circumstances, and pilgrimage is binding on those only who are able to perform it. The works of supererogation are many, the following being the principal. The frequent mention of the name of GOD ; the assiduous reading of the Koran ; frequenting the public places of worship ; the habit of saluting believers, and of returning their salutations ; making many friends, showing civility to them, and requiting them for their favours, readiness to help ; generosity to the members of the family, and to others ; compassion on the poor and needy ; veneration of old age among believers, and humility towards all the faithful ; patience under injury ; mildness and dignity in deportment ; and shunning the use of evil language. In addition to these, the pious man must cultivate a sense of his shortcomings at all times. The Metawileh consider that for the same reasons that men need a prophet they need also an Imaum, with whom GOD deposits all the learning and knowledge of religion, who shall give a right and indisputable interpretation of the Koran, and who shall thus be a standing witness to the truth of the Islam faith. As he is ex officio the king of the Mohammedans, whose business it is to lead them in war in the cause of GOD, and to administer justice to the poor and 1 Wortabet, Researches into the Religions of Syria, pp. 268 ff. OTHER SCHIITE SECTS: THE METAWILEH 85 oppressed, he is also their high priest, their preacher, the expounder of their faith, and their guide in all spiritual concerns. He should be the best and most learned man of his age, and is, in fact, as inspired and infallible as the prophet Mohammed was. " We," says one of the twelve Imaums, " possess all that the prophet possessed, except the office of prophecy and the right to have more than four wives," Mohammed having enjoyed the privilege of taking eleven. The Imaums are pure and holy beings, acquainted with the secrets of the Most High, and are the way of access to Him as mediators and intercessors. Their commands are the commands of GOD himself, and disobedience to them is disobedience to Him ; and, in short, as Noah was only saved by entering into the ark, so a man can be safe from the wrath of GOD in time and eternity only by a sincere attachment to them. The office of Imaum is a perpetual one, and since its establishment it has never been vacant. Ali was succeeded by eleven of his descendants, constituting with himself the twelve Imaums who held so important a place in the creed of the Schiites. The thirteenth Mohammed Ibn el-Hasan el-Askang disappeared without having died, but he continues to live till the present time, though in a state of disguise, and without being known. He is believed to communicate with men incognito, being often, if not always, present among the multitudes who crowd the holy Kaaba every year. At the appointed time he will manifest himself to men, and will then be known by the name of the Guide (El Muhdi) and with Jesus, the Son of Mary, will fill the whole world with the knowledge of GOD, and with justice and piety, even as it is now full of idolatry, error, and unrighteousness. This set time is fast approaching. All this is a part of the settled faith of the Metawileh. Some of their learned men believe also that after the appearance of the Muhdi, he will in due time die, and be succeeded by his own father, or predecessor in the office, who will be raised from death for this purpose ; and a retrqgracje, resurrection and succession will go on, until the twelve Imaums shall have risen and completed the regeneration of the world. After this will come the end, the judgment and eternity. 86 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA The Metawileh of Syria believe that they have among them the veritable descendants of El Hasan and El Husein, the children of AH ; and the Schiites of Persia, and even the Moslems of that country, do not dispute the veracity of these claims. From the fact, however, that large numbers have made the same claims, the intelligent classes have their doubts on the subject, and are content to treat it with indifference. These two branches of the descendants of Ali, called El Hasaniyeh and El Huseiniyeh, reside in Belad Beshara, wear the green turban as the badge of their honour- able descent, and are called Suyyad. They are distinguished by their strict adherence to their religion, and display all that sanctimonious piety which forms an essential part of it. They are treated with great respect by the Metawileh, out of veneration for their illustrious origin. The Metawileh, rejecting the opinions of the four Moham- medan schools, hold that Jaafar Ibn Mohammed, the sixth Imaum from Ali, was the person commissioned to give the Mohammedan system its most definite and permanent form. To his sayings, preserved it is said wholly by tradition, they appeal in all cases where a question of religion or jurisprudence is concerned, and he is to be considered, there- fore, as the author of their peculiar views. In prayer, the Metawileh perform their ablutions in a different way from the Mohammedans, using very little water for the occasion. When they bow to the ground, their heads are made to touch a small cake of earth, which they constantly carry with them for the purpose, made from the very spot where El Husein was killed. If this cake happens to be lost, or not obtainable, they use for the purpose a stone, or some other material, to remind them of the holy earth on which was shed the blood of their illustrious martyr. Unlike the Moslems, each one prays singly, unless the leader be a Muhtahid, a kind of doctor of divinity, who has completed his studies in Irak, and has returned with satisfactory testimonials of his having attained a high degree of learning and piety. At the hour of prayer, all articles of clothing in which gold is wrought, and gold or silver rings and watches, are laid aside. Among the points of difference on the subject of pilgrimage, the most remarkable is, that it may OTHER SCHIITE SECTS: THE METAWILEH 87 be performed by proxy, even though the person for whom the service is done be dead. Another of their peculiar customs is, that when a person dies in affluent circumstances, he is covered with a shroud on which a part or the whole of the Koran is written the price of the article ranging from five hundred to two thousand five hundred piastres and readers are employed to read the Koran over the grave of the newly deceased, with the idea that while this is going on, the black angels will not be permitted to approach the dead body. The Schiites always begin and end the fast of Ramadan with the visible appearance of the new moon, not depending on computation of time, except in cloudy weather. The fast of the day begins at broad daylight, and ends by the time that the eastern horizon is wholly free from the last refracted rays of the set sun, both periods being about half an hour later than the computation of the Mohammedans. All travellers, according to the Koran, are excused from fasting, but the Metawileh do not consider less than seven hours' travelling as permitting food ; if it comes up to this measure of time, they deem it wrong to fast. Neither can the traveller fast at all unless he expects to stay ten days at the place of his destination. Should he fast on the way it will not be valid, and must be commuted by an equal number of other days. The Sunnites and Schiites differ considerably on some of the readings in the Koran, and also on the interpretation of some important passages. In their bearing the Metawileh are sanctimonious and Pharisaical, proud of their religion and of their strict adherence to its ceremonial observances, and lay claim to superior learning. But few, however, among the higher classes, liave any intelligence or general information ; and even their learning is superficial, and their acquaintance with the state of the civilized world very limited. In their morals they are not any better, if not indeed much worse, than the Moslems. The lower classes among them are addicted to petty theft, and all of them to shameless lying. Nor does it appear that they consider either theft or lying to be great crimes, especially when the victims of their fraud are persons who do not belong to their sect. It is even said by the 88 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Christians who live among them, that they have heard them declare that it is meritorious to rob and injure Gentiles ; but of this repulsive doctrine we have found no positive indications in their books. In their feelings towards Christianity they do not differ from the other Moslems. To a firm belief in the absolute unity of the person of GOD, in the divine mission of Moham- med and in the Koran as the undisputed word of GOD, they add a regard for Ali and the Imaums scarcely inferior to their veneration of the Arabian prophet. These points are so interwoven with all their ideas of religion, and with all their feelings as religious beings, that nothing short of the power of GOD can change their sentiments on and abhorrence to Christianity. The doctrines of the Trinity, the Divinity of our Saviour, and the Atonement, are equally repulsive to Moslems and Metawileh. Jesus they believe to have been a mere man, a prophet, like Mohammed, sent to teach men the knowledge of GOD. That he is the Son of GOD, equal with GOD, a person in the Godhead this sounds strangely in their ears, and is a stumbling-block which they cannot get over. The Koran, the magnificent eloquence and classic purity of which lend such a fascination and power to its diction, declares that GOD is one, to whom there is no equal or companion, and who neither begets nor is begotten. And this language rings perpetually in their ears from the days of childhood to the last moments of life, and presents an unwavering protest against the idolatry of the Christians who believe in and worship more than one GOD. The Schiites of Persia and the learned Sunnites maintain, indeed, that the first thing that GOD created out of Himself was Wisdom ; and one, at the first view, might suppose that this doctrine would prepare their minds to believe in the divinity of Jesus. But the Wisdom on which they theorise is created, and is a thing, not a being equal to and co-eternal with GOD. Between the merit of good works and the mercy of GOD, they can find no place for the doctrine of the Atonement. CHAPTER X THE SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS AFTER the Persian captivity of the Jews, and their subse- quent return to Palestine, three Jewish sects existed, the Pharisees, the Essenes, and the Sadducees, the last being purely Mosaic, the first exhibiting many Buddhist char- acteristics, and the Essenes in particular showing strong signs of their faith having been founded by Buddhist missionaries, teaching the doctrines and practice of Sakya Muni. The Hebrews, says Inman, the well-known author who, in his anxiety to condemn all religious faiths gives us some exceedingly valuable side-lights from his researches with regard to them, " always showed, during the Old Testament times, a great aptitude to adopt the faith of outsiders and as the Jewish people were in great abasement and misery at the period when it is probable the Buddhist missionaries came into Syria, they would be prepared for the doctrine that they were suffering for bygone sins. The idea that men in the present were sometimes punished for sins done in the past was a Hebrew as well as a Hindu idea, else Saul's sons would not have been hanged for their father's misdeeds, or the Amalekites have been slaughtered by Samuel, because their forefathers had, some centuries before, fought with Israel, and been conquered by Moses and Joshua." 1 The remarkable sect of the Essenes have always been considered to have had a very close connection with Free- masonry. In many of our Masonic rituals and lectures their name occurs. In certain American " Instructions " in the Craft ritual, printed in language intended to b Thomas Imran, M.D., Ancient Faiths and Modern, p. 143. Bouton, New York, 1876. $9 90 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA unintelligible to the " uninitiated or popular world who are not Freemasons/ 1 the latter are alluded to throughout as " Essenes." The Essenes are described by Rev. Dr. Ginsburg, 1 a good authority on the subject, and one who quotes largely from Josephus, as a Jewish sect of singular piety. They did not sacrifice animals, but endeavoured to make their own minds holy fit for an acceptable offering to JEHOVAH. They provided themselves with just enough for the necessities of life, and held such goods as they possessed, e.g. clothes and cloaks, in common. They only allowed themselves to converse on such parts of philosophy as concern GOD and man. They abhorred slavery, but each served his neigh- bour. They respected the Sabbath. Their fundamental laws were, to love GOD, to love virtue, and to love mankind. They affected to despise money, fame, pleasures, professed the most strict chastity, or rather continence, and they practised endurance as a duty. They also cultivated simplicity, cheerfulness, modesty, and order. They lived together in the same houses and villages, and sustained the poor, the sick, and the aged. When they earned wages, the money was paid to a common stock. They did not marry, or have children ; but if any of their body chose to wed, there was nothing in the regulations to prevent their doing so, only they then had to enter another class of the brotherhood. When possible they worked all day. They were highly respected by those who knew them, and were frequently receiving additions to their number. They seem to have resembled, in their habits and customs, a fraternity of monks of a working, rather than a mendicant Order. Pleasure they regarded as an evil, having a tendency to enchain man to earthly enjoyments, a peculiarly Buddhist tenet. Still further, they considered the use of ointment as defiling, which was certainly not a Hebraic doctrine ; but they dressed decently. They prayed devoutly before sunrise ; but until the sun had risen they never spoke of worldly matters. They gave thanks, and prayed before and after eating ; and before they entered their refectory they bathed in pure water. The food provided was of the 1 The Essenes. Longmans, London, 1864. SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS 91 simplest kind, and just in sufficient quantity to keep them alive. When a person wished to join the community, he was required to undergo a period of probation, and, if ap- proved, he took a solemn oath " to fear GOD ; to be just towards all men ; never to wrong anyone ; to detest the wicked, and love the righteous ; to keep faith with all men ; not to be proud ; not to try and outshine his neighbours in any matter ; to love truth, and to try and reclaim all liars ; never to steal or cajole ; never to conceal anything from the brotherhood, and to be reticent with outsiders." Freemasons will perceive in the various clauses of this Essene Obligation a very strong resemblance to solemn injunctions they themselves undertook to obey, in the three Craft degrees, a still further confirmation, were any such wanting, of the fact that the Essenes, in common with other Syrian sects, possessed and adhered to the " true principles of Freemasonry." Josephus, in writing of the Essenes, compares them with the Pythagoreans, a sect also holding doctrines evidently brought from .Persia and Hindostan. Pliny, in writing of the Essenes, remarks that their usages differ from those of all other nations which we may take as a proof that they did not copy their constitution from Greeks, Romans, or Jews, however much they might be indebted for it to their secluded neighbours in the Lebanon. Respecting the origin of this sect, nothing certain appears to be known, beyond the fact that they were in existence in the time of the Maccabees. Ordinary critics decline to see in them any direct relations to the Pythagoreans, and some imagine that the order sprung naturally out of a spiritual reading of the Mosaic law, modified, probably, by Persian or Chaldean notions. Whether or not we take as fact the details given of the early life of Jesus Christ, as related in the " Aquarian Gospels " and in " Hafed, Prince of Persia/' it seems highly probable that Our Lord may have spent some years of His life, before commencing His short three years' ministry in Palestine, in a residence among, and discussion of their doctrines with, other Eastern nations. It seems probable, from His plain dislike of the doctrines of both Pharisees and 92 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Sadducees that He was in sympathy with those of their keen opponents, the Essenes, which will account for the claim by certain writers of the period, as well as subsequently, tliat Jesus of Nazareth was an Essene. Certainly, so far as "Sis human personality may have required some form of religious observance, that of the Essenes would have been, undoubtedly, most in consonance with His divine nature. Modern Freemasonry, therefore, has acted wisely in incor- porating with the monotheistic principles of the ancient Craft degrees, with their foreshadowings of a coming Messiah, the more excellent and perfect teaching of the later, and higher degrees, and their references, in so many ways, to the past and future influence on human nature of the Saviour of mankind, in deed and in truth the greatest Teacher of the real, the inner principles of all Freemasonry. Yarker, writing of the Essenes, says : " This important mystic sect amongst the Jews has puzzled historians. It may have struck out a new path from the Kabalistic road, but the extreme veneration of its members for the sun is more characteristic of Chaldea and of the existing Yezids. Jewish critics believe that they are the Assideans, Chasdim, or old believers allied with the Maccabees. They afterwards divided into two sects, or the contemplative and practical members. Other writers consider that they were Egyptian priests, driven into Syria by the conquests of Cambyses of Persia and Alexander the Great, and it is very probably that this may be partly correct, and that they may have included Jesus ben Panther, a nephew of Queen Salome, who, after studying Egyptian Theurgy, and preaching to the people, was proclaimed for forty days, and then stoned to death and hung on a tree at Lyda, about the year 100 B.C." 1 The Essenes are said to have recognized eight (some say ten) spiritual stages of ascent to beatitude ; and they had, like the Pythagoreans, a system of degrees with a probation- ary period between each. Their doctrines were delivered orally and they took a solemn oath of secrecy, chastity and justice in all their dealings, as mentioned above. When addressing their chiefs they stood with their right hand extended below their chin and the left dropped to their side. 1 The Arcane Schools, p. 156. SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS 08 A select class of the Essenes were termed Therapeuta or healers, who dwelt in small houses containing an inner shrine which they used for contemplative purposes. They kept the Sabbath, and, every seventh time seven, they had a special service with mystic dances, evidently resembling those in the ancient Mysteries. Philo says : " They have impulses of heavenly love by which they kindle, in all, the enthusiasm of the Corybantes, and the Baccanalians, and are raised to that state of contemplation after which they aspire." Eusebius, the Christian historian, has some curious remarks on the sect. He says : " Their doctrines are to be found among none but in the religion of Christians, according to the Gospel. Their meetings, and the separate places of the men and women at their meetings, and the exercises performed by them, are still in use among us at the present day, equally at the feast of our Saviour's Passion." Josephus, who had evidently personal knowledge of the Essenes, makes mention of books which were kept very secret amongst them referring, he says, to " the names of the Angels." Apparently there were branches of the Essenes and es- pecially of the Therapeutae, who became actual Christians, such as the Nazarenes, Ebionites, and Nabatheans, and the first term is yet in use in the East to designate Christians who first took that name at Antioch. Theodoret says : " The Nazarenes are Jews, honouring the Anointed as a just man," and using the " Evangel according to St. Peter," portions of which were discovered some years ago in Egypt, with fragments of the Logia of the Lord. The Ebionites were a portion of the sect, having amongst them relatives of Jesus, and they used the Gospel of St. Matthew, derived, some say, from the Logia : they dwelt in a region near the seat of the Adonisian mysteries ; l they looked upon Jesus as assuming his apostleship at the descent of the Holy Spirit, and that His Messiahship would begin with His Second Coming. In a very interesting book in my own library, which I am prohibited from alluding to more distinctly, as it is connected with the ritual of a sect, dating back to the very 1 The Weejdngjor Adonis was practised in Syria down to A.D. 400. 04 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA earliest ages, the following particulars are given with respect to the Essenes, with whom they have a certain amount of resemblance : "Two hundred years after the College of Prophecy raised up Amos, Hosea and Jonah, Manasses, son of Hezekiah, established idol worship, and by law abolished the worsjiip of Jehovah. He caused the prophet Isaiah to be sawn in twain, because he worshipped Jehovah. For three hundred years following, the children of the prophets were a small body, and scattered in many lands. The rest, who were called Jews, lived under written laws and ceremonies, which were compiled and established by Ezra in Jerusalem, which combination of books was called The Scriptures. From that time forward the Jews became worshippers of the Lord and the GOD, but the scattered tribes still held to the worship of the Great Spirit, Jehovah, keeping their service secret. These were without sin, doing no war, nor resistance of evil against evil, and loving one another as oneself. From these sprang the Essenians, cultivating prophecy and purity of spirit, and the angels of Jehovah dwelt with these Essenians, who were the true Israelites in fact, and were about seven hundred in number. They were a separate people, pledged to Jehovah to have no king or ruler save their own rabbis. They dwelt in communities of tens and twenties, and hundreds, holding all things in common. In marriage they were mono- gamous, neither would they have more than one suit of clothes each ; and they lived on fruit and herbs only ; nor ate they flesh, nor fish, nor the flesh of anything that ever breathed the breath of life ; and they bathed every morning at sunrise, doing in all things after the manner of their forefathers. By virtue of the angel hosts who were with them did they see things. And they held communion with the angels of heaven every night before going to sleep. Yet, though they lived in great purity of body and soul, they were evilly slandered by the people round about them on every side. But Jehovah prospered the seed of the Essenians, in holiness and love, for many generations. Then came the chief of the angels, according to the commandment of GOD, to raise up an heir to the Voice of Jehovah. And, in four generations more, an heir was born, and named Joshua, SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS 95 and he was the child of Joseph and Mara, devout worshippers of Jehovah, who stood aloof from all other people save the Essenians. And this Joshua, in Nazareth, re-established Jehovah, and restored many of the lost rites and ceremonies. In the thirty-sixth year of his age he was stoned to death in Jerusalem, by the Jews that worshipped the heathen gods." " The beliefs of the Essenes and their monastic life are similar to the beliefs and practices of the early Gnostic sects of Syria. 1 They performed no sacrifices, and paid no attention to Pharisaic rites or books, having instead a literature of their own, and using apparently ' lustrations ' or baptisms instead of sacrifice. Their contempt of the world, their peaceful contented life and chastity, seem to have secured them a general reverence. The hermit Banu or Bunai, of whom Josephus was for a time a follower, appears to have belonged to this sect/ 1 Their connection with the Therapeutae of Egypt is usually recognized, and Pliny speaks of their colony near the Dead Sea. Josephus estimates their number at about four thousand. Their belief in charms, their prayers to the rising sun, and their reverence for light, show, however, that they were not far removed above the level of their fellows. We can hardly doubt that in the beliefs of this sect we trace more or less remotely the influence of Buddhism, which was at this time so strongly pressing on the West, and which we find to have been familiar as an Indian religion to the fathers of the Church, from Irenseus and Clement of Alexandria to Jerome. It is difficult to believe that such monasticism was of purely Egyptian or Syrian origin. It certainly con- travenes the most important principles of Judaism ; and in Egypt the wives of priests were priestesses in the great ages of the empire. " At Antioch, Christianity was less severely Jewish," says Conder, 3 " The Christoi, here first so named, were known to the vulgar as Chrestoi, or ' good ' people. Satur- ninus, the Gnostic, founded his school at Antioch, and taught that Christ was a phantom not really born of flesh and blood. He was a rigid ascetic, and abstained from all animal food. * Col. C. R. Conder, R.E., Syrian Stone Lore, p. 202. London, 1886. * Syrian Stone Lore, p. 250. 96 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Much of his philosophy was founded, apparently, on the Zoroastrian system. Tatian, known for his fierce attack on the pagan religion, founded a sect in Syria about 166 A.D. called Encratites, or Abstainers, the teetotalers of the age who even used pure water instead of wine for the Eucharist, They forbade marriage and the eating of animal food, and they held the same view with Saturninus as to the phantom Christ, never either born or suffering death." Syria, indeed, at this time was full of Gnostic sects, such as the Ophites, who worshipped serpents in connection with the Eucharist ; the Markosians, who claimed to change the water of the holy cup to blood, and who believed in Kab- alistic figures and Syriac magic sentences ; the Cainites, who commended Judas Iscariot as a martyr ; the Adamites, who worshipped naked in their churches ; the Setheans, named from their views as to Seth ; and the Elchesaites (in the third century), who were connected with the older Essenes. The prophet of the latter lived in the days of Trajan, it is said, and received an inspired book from heaven. The Sabians or Mendaiites, at the mouth of the Euphrates, were connected with this Essene Gnostic sect, which seems to have had its headquarters in the deserts of the Dead Sea ; and the Ebionites of Bashan accepted Elchesai as a prophet. Elchesai laid great stress on baptism frequently repeated, as among the Sabians, and shows a Judaizing tendency in his belief in the necessity of sacrifice. He honoured the patriachs, and identified Christ with Adam, but rejected the later prophets. He commanded abstinence from flesh, but allowed marriage, which accounts for the late survival of the Sabians as " Christians of St. John/' The Elchesait Eucharist appears to have "Consisted of bread, salt, and probably water. Heckethorn 1 says they took every possible precaution in the admission of members into their secret Order, which was divided into four degrees, and the process of initiation was so arranged that a candidate, even after having entered the third, did not know the grand secret, and if not found trustworthy to be admitted into the innermost sanctuary, remained totally unconscious of its real nature, and only 1 Secret Societies, vol. i. p. 99* SECT OF THE ESSENES AND THEIR TENETS 97 saw in it the governing ranks, highest in rank, but not other- wise distinguished in point of doctrine. As he justly adds, a parallel of this system is found in Freemasonry ; the members of the first three degrees are not initiated into the grand secret of Masonry ; only in the Royal Arch are they informed of it. The four degrees above referred to were respectively called the " Faithful/' the " Illuminate," the " Initiated/' and the " Perfect." The Faithful received at his initiation a new or baptismal name, and this was engraved with a secret mark upon a white stone, (possibly alluded to in Rev. ii. 17), which he retained as a voucher of his membership. The usual sign was the Cross, though other signs were also employed CHAPTER XI PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM THERE can be little doubt in the mind of any student of such ancient beliefs as we are considering that the teaching of Pythagoras had a very great influence over a very wide area, so that the credit given to him for being responsible for bringing the principles of Freemasonry to Britain may not, after all, be quite traditionary, as some would have us believe. The early life and surroundings of this great philosopher tended to educate him in mysticism. 1 The son of a wealthy jeweller of Samos, his parents, previous to his birth, consulted the Delphic Oracle, when they were promised " a son who would be useful to all men and throughout all time," and by the same oracular advice the parents went to Sidon, in Phoenicia, so that the predestined son might be conceived, formed, and born far from the disturbing influences of his own land. Before his birth he was consecrated to the worship of Apollo. When one year old, again acting on Delphic advice, he was taken to the temple of Adonai, in the Lebanon valley, for a blessing from the high priest there. Up to the age of twenty he was accustomed to confer with the sages of his native town, Syros and Miletus. Then, in a wondrous vision, he saw pass before him the whole of his earlier years, and saw, as in his infancy, a white-bearded priest, uttering over him the words, often repeated to him by his mother, " O woman of Ionia, thy child shall be great in wisdom : but remember that, though the Greeks still possess the science of the gods, the knowledge of GOD can no longer be found elsewhere than in Egypt." He * See Edouard Schure", The Great Initiates, to whose section on Pythagoras I am indebted for much of the following. 98 PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM 99 determined to go at once to Egypt, and undergo initiation there, as advised. His initiation lasted in all twenty-two years, and he reached the summit of the Egyptian priest- hood, realizing, not as a vain theory, but as something lived through, the doctrine of the Logos- Light, or of the Universal Word, and that of human evolution through seven planetary cycles. Then Cambyses, the Persian despot, invaded Egypt ; the temples of Memphis and Thebes were plundered, that of Ammon destroyed, and Pythagoras, with other Egyptian priests, was taken as a prisoner to Babylon. Here he was able to thoroughly study the knowledge in the posses- sion of the magi, the heirs of Zoroaster, thereby enlarging his already vast horizon of doctrines and mysteries. After twelve years in Babylon, he returned to his native Samos, well-skilled in all the learning of the Egyptians and the Chaldeans, to commence the fulfilment of the Delphic prediction concerning him. Pythagoras visited all the temples of Greece, being every- where received as a master ; at the Eleusinian Mysteries, we are told, the hierophant himself gave up his office to him. Then he reached Delphi, that great centre of clairvoyant divination, practised there, as in the Egyptian temples, as an art and a science, but only to be used by the loftiest minds, and by them with a degree of religious sincerity and scientific thoroughness which raised it to the height of a real minis- tration. In conjunction with one of the high priestesses named Theoclea, Pythagoras instilled at Delphi a strengthen- ing infusion of his own Egyptian and Chaldean knowledge, and once again Delphi became a centre of life and action. After a year at Delphi, Pythagoras proceeded to what was then known as Greater Greece, founding his own celebrated Order at Croton, a town at the extremity of the Gulf of Tarentum, in Southern Italy. Here, with his teaching of esoteric doctrine to a chosen band of disciples, and also applying his principles to the education of youth and the life of the State, he produced a veritable revolution, according to Porphyry and lamblichus, 1 who depict the commencement of his life there as being rather that of a magician than., of a philosopher. With the ready aid of the wealthiest citizens 1 See Appendix. 100 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA he founded his Temple of the Muses, a home of initiation into the highest principles of education as well as of religion, with separate sections for the two sexes, though women were not admitted to the inner mysteries revealed to men, as unnecessary, according to Pythagoras, for their better accomplishment of their household duties ! The Pythagorean system embraced three degrees, with a fourth as a supreme entrance into the highest knowledge. Here we are at once confronted with a probable source of our own Masonic ritual, wherein only those whose minds are thoroughly prepared become acquainted with the fact that the apparent finality of the third degree is only the com- mencement of new light in a fourth, the Royal Arch, with its magnificent interweaving of Egyptian and Chaldean symbolism. The novitiate under Pythagoras commenced with a " Preparation " of two years, which might be prolonged to five, during which the novice, known as " The Listener," while developing the great gift of intuition, and exercising the strictest moral and hygienic discipline, was taught implicit obecjience to, and firm belief in a Supreme Deity, and the necessity of subduing his passions and enlarging his mind if he truly desired to be of the benefit to himself and his fellow men for which he was created. In the second degree, " Purification," he became acquainted " with the more hidden mysteries of Nature and science." His education became esoteric from within instead of as heretofore exoteric from without : his real initiation now commenced. He had revealed to him a com- plete, rational exposition of occult doctrine, from its principles as contained in the mysterious science of numbers to the final consequences of universal evolution, the destiny and end of the human ^soul. The meaning of figures and letters, and geometric forms, were divulged to initiated adepts under the most solemn vows of secrecy. The trans- cendent meaning of the first problem of the Pythagorean system of theogony was then entered upon, the reason which brings it to pass that the great Monad contains all the small ones, and that all the numbers spring from the great Unity in movement. PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM 101 Pythagoras taught that GOD, the indivisible substance, has accordingly for Number, the Unity which contains the Infinite ; for Name, that of Father, Creator, or Eternal Masculine : for Sign, the living Fire, symbol of the Spirit, essence of the Whole. This great Monad acts as a creative Dyad. Immediately GOD manifests Himself He is double ; indivisible essence and divisible substance : active, animating, masculine principle, and passive, feminine principle, or ani- mated plastic matter. Accordingly the Dyad represented the union of the Eternal-Masculine and the Eternal-Feminine in GOD, the two essential and corresponding divine faculties. Thus the Monad represents the essence of GOD, the Dyad His generative and reproductive faculty. The latter brings the world into being, the visible unfolding of GOD in time and space. Now the real world is triple. For just as man is composed of three elements, which are distinct, though blended in one another body, soul, and spirit ; so the universe is divided into three concentric spheres : the natural, the human, and the divine world. The Triad, or ternary law, is accordingly the constitutive life of things, and the real key to life, the corner stone of esoteric science, which Pythagoras made the foundation of his system. In the third degree, " Perfection/' the initiates passed on to clairvoyant sleep and experiences, the mystery of the human soul, its transmigrations, its supreme importance, as man gradually acquires, by his own actions in a new spiritual existence, and a more free exercise of his intellect and will-power, a fuller consciousness of the divine, and his own connection therewith. Pythagoras called the spirit the subtile chariot of the soul, because it is destined to remove it from earth after death, to its celestial life beyond. The fourth, the inner degree of all, reserved for the very select of his disciples, prepared by the teaching of Pythagoras in the former degrees for the ordinary trials of life, involved, as with the Indian and Persian sages, the complete subjuga- tion of human will. To attain this meant the unification of three kinds of perfection, the realization of truth in intelligence, of virtue in soul, and of purity in body. Thus man becomes an adept, and, if he possesses sufficient energy, enters into possession of new faculties and powers. He 102 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA attains, in more or less degree, the power of healing, of seeing events taking place afar of, even of conveying himself in astral form to such places as his presence is needed in. The teaching of Pythagoras may be thus summed up : an attempt to solve the mystery of the origin of good and evil ; the necessity of assisting the law of destiny by endeavouring to perceive the difference between truth and error ; an inquiry into the diversity of human souls, conditions, and destinies ; true brotherhood of mankind, for we owe help, sympathy and charity to all ; for we are all of the same race, though we may have reached different stages ; the sacredness of suffering, and the divinity of sympathy with it ; the attainment of the rarest and loftiest of human ideals, the domination of intelligence over soul and instinct, that of the will over the whole being. Such, then, were the doctrines of Pythagoras, confessedly derived from Egypt, but engrafted on an intelligence in in- fancy and boyhood surrounded by Delphic and Phoenician influences, matured by the learning of the Chaldees, developed amidst the revised wisdom of Eleusis and Delphi, for ultimate diffusion through all Western Europe. Plato says that the Pythagoreans had a symbolism denoting Minerva by an equilateral triangle : Apollo by unity : Strife by the numeral two : justice by three, and the Supreme Being by four. Hippolytus says that " almost every heresy is indebted to the .science of arithmetic for its invention of the Hebdomads, and its emanations of the ^Eons ; although the different teachers divide them variously, and change their names, doing in reality nothing more : in all which way of proceeding Pythagoras is their true master, he who first brought with him out of Egypt the use of numbers in such matters. ..." The so-called " Pythagorean Numerals " of unknown antiquity, whether due or not to the sage of Croton, are said to be preserved to us by Boethius, " the last of the Romans," in his treatise on Arithmetic. That they would be the true parents of our Arabic numerals is at once apparent by inverting the figures standing for I, 2, 5, 7, 9, o. Their forms look like certain Palmyrene letters, slightly modified. The Palmyrene is a very ancient Syriac alphabet, totally different in origin PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM 108 from either Punic or Pehlevi. The ancient importance of this character is apparent from what Epiphanius says : " Manes divided his work into twenty- two books, being the number of letters in the Syriac alphabet. For most of the Persians use the Syriac character as well as the Persian, just as with us, many nations, although having a national alphabet of their own, yet employ the Greek/' I have alluded above to the probability of the teachings and system of Pythagoras having penetrated through Europe, which will account for the mention made of them as well as of their author in modern Freemasonry, more especially in the Lectures on the Three Degrees. lamblichus tells us that Pythagoras required his disciples to undergo a probationary period of three years, during which they were under close and constant observation with regard to their manners of life and general characteristics. After this period they were ordered J " to observe a quinquen- nial silence in order that he might experimentally know how they were affected as to continuance of speech, the subjuga- tion of the tongue being the most difficult of all victories ; as those have unfolded to us who instituted the Mysteries." lamblichus also tells us that a visitor to Pythagoras was Abaris the Hyperborean, who came to Crotona from a distant land in order that he might collect gold for his temple, and that Pythagoras learned much from him. Now this Abaris is considered by many distinguished writers on the Druids to have been identical with Abhras, who, according to ancient Irish legendary history, is stated to have travelled from Ireland to distant countries, and after a long time to have returned by way of Scotland, where he remained for seven years, bringing a new system of religion. From this Godfrey Higgins concludes 2 that the Druids were Pythagoreans. Pythagoras has left us the following beautiful conception of the Deity : " GOD is neither the object of sense, nor subject to passions ; but invisible, only intelligible, and supremely intelligent. In His Body he is like the Light, and in His Soul He resembles Truth. He is the Universal Spirit * lamblichus, Life of Pythagoras, Taylor's translation, p. 50. Godfrey Higgins, The Celtic Druids, p. 125. 104 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA that pervades and diffuses itself over all Nature. All things receive their life from Him. There is but One, Only GOD, Who is not, as some are apt to imagine, seated above the World beyond the Orb of the Universe ; but being Himself All in All, He sees all the beings that fill His immensity : the Only Principle, the Light of Heaven, the Father of all. He produces everything, He orders and disposes everything. He is the Reason, the Life and the Motion of all things." " Alongside of the Eleusinia/' says Mead, 1 " there existed certain private Mysteries not recognized by the State, the number of which subsequently increased enormously, so that almost every variety of Oriental Mystery-cultus found its adherents in Greece, as may be seen from a study of the religious associations among the Greeks known as Thiasi, Erani, and Orgeones ; among private communities and societies of this kind there were to be found naturally many undesirable elements, but at the same time they satisfied the needs of many who could derive no spiritual nourishment from the State religion." " Among these private foundations were communities of rigid ascetics, men and women, who gave themselves entirely to holy living ; such people were said to live the ' Orphic life/ and were generally known as Orphics. These Orphic communities appear to have been the refugees of those who yearned after the religious life, and among them were the Pythagorean schools. Pythagoras did not establish some- thing entirely new in Greece when he founded the famous school of Crotona ; he developed something already existing, and when his original school was broken up and its members had to flee they sought refuge among the Orphics. The Pythagorean schools disappear into the Orphic communities/' "It is in the Pythagorean tradition that we see the signs of what may be called the Philosophic Mysteries ; it is therefore in the best of the Orphic and Pythagorean traditions that we have to find the indications of the nature of the real Mysteries, and not in the political Eleusinia, or in the dis- orderly elements of the Oriental cults. In fact, the Orphics did much to improve the Eleusinia, and supported them as a most necessary means for educating the ordinary man 1 Mead, Fragments oj a Faith Forgotten, pp. 49-51. London, 1906. PYTHAGORAS AND HIS SYSTEM 105 towards a comprehension of the/ higher life. It stands to reason, however, that the Mysteries which satisfied the aspira- tions of Orphics and Pythagoreans were somewhat higher than the State Mysteries of the ordinary citizen. These Pythagoreans were famous throughout antiquity for the purity of their lives and the loftiness of their aims, and the Mysteries they regarded with such profound reverence must have been something beyond the Eleusinia, something to which the Eleusinia were but one of the outer approaches." Pythagoras is said to have been initiated into the Egyptian, Chaldean, Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries ; at the same time he was one of the chief founders of Greek philosophy. His philosophy, however, was not a thing of itself, but the application of his intellect especially of his mathematical genius to the best in these Mystery traditions ; he saw that it was necessary to attempt to lead the rapidly evolving intellectuality of Greece along its own lines to the contempla- tion of the inner nature of things ; otherwise, in the joy of its freedom, it would get entirely out of hand and reject the truths of the ancient wisdom. This tradition of Pythagoras being responsible for the introduction of Masonry from Phoenicia into Britain is strengthened, even if not confirmed, by a MS. in the Bodleian Library, prepared by the antiquary John Layland for King Henry VIII, and purporting to be a faithful copy of a still older MS. about 160 years more ancient, said to be in the handwriting of King Henry VI. This MS., which has as its title " Certayn Questyons, with Answers to the same, concern- ing the Mystery of Ma?onrye," includes the following passages bearing on our subject : Quest. Where did it begynne ? Ans. Ytt dydd begynne with the ffyrste menne yn the este, whych were before the ffyrst manne of the weste, 1 1 Preston has the following Notes on the MS. quoted. " Fyrste menne in the este, etc." It should seem by this that Masons believe there were men in the east before Adam, who is called the " ffyrste manne of the weste," and that arts and sciences began in the east. Some authors of great note for learning have been of the same opinion ; and it is certain that Europe and Africa (which in respect to Asia), may be called western countries), were wild and savage, long after arts and politeness of manners were in great perfection in China and the Indies. 106 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA and comynge westlye, ytt hath broughte herwyth alle corn- fortes to the wylde and comfortlesse. Quest. Who dydd brynge ytt westlye ? Ans. The Venetians, 2 whoo beynge grate merchaundes, corned ffyrste ffromme the este ynn Venetia, for the commodyte of marchaundysynge beithe este and weste bey the redde and myddlonde sees. Quest. How comede ytt in Engelonde ? Ans. Peter Gower a Grecian,* journeyyde ffor kunnynge yn Egypte and in Syria, and yn everyche londe whereas the Venetians hadde plaunted maconrye, and wynnynge entraunce yn al lodges of ma^onnes he lerned muche, and retournedde, and woned in Grecia Magna, wacksynge and becommynge a mighty wyseacre, a gratelye renowned, and her he framedde a grate loge at Groton,4 and maked manye ma^onnes, some whereoffe dyde journeye yn Frannce, and maked manye ma^onnes ther, wherefromme, yn processe of tyme, the arte passed in Engelonde. 1 " The Venetians, etc." In the times of monkish ignorance it is no wonder that the Phoenicians should be mistaken for the Venetians. Or perhaps, if the people were not taken one for the other, similitude of sound might deceive the clerk who first took down the examination. The Phoeni- cians were the greatest voyagers among the ancients, and were in Europe thought to be the inventors of letters, which perhaps they brought from the East with other arts. Illustrations of Masonry, p. 112. * Peter Gower, says Preston in his Note on this passage, must be another mistake of the writer. " I was puzzled at first to guess who Peter Gower could be, the name being perfectly English ; or how a Greek should come by such a name ; but as soon as I thought of Pythagoras, I could scarce forbear smiling, to find that philosopher had undergone such a metempsychosis he never dreamt of. We need only consider the French pronunciation of his name, ' Pythagore,' that is ' Petagore,' to conceive how easily such a mistake may be made by an unlearned clerk. That Pythagoras travelled for knowledge into Egypt, etc., is known to all the learned ; and that he was initiated into several different orders of priests, who in those days kept all their learning secret from the vulgar, is as well known. Pythagoras also made every geometrical theorem a secret, and admitted only such to the knowledge of them as had undergone first a five years' silence. He is sup- posed to be the inventor of the 4yth proposition of the first book of Euclid, for which, in the joy of his heart, he is said to have sacrificed a hecatomb. See his life by Dion Hal." 3 Grecia Magna, a part of Italy so called, in which the Greeks had settled a large colony. * Groton is the name of a place in England, but the place here meant Crotona, a city of Grecia Magna, which in the time of Pythagoras was very populous. Preston's Illustrations of Masonry, pp. 113, 114. CHAPTER XII THE ISMAELI AND THEIR VARIOUS BRANCHES. ORIGIN OF THE ASSASSINS " WE have seen," says Taylor, 1 " how greatly Mohammedan- ism was corrupted by its admixture with the religion of the ancient Persians ; but there were certain sects among the Persians that professed doctrines more absurd and more pernicious than those of the Magians ; which, in fact, taught principles destructive of morality and social order. From these sprung several impostors, who seduced crowds of followers, by appealing to the depraved passions of human nature, teaching the indifference of actions, community of women, and the equal distribution of property. 1 ' Hakim Ibn-Hashem occupied the position of under- secretary to Abu Moslem, Governor of the Province of Khorassan. From the very first period of Islamism, Khorassan had been the fruitful parent of heresies, including the Rav^udi who taught the doctrines of the transmigration of soul, and the successive incarnations of the Deity, and theJSendics whose principle it was to believe nothing. Abu Moslem believed in the Ravendic creed ; Hashem adopted the same, and resolved to turn it to profit. Being very deformed, he knew that his figure would prevent his being believed if he proclaimed himself a Bodhisatwa, so he covered himself with a long silver veil, declaring that no mortal could gaze upon the effulgence of his face, and live. Hence he is usually alluded to as Al Mokanna, "The Veiled Prophet." He appeared in the reign of the Caliph Al Mohdi, the father of the renowned Haroun-al-Raschid, in A.D. 778 By some, 1 History of Mohammedanism, p. 168 107 108 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA apparently, clever juggling performances he persuaded his followers that he had the power of working miracles, and so in a few months he collected a large army, and was able to garrison several strong fortresses. In particular, he is said to have caused the appearance of the moon to rise out of a well for several nights in succession, whence he is called by the Persians " Sazendeh Mah/ 1 the " Moon-maker/' Being closely besieged, and finding escape hopeless, he first poisoned the entire garrison and his own family, and then plunged into a vessel containing a corrosive liquid, hoping that from the disappearance of his body it might be thought that he had been taken up into heaven. Notwithstanding the assertions of one of his concubines, who had escaped by hiding herself, and who had seen all that he had done, many believed in the divinity of Al Mokanna, and clothed themselves in white, to show their hostility to the Abasside Caliphs, whose distinctive colour was black. A still more formidable heretic and rebel appeared in Irak during the caliphate of Al Mamoun (A.D. 10) ; this was Baber, who maintained his ground for twenty years, during which time he is said to have murdered two hundred and fifty thousand Mohammedans in cold blood. Another fierce enemy of the Mussulmans appeared in Irak during the caliphate of Al Mohammed (A.D. 891). This founder of a new sect was a poor labourer, named Karmat, to whose followers, the Karmatians, the Nusari seem more or less allied. The following account of Karmat is given by De Sacy, who says he quotes from Bibars Mansoori, and that it is also given by the great Arab chronicler, Ibn- Atheer : A man of the province of Khorassan came and established himself in the territory of Cufa, called Nahrein. He there led a most ascetic life, teaching that prayers should be said fifty times a day. Being taken ill, he was carefully attended by a man named Hamdan Karamita, whom he taught his religion, at the same time selecting another twelve of his followers as his apostles. The sect spread rapidly. Haidsam, the governor of those parts, imprisoned him, but he escaped through the friendly offices of a girl belonging to the gaoler, and then declared that he had been THE ISMAELI 109 released by an angel. Fearing for his life, however, he fled into Syria, and assumed the name of the man who had showed him hospitality. About the same period, in the time of Mohammed son of Ismael, a son of the Imaum Djaafar as-Sadik previously mentioned, there arose Abdullah son of Maimoun Kaddah, who, seeing the failure of Al Mokannah and Baber, determined to proceed in a different way rather than by open war. He knew that men rarely resign all preconceived opinions at once ; he therefore resolved to form lodges, or assemblies, in which the members should pass through seven grades, each having its own peculiar system of doctrines. Mission- aries, called Dais, propagated the secret doctrine taught by Abdullah, and it is said that the founder of the Karmatians was converted by one of them. This, however, must be regarded as very doubtful, because the Karmatian system was not identical with the Ismaelian, though very like it ; and also because Karmat preached obedience to the ideal Massum, and not to Imaum Ismael. De Sacy supposes that before this time the sect of the Ismaeli may have existed, but that it was not till the time of Abdullah, which he gives as A.D. 863, that the doctrines of the sect were reduced to a system. He thinks that till then they were only an ordinary sect of Schiites, but that Abdullah introduced materialism and general infidelity. Nowairi I says that Abdullah son of Maimoun was obliged to fly successively from Ahwaz, near the head of the Persian Gulf, and Busrah and took refuge at Salameeh in Syria, a town on the borders of the desert, but situated in a fertile territory, a few miles south-east of Hamah. He died there, and his son Ahmed became chief of the Ismaeli. He sent Hosein Ahwazi, one of his dais, into Irak. Hosein arrived in the cultivated territory of Cufa, called by the Arabs Sawad, and there found Hamdan son of Ashath. He initiated him into his religion, and when dying named him 1 De Sacy (see Expose of Religion of the Druses, vol. i. Introd. p. 73) places great reliance on Nowairi, who takes his facts from Aboul-Hasan, said to be separated by only live generations from Mohammed son of Ismael, from whom he claimed descent. He says that Makrisi and NowairJ derived from one source in all probability, for they employ nearly always the same expressions, and it is possible to correct the text of the one from that of the other. 110 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA as bis successor. According to Nowairi, Hamdan was named Karmat, from the name of his ox. Others say that the word means a man with short legs, who makes short steps. Others that it comes from the Nabathean language, in which it is Karamita, and hence Karmat. Thus it appears that the Karmatians took their rise from the Ismaeli, as Hamdan Karmat sent a dai to Salameeh, who found that the house of Maimoun Kaddah were really set on aggrandising them- selves, rather than honouring Mohammed son of Ismael, which Karmat turned to his own advantage in the propagation of his own doctrines. Abdullah son of Maimoun divided his system into seven degrees after the fashion of the Pythagorean and Indian philosophers, into which his followers were initiated gradually. The last degree, according to Von Hammer, 1 inculcated the vanity of all religion the indifference of actions, which, according to Abdullah's teaching, are neither visited with recompense nor chastisement, either now or hereafter. This alone was the path of truth and right, all else imposture and error. He appointed emissaries, whom he dispatched to enlist disciples, and to initiate them, according to their capacity for libertinism or turbulence, in some or all of the degrees, the pretensions of the descendants of Mohammed son of Ismael served him as a political mask ; these his missionaries asserted as partisans, while they were secretly but the apostles of crime and impiety." These degrees were afterwards increased to nine by the Western Ismaeli, and are described by Macrisi, as they were taught in the Lodge at Cairo. 2 The first degree was the longest and most difficult of all, as it was necessary to inspire the pupil with the most implicit confidence in the knowledge of his teacher, and to incline him to take that most solemn oath, by which he bound him- self to the secret doctrine with blind faith and unconditional obedience. For this purpose every possible expedient was 1 Von Hammer, History of the Assassins, p. 29. * This is given by Von Hammer, pp. 34 ff., who says " This account which Makrisi has preserved, concerning the promulgation of these degrees of initiation, forms a very precious and the most ancient document on the history of the secret societies of the East, in whose steps those of the West afterwards trod.' 1 THE ISMAELI 111 adopted to perplex the mind by the many contradictions of positive religion and reason, to render the absurdities of the Koran still more involved by the most insidious questions and most subtle doubts, and to point from the apparent literal signification to a deeper sense, which was properly the kernel, as the former was but the husk. The more ardent the curiosity of the novice, the more resolute was the refusal of the master to afford the least solution to these difficulties, until he had taken the most unrestricted oath ; on this he was admitted to the second degree. This inculcated the recognition of divinely appointed Imaums, who were the source of all knowledge. As soon as the faith in them was well established, the third degree taught their number, which could not exceed the holy seven : for, as GOD had created seven heavens, seven earths, seven seas, seven planets, seven colours, seven musical sounds, and seven metals, so had he appointed seven of the most excellent of his creatures as Revealed Imaums : these were Ali, Hassan, Hosein, Ali Zeyn-il-Abaideen, Mohammed-al-Behir, Djaafar-as-Sadik, and Ismael his son as the last and seventh. The fourth grade taught that, since the beginning of the world there had been seven divine law-givers, or speaking apostles of GOD, of whom each had always, by the command of heaven, altered the doctrine of his predecessor ; that each of these had seven co-adjutors, who succeeded each other in the epoch from one speaking law-giver to another, but who, as they did not appear manifestly, were called the mutes (Samit). The first of these mutes was named Sas or Asas, meaning foundation, the seat, as it were, of the ministers of the speaking prophet, Natik. These seven speaking prophets, with their seven Asas were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and Ismael the son of Djaafar, who, as the last, was called Sahib-ez-Zeman, the lord of the time, and Kaim-ez-Zeman, or chief of the age. Their seven assistants were Seth, Shem, Ishmael son of Abraham, Aaion and afterwards Joshua, Simeon or Simon Peter, Ali, and Mohammed son of Ismael. It is evident from this dexterous arrangement, which gained for the Ismaeli the name of " Seveners/' that as they named only the first of the mute divine envoys in 112 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA each prophetic period, and since Mohammed son of Ismael had been dead only a hundred years, the teachers were at full liberty to present to those whose progress stopped at this degree whomsoever they pleased as one of the mute prophets of the current age. The fifth degree must necessarily render the credibility of the doctrine more manifest to the minds of the hearers. For this reason it taught that each of the seven mute prophets had twelve apostles for the extension of the true faith ; for the number twelve is the most excellent after seven : hence the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve months, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve bones of the fingers of each hand, the thumb excepted, and so on. After these five degrees, the precepts of Islam were examined ; and in the sixth it was shown that all positive legislation must be subordinate to the general and philosophical. The dogmas of Plato, Aristotle, and Pytha- goras were adduced as proofs and laid down as axioms. This degree was very tedious, and only when the acolyte was fully penetrated with the wisdom of the philosophers was he granted admission to the seventh, where he passed from philosophy to mysticism. This was the Oriental mystic theology, and the doctrine of unity which the Sufees have exhibited in their works. In the eighth degree the positive precepts of religion were again brought forward to fall to dust by all that preceded ; then was the pupil fully enlightened as to the superfluity of all apostles and prophets, the non-existence of heaven and hell, the indifference of all actions, for which there is neither reward nor punish- ment, neither in this world or the next ; and thus was he matured for the ninth and last degree, to become the blind instrument of all the passions of unbridled thirst of power. To believe nothing, and to dare all, formed, in two words, the sum of this system, which annihilated every principle of religion and morality, and had no other object than to execute ambitious designs with suitable ministers, who, daring all, and honouring nothing, since they consider every- thing a cheat and nothing forbidden, are the best tools of an infernal policy. It will bp very evident, from the above description, that THE ISMAELI 118 neither Von Hammer, nor Makrisi, from whom he copied, could imagine a secret society being anything but vile, immoral and dangerous to society at large ! The doctrines of the Karmatians, taking them to be a branch of the early Ismaeli, are thus given by D'Herbelot. 1 " Their founder taught his disciples to make fifty prayers a day and allowed them to eat things forbidden by Mussul- mans. He allegorized the precepts of the Koran, giving out prayer to be the symbol of obedience to the Imaum ; fasting to be merely the symbol of silence and secrecy with respect to strangers who were not of their sect ; and that fidelity to the Imaum was figured by the precept which forbids fornication, so that those who reveal the precepts of their religion, and who do not obey their Sheikh blindly fall into the crime called ' zinah/ Instead of the tenth part of their property which Mussulmans gave to the poor, they were to set apart the fifth part for the Imaum." Von Hammer speaks in a similar way of Karmat * : " His doctrine, in addition to the circumstances of its forbidding nothing, and declaring everything allowable and indifferent, meriting neither reward nor punishment, under- mined more particularly the basis of Mohammedanism, by declaring that all its commands were allegorical, and merely a disguise of political precepts and maxims. More- over, all was to be referred to the blameless and irreproach- able Imaum Maassum, (preserved from error) as the model of a prince whom, though he had occupied no existing throne, they pretended to seek, and declared war against bad and good princes, without distinction, in order that, under the pretext of contending for a better, they might be able to unravel at once the thickly interwoven web of religion and government. The injunction of prayer meant nothing but obedience to the Imaum Maassum ; alms, the tithes to be given to him ; fasting, the preservation of the political secret regarding the Imaum of the family of Ismael. Everything depended on the interpretation ' Terwil/ without which the whole word of the Koran, ' Tensil,' had neither meaning nor value. Religion did not consist * Article on Karmatians, Bib. Orient. a History of th* Assassins, pp. 39, 30. 8 114 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA in external observances, ' Iz-Zahir,' but in the internal feeling, ' Il-Batin/ " Ibn-Atheer, who lived between about A.D.IISQ to 1231, according to Nowairi, describes a book of the Karmatians, from which the following is an extract : " In the name of GOD, the compassionate, the merciful. Says II- Faradj, son of Othman, of the village of Nusrana, that there appeared to him in human form the Messiah, who is the Word of GOD, who is the Guide, and he is Ahmed, son of Mohammed, son of Hanafeyah, of the sons of Ali, and he is also Gabriel the angel, and he said to him : ' Thou art the true one ; thou art the camel that keepest wrath against the infidels ; thou art the ox that bearest the sins of the true believers ; thou art the spirit ; thou art John son of Zachariah/ " It is said also that Karmat taught his disciples to make four inclinations : two before sunrise, and two before sunset, or according to Bibars Mansoori, two after sunset. The following words are also ascribed to him : first quoting a passage from the Koran : " They will ask you of the new moons: they are the epochs fixed for men." He thus allegorizes it : " In the exterior sense it refers to years, chronology, months, days ; but in the inner sense it refers to my faithful friends, who have made known my ways to my servants." Among other things he commanded a fast two days in the year, at the feasts of Mihrdjan and of Nurooz 1 ; he forbade the wine of the palm-tree, and permitted the use of that made from the grape ; he prescribed the abstaining from the complete ablution according to the rite called Ghasl, for a pollution, and directed the being contented with the ablution called Wodu, as it is practised before prayer. He allowed the killing of all that should take up arms against him ; but fortade the eating of any animal with tusks or claws. After about A.D. 989 not much is heard of the Karmatians of Irak and Syria, but they were found in Bahrein till A.D. 1037-8, and at Mooltan in India still later. When about A.D. 910 the dynasty of the Fatimite* 1 See Appendix, p. 310. So called on account of their descent from Fatima, wife of Ali. THE ISMAELI 115 Caliphs was founded at Kairwan, the ancient Cyrene, by Obeid-allah, who claimed descent from the Imaum Ismael, the Ismaeli appear to tyave divided into two branches, the Eastern and Western. The former seem to have been identical with the Nusairi, or as they were called by Frank writers, the Assassins ; the latter developed into a new sect, called the Druses. CHAPTER XIII THE ASSASSINS ABOUT the time when the Western or Egyptian Ismaeli were beginning to decline, a new branch of the sect appeared in Northern Persia, which was first called the Eastern Ismaeli, but afterwards became more celebrated under the title of The Assassins. The founder of this branch was Hassan-Ibn-Mohammed-as-Sabah, who was a native of Rey, or Rha, the ancient Ragae. His father Ali was a distinguished Schiite of Khorassan. Although regarded with suspicion by Orthodox Mussulmans, he asserted that he was a native of Cufa, and a devoted adherent to the Sunnite creed ; as a proof he sent his son Hassan to be educated by the most celebrated Orthodox doctor of the age. Hassan was originally a believer in the twelve Imaums, but asserted that during an illness he had been converted to the Ismaeli doctrines, of which the Caliphs of Egypt were the head. He journeyed into Egypt, where he was gladly welcomed by the reigning Caliph, Mostanzer. After the death of this Caliph, Hassan returned to Persia, by way of Syria, and gained possession, by force and stratagem, of an impregnable mountain-fastness called from its position Alamoot, that is " the eagle's nest." This was in A.D. 1090. Pretending that he was the Huddjah, or demonstration of the Invisible Imaum, he procured followers among the pre-existing Ismaeli sect, and succeeded in persuading his followers that to die for the Imaum or the Order was to procure certain felicity. He gained castle after castle in Persia, and soon obtained great power, inspiring terror in the hearts of all by the sudden assassination of caliphs and viziers. About A.D. uoo, the Assassins appeared in Syria, no THE ASSASSINS 117 existing almost independently in the mountains of Summak f the southern part of the Nusairi range. According to Dheheby l : " The Ismaeli of Alamoot sent into Syria, in the year 1107 or after, one of their missionaries. Many adventures happened to him, until he made himself master of several fortresses in the mountain of Sanak, which belonged to the Ansaireeh." " The Assassins," says Taylor, " were neither a nation nor a dynasty ; they were simply an Order, or confraternity, similar to that of the Knights Templar, or the modern Freemasons. Their Grand-Master took the simple title of Sheikh, usually accorded to the heads of all the Arab tribes ; the name of the Sheikh-ul-Jebal, or Chief of the Mountain, soon became formidable throughout Asia. In Europe, the word ' Sheikh ' was translated ' old man/ a signification which the word will bear ; and the name of ' The Old Man of the Mountain ' was pronounced with an instinctive shudder even on the coast of the Atlantic /' a Hitherto, says Ameer Ali, in his valuable Short History of the Saracens, a standard work on the subject, the Ismaeli had only Masters and Fellows ; namely, the Dais, or emissaries, who, being initiated into all the grades of the secret doctrine, enlisted proselytes ; and the Rafik, who, gradually entrusted with its principles, formed the bulk of the secret society. Hassan saw at once that for the purpose of carrying out his project with security and energy, a third class was needed, composed of agents who would be mere blind and fanatical tools in the hands of their superiors who would yield implicit obedience to the master's orders, without regard to conse- quences ; these agents were called Fedais, that is the Devoted. The Grand-Master of this murderous brotherhood was called " our lord " Syedna or Sidna (the Sydney of the Crusaders) and commonly Sheikh-ul-Jabal, the " Old Man (or Lord) of the Mountain." The Fedais formed his body- guard, and were the excutioners of his deadly orders. Immediately under the Grand-Master* came the Dai-ul- Kabir, the " Grand Prior/' and each of the three provinces to which the power of the Order extended, namely, Jabal, * In an Arabic MS. quoted in the Journal Aiiatique, May, 1854. 3 History of Mohammedanism, p. 179. 118 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Kuhistan, and Syria, was ruled by a " Grand Prior." Beneath them were the Initiated Masters, the Dais who acted as nuncios, and enlisted proselytes. The Fellows or Compan- ions (Rafik) were those who were advancing to the Master- ship, through the several grades of initiation into the secret doctrine. The devoted murderers, the Fedais, came last, and the Lasik, or Aspirants, seem to have been the Novices, or lay brethren. From the uninitiated subjects of the Order strict observance of the religious duties of Islam was expected ; from the devoted satellites was demanded only blind sub- jection. The initiated worked with their heads, and led the arms of the Fedais in execution of the orders of the Sheikh, who with the pen guided the daggers. The Assassins by degrees made themselves masters of many of the strongest fortresses in the mountainous tracts of Northern Persia, Irak, and Syria, and pursued the best men of Islam with their daggers. It was at this period that the storm of savage fanaticism which in the annals of Christendom is called " the Holy Wars " burst in all its fury over Western Asia. " The Crusades form," says a clever writer, " one of the maddest episodes in history. Christianity hurled itself at Mohammed- anism in expedition after expedition for nearly three centuries, until failure brought lassitude, and superstition itself was undermined by its own labours. Europe was drained of men and money, and threatened with social bankruptcy, if not with annihilation. Millions perished in battle, hunger, or disease, and every atrocity the imagina- tion can conceive disgraced the warriors of the Cross." But a history of the Crusades does not enter into the scope of this work, fascinating as is the subject. We have traced the Assassins as the originators of the present Nusairis, and now proceed to give a few more particulars of that sect. " If the reader will take any map of Syria which has some pretensions to accuracy," says the Rev. Samuel Lyde, 1 " and will look at the seacoast, he will find in the parallel of latitude 35 30' the town of Ladikeeh (Latakia), the Laodicea of Seleucus Nicator, celebrated now for its exports 1 Asian Mystery, pp. i fi THE ASSASSINS l|flfj of the tobacco grown in the neighbouring mountain^ These mountains, which are the special abode of the Nusairis, 1 are separated on the south from the Lebanon range by the entrance into Hamath, a valley through which run the roads from Tripoli to Hamah, and from Tartoos to Hums, also the ancienj: river Eleutherus, the Nahr-il-Chebeer of to-day. To the north they are separated from the mountains, of which Mount Cassius forms the conspicuous western termination, by a pass and valley, over and through which runs the road from Ladikeeh to Aleppo. But though these mountains are so almost exclusively inhabited by the Nusairis as to be called by their name, yet the Nusairi population of Syria is by no means confined to them. They also occupy the plain which stretches on the west of the mountains, the wide plain which stretches east to Hums and Hamah, in the district south of the Nahr-il-Chebeer, along the valley of the Orontes, and in Antioch they form a large element of the population. Leaving Syria, for a moment, and crossing the ancient bay of Issus, they abound in the district of Adana and Tarsoos, the ancient Tarsus, and in southern Syria; near the ancient Caesarea Philippi, are several Nusairi villages." As regards an approximate idea of the Nusairi population in Syria, it is impossible to estimate whether it has much diminished under Turkish mis-rule during the past fifty years, but we may doubtless consider that it has lessened considerably. About 1856 Dr. Vandyck, of the American Board of Missions at Beyrout, while giving the number of the Druses as 100,000 gave that of the Ismaeeli and Nusairis together as 200,000, of which the largest pro- portion would be Nusairis. Writing in the Missionary Herald for March 1841, Dr. Thomson, another American missionary, said : " Mr. Barker assures me that about one-third of the inhabitants of Tartoos are Ansaireeh, and that they abound not only in Djebel Bailan, above Scanderoon, but in the mountains of Anatolia. This corresponds with the unvarying testimony of the people themselves, who also * By Arab writers they are called the " An-Nusaireeyah." Lyde calls them " Ansaireeh/' as the nearest English imitation of the pronunciation of the people themselves. But I am calling them throughout Nusairis, 120 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA say that their sect extends to Djebel Sindjar, and even to Persia. They are several times more numerous than the Druses, but then they are more widely dispersed. Their number cannot be less than 200,000, and most intelligent natives place it much higher. The largest number of them occupy the plain and mountains of Ladikeeh, which are in consequence called Djebel-il-Ansaireeh. Their villages are also very numerous in the region called Safeetah, above Tartoos, and in Husn and Akkar. They also comprise one- third of the inhabitants of Antioch, and abound in the mountains above it." Lieut. The Hon. F. Walpole, R.N., an English Free- mason who travelled in the East, including a visit to Nineveh, in 1850-1, has supplied us with many interesting details regarding the Nusairis in the work he published on his return to England. 1 Though somewhat mysterious in his account of how many of their secrets he acquired, it is evident he underwent a certain ceremony of initiation whilst resident amongst them. He says : " Though acquainted with many Ansayrii, high in their degree, I must confess as yet to not having discovered one trace of their belief, all my inquiries being met by, ' I am one of your faith.' An Ansayri assured me to-day they never taught their religion to their women. ' Would you have us teach them/ he said, ' whom we use, our holy faith ? ' The Ansayrii are now, also, from what I could gather, divided into several sects : for interpreting to him several tenets of Zoroaster, he appeared to be struck with my knowledge ; they always parry me by ' Your faith, my lord Frankmason ? ' Finding these remarks written of how, at first, I despaired of ever penetrating their secret, I must own the progress I have made now appears incredible even to myself, and their simplicity also in not detecting my gradual increase of knowledge ; but from my first arrival here my whole powers were turned to this, and, leaving all plan until circumstances opened, I gradually advanced ; and now with all truth I may say, that what I do not know, I have but to ask them to teach me. I early found that one deception, hardly justifiable, was Walpole, The Ansayrii, vol. iii., pp. 64, 342 ff. London, 1851. THE ASSASSINS 121 necessary : namely, not understanding any question asked me which I could not answer. The Ibn Arabs, or sons of the country, says ' the Franks are fools ' but they are no match for the nonchalance and sang froid of the European ; and gradually I whetted the curiosity of the Ansayrii by a pretended reserve. ' Ya Sheik, you are happy ; you have your knowledge, I have mine ; I would say, let us each keep what he has got, and let us talk of the weather, the crops, of trade/ This persevered in, they could not stand, so they at last gave in, and would tell me. Then, again, several sitting close around me, they would talk over a question to be asked me ; as if I, all listless, and inattentive, as I seemed, was not all ears, all tension, to fathom their meaning. For this I wandered as a beggar, endured hard- ships more than I should like to tell ; cold, hunger, and fatigue more than I trust others will know ; I have been beaten, hurt with stones, yet the result more than repays me. That alone, without means, without powers to buy or bribe, I have penetrated a secret, the enigma of ages have dared alone to venture where none have been when the Government, with five hundred soldiers, could not follow ; and, better than all, have gained esteem among the race condemned as savages, and feared as robbers and assassins. 1 "The lower classes are initiated into the principles of their religion, but not its more mystical, or higher parts; they are taught to obey their chiefs without question, without hesitation, and to give to the Sheik abundantly at feasts and religious ceremonies ; and above all to die a thousand deaths sooner than reveal the same faith he inherits from his race. " In their houses they place two small windows over the door. This is in order that if a birth and a death occur at the same moment, the coming and the parting spirit may not meet. In rooms dedicated to hospitality, several square holes are left, so that each spirit may come or depart without meeting another. * It is much to be regretted that, so far as is known, Lieutenant Walpole never disclosed, at any rate for publication, any other details as to his experiences amongst the Ansayrii whilst being initiated into their secret rites. Evidently, they were so near akin to his own Masonic experiences, that his former Obligations would still be considered binding upon him. 122 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA " Like the Mahometans, they practise the rite of cir- cumcision, performing the rite at various ages, according to the precocity of the child. " When a candidate is pronounced ready for initiation, his tarboosh is removed, and a white cloth wrapped round his head. He is then conducted into the presence of the sheiks of religion. The chiefs deliver a lecture, cautioning him against ever divulging their great and solemn secret. ' If you are under the sword, the rope, or the torture, die, and smile, you are blessed.' He then kisses the earth three times before the chief, who continues telling him the articles of their faith. On rising, he teaches him a sign, and delivers three words to him. This completes the first lesson. " The Ansayrii have signs and questions. By the one they salute each other, by the other they commence an examination as to whether a man is one of them or not, if they do not know him personally. But these signs are little used, and known only to a few, as the dress, etc., clearly indicates them to each other, and almost each one knows all the chiefs, at least, by sight. " They believe in the transmigration of souls. Those who in this life do well, are hospitable and follow their faith, become stars ; the souls of others return to the earth, and become Ansayrii again until purified, they fly to rest ; the souls of bad men become Jews, Christians, and Turks ; while the souls of those who believe not become pigs, and other beasts. One evening, sitting with a dear old man, a high sheik, his boys were round him : I said, ' Speak : where are the sons of your youth ? these are the children of your old age.' ' My son,' he said, looking up, ' is there ; nightly he smiles upon me, and invites me to come/ " CHAPTER XIV THE MOHAMMEDAN CREED ; FROM AN ORIGINAL ARABIC CONFESSION OF FAITH DURING the course of our consideration of the Creeds of the Syrian secret sects, and their variations from the ordinary Moslem Creed, references have to be so frequently made to the latter that it is necessary to give its clauses. The following condensation of the Mohammedan Creed is taken from Taylor's History of Mohammedanism, a text- book on the subject. The Creed of which the following is a translation, was originally compiled by a Mohammedan doctor of the law, who belonged to the Sunnite sect, and contains a summary of the doctrines generally received by Orthodox Mussulmen ; it was published in 1705, by Adrian Reland ; with a Latin translation, unfortunately too literal for general use, and from the Latin it was translated into English and French. Hottinger, who edited the Creed in Hebrew characters, declared that there were in it, " precepts, Ethical, Political, and Domestic, worthy of Christianity itself. 1 ' Some notes, explaining more fully the different articles, will be found in the Appendix. IN THE NAME OF GOD, THE MOST MERCIFUL. Praise be unto GOD, who has led us into the Faith, and has appointed it as a signet by which is obtained the entrance of the celestial paradise ; and as a veil between us and eternal dwelling in flames. And may the favour and praise of GOD be upon Mohammed, the best of men, the Guide, who leads his followers into the right way favour, perpetual and ever- increasing, from generation to generation. 123 124 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Here begins the description of Faith and its explanation. Know that Faith is the foundation of Islamism, as the prophet Mohammed has pronounced, to whom may GOD be kind, and grant plenary salvation. Islamism rests on five founda- tions : of which the first is the Confession of GOD, that there is no other GOD beside Him, and that Mohammed is His delegated prophet ; the second is, the offering up of prayer at stated periods ; the third, the bestowing of alms ; the fourth, fasting during the month Ramadhan ; and the fifth, is the pilgrimage to Mecca, which every peison possessing the power is bound to perform. But this is the confession which we call Faith. Be it known, that every person possessing capacity for it, is bound to believe in GOD in His angels in His books in His prophets in the last day, and in the absolute decree, and predetermination of the Most Highest, respecting both good and evil. But Faith consists in this, that every man is persuaded in his soul of the truth of these things, and Confession is the proof \ of this belief by external indications. OF FAITH IN GOD FAITH in GOD is the real belief in the soul, and confession by the tongue, that GOD is a supreme existence, true, permanent, a very essence, eternal, without beginning and without end, Who has no form, or figure, is limited by no place, has no equal, compeer, or similarity, no motion or change ; no separation, division, weariness, 01 casualty. He is removed from conjunction with any other being, self- existent, intelligent, potent, of independent volition, hearing all our words, seeing all our deeds, the source of speech, the maker, the creator, the sustainer, the producer, the author of life and death ; giving a beginning to all things, causing to all a resurrection ; judging, decreeing, correcting, ruling, prohibiting, directing to rectitude and leading to error ; a retributive judge, rewarding, punishing, merciful, victorious. And these attributes are eternally inherent in His essence throughout all ages, without separation or changes, THE MOHAMMEDAM CREED 125 and these attributes are not GOD, nor yet are they! different from Him. And thus every attribute is conjoined with Him, as life with knowledge, or knowledge with power. But these are the attributes, life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, sight, the power of communication, eternity both as regards a beginning and an end, action, creation, support, production, formation, the gift of life, the message of death, the first origin of things, their restoration, wisdom, predestination, direction to good, seduction to evil, retribu- tion, reward, punishment, grace and victory. And with these noble and precious attributes, GOD, the Most Highest, is endowed ; and whoever denies any of these attributes, or doubts concerning them, or any of them, is doubtlessly an infidel. Preserve us, O GOD, from the sin of infidelity ! OF ANGELS For a right belief concerning angels, there is requited a persuasion of the mind and confession of the tongue, that there exist servants to the supreme GOD, who are called Angels or messengers, free from sin, near to GOD, who perform all His commands, and are never disobedient. But they have pure and subtile bodies, created of fire ; neither is there among them any difference of sexes, or carnal appetites, and they have neither father nor mother. Also they are endowed with different forms, and severally preside over ministrations. Some stand, some incline downwards, some sit, or adore, with a lowered forehead ; others sing hymns and praises of GOD, or laud and extol their Creator, or ask pardon for human offences. Some of them record the deeds of men, and guard over the human race ; others support the throne of GOD, or go about it, and perform other works which are pleasing to the Deity. But it is necessary to believe in them, although a person may not know their names or specific attributes ; and to embrace them in love, is one of the necessary conditions of faith. And to hate them collectively or individually, is an act of infidelity. But if anyone confesses that angels exist, but asserts 128 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA that they have sexual differences, it is an act of infidelity. Or if be confesses that there are angels, and that they have no sexual differences, but declares that he does not repose trust in them, or love them, he is to be esteemed an infidel. Preserve us, O GOD, from the sin of infidelity ! OF THE DIVINE BOOKS Faith in the books of GOD is this, that we are persuaded in our mind, and confess with our tongue, that those illustrious books are from God, which He sent down from heaven to His Prophet which demission was made without creation (the Koran is eternal *), without production. In them are contained the commands and prohibitions of GOD His edicts His promises, and His threatenings His declaration of what is lawful, and what is unlawful and His information of His retributive justice, both as regards rewards and punishments. All these books are the very word of GOD, the Most Highest, which is read by the tongue, guarded in the volumes, and written in the hearts of men. But this word of GOD is distinct from those letters and vocal sounds, and yet these letters and vocal sounds are metaphorically called the Word of GOD, because they indicate GOD'S real word. In the same way that we call our expressions our words, because they indicate what is truly our word. As the poet says : Our real language dwells within our breasts, The tongue is but an index to the heart. These things GOD well knows. The books are one hundred and four in number ; of which GOD, the Most Highest, sent down ten to Adam ; fifty to Seth ; thirty to Idris ; ten to Abraham ; one to Moses, which is the Thorah (law) or Pentateuch ; one to Issa (Jesus), which is the Engil (Evangelium, or Gospel) ; one to David, and this is the Book of Psalms ; and one to Mohammed, which is the Foikan (Koran). He who denies these volumes, or doubts concerning them, or a part of them, or a chapter, or a versicle, or a word of them, is certainly an infidel. Preserve us, O GOD, from the sin of infidelity ! See Appendix, " Creation of the Koran," THE MOHAMMEDAN CREED 127 CONCERNING THE AMBASSADORS OF GOD Faith in the ambassadors of GOD demands that we recognise in the heart, and confess with the tongue, that GOD, the Most Highest, has appointed prophets ambassadors chosen from among men, and sent as messengers to men preachers of eternal truth, to whom implicit faith and con- fidence is due, who command and forbid certain things (as they are inspired), and bear to men the revealed edicts of the Deity, and make manifest to them his constitutions and decrees the appointments He has made, and the rules He requires to be observed ; and reveal to men things hidden from the powers of their natural understandings ; as the nature or essence of the Divinity the attributes the works and operations of God the resurrection and revivifica- tion of the dead the punishment of the sepulchre, and the interrogation, and the examination, and the scale and balance, and the bridge or road that must be trodden by all on the last day, and the fish-pond, and paradise with its delights, and hell with its punishments. But the prophets are free from errors and great sins, and all believe in the same creed, which is Islamism, and the Mohammedan faith, although they were different institutions. They are also elected from created beings honoured by personal com- munication with GOD, and by descent of angels to them ; supported by manifest miracles, which are contrary to the ordinary course of nature, as that some brought back the dead to life, spoke with beasts, and trees, and other inanimate beings and other miracles of a similar nature, to which degree of Divine eminence none but GOD'S prophets can attain. GOD also has instituted a rank and order amongst them, by which one is more eminent than another. Thus, those amongst them who have fulfilled the office of ambassadors from GOD, are superior to those who have not been delegated ; and those who have instituted a new mode of religious worship, to those who have not been commissioned to discharge that trust. The first of all was Adam, the last and most excellent was Mohammed (the blessing of GOD be upon him). After the order of the Prophets, the most excellent of created beings were Abu-Bekr f 128 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Omar, Otham, and All. After them in the order of dignity follow the six most honoured companions of Mohammed, Talcha, Al-Zobeir, Zeid, Saad, Abd-al-Rahman, and Abu- Obedia, and after them the rest of his associates, and after them the generation of men to which Mohammed (the peace and blessing of GOD be on Him) was sent. May the favour of GOD be upon them all ! Then follow those wise persons, who perform good actions. The number of the prophets, according to a certain tradition, amounts to two hundred and twenty-four thousand ; but according to another tradition to one hundred and twenty-four thousand. Amongst these three hundred and thirteen have filled the office of ambassa- dors, and there are six who brought new constitutions ; Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. May GOD bless and be favourable to them all ! It is not required as a condition of faith, that a person should know their number, but it is necessary that he should feel an affection towards them ; for whoever denies the veracity of one of the prophets, or doubts it, or doubts concerning any thing which a prophet has told, he, indeed, is an infidel. Preserve us, O Lord, from the sin of infidelity ! OF THE LAST DAY OF FINAL RETRIBUTION Faith in the last day consists in this, that we believe in our hearts, and confess with our tongues, that there will be really a last day, the day of the resurrection ; and that the Almighty GOD will destroy this world, and whatever creatures are in it, except, however, those things which He will please to preserve ; that is to say, the throne of His glory, and the base on which it rests, and the spirit, and the tqjWe, and the pen, and paradise, 1 and hell with those things which are contained in them. Then GOD will revive, quicken, and assemble mankind, and demand from them an account of their actions, and examine them, and show them the books, in which their good and bad actions are written. And some shall be upon His right hand, and some upon His left. Then shall He judge them in equity, and weigh their works, as well good as bad, and reward See Appendix : " Eastern Ida of Paradise." THE MOHAMMEDAN CREED 129 every soul according to the deeds done in the body. Some shall enter paradise through his goodness and mercy ; but some shall be cast into hell. But of the faithful, some shall remain in flaming torments ; but they shall enter paradise when they have suffered punishment according to the proportion of their sins ; for the faithful shall ever abide in paradise, but the infidels in the flaming tortures of hell. Reverential fear is required to the perfection of belief in the resurrection ; so that he is to be deemed an infidel who is careless about it, as likewise he who denies it, or doubts concerning it, or says " I do not fear the resurrection, nor do I desire paradise, nor do I dread hell." Preserve us, O Lord, from the sin of infidelity. OF THE DIVINE DECREE AND PREDESTINATION Faith in the decree of GOD is, that we believe in the heart and confess with the tongue, that GOD, the Most Highest, has decreed all things and the modes of their occurrence, so that nothing can happen in this world with respect to the conditions of operations of affairs whether for good or evil obedience or disobedience 1 faith or infidelity health or illness riches or poverty life or death ; which is not contained in the decree of GOD, and in His judgment, ordinance, and will. But GOD has thus decreed virtue, obedience, and faith, that He may so ordain and will them to be subservient to His direction, pleasure, and command. On the contrary, He has decreed vice, disobedience, and infidelity, and still ordains, wills, and decrees them ; but without his salutary direction, good pleasure, or command, nay rather, by his temptation, wrath, and prohibitions. But whoever will say, that GOD is not delighted with virtue and faith, and is not wrath with vice and infidelity, or that GOD has decreed good and evil with equal complacency, is an infidel. For GOD wills good that He may take pleasure in it ; and evil, that it may become the object of His rightful indignation. Direct us, GOD, into the right path ! 1 See Appendix, " Dispute between Adam and Moses. 9 130 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA End of the first part of the creed Iman (Faith) : next follows the Second Part Din (Practice). OF LUSTRATIONS, MORE ESPECIALLY THAT CALLED "GHASL," OR THE GREATER PURIFICATION It must be remembered, that there are seven species of water fit for rightly performing religious ablutions ; that is to say, rain, sea, river, fountain, well, snow, and ice- water. But the principal requisites for the lustration Ghasl, are three : (i) intention ; (2) a perfect cleansing ; (3) that the water should touch the entire skin and every hair. And there are five requisites of the traditional law, or Sonna : (1) the appropriate phrase, Bismillah, must be pronounced ; (2) the palms must be washed before the hands are put into the basin ; (3) the lustration Wodu must be performed ; (4) the skin must be rubbed with the hand ; and (5) it must be prolonged. . . . (Omit the cases in which this lustration is required.) OF THE LUSTRATION "WoDu" The principal parts, indeed the divine institutions, of the lustration Wodu, are six : (i) intention ; (2) the washing of the entire face ; (3) the washing of the hands and fore- arms up to the elbows ; (4) the rubbing of some parts of the head ; (5) the washing of the feet as far as the ancles ; and (6) observance of the prescribed order. And the institu- tions of the traditional law about this lustration are ten : (i) the preparatory formula, Bismillah, must be used ; (2) the palms must be washed before the hands are put into the basin ; (3) the mouth must be cleansed ; (4) water must be drawn through the nostrils ; (5) the entire head and ears must be rubbed ; (6) if the beard be thick, the fingers must be drawn through it ; (7) the toes must be separated ; (8) the right hand and foot must be washed before the left ; (9) these ceremonies must be thrice repeated; (10) the whole must be performed in uninterrupted succession. . . . (Omit the cases in which this lustration is required.) OF PURIFICATION BY SAND The divine institutions respecting purification by sand are four : (i) intention ; (z) rubbing of the face ; (3) the rubbing THE MOHAMMEDAN CREED 131 of the hands and fore-arms up to the elbows ; and (4) the observance of this order. But the Sunnite ordinances are three : (i) the formula Bismillah ; (2) that the right hand and foot precede the left, and, (3) that the ceremony be performed without interruption. OF PRAYER The divine institution, on which the rites of prayer rest, are thirteen : (i) intention ; (2) magnification ; (3) its formula (GoD is great) ; (4) an erect posture ; (5) reading the first chapter of the Koran ; (6) a bending of the body ; (7) raising it again ; (8) prostrate adoration ; (9) sitting down ; (10) sitting down a second time ; (n) the second confession ; (12) its formula (I testify that Mohammed is the Ambassador of GOD), (13) the observance of this order. But the Sunnite ordinances are : (i) the first proclamation of the time of prayer called Azan ; (2) the second proclamation ; (3) the first confession (I acknowledge that there is no GOD but GOD) ; (4) a certain form of prayer. There are five things required before prayer : (i) the body must be free from every polluting stain ; (2) it must be covered with a clean garment ; (3) the worshipper must stand in a pure place ; (4) the stated time must be observed ; (5) the face must be turned to the Kebla, or temple of Mecca. Prayers should be offered five times in the day : (i) at noon, when five genuflections are necessary ; (2) in the afternoon, which requires five also ; (3) the evening, which demands three ; (4) the night, which requires four; and (5) the morning, when two genuflections are sufficient. OF ALMS Alms should be given from five kinds of property: (i) cattle ; (2) money ; (3) corn ; (4) fruits ; and (5) merchandise. But there are three kinds of cattle from which alms must be given : (i) camels ; (2) oxen ; and (3) sheep. In order that alms should be given duly, six things are necessary : (i) the donor must believe in Islam ; (2) he must be free ; (3) he must be perfectly master of his property; (4) the value of the property must be of a certain amount ; (5) it must have been a year in his possession ; and (6) the animals 182 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA from which alms are due, must be those which he pastures. Alms must be paid from both gold and silver money, according to the preceding regulations. Three things are required in giving alms for corn : (i) the corn must have been planted by man, and not be of spontaneous growth; (2) it must be laid in a granary ; and (3) it must amount to a certain quantity. Alms must be given from the fruit of the palm and the vine ; and for the right performance of this, the four first of the six preceding precepts must be observed The requisites for giving pecuniary alms are also applicable in the case of merchandise. But the divine institution respecting the alms distributed with respect to the amount of wealth, and with respect to the number oi persons, at the end of Ramadhan is twofold : (i) the intention with which the alms are bestowed ; and (2) their actual distribution. OF ABSTINENCE The requisites for a lawful fast are three : (i) the person must profess Islam; (2) he must have attained the age of puberty; and (3) he must be of sound mind. Five divine institutions must be observed in fasting ; ten things make it null and void. (The particulars need not be enumerated.) OF THE PILGRIMAGE To MECCA The divine institutions of this rite are five : (i) the intention with which a person resolves to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, and binds himself by a vow to God ; (2) a residence on Mount Ararat ; (3) shaving the head in the valley of Mina ; (4) going round the temple to Mecca ; and (5) the course between Safa and Merwa. End of the Mohammedan Creed. CHAPTER XV THE FIRST FOUR CALIPHS AND THE TWELVE IMAUMS. IN any consideration of the religious creeds of the peoples of Syria we are constantly finding references to the various Caliphs and Imaums who followed Mohammed. It is as well, therefore, in this place to give a necessarily condensed account of these. On the death of Mohammed, on June 8th A.D. 632, at the age of sixty-three years, during the last twenty-three of which he had assumed the character of a prophet, as he had not named a successor, there was an immediate hot dispute as to whom the office of leadership should be entrusted. Mohammed died in the house of his wife Ayesha, and she is said by the Schiites, or followers of Ali, to have suppressed his special designation in favour of Ali, of the Caliphate, or civil rule, and the Imaumate, or spiritual jurisdiction of Islam or Mohammedanism, on account of her hatred and jealousy of Fatimah, the wife of Ali. They say that Mohammed intended that Ali should be both Emir-il-Moomeneen, or Prince of the True Believers, and Imaum-il-Muslemeen, or High Priest of the Mussulmans ; and they maintain bis indefeasible right to both offices. However, the Caliphate was voted to Abu-Bekr (the " Father of the Virgin ") a name he assumed on giving his daughter in marriage to Mohammed, the Ayesha mentioned above. Ali was the son of Abu Talib, an uncle of Mohammed, who brought up the Prophet in his early days, and Ali married the favourite daughter of Mohammed, Fatimah, who was not, however, a daughter of the favourite wife, Ayesha. Abu-Bekr seems to have been a brave, mild and generous 133 184 SECRET SECTS OP SYRIA ruler, and one whose pious character was very generally respected. Unlike the ordinary absolute rulers, such as himself, of the richest countries in the world, he is said to have left behind him but a single camel and one Ethiopian slave, and even these he bequeathed to his successor. This was Omar-Ibn-al-Khattab, like Abu-Bekr a native of Mecca, and originally ajCMnel^hq^- He developed into a most bigoted Mussulman, eager to massacre all who would not believe in Mohammed. The greater part of Syria and Mesopotamia had been subdued during the life of Abu- Bekr. Their conquest was completed under Omar ; the ancient empire of the Persians was overthrown at the battle of Kadesch ; Palestine, Phoenicia and Egypt submitted to the Saracen yoke almost without a struggle ; and the standard of the Prophet floated in triumph from the sands of the Cyrenian desert to the banks of the Indus. " During the reign of Omar," says Khondemir, " the Saracens conquered thirty-six thousand cities, towns, and castles, destroyed four thousand Christian, Magian and pagan temples, and erected fourteen hundred mosques." Omar was assassinated in the eleventh year of his reign, and buried in the same tomb with Abu-Bekr and Mohammed. Omar had directed, that at his death, a council of six should be assembled, and three days allowed them for deliberation, at the end of which time, if they had not agreed upon a new Caliph, they should all be slain ! The six who met to deliberate under these conditions were Ali, who as we have seen was a cousin and son-in-law of Mohammed ; Othman, also a son-in-law ; Zobeir a cousin of the Prophet, and Abd-al-Rahman, Talha, and Saad, his favourite companions. After some deliberation they elected Othman, and he was installed third Caliph. Othman, who had married successively two daughters of Mohammed, had long acted as the Prophet's secretary, and enjoyed his intimate confidence. At the time of his election as Caliph he was more than eighty years of age, but his health was unshaken, and his faculties unabated. He pursued the warlike policy of his predecessors; by his orders the Mussulman armies completed the conquest of Persia, and extended the sway of the Saracens to the river FIRST FOUR CALIPHS AND TWELVE IMAUMS 185 Oxus, and the borders of India. Northern Africa, as far as the shores of the Atlantic, was subdued by another of Othman's armies, and a fleet, equipped in the harbours of Egypt and Syria, subdued the island of Cyprus, and menaced the northern coasts of the Mediterranean. But factions broke out on many sides, and a mutiny broke out in the Egyptian army. Discontented troops marched suddenly upon Medina, and Othman was slain in a mosque while engaged in his daily perusal of the Koran. On the death of Othman, Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib became Caliph, and the Schiites, as a body, make it a religious duty to solemnly curse, in their rituals, as will be seen later, all those who had thus stood in his way Abu-Bekr, Omar and Othman. But the opposition to Ali did not end with his accession to the Caliphate. Talha and Zobeir, instigated by Ayesha, his determined enemy, took the field against him. They were defeated, and Talha and Zobeir were put to death, and Ayesha imprisoned. But Moawiyah, a son of Abu Sofian, who, at the head of the Koreish, had long resisted Mohammed, and who had been appointed by Omar to the governorship of Syria, proved a more formidable antagonist. He continued his rebellion until Ali was assassinated, A.D. 661, when having forced Hassan, the eldest son of Ali, to resign, he became Caliph, to the exclusion of the family of Mohammed. Moawiyah was founder of the dynasty of the Omeyades (so called from Omeyah, one of his ancestors) which ruled the Mohammedan world till the accession of the Abassides, Caliphs of Baghdad, who were descended from Abbas, an uncle of Mohammed, who obtained the Caliphate in A.D. 750. This dynasty proved as zealous enemies of the descendants of Ali as the former. After a fierce conflict between Ali and Moawiyah, the former, after several attempts had been made on his life, was assassinated, also in a mosque, his death taking place towards the close of the thirty years which Mohammed had predicted would be a fatal period for the Caliphate. From the contest between Ali and Moawiyah arose the distinction of the Mohammedans into Sunnites and 186 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Schiites. The chief points at issue between them are the following: (i) The Schiites, or as they call themselves, the Adalyihans, or " lovers of justice," assert that the three first Caliphs were usurpers ; the Sunnites declare that they were legitimate monarchs, elected according to the " Sunna," or traditional law of the Prophet. (2) The Schiites regard Ali as the equal of Mohammed : some even assert his superiority, but the Sunnites deny that he possessed any special dignity. (3) The Schiites assert that the Koran is made void by the authority attributed to tradition ; the Sunnites say that tradition is necessary to complete and explain the doctrines of the Koran. The Turks, Egyptians and Arabs belong to the Sunnite sect, while the tenets of the Schiites are professed by the Persians, the Nusairis and Druses, a great portion of the Tartars, and by certain of the Mohammedan peoples of India. Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib was buried at Cufa, but the exact place of his sepulchre has not been determined. Ali is reckoned to be the first Imaum, and his partisans declare that, though human force prevented him from enjoying temporal power, his spiritual dignity was the gift of GOD, and could not, therefore, be affected by the successive usurpations of Abu-Bekr, Omar, and Othman. The Schiite notion of an Imaum is precisely the same as that which the Thibetians form of their Grand Llama, (a point gone into very fully by Madame Blavatsky, to which a separate chapter is devoted later on in this work), and the Burmese of their Bodhisatwas, that is, the union in the same person of a divine and a human nature. Many Schiites think that Ali is not dead, but that he will return again to reign upon earth, when men, by their docility and submission, will cause him to forget the calamities which he had to suffer in his former career. A great number of them declare that the first Imaum was superior to the Prophet himself ; some say that Ali was chosen by GOD to propagate Islamism, but that the angel Gabriel, by mistake, delivered the letter to Mohammed. Others say that Mohammed was ordered to deliver his revelations in Ali's name but that, seduced by pride and ambition, he falsely proclaimed himself the chosen Apostle of GOD. FIRST FOUR CALIPHS AND TWELVE IMAUMS 187 Ali left three sons by his wife Fatimah : Hassan, Hossein, and Mohsin, the latter dying young. After the death of Fatimah he married eight wives, by whom he had fifteen sons in all, one of whom, Mohammed Hanefeyed, attained some note. On the death of Ali, Hassan was proclaimed Caliph and Imaum in Irak : the former title he was forced to resign to Moawiyah ; the latter, or spiritual dignity, his followers regarded as inalienable. After nine years had passed, Hassan met the usual fate of Oriental rulers, being poisoned by his wife Jaadah, at the instigation of Moawiyah. Hossein succeeded to the title of Imaum, and enjoyed it until A.D. 679, when he was ^lay? in battle with Yezid, son of Moawiyah, who continued the conflict between the rival factions. The anniversary of Hossein's death, or martyrdom as it is considered by the Schiites, is celebrated with extra- ordinary splendour in the month Mohurrum, especially in Persia and India, the solemnities lasting ten days, during which the Schiites abstain from everything that could suggest notions of joys or pleasure. The Nusairis always speak of Hossein as the martyr of Kerbela, the place where he met his death. ^ Ali, the son of Hossein, who was twelve ydars old at the death of his father, became the fourth Imaum. He refused to take any part in public affairs, and died A.D. 712, leaving such a reputation for piety that he is called Zeyu- il-Aabideen, the " ornament of pious men." He was succeeded by his eldest son, Mohammed, who led as tranquil and retired a life of piety as his father. He devoted himself to study, and was supposed to have paid particular attention to the practice of magic. For these reasons the Schiites call him the " possessor of the secret," or II Bakir, " the investigator." The Omeyade Caliph of his day, alarmed at the progress of opinions which tended to strengthen the house of Ali, caused him to be poisoned, A.D. 734. Some of the Schiites believe that he wanders secretly over the earth still, accompanied by Ali-Ibn-Abu- Talib and the celebrated prophet Kedher. Djaafar, the sixth Imaum, was called As-Sadik or " the just," and in his reign an attempt was made, though 188 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA unsuccessful, to restore the temporal power of the house of Ali, by Zeid, brother of the late Imaum. Djaafar died in A.D. 765, just as the Caliphate passed, as already mentioned, to the Abassides. Djaafar designated his son Ismael as his successor, but as he died young, in 762, he declared his second son, Mousa, as his heir in the Imaumship. Now, as Ismael had left children, those of the Schiites who regarded the Imaumate as hereditary, denied that Diaafar had any right to make a second nomination. They therefore formed the sect called the Ismaelis, from which sprang the Fatimite caliphs of Egypt, and the Ismaelis, or Assassins of Persia and Syria, as already mentioned. The Druses are the followers of one of these Fatimite caliphs, Hakem, as we shall show later. The Nusairis, who acknowledge the belief in the twelve Imaums, recognize the claims of Mousa, whom they call Ill-Kazim, or " the patient." In this they are distinguished from the Druses and Ismaelis, who break the line at Ismael, to the exclusion of Mousa and his descendants, and perhaps from the Karmatians, who appear to have done the same. Mousa's son, Ali, called by the Nusairis Ir-Reda, or " the acceptation," was the eighth Imaum. Mousa was assassinated by order of Haroun-ar-Rashid, the hero of the Arabian Nights, and Ali was proclaimed by II Mamoun, successor of Haroun, as his own successor in the empire. But this raised such a sedition among the thirty thousand descendants of Abbas that II Mamoun was obliged to cause Ali to be privately poisoned in A.D. 816. Mohammed, son of Ali, was the ninth Imaum ; he lived in privacy at Baghdad, where he died at an early age, in A.D. 835. On account of his generosity he is styled by the Nusairis // D jaw wad, " the generous." Ali, the tenth Imaum, was but a child when he succeeded his father. He was kept closely confined all his life in the city of Asker, by the Caliph Motawakkel, the mortal enemy of the Schiites, by whom he was poisoned in A.D. 868. From the place of his residence he is called " the Askerite." He is also known by the Nusairis as Ali-il-Hadi, " the director." Hassan, his son and successor, is also called II Askeri, FIRST FOUR CALIPHS AND TWELVE IMAUMS 180 from the place where, like his father, he lived, and was finally poisoned. Mohammed, the twelfth and last Imaum, was but six months old when his father died. He was kept closely confined by the Caliph, but after he had attained the age of twelve years he suddenly disappeared. The Sunnites say that he was drowned in the Tigris, A.D. 879, and show what they say is his tomb. The Nusairis deny the fact of his death, and say that he wanders unknown over the earth until the predestined moment arrives, when he shall claim and receive universal empire. All the Schiite sects say that the earth will not have a legitimate sovereign until the re-appearance of the last Imaum. The Persian kings of the Sufee dynasty styled themselves " slaves of the lord of the country," that is, of the invisible Imaum ; they always kept two horses saddled and bridled in the royal stables at Ispahan, one for the twelfth Imaum, whenever he should appear, the other for Jesus Christ, by whom they believed he would be accompanied. CHAPTER XVI THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS THE Nusairis believe in one GOD, self-existent and eternal, who manifested himself seven times in the world in human form, from Abel to Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, which last manifesta- tion, they say, was the most perfect ; to this the others pointed, and in this the mystery of the divine appearances found their chief -end and completion. 1 At each of these manifestations the Deity made use of two other Persons : the first created out of the light of His essence, and by Himself ; the second created by the first. These, with the Deity, form an inseparable Trinity, called Maana-Ism-Bab. The first, the Maana, " meaning," is the designa- tion of the Deity as the meaning, sense, or reality of all things. The second, the Ism " name/' is also called the Hedjah, or veil, because under it the Maana conceals its glory, while by it, it reveals itself to men. The third, the Bab, " door/' is so called because through it is the entrance to the knowledge of the two former. In the time of Adam, when Abel was the Maana, Adam was the Ism, and Gabriel the Bab. In the time of Mohammed, when Ali was the Maana, Mohammed the Prophet Was the Ism, and Salman-il-Farisee, or the Persian, a coni|MQKi0n of Mohammed, was the Bab. The following are the seven appearances of the Maana, the Ism, and the Bab : 1 This account of the religion of the Nusairis is condensed from Lyde's Asian Mystery, pp. no ff. 140 MAANA ISM (meaning) (name) I. Abel. Adam. 2. Seth. Noah. 3. Joseph. Jacob. 4. Joshua. Moses. 5. Asaph. Solomon. 6. Simon-is-Saf. Jesus. (Cephas) 7. AH. Mohammed. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 141 BAB (door) Gabriel. Yayeel-Ibn-Fatin. Ham-Ibn-Koosh. Dan-Ibn-Usbaoot. Abdullah-Ibn-Simaan. Rozabah-Ibn-il-Merzaban. Salman-il-Farisee. After All, the Deity manifested Himself in the Imaums, His posterity, AH himself being the first Imaum, or Imaum of Imaums as he is styled. To Him all divine attributes are ascribed, and to Him all prayers are made. The secret of the Trinity described above is represented by a sign, token, or mark to the true believers, namely, the three letters Ain t Mim, Sin, the three initial letters of AH, Mohammed, and Salman. Among the many worlds known to GOD are two, the Great Luminous World, which is the Heaven, " the Light of Light/' and the little earthly world, the residence of men. A Nusairi has to believe in the existence in the Luminous, Spiritual World of seven hierarchies, each with seven degrees, which have their representatives in the earthly world. They are: (i) Abwah, or doors, 400 in number; (2) Aytam, orphans or disciples, 500 in number ; (3) Nukaba, princes or chiefs, (the companions of Moses, and properly so called) 600 ; (4) Nudjaba, or excellent, 700 ; (5) Mokhtassen, or peculiars, 800 ; (6) Mukhliseen, or pure in faith, 900 ; (7) Mwntaheenen, or tried, who are 1,100 in number, the total being thus 5,000. In this world they have their representatives in twelve Nukaba, and also twenty-eight Nudjaba, who, besides theiir earthly names, have names in the world of light, najn&lyt those of the twenty-eight mansions, or stations of the moon. They have also their counterparts in apostles and prophets, who are moreover representatives of the Deity, as being inhabited by a partial emanation from Him. This earthly world in like manner contains seven degrees of believers ; (i) Mukarrabeen, near ones, 14,000 in number ; 142 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA (2) Qherubims, 15,000 ; (3) Rooheyeen, spiritual, 16,000 ; (4) Mukaddaseen, sanctified, 17,000 ; (5) Saiyeen, ascetics, 18,000 ; (6) Mustameen listeners, 19,000 ; (7) Lahiheen, followers, 20,000. In all, 119,000. The mystery of the faith of the Unitarians, the mystery of mysteries, and chief article of the faith of the true believers, is the veiling of the Deity in light, that is, in the eye of the Sun, and his manifestation in his servant Abd-in-Noor. Light is described as the eternal Maana, or meaning, which is concealed in light ; the Deity thus concealed in light manifests himself in Abd-in-Noor, the " servant of light," which is wine ; this wine being consecrated and drunk by the true believers, the initiated, in the Kuddas, or Sacrament, the great mystery of the Nusairis. The Nusairis believe that all souls were created from the essence which inhabits all beings, and that, after a certain number of transmigrations, those of true believers become stars in the great world of light. When a Nusairi attains the age of manhood he is initiated into the mysteries of his religion, and becomes a participator in its rites, and acquainted with its secret prayers, signs, and watch-words, by all of which the initiated are bound up into a Freemasonic body of Ukhwan, or brethren. The ritual of this initiation ceremony is given in a later chapter. A proof of the influence of Zoroaster and the Magians on the religion of the Nusairis may be traced in the attribu- tion of light as the symbol of the Deity. Ali is usually alluded to and addressed as our Lord, Ameer-ilrMoomeneen, Prince of the True Believers, but another favourite term of address is Ameer-in-Nahal, Prince of Bees, that is the angels, or true believers, who are styled bees because they choose out the best flowers, that is, follow the best instruction. Next to the seven great manifestations of the Deity, and twelve lesser manifestations in the Imaums, a con- spicuous part of the Nusairi religious system is the Aytam, or orphans, signifying the disciples who have lost their master. These are the second of the seven spiritual hierarchies of which the Doors are the first and they are generally connected with the Door, though the series sometimes THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 148 commences with the names of All, thus : " His Name, His Door, His Aytam, and the people of His Holy Hierarchies. As a Nusairi is required to believe in the chain of divine appearances from Abel to Ali, and in the chain of Imaums, from the first Hassan to the last, so he is required to believe that there have always existed five Aytam, five being the consecrated number in this case. The five orphans in the time of Adam, when Gabriel was the Door, were the five angels, Michael, Israfeel, Azrael, Malik and Rudwan, and these are the types of the successive appearances of the Aytam. Thus it is said : " There are no angels but the five angels, the orphans." The Nusairis believe that there were five worlds, that is ages, before that of man, and that during them the world was successively inhabited by five kinds of beings, worshippers of Ali, called the Djann, the Bann, the Tumm, the Ramm, and the Djahn. The Nusairis, as mentioned before, have, from the very first, been believers in the transmigration of souls, in common with others of the secret sects of the East. Hamza, the apostle of the Druses, directs his anathemas against them, because they carry the doctrine to such an extent as to say " that the souls of the enemies of Ali will pass into dogs, and other unclean brutes, till they enter fire, to be burnt, and beaten under the hammer." After refuting this doctrine of transmigration into animals, he concludes, " and whoever believes in metempsychosis, like the Ansaireeh, the followers of the Maana, in the person of Ali son of Abu-Talib, and who stands up for it, suffers the loss both of this world and the next." Metempsychosis, which is called by Mussulman authorities Tanasukh, is called by the Nusairis Taknees, or Tadjaiyul, that is the coming in successive " djeels," or generations. The Jesuit missionaries say on this point : " The Ansaireeh further admit the metempsychosis, and say that the same soul passes from one body into another, as many as seventy times; but with this difference, that the soul of a good man enters into a body more perfect than his own, and the soul of a vicious man passes into the body of an unclean animal." A Nusairi believes that after he has become purified, 144 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA in passing through different incarnations, he becomes a star in heaven, the first centre of humanity. For this reason they pray that Ali will clothe the brethren in envelopes of light. The religious literature of the Nusairis includes a Manual of Instructions, and a Catechism, both of which are largely quoted by Lyde and Taylor, quoting, in their turn, from Von Hammer and Catafago. Lyde had obtained possession of a MS. copy of this Manual, which apparently corresponds to the Manual referred to by Sulaiman, from which copious extracts, with regard to the Initiation ceremonies, will be found in the next chapter. The Nusairis also acknowledge the Tawrah, the Old Testament or Law ; the Andjeel or Gospel ; the Zuboor, or Psalms ; and the Koran. But they speak in all of 114 books, among which they include those attributed to Seth, Enoch, Noah and Abraham, in the Syriac. 1 ' Various MSS. that have fallen into the hands of Europeans show that there are books among the 'Nusairis, and that these moreover agree in all main points. The Catechism, which in many points is identical with the Manual, was sent with a French version, by M. Catafago, Dragoman of the Prussian Consul-General at Beyrout, to the King of Prussia, and a translation of the Catechism, by Dr. Wolff, was issued in the Journal of the German Oriental Society for 1845-6, from which Lyde has translated the more important portions.* The original MS. is in thirty- eight leaves, large octavo, and is called " The Book of In- struction in the Ansaireeh Religion." The introduction contains an invocation of the Eternal GOD, and a thanksgiving " for the communication of His divine secret, and the truth of the holy religion," which consists in the perception of His great Name, and of His holy Door, through the person of the Abd-in-Noor, which he has assumed for the sake of His saints, who know Him ; also a thanksgiving for all the benefits received from GOD. Then follow two portions of the Catechism : one theoretical, Some extracts from The Booh of Enoch and The Apocalypse of Abraham are given in the Appendix, from the very excellent edition of these Apocryphal books prepared for the S.P.C.K, by Canons Box and Charles. * Asian Mystery, pp. 271 ff. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 145 which speaks of instruction, and the other practical, which speaks of customs and ceremonies. The theoretical part declares, in the form of question and answer, a belief in the divinity of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, through his own testimony, and from a discourse by Mohammed himself, which ends thus : He (AH) is my Lord and yours." Ali is declared to have concealed himself in Mohammed in the period of his change of shapes, that is in the seventh manifestation previously referred to, when he took Mohammed as his " Veil." Then follow declarations as to the Maana, the Ism, and the Bab, and the sixty-three names of the Ism, which spiritually taken, denote the Maana, and personally the Ism those of which the Godhead has made use to manifest Himself in the persons of the prophets and apostles, the first three being Adam, Enoch, and Kanaan. The Bab is also said to be the perfect soul, the Holy Ghost, the angel Gabriel, etc. It is also stated that while the name of Ali is given to the Deity by the Arabs, He himself has taken the name of Aristotle, and in the Christian Gospel is called Elias, while the Indians know Him as Kankara. Then are recited the names of the seven hierarchies, and their degrees, as given above. Then come some questions and answers referring to doctrines of the Eucharistic celebrations and Masses, which I give in full, as they have not been previously alluded to. LXXV. Is it true that the Messiah was crucified, as the Christians assert ? Ans. No ; the Jews were deceived by a resemblance. (Koran iii. 163.) LXXVI. What is the Mass? Ans. The consecration of the wine, which is drunk to the health of the Nakeeb or Nadjeeb. LXXVIL What is the Offering (Korban ') ? Ans. The consecration of the bread, which the true believers take in their hand for the souls of their brethren, and on that account the Mass is read. LXXVIII. Who reads the Mass, and brings the offer- ing ? Ans. Your great Imauras and preachers. LXXIX. -What is the great secret (mystery) of God ? * Cf. Mark vii. u. 10 146 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Ans. The flesh and the blood, of which Jesus has said : " This is my flesh and my blood ; eat and drink thereof, for it is eternal life. 11 LXXX. Where do the souls of your brethren, the true believers, go when they leave their graves ? Ans. Into the great world of light. LXXXI. What will happen to the godless and polythe- ists ? Ans. They will have all torments to suffer in all ages. LXXXIL What is the mystery of the faith of the Unitarians ? What is the mystery of mysteries and chief article of faith of the true believers ? Ans. It is the veiling of our Lord in light, that is, in the eye of the sun, and his manifestation in his servant, Abd-in-Noor. LXXXIIL What will happen to those who doubt this mystery, after they have once acknowledged it ? Ans. They will be reprobated. LXXXIV. What are the stipulations which the believer must enter on, if he will receive the secret of secrets ? Ans. He must, before all things, assist his brethren with all his means ; he must give them the fifth part of his goods ; he must pray at the appointed hours ; fulfil his obligations ; give to all their dues ; obey his Lord, invoke Him, thank Him, often pronounce His name, in all points submit himself to His will, and keep himself from everything that may displease Him. LXXXV. What must the believer keep himself from ? Ans. From affronting or injuring his brethren. LXXX VI. Is the believer allowed to make known to anyone the secret of secrets ? Ans. Only to those of his religion, else he will lose the favour of God. LXXXVIL What is the first mass ? Ans. It is that which is spoken of before the prayer of Nurooz. LXXXVIIL What is the prayer of Nurooz 1Ans. The words of consecration of the wine in the chalice. 1 LXXXIX. Say that prayer. Ans, Among other things it is said : " Drink of this pure wine, for one day its lights will be covered with thick clouds." XC. What is the consecrated wine called which the believers drink ? Ans. Abd-in-Noor. See Appendix, " The Feast of Nurooz." THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 147 XCI. Wherefore so ? Ans. Because GOD has mani- fested Himself in the same. XCII. What is the concealed secret of GOD, which stands between the K and N ? Ans. Light, according to His word : " Let there be light, and there was light." x XCIII. What is light ? Ans. The eternal Maana, which is concealed in light. XCIV. If our Lord is concealed in light where does he manifest himself ? Ans. In the wine, as it is said in the Nurooz. XCV. Why does the believer direct his face, when he prays, towards the sun ? Ans. Know that the sun is the light of lights. XCVI. Why do we say that our Lord makes turnings (transmigrations) and revolutions ? Ans. He does so, and manifests Himself periodically in all revolutions and periods, from Adam to the son of Abu-Talib. (It will be realized this is no answer at all.) XCVII. What do the outer and inner word denote ? Ans. The inner, the Godhead of our Lord ; the outer, his manhood. Outwardly we say that He is spoken of as " Our Lord Ali, son of Abu-Talib " : and this denotes inwardly the Maana, the Ism, and the Bab ; one gracious and com- passionate GOD. The practical portion of the Catechism gives a general formula for prayer, a formula for mass, and the ritual of reception into the sect. Some very interesting and important details with regard to the religious rites, doctrines, and history of the Nusairis are given in a work published at Beirut in 1863, the author being a former member of the sect. The Book of Sulaiman's First Ripe Fruit, in which are disclosed many of the mysteries of the Nusairian religion, was written by Sulaiman Effendi, of Adhanah, and edited for him by Dr. Van Dyck, a mission- ary at Beirut. An exhaustive review, with copious extracts from the original Arabic, was prepared for the American J The letters K and N represent the word " be " in Arabic, and since this word was used in the creation of light, light is called the secret of God, which is concealed between the K and the N. 148 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Oriental Society by Mr. Edward E. Salisbury, who had previously contributed some interesting papers on the Syrian sects, and was published in the Society's Journal for 1864. " This tract was written,'* says Dr. Van Dyck, " by a Nusairi, who first doubted his own religion and became a Jew, then a Moslem, then a Greek, then a Protestant. He was taken as a conscript, and sent from Adhanah to Damascus, where he was released. He came to Beirut, and wrote this tract. He then went to Ladikia, and remained some months with Rev. J. R. Dodds, Missionary of the Associated Reformed Church : and then returned to have his tract printed at his own expense." In this, and the following chapter, are given the most interesting portions of Mr. Salisbury's review. The work is divided into sections, of which the first describes the author's initiation as a Nusairi, and embraces what purports to be a complete Nusairian prayer-book, with important explanations, and historical notes : the second section is chiefly an enumeration of some of the principal festivals of the sect : the third gives a detailed report of the ceremonies observed, and the liturgical forms used on those occasions, and includes some statistics of the sect : the fourth treats of the important Nusairian doctrines of a fall from virtue and happiness in a pre-existent state : the fifth consists entirely of specimens of Nusairian poetry : the sixth is a statement, by the author, of certain fundamental principles of the sect : the seventh is a narrative of the circumstances under which the author discovered its deeper mysteries, of his own conversion, first to Judaism and then to Christianity, and of the treatment which he met with in consequence from his co-religionists : and the eighth, and last, is wholly controversial, being an argument against the doctrines and rites of the Nusairis. The author begins by informing us that he was born in Antioch in A.H. 1250, or A.D. 1834-5, and lived there to the age of seven years, when he was taken to Adhanah ; and that his initiation took place when he was eighteen years old, the appointed time being from the age of eighteen to twenty. The initiation ceremonies are thus described. On a THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 149 certain day there was a general gathering of high and low of the Nusairis of Adhanah, belonging to that division of the sect known as Northerners, 1 before whom he was summoned, when he was presented with a glass of wine. One whom he describes as the Pursuivant, or Director of Ceremonies, took a place at his side, and said to him : " Say thou : By the mystery of thy beneficence, O my Uncle and lord, thou crown of my head, I am thy pupil, and let thy sandal be upon my head/' When he had drunk the wine, the Imaum turned towards him, and asked : " Wouldst thou take up the sandals of those here present, to do honour to thy Lord ? " to which he replied, " Nay, but only the sandal of my lord ; " whereupon the company laughed at his want of docility. Then the Minister (Deacon), being so directed by the assembly, brought to them the sandal of the Pursuivant : and when they had uncovered the Candidate's head, they laid it thereon, and put over it a white rag : after which the Pursuivant began to pray over him that he might receive the mystery. When this prayer was ended, the sandal was taken from his head, he was enjoined secrecy, and all dispersed. This is what is called the Betoken- ing Adoption. After forty days, another assembly was convened, another cup of wine was drunk by the Candidate, and he was directed to say : "In the faith of the mystery of Ain-Mim-Sin," which Sulaiman thus explains : Ain stands for Ali, or the Archetypal Deity : Mim for Mohammed, or the Expressed Deity, or the Intermediary : Sin for Salman-al-Farsi, or the Communicator. The Candidate was charged by the Imaum to pronounce the cabalistic word composed of these three letters, namely AMS, five hundred times a day. As before, secrecy was enjoined, and the so-called King's Adoption was now accomplished. Another interval of probation, lasting seven months (often extended to nine) having passed away, the Candidate was called before another assembly, in whose presence he stood at a respectful distance. Then a Deputy rose in the assembly, having the Pursuivant on his right, and another official on his left, each with a cup of wine in his 1 One of the four divisions of the Nusairis, see p. 154. 150 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA hand ; all, turning to the Imaum, chanted the third Melody. After this, the whole assembly, facing the Second Preceptor on the Deputy's left, known as the Dignitary, chanted to him the following : "I inquire after the traits of nobleness where dwell they ? To thee have certain men pointed me. By the reality of Mohammed and his race, compassionate one who comes to kiss thy hands. Thou art my goal, let not my thought of thee prove vain : account us to-day as depending upon thee/' After this, they placed their hands on the Preceptor's and sat down. Then the Preceptor stood up, took the Deputy's cup from his hand, bowed his head in worship, and read the Chapter of " Bowing of the Head " (see p. 159). Having recited this litany, he raised his head, and read the Chapter of the " Ain " (see p. 161). After this, he stood with his face towards the Imaum, and said : " Hail, hail, hail, O my lord Imaum ! " To this the Imaum replied, " May it be well with thee, and those around thee ! Thou hast done that which these here assembled have not done ; for thou hast taken in thy hand the cup, hast drunk, hast bowed the head, and saluted ; and to God is humble worship due. But what is thy desire, and what wouldst them ? " To this the Dignitary answered : " I would have an evening of the countenance of my Master " : then retiring, he looked towards the heavens, and came back to the assembly, and said : " Hail, hail, hail, O my lord," to which the Imaum replied as before : " What is thy desire, and what wouldst thou ? The Dignitary said : "I have a desire, and would it might be sanctioned." The Imaum replied : " Go to, I sanction it." The Dignitary then stepped aside from the assembly, and approached the Candidate, to give him an opportunity to kiss his hands and feet : which being done, he returned, and said : " Hail, hail, hail, O my lord Imaum." Then the Imaum said to him again : " What is thy wish, and what wouldst thou ? " To this he answered : "A person has presented himself to me in the way." Again the Imaum spoke ; " Hast thou not heard what was said by our elect lord : ' As for the nightmare duty, no man of might can take it patiently? ' " The Dignitary replied : " I have a stout heart, no fear for THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 151 me " then after regarding the Candidate, he turned towards the assembly, and said : " This person, named so-and-so, has come to be initiated in your presence." The Imaum then inquired: "Who directed him to us?" To this the Dignitary replied " The Eternal Archetypal Deity, the august Expressed Deity, and the honoured Communicator, signified by the word AMS." The Imaum said : " Bring him, that we may see him " ; whereupon the Preceptor took him by the right hand, and led him towards the Imaum. On his approach, the Imaum stretched out his feet, which the Candidate kissed, and also his hands, and said to him : " What is thy desire, and what wouldst thou, O young man ? " Thereupon the Pursuivant arose, and station- ing himself at the Candidate's side, instructed him to say : " I ask for the mystery of your faith, O multitudes of believers." Then, eyeing him with a stern look, the Imaum said : " What impels thee to seek from us this mystery, crowned with pearls large and small, which only a familiar angel, or a commissioned prophet, can support ? Know, O my child, that there are many angels, but that only the Familiars can support this mystery ; and that the prophets are numerous, but that only the Commissioned can support this mystery : and that there are many believers, but that only the Approved can support this mystery. Wilt thou suffer the cutting off of thy head, hands and feet, and not disclose this august mystery ? " To this the Candidate replied : " Yes." Thereupon the Imaum said : " I wish thee to furnish a hundred sponsors," at which those present interposed : " The rule, O our lord Imaum " and he said, " In deference to you, let there be twelve sponsors." Then the Second Preceptor stood up, and kissed the hands of the twelve sponsors, and the Candidate kissed their hands. Then the sponsors rose, and said : " Hail, hail, hail, O my lord Imaum," and the Imaum said, " What is your desire, ye nobles ? " To this they replied : " We have come to be sponsors for this Candidate." Then the Imaum inquired : " In case he discloses this mystery, will ye bring him to me, that we may cut him in pieces and drink his blood ? " They answered : " Yes," and he added : " I am not satisfied with your sponsorship alone nay, but I would have two 162 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA persons of consideration to be responsible for you." So one of the sponsors ran, with the Candidate after him, and kissed the hands of the two required sponsors, whose hands the Candidate also kissed. After this the two selected sponsors stood up, with their hands on their breasts ; and the Imaum turned towards them, and said : " God give you a good evening, O sponsors, respected and pure, men of mark, and no sucklings ! But what would ye ? " They replied : " We have come to be sponsors for the twelve sponsors, and also for this person." The Imaum replied : "In case, then, he runs off before having fully learned our forms of prayer, or discloses this mystery, will ye two bring him to me, that we may take his life ? " They replied : " Yes," and the Imaum spoke again : " Sponsors are perishable, and sponsors for sponsors abide not I would have from him something that will last." They then gave way, and the Imaum said to the Candidate : " Come near to me, O young man ; " so he approached him, and at the same time the Imaum adjured him, by all the heavenly bodies, that he would not disclose this mystery : and afterwards gave into his right hand the Book of the Summary, while the Pursuivant, stationed at his side, instructed him to say : " Be thou extolled ! Swear me, O my lord Imaum, to this august mystery, and thou shalt be clear of any failure in me." Taking 1 the book from him, the Imaum said : " O, my child, I swear thee, not in respect to money, or suretyship nay, but in respect only to the mystery of GOD, as our chiefs and lords have sworn us." This action and these words he repeated three times ; after which the Candidate placed his hand upon the Summary three times, making oath thereby to the Imaum, that he would not disclose this mystery so long as he should live. After this the Imaum said : " Know, O my child, that the earth will not suffer thee to be buried in it, shouldst thou disclose this mystery ; and thy return will not be to enter into human vestments nay, but, when thou diest, thou wilt enter into vestments of degrading transformation, from which there will be no deliverance for thee, for ever." Then they seated the Candidate among them, and uncovering THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 158 his head, put a veil over it ; the sponsors placed their hands upon his head, and began to pray : first, they read the Chapters of Victory, Bowing the Head, and the Ain : then, after drinking some wine, they read also the Chapter of Salutation, and raised their hands from off his head. Next the Introducing Dignitary took hold of him, and made him salute the First Preceptor and then, taking a cup of wine in his hand, gave him drink, and instructed him to say : " In GOD'S name, by the help of GOD, and in the faith of the mystery of Lord Abu Abdallah, possessor of divine knowledge, in the faith of the mystery of his blessed memorial, in the faith of his mystery-God give him happi- ness." After this the assembly then dispersed. CHAPTER XVII THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS : CONTINUED THE Dignitary then took the young votary to his own house, where he taught him the " Formula of Disburdening " (see p. 171), and also made him acquainted with the various forms of prayer, to the number of sixteen, in which the Nusairis pay divine honours to Ali. Each of these forms of prayer is called a chapter, with a particular name, indicative of its contents ; and in several cases the so-called prayer has little or none of the tone of supplication, being for the most part, or wholly, a recital, and that without any special propriety, apparently, in reference to devotion. The whole collection, to which the general title of Dustur, i.e. "The Canon," is given, provides a good insight into the Nusairi beliefs. The first chapter, called " The Commencement/ 1 is thus explained by Sulaiman. He observes that, according to Nusairian doctrines, GOD is visible, and yet not wholly definable, whence the expression, which occurs in this chapter, " O manifest, O limit of all aims, Thou who art hidden,* yet unclothed, whose lights arise out of Thee and set in Thee, from Thee come forth, and to Thee return." He also here alludes to a separation of the Nusairis into four divisions : i, those who pay homage to the Heavens, whom he calls Northerners ; 2, adorers of the Moon, whom he calls elsewhere Kalazians : 1 3, worshippers of the twilight : and 4, worshippers of the air. By the first of these parties the passage just quoted is understood to point to the heavens, 1 Probably so named after Sheikh Mohammed Bin Kalazu, who is quoted later. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 155 " out of which," said they, " the stars arise, and in which they set ; and which are visible, yet undefmable, as to their prime configuration, except by the Expressed Deity." But the second party, in support of their adoration of the moon, allege that other expression of this chapter : " Thy brilliant appearance/ 1 saying " that the moon is manifest to sight, while as for the dark part of it, that represents the being of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, which is veiled from our eyes, which we now see as a dark object, though, when we are purified from these bodily vestments, and exalted among the stars, through our faith, we shall behold it in sapphire splendour/' The worshippers of the twilight argue, in their own favour, from the expression " whose lights arise out of thee," etc., saying that all the lights of heaven make their appearance from out of the East, and revolve and set in the West ; and they may be seen to pray with their faces turned towards the sun as it is rising or setting, in the belief that the twilight-reddening of the sky creates the sun, according to the words of Sheikh Ali the Magian, in the so-called " Legacy " left to them by him : "By the full moon, whose lights from her sun come forth ; and by her sun, production of the morning beam/' The worshippers of the air have also their own argument from this chapter, appealing to the expression : " O Thou who art He," which by a slight change of reading, they make to mean " O Thou who art the air." The second chapter, called " The Canonization of Ibn-al-Wali," is a prayer for deliverance from seven kinds of degrading transformation, together with their subdivisions, embracing all kinds of cattle and wild beasts, and other forms of living creatures ; and it is believed that these seven degrees of transformation are the seven floors of Hell mentioned in the Koran : * " And it has seven entrances, with a part divided off to each." Thus the sinner, in this petition, with humble heart, and spirit submissive to his lord Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, intercedes for salvation therefrom. The third chapter is called " The Canonization of Abu Said," and is a prayer to the Prince of Bees, Ali the Bounteous, imploring the aid of the Elect Five, the Revealing Six, 1 Koran xv. 44. 156 SECRET SECTS OF SYRJA the Seven Twinkling Stars, the Eight Strong Bearers of the Throne, the Nine gifted with Mohammed-quality, the Ten Chanticleers of Holiness, the Eleven Ascension-points of Communicator-quality, and the Twelve Strings of Imaum- ship. The " Elect Five " are the times of prayer prescribed to the Nusairis. These are that of Mohammed, at mid-day ; of Fatimah, in the afternoon ; of Hassan, son of Ali-Ibn- Abu-Talib, at sunset ; of Hussain, brother of Hassan, in the evening ; and of Muhsin, Mystery of Obscurity, at day- break. Whoever is not conversant with the names of these five persons, and with the times of prayer called after them, prays in vain. The " Revealing Six " are the six beings, namely, Salman and the Five Incomparables, mentioned in the Chapter of Victory (the 6th), or the six days of creation, or the manifestations of GOD to Abraham, Moses, and other of the prophets. The " Seven Twinkling Stars " are Saturn, Mars, and the rest. The " Eight Strong Bearers of the Throne " are the eight Kabalistic words, that is, the names of the Five Incomparables and Talib, Akil, and Jafa at-Taiyar. The " Nine Gifted with Mohammed-quality " are names of certain of the Strings of Imaumship, from Mohammed Ibn Abdallah to Mohammed aj-Jawad. The " Ten Chanticleers of Holiness " are the Five Incom- parables, together with Naufal, Abu-1-Harith, Mohammed Ibn al-Hana-fiyah, Abu Barzah, and Abdallah Bin Madhlah, whom the Nusairis believe to be the largest of the stars, each having rule over a number of other stars. As al-Khusaibi says in his " Diwan," all the stars are castles of the heavens, mystically, except the ten just mentioned, the Chanticleers, whose cock is Salman al-Farsi. In the secret books of the Northerners, such as the " Book of the Greeks " and others, the cock is said to be Mohammed Bin Abdallah. The " Eleven Ascension-points of Communicator- quality " are Ruzbah Ibn al-Marzaban, Abu-1-Ala Rashid al-Hajari; Kankar Ibn Abu Khalid al-Kabuli, Yahya Bin Mu'amraar, Jabir Bin Yazid aj-Jufi, Mohammed Ibn THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 157 Abu Zainab al-Kahili, al-Mufadhdhal Bin Umar, Umar Bin al-Mufadhdhal, Mohammed Bin Nusair al-Bakri an- Numarri, Dihyah Bin Khalfiah al-Kalbi, and Umm Salamah. The " Twelve Strings of Imaumship " are Mohammed al-Mustafi, al-Hassan al-Mujtabi, al-Hussain the martyr of Karbala, Ali Zain al-Abidin, Mohammed al-Bakir, Ja' far as-Sadik, Musa al Kazim, Ali ai-Ridha, Mohammed al- Jawad, Ali al-Hadi, al-Hassan al-Askari, and Mohammed Bin al-Hassan al-Hujjah. The fourth chapter is called "The Pedigree." The Nusairian religion originated with Mohammed Bin Nusair ; he was followed by Mohammed Ibn Jindab, to whom succeeded Abdallah al-Jannan al Junbulan, of Persia. Then came al-Hussain Bin Hamdan al-Khusaibi, whom the Nusairis esteem superior to all his successors, who taught far and wide, and perfected their prayers. He taught that the Messiah was Adam, and Enos, and Kainan, and Mahalalil, and Yared, and Enoch, and Methuse- lah, and Lamech, and Noah, and Shem, and Arphaxad, and Ya'rab, and Hud, and Salih, and Lukman, and Lot, and Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Prince that is Pharaoh, who lived in the days of Joseph ; also Moses, and Aaron, and Caleb, and Ezekiel, and Samuel, and David, and Solomon, and Job, and al-Khadir, and Alexander, and Saul, and Daniel, and Mohammed. His general teaching seems to have been that each prophet who has appeared in the world was an incarnation of the Messiah ; and that the same is true of certain heathen sages, such as Plato, Galen, Socrates, and Nero ; also of certain wise men amongst the Persians, and the Arabs before Mohammed, such as Ardeshir, Sapor, Luwai, Murrah, Kilab, Hashim, Abd Manaf, and others. Moreover, he taught that the mothers of the prophets of past times, and their wives were incarnations of Salman al-Farsi, excepting the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot ; and that Salman was incarnate, also, in the eleven named in the third chapter, and in the Queen of Sheba, and the wife of Potiphar ; ani has appeared in some inanimate objects, as well as in certain wild animals, such as the wolf supposed to have eaten Joseph, and in winged creatures, such as the hoopoe, the 158 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA crow, the bee and others. Besides all this, he taught that Ali-Ibu-Abn-Talib was Abel, Seth, Joseph, Joshua, Asaph, Simon Peter, Aristotle, and Hermes ; and has been incarnated in certain wild animals, such as the dog of the Companions of al-Kahf, the camel of Salih, and the cow which Moses commanded to be sacrificed. 1 His disciples numbered fifty-one, of whom five were men of note, namely, Mohammed Bin Ali aj-Jali, Ali Bin Isa, aj-Jasri, al-Iraki, and al-Katani ; and whoever derives his instruction by a line of descent from either of these is regarded by the Nusairis as al- Khusaibi's brother. To al-Husain Bin Hamdan al-Khusaibi succeeded Maimun Bin Kasmin at-Tabarani, a disciple of Mohammed Bin Ali aj-Jali, and author of many Nusairian books, among which is the " Summary of Festivals," noted for its revilings of Abu- Bekr, Omar, and Othman, whom it calls the three Adversaries, they being considered by the Nusairis as incarnations of Satan. The same author also composed the " Book of Proofs of Divine Knowledge pertaining to the Questions/' in which it is said that the wolf supposed to have eaten Joseph was Abd ar-Rahman Bin Muljam al-Muradi, not Salman al-Farisi as other Nusairis believe ; and the "Book of the Compound on the Duties of Pupils " ; and another book, against the religion of Ali Bin Karmat, and Ali Bin Kushkah ; and many others. The fifth chapter, called " The Victory/ 1 is understood by the leaders among the Nusairis to signify that Mohammed is connected with Ali by night, and separated from him by day, taking the Sun to be Mohammed ; and they believe that Mohammed created lord Salman. These three are their Most Holy Trinity, Ali being the Father, Mohammed the Son, and Salman al-Farisi the Holy Ghost. They also declare that lord Salman created the Five Incomparables, and that the Five Incomparables created this whole world as it now exists, and that all the government of the heavens and the earth is in the hands of these Five Incomparables al-Mikdad presiding over thunder-bolts, lightning-flashes and earthquakes ; Abu-dh-Dharr superintending the gyration of the stars and constellations ; Abdallah Bin Rawahah, x Koran xviii. 8 ff. ; vii. 71 ff. ; ii. 63 ff. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 159 whom they believe to be the same as Azrael, being charged with the winds, and with the arrest of human spirits ; Othman having charge of human diseases, the heat of the body and stomachs ; and Khanbar who is the introducer of spirits into bodies. The sixth chapter is called " The Bowing of the Head," and is relied on by the Northerners as containing doctrines adverse to the worship which the Kalazians render to the Moon, arguing from an expression in this chapter " Thou producer of the morning sun and creator of the luminous full moon " that the moon is a created thing. To this the Kalazians reply that All created the moon in order to inhabit it, as a man builds a house to dwell in, or makes a seat to sit upon ; for they hold that the dark part of the moon repre- sents the Adorable One, who, they also believe, has hands, feet, a body, and a head, and on his head a crown, and in his hand a sword, which is the notched blade of Mohammed. The seventh chapter is called " The Salutation/' and causes much dispute between the Northerners and the Kalazians ; for while the former conclude the long string of salutations enjoined by the phrase " I believe in the lordship of Mohammed," the Kalazians say, " in the lordship of Ali, the Gracious, and accuse their opponents of ascribing lordship to Mohammed and Ali, indifferently. The Northerners reply to this charge by saying that Mohammed and Ali are allied, not alien, to one another ; that while the First Cause is Ali, Mohammed is also a Creator : and that the Kalazians cannot consistently charge them with error in ascribing lordship to the latter, inasmuch as they themselves maintain the doctrine of a Trinity which is held by the Northerners. A long dispute is thus carried on, of which the above is only an outline. Fourteen " Orders " are mentioned in this seventh chapter. The first seven include the Communicators, the Incompar- ables, the Pursuivants, the Familiars, the Dignitaries, the Purified, and the Approved, numbering five thousand angels, who constitute what the Nusairis call the great light-world. They believe them to be referred to in the Koran as the " Seven Heavens "* and to have existed before 1 Koran xxiii. 88. 160 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA the creation of the world, and to be stars outside of the Milky Way. The other seven include the Offerers, Cherubs, Spirituals, Sanctified, Ramblers, Listeners, and Attendants, numbering one hundred and nineteen thousand, who consti- tute the so-called " little spirit- world, supposed to be intended by the " Seven Earths" in the Koran. 1 These the Nusairis believe to be the stars of the Milky Way, or spirits purified from the flesh through their acknowledgment of AMS, and of every manifestation of the Deity, from Abel to Ali- Ibn-Abu-Talib, agreeably to these words in the Diwan of their lord Sheik Ali as-Suwairi : " Why dost thou not apprehend the parable of light ? Lo, GOD proposes to us a plain parable : GOD is the Light of the upper world, the heavens, and of the earthly world." This parable is to be found in the Koran, where we read : " GOD is the Light of the heavens and the earth ; His light is as a lamp in a little window," etc. * The eighth chapter is called " The Betokening." It is a confession of unity, and points out how to combat those who revile Abu Bekr, Omar, Othman, and the rest, and all sects which maintain that Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, or the prophets, either ate, drank, had sexual intercourse, or were born of women ; for the Nusairis believe that these descended from heaven without bodies, and that the bodies which they inhabited were but semblances. Also how to hide one's religion from those who are not Nusairis, it being a principle with this sect not to disclose their opinions or usages, even to save their lives. By this chapter are to be distinguished the four parties among the Nusairis : for those who adore the heavens and the twilight, when they recite it, place the right hand upon the breast, applying the inner part of the thumb to the middle finger; the worshippers of the moon either spread out the hand, with the thumb erect, so that it has the shape of the new moon, or else place both hands upon the breast, opening them wide, with the fingers of one upon the other, and the two thumbs erect, so as in this way to represent the shape of the new moon ; while the worshippers of the air place one hand upon the breast, lifting up the forefingers, > Koran Ixv 12, Koran xxiv, 35. THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 161 and applying the inner part of the end of the thumb to the inside of the middle finger. All Nusairis, on finishing the recitation of this chapter, kiss the inner parts of the ends of their fingers three times, and raise them to their heads. The ninth chapter is called " The Ain of Ali," and treats of the mystery of the Ain. The tenth chapter is called " The Covenant." " I testify that GOD is true ; that His word is true ; that the plain truth is Ali Ibn Abu Talib with the bald temples, the mysterious ; that Hell is the abode of unbelievers : that the garden is a pleasure ground for believers, where water meanders beneath the throne, and upon the throne is seated the Lord of all worlds, and the bearers of the throne are the Noble Eight, who present to him the oblation of my exercises, in this my state of discipline, and of the exercises of all believers. In the faith of the mystery of covenant of Ain-Mim-Sin." The eleventh chapter is called " The Testimony " : or, by the common people, " The Mountain." " GOD certifies, the angels, also, and all imbued with knowledge bear witness, that there is no GOD besides Him, the doer of justice ; that there is no GOD besides Him, the mighty, the wise* Verily, religion in GOD'S sight is Islam. O our Lord save us by Thy revelation, cause us to follow the Messenger, and so record us among those who firmly testify to Ain- Mim-Sin. " I testify that I am a Nusairi in religion, a Jandabi in counsel, a Junbulani in habitude, a Khusaibi in doctrine, a Jali as to maxims, a Maimuni in legal science ; and I stand fast in expectation of the splendid recurrence, the brilliant return, the withdrawal of the veil, the lighting up of the thick cloud, the manifestation of that which is unseen, the showing forth of the hidden, and the appearance of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib from amid the sun, arresting every soul, with the lion beneath him, the Dhu-1-Fakar in his hand, the angels behind him, and lord Salman before him, while water wells up from between his feet, and lord Mohammed cries out, saying : ' Behold your Sovereign, Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib ! Acknowledge him, glorify him, magnify him, exalt him, 11 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA Behold your creator and provider ! Disown him not ! Bear me witness, O my lords, that this is my religion and my faith, whereto I commit myself, whereby I live, wherein I shall die. ^Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib lives, and will not die ; in his hand is destiny, and absolute dominion ; in his gift are hearing, seeing, and understanding. Peace be to us from the remembrance of them/ " The Kalazians claim that expression " and the appearance of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib from amid the sun," in this chapter, as evidence of the correctness of their doctrine, remarking that the moon comes forth to view out of the sunset-sky. The worshippers of the twilight, on account of this expression, fancy that the twilight comes forth from the midst of the sun, while, at the same time, maintaining that the twilight- reddening of the sun creates the sun. The Northerners say that " the sun " is, here, a metonymy for Fatimah, the daughter of Asad, whose child was Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib ; for it is the belief of the Northerners, universally, that both she and Fatimah the daughter of Mohammed were the Expressed Deity, that is, Mohammed, who, as they hold, is represented in the sun. The twelfth chapter, called "The Imaum Chapter/' implies that the Nusairis adore a seen, present, not an incommunicative Deity ; and that this Deity is Ali-Ibn- Abu-Talib, whom the Northerners believe to be presented to view in the whole heavens, and the Kalazians suppose to be the moon, each party, accordingly, interpreting the chapter to suit its own views. The thirteenth chapter is called " The Journeying Chapter." " Let whatsoever is in the heavens, and what- soever is on the earth, glorify GOD, the Mighty, the Wise ! With the return of morning doth GOD'S whole realm give glory. In the name of GOD, by the help of GOD, and in the faith of the mystery of lord Abu Abdallah, whose religion whosoever conforms to, and whose worship whosoever adopts, GOD brings him to the knowledge of Himself ; and whose religion whosoever does not conform to, and whose religion whosoever does not adopt, has GOD'S curse upon him. By the mystery of the Chief, and his peculiar children, may GOD give happiness to them all." THE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE NUSAIRIS 163 When the Nusairis find mention made, in their secret books, of any city, they interpret it figuratively as signifying the heavens, and suppose its inhabitants to be stars, agreeably to what is explicitly laid down in the Egyptian Missive, and other books. f The fourteenth chapter is called " The Reverenced House," and originated with the primitive Nusairis, who used it as a method of introduction to the performance of pilgrimage. That is to say, it refers to the house which the Koran commands should be visited, and its under- pinnings, roof, and enclosures, as signifying, metaphorically, an acquaintance with persons represented thereby, agreeably to what is said by Sheikh Ibrahim-at-Tusi, in his " Poem of the Letter Ain " " O, the change of GOD'S house ! which is His Intermediary ; of as-Safa, which is al-Mikdad, tamer of the Adversary ; of Marwah, whereof Abu-dh-Dharr is the memorable personation ; of the ceremonies of the house, which are Salsal, submissive to the Deity ; its enclosing steps, how changed do they present them- selves ! The door-ring of the house is Ja'far, star in the ascendant." The house signifies the Lord Intermediary, the Mim ; as-Safa, al-Mikdad ; the two steps, al-Hassan and al-Hussain ; the door-ring, acquaintance with Ja'far as-Sadik ; al-Marwah, acquaintance with Abu dh-Dharr ; and the sacred place of ceremony, acquaintance with Salman al-Farisi. Such inter- pretations are distinctly presented in very many books of the Nusairis ; and an acquaintance with the several persons named stands, with them, for the completion of pilgrimage. Moreover, that acquaintance is understood by the Nusairis to be obtainable by sight, in conformity with what is their belief, universally, that the sun is Mohammed. The zeal of the Moslems in visiting Mecca seems to the Nusairis idle and blameworthy ; and one of their chiefs has expressed himself to this effect in the following words : " Cursed be all who forbid the drinking of wine, and all the Syrians, and the pilgrims." In the Book of Summary of Festivals we find the following passage :* " They have assigned to thee a grave, and 1 Journale Asiatique, IVe, Serie xi, 153. 164 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA suppose thee to be buried in it ; but in truth they practise deceit." Again, it is said in the " Book of Confirmation," by Sheikh Mohammed al-Kalazi, quoting from the " Book of Light Handling," which the Nusairis believe to have been composed by Jafar as-Sasik, the words of Jafar, when he was inquired of by af-Mufadhdhal with reference to the edifice which the Moslems are so zealous in visiting, imagining it to be GOD'S house : " Such visitation is the sum and substance of unbelief ; that edifice is a prop of idols, even as it is of stone, like idols, and people are well nigh dolts in visiting it, and short of understanding." To this al-Kalazi adds : " So I give them for answer, as to this matter, that the practice should be abandoned ; and besides, there are places of pilgrimage, and trees, innumerable, which they may visit, nearer than the Kaabah ; so idle a proceeding verifies in them the words of the poet^ who says : ' Thou boast est, O my brother, of strange things : of a jaundiced physician administering to his fellow men : of a weaver who is always naked of clothing : and of an oculist prescribing collyrium, who is himself blind ; f and those of another poet : ' The physician sets himself to administer to others, and forgets his own pain-stricken heart/" The fifteenth chapter is called " The Chapter of the Intermediary." The sixteenth chapter is called " The Chapter of Pursuivants." It recites the names of certain Pursuivant-lords, whom Mohammed chose as disciples, which it is unnecessary to give here. CHAPTER XVIII RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS IN the second and third sections of his book Sulaiman gives us information as to the festivals of the Nusairis ; the prayers used at them ; the various offices of the three Orders of chiefs, namely Imaums, Pursuivants and Dignitaries, and their respective duties and mutual relations with the congregations of the believers. In his description of the ceremonies observed on festival occasions he introduces various liturgical forms not usually known. Sulaiman remarks that these annual celebrations had an ancient origin, and are carefully perpetuated ; the necessary expenses are borne by the wealthier members of the sect, every rich Nusairi binding himself to defray the cost of one, two or three of the celebrations, according to the measure of his zeal. In towns they are held in the evening, for the sake of secrecy, but this precaution is not always observed in the country villages. He also states that the Nusairi villagers give themselves up to special festivity on their New Year's Day, the ist of Second Kanum, or January, and show less regard for certain seasons observed with special ceremonies among the Moslems as well as themselves, while the inhabitants of towns avoid such discrimination, lest the Moslems should find them out. The following list of Nusairian festivals, drawn up, apparently, in the order of their estimation, is given by the author, with the distinct understanding of it not including all. 1. Festival of al-Ghadir, on the i8th of Dhu-1-Hajjah. 2. of al-Udhhiyah, on the loth of Dhu-1-Haj jah. (This is a memorial of Ismail Ibn Hajir.) 166 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA 3. Festival of al-Maharjan, on the i6th of First Tishrin. 4. of Al-Barbarah, on the I4th of Second Tishrin. 5. ,, after an interval of a week from the last. 6. ,, after an interval of a week from the last. 7. ,, of the Birth-time of lord Messiah, on the I5th of First Kanum. 8. ,, of the Baptism, on the 6th of Second Kanum. 9. of I7th Adhar. 10. of ist Nisan. 11. ,, of 4th Nisan. ii. of I5th Nisan. 13. ,, of gth of First Rabi, called the 2nd Ghadir. 14. ,, on the night of the I5th of Sha'ban. In connection with this list certain other festivals are enumerated, without specification of the times when they are celebrated, namely, the Festival of John the Baptist, and of John Chrysostom, the Festival of Palms and of the Element, and the Festival of Mary Magdalene. The following seasons of special observance are also mentioned : the first night of Ramadhan, and the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-first and twenty-third nights of that month. The whole enumeration by Sulaiman agrees, for the most part, with Catafago's list, published in the Journal Asiatique for 1848, * though each author names some celebrations not noticed by the other. When a festival-day arrives, the men assemble at the house of the master of the festival, that is, the person at whose expense it is celebrated ; and the Imaum takes a seat among them. Then there is placed before him a piece of white cloth, on which are laid mahlab berries, camphor, candles, and myrtle or olive leaves. A vessel filled with wine of pressed grapes, or figs, is brought forward, and two Pursuivants seat themselves on eitjier side of the Imaum. Then the Master of the Festival designates another Pursuivant to act as the minister of the occasion, and coming forward kisses the Imaum's hand, and the hand of each of the Pursuivants seated by his side, 1 Journal Asiatique, IVe, Serie xi, 149-55. RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS 167 as well as that of the Pursuivant selected to perform the service. The latter then rises, and places his two hands upon his breast, saying : " May God grant you a good evening, my lords, and a pleasant and happy morning ! Is it your pleasure that I minister for you at this blessed festival (or, blessed time), over the cup of so-and-so, the Master of the Ceremonies ? God bless him." To this those present reply : " Yes " whereupon the Pursuivant, making his obeisance to the assembly, by kissing the ground, takes in his hand some myrtle leaves, and distributes them, reciting, meanwhile, the following, called the " Myrtle String " : " God hath said : ' If he is one of those promoted to honour, he shall have rest, and gentle puffs of air, and a garden of delight ' I ; O God, let thy benediction rest upon the names of the myrtle personations, namely, Sa'sa'h Bin Sahan, Zaid Bin Suhan al-Abdi, the most excellent and meritorious Ammar Bin Yasir, Mohammed Ibn-Abu-Bekr, and Mohammed Ibn - Abu - Hudhaifah may divine bene- dictions rest upon them all/' These words are likewise recited by all present, who rub in their hands, meanwhile, the myrtle leaves, and smell them. Afterwards, the Pursuivant takes a basin of water, puts into it some mahlab berries and camphor, and reads a mass, as follows : " THE PERFUME MASS " " O, ye believers, have regard to this, your Demigod, in whose presence ye are assembled, and put away hatred from your hearts, and doubt and malice from your breasts, that your worship may be perfected by acquaintance with your Indicator, that your invocation may be accepted, and that our Lord, and yours, may honour your hospitality. Know ye that Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib abides with you, is present among you, hearing and seeing, and that he knows whatso- ever is above the seven heavens, as well as whatsoever is beneath the ground, and is acquainted with secret thoughts, the mighty one, the forgiving. Beware, beware, brothers, of being merry and laughing aloud, in prayer-time, as do the fools ; for such behaviour invalidates ceremonies, brings ' Koran Ivi, 87, 88. 168 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA on catastrophes, and impairs what is virtuous in conduct. But hearken to and hear the commands of the lord Imaum ; for he stands among you, as it were, in the majesty of the infinite, the supreme, the omniscient One. We, being thus minded, have mingled for you this perfume, as the heavens are blended with the seven signs of Imaumship, on the peerless necklace of souls existing in substance, disencumbered of fleshly, human, bald-templed form. With those seven regale ye your chaste souls, pure from all wicked deeds. Therewith doth the Mim endow the Sin in every age, and at all times I affirm it on oath so that he is Ali, a God, to whom sincere worship is due, beside whom all beings invoked by men are a lie (seeing that to worship the creature is an idle fancy), for he let him be exalted, and let his state be magnified ! is, in the height of his dignity, the all-informed, the omniscient, the august Supreme." He then pours upon the Imaum's hand a spoonful of the perfumed water, and gives the basin to the Dignitary, that he may do the same upon the hand of each person present. While the Dignitary is thus going the round, he reads the following, called THE PERFUME STRING " God hath said : ' The unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were each a solid mass, and that we have ruptured them, and, by means of water, produced every living thing will they not then believe P' 1 Glory be to him who vivifies the lifeless, in a land of freezing cold. By the power of our Lord, the almighty Supreme omnipotent is God ! omnipotent is God ! " All present likewise recite this formula, laving their faces the while. Then the Pursuivant takes a censer, and stands up, and reads the second mass : THE INCENSE MASS " The mass of incense, and of exhaled odours, circling about in the reverenced house, in the dwelling of our God, a dwelling of joy and gladness. Someone says that our chief and lord, Mohammed Bin Sinan az-Zahiri peace be Koran, xxi, 31. RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS 169 to us from him was accustomed to stand up for the Friday prayer, every day and night, once or twice, taking in his hand a ruby, or, as is also said, a sapphire, or, according to another report, a chrysolite, which was consecrated to the brilliant Fatimah, and incensing cups, with perfection of cheer, incensing the servant of light, therewith, amid festive decoration and glitter. Know ye, O believers, that the light is Mohammed, and the night Salman. Incense your cups, and light your lamps, and say all of you : Praise be to God, praise be to God, for favour unsurpassed, and whose mystery defying penetration has been bestowed upon us bountiful, noble, exalted, august is he ! Believe and be assured, O believers, that the person of the servant of light is free to you, among yourselves, and forbidden to you in the company of others." In a note to this formula, the author says that what is meant here by " the servant of light " is wine ; that is, wine is here presented as an image of Ali. After this the Pursuivant incenses the Imaum, as well as the two seated by his side, and gives the censer to the Dignitary, so that he may incense the rest of the Assembly. 1 While going his round, this official recites what is called THE INCENSE STRING " O GOD, give benediction and peace to our Lord Mohammed, the elect, and his sons. May the divine bene- diction rest upon them all." The receivers of the incense also recite this formula. Afterwards the Pursuivant takes a cup in his hand, and, standing up, reads the third mass ; the " Call to Prayer." This, though a very beautiful recital of adoration, is a repetition of most of the " Perfume Mass/' and need not be given here. He then presents the cup to the Imaum, and, filling another, gives it to the person seated on the Imaum's right, and hands a third to the one seated on his left ; each of whom recites the following : "I testify that my Lord, and thine, is the Prince of Bees, Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, who 1 An account of these ceremonies, in most points corroborating Sulaiman's, is given in Lyde's Asian Mystery, as given to the author by a young Nusairi Initiate. 170 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA is unconditioned, imperishable, unchangeable ; and I testify that his Intermediary is lord Mohammed, and his Communi- cator lord Salman ; and the Communicator proceeds not from between the Archetypal Deity and the Expressed Deity." After this the presenter of the cup says to each : " Take, O my brother, this cup in thy right hand, and ask help of thy Lord, Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib, thy ruler and helper." To this each communicant replies : " Give, O my brother, that which is in thy right hand, and ask help of thy Lord and Creator, thy ruler and helper in matters of thy religion may GOD make it to flourish with His affluence, by the suretyship of Mohammed and his race." Afterwards, the Pursuivant rises, and placing his hands upon his breast says : " May GOD grant you a good evening, O brothers, and a pleasant morning, O people of the faith ! Forgive us any errors or negligences ; for man is so called only because he lapses into error, and absolute perfection pertains only to our Lord, the glorious Ali, who is omniscient." He then kisses the ground, and sits down. Then the Imaum, facing the assembly, says : " May GOD grant you a good evening, O brothers, and a pleasant morning, O people of the faith. Is it your pleasure that I should minister for you, on this blessed day, over the cup of the Master of Ceremonies ! GOD bless him ? " He kisses the ground, which the assembly also do, striking two octaves with the words : " We accept thee as our chief and lord." The Imaum then says : " It is a tradition on the authority of our lord Ja'far as-Sadik, the reticent and declarer, the render and binder, 1 that he said : ' At prayer- time it is forbidden either to take, to give, to sell, to buy, to report the news, to whisper, to be noisy, to be restless, or to tell stories, over the myrtle : but let there be silence, listening attention, and saying of Amen/ Know ye, O brothers, that if anyone wears upon his head a black turban, or carries on his finger a kishtban, or at his waist a two-edged knife, his prayer is hindered : and the greatest of sins is to fail in duty over the myrtle ; for what is binding upon a messenger if not manifest vigilance ? " Then he kisses the ground, saying : " This homage to GOD, and to you, O brothers ! " 1 Another reference to the fructification of the earth. RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS 171 after which all who are present prostrate themselves, kiss the ground, raise their hands to their heads, and say : "To GOD let him be exalted -be thy homage paid, O our chief and lord ! " Afterwards the Imaum reads the " Formula of Dis- burdening." After a long string of terrible curses against individuals, which it is unnecessary to give here, the Formula goes on : " Do thou curse the Hanifite, Shafiite, Malikite, and Hanbalite sects, and those who play with apes, and catch hold of black serpents, together with all Christians and Jews, and everyone who believes that Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib ate, or drank, or was born, or had sexual intercourse may GOD curse them. Moreover, lay thou the curse upon John Marun the Patriarch, 1 the execrable, and upon all those who feed on thy bounties, while they worship not thee ; and do thou rid us of them utterly, as flesh is cleared from a bone, by the suretyship of Ali, Mohammed and Salman, and by the favour of Ain-Mim-Sin." Then he wipes his hand upon his breast, saying to those present : " We disburden ourselves of these vile Satans, the heretics, in dependence on the favour of Ain-Mirn-Sin," which those assembled repeat, kissing one another's hands to the right and left : after which the Imaum reads the Chapter of the Opening, and the Chapter of the Two Deficiencies, together with all that follows, up to the Chapter of the Sun and the Chapter of Broad Sunshine, 2 and also the throne- verSe, 3 and other verses of the Koran, at his pleasure. When he has done reading, after reciting a prayer, the Imaum goes on with certain other forms, glorifying and adoring Ali, and recites many masses. All then raise their hands to their breasts, and recite the Chapter of Betokening (see p. 160), each party performing the action of raising hands in his own way, as explained in the notes on that chapter. When this recitation is over, the Imaum takes in his hands a cup of wine, and reads a tradition authorized by al-Hussain Bin Hamdan al-Khusaibi, in which * The first patriarch of the Maronites, who held office about A,D. 700 ; see Assemanni Bibl. Orient., i. 496. * Koran i. and Ixxxiii-xciii. s Ibid. ii. 256. 172 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA All is set forth as the one true GOD : afterwards he directs the assembly to bow the head, which they do while reciting the Sixth Chapter (see p. 159) ; then he takes the cup which is in the hand of him who sits on his right, and mingles its wine with his own, saying, as he mingles ; " Seest thou yonder ? Seest thou ? delightsomcness ! O great magnificence ! They are arrayed in green silk gauze and brocade, and their Lord gives them pure wine to drink. Verily this is your portion ; your zeal will surely be re- compensed." Next he recites the Ninth Chapter (see p. 161), the assembly repeating after him, and then drinks a little from one of the two cups, and presents it to him who sits on his right. Then he takes the third cup l from him who sits on his left, drinks a little of that, and gives it back to him, and presents the cup which he still retains to the ministering Pursuivant : and so the cups pass round among them, from one to another ; and as they are offered, each offerer kisses the hand of the receiver, saying to him : "Be thou extolled ! drink, O my brother and lord, in the faith of the mystery of Ain-Mim-Sin " ; whereupon he takes the cup, and drinks, saying to the offerer : " May God give thee to drink, O my brother and lord." To this the offerer replies : " May GOD cheer thee through thy fellowship of the cup, and thy draught, and cause thee to attain to thy goal, and that which thou seekest after ! " When the offering of the cup is over, the assembly pronounce an 14 Amen " ; then the Imaum reads some verses from the Koran as follows : " TSM those are marks of the Plain Book. Perchance thou wearest thyself out with "grief, because they are not believers : if we please, we will reveal to them a sign from heaven to which their necks will bow,"* adding : " To GOD, O believers, bend." When this direction has been obeyed by the recitation of the Sixth Chapter, as before, the Chapter of Salutation (see p. 159) is read by the Imaum, and repeated by the 1 The various libations mentioned in the course of this ceremony might well be the source of the introduction of similar repeated libations in the ritual of Knights Templar. * Koran xxvi. 1-3. RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS OF THE NUSAIRIS 178 assembly, after which the Imaum reads the Second Mass of " The Incense String/' (see p. 169) and then concludes his prayer with three Melodies by al-Hussain Bin Hamdan al-Khusaibi, the assembly repeating them after him. Then, facing the assembly, he says : " Forgive us, O brothers, any errors or negligences, and addition or omission ; for all men are prone to negligence and forgetfulness, and absolute perfection pertains only to your Master the Exalted to the Glorious One, whose knowledge is all surpassing. This homage to GOD and to you, O brothers, O believers ! " He then kisses the ground, and the assembly also kiss it, responding to him : "To GOD be thy homage paid O our Chief and Lord." After this, all standing up, they kiss the hands of one another, on the right and left, and near by and, at the same moment, the candles are ex- tinguished, as it is day, and the Master of the Festival gives alms to the Imaum and the ministering Pursuivant, which are called dirhams, as well as to all who have joined in the recitations. Then the Imaum takes in his hand the Summary, and reads a little of it to the assembly and bids them bend, which they do as before ; and after that directs the one who sits on his right to read the Right-hand Invocation and then directs all to recite the Chapter of Salutation (see p. 159), and when this is finished, bids him who sits on his left to read the Left-hand Invocation, and at the close says : " This homage to GOD, and to you, O brothers, all ye who are present/' He again kisses the ground, while the assembly do likewise, and also kiss the hands of one another, on the right and left ; whereupon the Imaum stands up, and uncovers his head ; the assembly do the same ; he directs them to recite the Chapter of The Opening, 1 saying " The Chapter of the Opening, O brothers, has to do with the subversion of the dynasty of Othman, and the succour of the people of al-Khusaibi, the Nusairis." Frequently, to this petition is added a petition to Ali for the overthrow of all Moslem rulers, In conclusion, the Ministers rise and place food before the assembly, presenting most of it to the Imaum, who Koran i. 174 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA distributes a little to those near him ; after which they all eat, and disperse. Having thus recounted the ceremonies usually observed at the festivals of the Nusairis, Sulaiman also specifies some customs which are peculiar to certain occasions. At the festivals in the month of Nisan, of the ijth of Adhar, and of the i6th of First Tishrin, when they begin their prayers, there is placed before the Imaum a large basin of water, with twigs of olive, myrtle, or willow in it ; and as soon as prayers are over, all uncover their heads, and the Dignitary stands up and sprinkles over them some of the water, and distributes a few of the twigs, which they place in their bee-hives to obtain good luck. Whenever they recite the Chapter of the Bowing of the Head (see p. 159), they bend to the ground, excepting on the day of al-Ghadir, when in reading it, they raise their heads heavenwards. CHAPTER XIX FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND DEEPER MYSTERIES OF THE NUSAIRI RELIGION ALL the Nusairis believe, says Sulaiman, that the spirits of the chiefs of the Moslems, firmly grounded in the science of their religion, assume, at death, the bodily forms of asses ; that Christian ministers enter into the bodies of swine : that Jewish rabbis take the form of male apes ; and as for the wicked of their own sect, that their spirits enter into the bodies of quadrupeds used for food, sceptics of note excepted who, after death, are changed into male apes. Persons of mixed character, partly good and partly bad, become invested with human bodies in other sects. When a professor of some other belief apostatizes, and is united with them, they hold that in past incarnations he was one of themselves, and that his birth within the pale of that faith which he abandons was consequent upon some crime which he had committed. No member of any alien sect is admitted into their fraternity, for the first time, unless he be a Persian, the Persians being believers in the divinity of Ali-Ibn-Abu- Talib like themselves. There is little doubt the progenitors were from Persia and Irak. " In Jewish history they are said to have originated in Palestine," goes on this author, " and this statement is not groundless, inasmuch as they hold many principles in common with people of that country, such as the worship of the sun and the moon. But, unquestionably, Magians are found among ttyem, so that their worship may be of Magian origin, and they may be practising in the present time rites which are none other than Magian. 176 176 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA " As for one of their faith by birth, who apostatizes, their judgment respecting the separatist is that his mother was an adulteress among them, being of that sect whose creed he adopts. They simulate all sects, and, on meeting with Moslems, swear to them that they likewise fast and pray. But their fasting is after a worthless manner : and, if they enter a mosque in company with Moslems, they recite no prayer, but lowering and raising their voices in imitation of their companions, curse Abu Bekr, Omar, Othman, and other persons. The simulation of sects is set forth by them, allegorically, as follows : ' We, say they, are the body, and all other sects are the clothings ; but whatever sort of clothing a man may put on, it injures him not ; and whosoever does not thus simulate is a fool, for no reasonable person will go naked in the market-place/ I will specify, however, a token by which the dissembler may be recognized : when a Nusairi disavows the worship of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib it may be known that he sets light by his belief, since he could not so express himself without having abandoned his religion ; or, when a Nusairi reveals his form of prayer, it is certain that he has apostatized, for thus says their lord al-Khusaibi : ' Whoever discloses our testimony is forbidden our garden ; and if anyone says to you ' Disclose, and be guiltless, hasten away.' " A token by which members of the sect recognize one another is as follows : If a stranger comes among his fellow- believers, he inquires : ' I have a relative : do you know him ? ' To this they reply : ' What is his name ? ' He then says ' His name is al-Hussain/ when they rejoin : ' Ibn Hamdan/ and he adds ' al-Khusaibi/ 1 " A second token consists in their saying to the stranger : ' Thy uncle was unsettled for how many periods ? ' To which if he replies ' Sixteen/ they receive him. 2 A third is the question : ' If thy uncle should thirst, whence wouldst thou give, him to drink ? ' To this the answer is : ' From the fountain of Ali-quality/ A fourth token is this inquiry : 1 Here we have, in all probability, the source of the Masonic custom of " lettering or halving " passwords in perambulating the Lodge during certain ceremonies. An allusion to the successive stages of divine manifestation down to All, sixteen in number. MYSTERIES OF THE NUSAIRI RELIGION 177 ' Should thine uncle's feet sink in the sand, whither wouldst thou direct him ? ' , The answer to this is : 'To the Serpent of Mu'awiyah/ 1 A fifth question is : ' Should thine uncle annoy where wouldst thou meet him ? ' The answer being: 'In the Pedigree Chapter' (see p. 157). Then comes the following dialogue : ' Four, two fours, three and two, and as many more, twice over, in thy religion, what place have they ? ' The answer to this is : 'In the Journeying Chapter ' (see p. 162). ' Portion them out to me, wilt thou ? ' ' Seventeen of them of Irak, seven- teen of Syria, and seventeen unknown/ ' Where are they to be found ? ' 'At the gate of the city of Harran/ ' What is their employment ? ' ' They receive justly, and render justly/ The binding adjuration among the Nusairis, universally, is to place one's hand in that of another, saying : ' I adjure thee by thy faith, in the faith of the covenant of Ali the Prince of Believers and by the covenant of Ain-Mim-Sin ; ' this makes it obligatory to speak the truth. Another form is to moisten a finger with one's spittle, and place it on the other's neck, saying : ' I am absolved of my sins, and lay them on thy neck ; and I adjure thee, by the foundation of thy religion, by the mystery of the covenant of Ain-Mim-Sin, that thou tell me the whole truth touching such and such a matter/ which also debars from falsehood. The latter form of adjuration is more established with the Northerners than with the Nusairis of other parties ; whoever takes it falsely, supposes himself to assume all the sins of the adjurer. " All the Nusairis imagine the eminent chiefs of their sect to have no sexual intercourse with their wives : but they make passes over them, by which they conceive. But among the Imaums of the Kalazians conjugal communism is said to be a law of hospitality, supported in part by a figurative interpretation of Koran xxxiii, 49, and partly by inference from one of ten rules of life attributed to Ja'far as-Sadik, enjoining upon every believer to gratify his fellow- believers as he would gratify himself, which the Northerners understand to require only a readiness to impart of one's * Meaning, of course, Ali, the biter of the heel, as it were, of Mu^wiyah, who nevertheless brought to an end his temporal dominion. '' 12 178 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA knowledge and property to a fellow-believer. It is also worthy of notice that the common people among the Nusairis regard their Imaums as infallible, and as having bodies not subject to the ordinary necessities of flesh and blood. " If anyone who has abjured their faith passes by when they are at prayer, that prayer is spoiled, and they repeat it over again. They must not pray at all on the same day that they hear a story told." After Sulaiman had been three years an Initiate he bribed one of the chiefs of the party of Northerners to disclose to him the hidden mystery, his advance in the sect being hindered by a suspicion of his holding even then heretical opinions. The chief undertook to present to Sulaiman proofs of the divinity of the heavens, instancing the Prophet's words in the Koran : " Whithersoever ye turn, there is GOD'S presence GOD is omnipresent, omniscient," 1 to which he added : " Know thou that in the name of Ali there are three letters, and that the words for the heavens, the twilight, the glimmering day, and the arching sun all have three letters which is a plain proof of the correctness of our doctrine. Hast thou not read the Chapter of Testimony in the Dustur, which says : ' He is immeasurable, illimitable, incomprehensible, inscrutable ? ' 2 And know thou, O my son, that sight cannot reach to the limit of the heavens, nor can anyone behold them in their prime configuration, that is, their real aspect, save only the Expressed Deity. " ' Know thou also/ continued the chief, ' that the dog of the Companions of al-Kahf was an impersonation of Ali-Ibn-Abu-Talib ; that he appeared to the seven youths who had fled from the Emperor Decian in the form of a dog, in order to try their faith and to prove them : and that, inasmuch as they believed in hin, they were elevated to the heavens, and became stars. Previously, he appeared to the Children of Israel in the form of a cow, when they had grievously sinned, and the earth had wellnigh swallowed them up, and so they who believed were delivered, while the doubting were engulfed in the earth, such as Korah and his company. In the Koran, this cow is said to have * Koran ii. 109. * See the Chapter of Testimony, p. 161. MYSTERIES OF THE NUSAIRI RELIGION 179 been sacrificed, by which is meant that she was perfectly recognized. He appeared also to the people of Salih, in the form of a camel, which they mutilated, that mutilation signifying a rejection, on account of which they perished, and their city was turned upside down. Many other of his manifestations we leave unnoticed." Shortly after this interview, his doubts as to the truth of the Nusairian tenets increasing, Sulaiman renounced his faith altogether, and became a Jew, and subsequently a Christian. CHAPTER XX THE "HOUSE OF WISDOM 1 ' AT CAIRO, AND THE FOUNDING OF THE DRUSE SECT BY EL DORAZI AND HAMZEH DURING the reign of the Abbasside dynasty, Abu Mohammed Abdallah, who claimed to be a descendant of Ali by Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet, and who claimed the Caliphate for this reason, succeeded in detaching from the sway of the Abbassides, who were then living in magnificent Oriental luxury on the banks of the Tigris, the whole of Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and the provinces west of it. He was the founder of the Fatimite dynasty, and established his throne at Cairo. Upholding Ismael as the founder of his " Path," and one of his descendants as the seventh Imaum, he took vigorous steps for the propagation of his system. " No history of the Fatimites," says Ameer Ali, 1 " can be complete without some mention of the extraordinary propaganda established by them, for in their desire to promote the diffusion of knowledge among their subjects, they did not ignore the political advantages of obtaining proselytes to their sect. To the central Dar-ul-Likmat, ' House of Science,' was attached a Grand Lodge, where the candidates for initiation into the esoteric doctrines of Ismaelism were instructed. Twice a week, every Monday and Wednesday, the Dai-ud-Daawat, the Grand Prior of the Lodge, convened meetings, which were frequented by both men and women, dressed in white, occupying separate seats. These assemblages were named Majalis- ul-Likmat, or ' philosophical conferences.' Before the in- itiation the Dai-ud-Daawat waited on the Imaum (the Caliph), 1 A Short History of the Saracens, p. 615. 180 THE " HOUSE OF WISDOM'* AT CAIRO 181 the Grand Master, and read to him the discourse he proposed to deliver to the neophytes, and received his sign manual on the cover of the manuscript. After the lecture 1:he pupils kissed the hands of the Grand Prior, and reverently touched the signature of the Master with their foreheads. Makrisi's account of the different degrees of initiation adopted in the Lodge * forms an invaluable record of Freemasonry. In fact, the Lodge at Cairo became the model of all the Lodges created afterwards in Christendom." In this last assertion I am myself greatly in agreement, as it seems exceedingly evident, in considering the rituals and ceremonies of these Syrian secret sects, that herein are to be found very many of the foundations of our modern rituals, in many of the degrees allied to Freemasonry, as well as primarily in the three degrees of the Craft. Abu Ali el-Hakem li-Amr-illah, usually known as El Hakem, the sixth of the Fatimite dynasty, was born in A.D. 985 (A.H. 375) and succeeded to his father's throne at the early age of eleven. All historians agree that his reign, which extended to a period of twenty-five years, is distinguished only for its folly and tyranny, and he is stigmatized as an impious and bloodthirsty monster, the sanity of whose mind appears to be very doubtful. Many pages could be filled with even a condensed account of his awful cruelties. Anyone doubting the exclusive claims of Ali to divinity and the caliphate was promptly massacred. About the year 1017 a Persian named Mohammed Ibn Ismail el-Dorazi came to the court of Egypt. He was graciously received by El Hakem, and appointed to one of the first offices in the state. Dorazi appears to have published assertions of divinity previously claimed in private by Hakem, and ventured to read these in the principal mosque, in the presence of a large multitude. Though supported by the whole strength, public and secret, of the Caliph, who was to be made the object of adoration, the new doctrines were most unfavourably received by the turbulent and fanatical mob. Dorazi had to fly, to escape their threatened violence, and he was sent by Hakem to Wady 1 Further details of these degrees, as given by Makrisi, will be found in Chapter XII, in dealing with the Karmathians, 182 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA el-Teim, the great valley which separates the Lebanon from Hermon, with the view of making proselytes among the people of that region. The inhabitants of that valley, already belonging to the Batenite, or Schiite secret sect, appear to have been prepared to receive a new and modified form of their Ismaelian religion. Dorazi gave his name to the Druse nation, as is generally accepted, although Colonel Churchill says that some of the Druse Akkals, or priests, prefer it to the Arab word " Durs," which signifies clever, or industrious ; while others deduce it from " Turs/' or shield, because, they say, in the days of Nouradeen and Saladin they were selected to watch and defend the Syrian coast, from Beyrout to Sidon. But Dorazi is held in no respect by the Druses, although they accept, and retain, the doctrine of the divinity of Hakem which he thus promulgated amongst them. But the power of his position aroused in him ambitious designs. He attempted to introduce heretical innovations into the very doctrines he had been sent to inculcate, and seems to have aimed at converting the influence of a missionary into the independence of a rival prophet. However, after his departure from Cairo, another Persian appeared, and took his place. This was Hamzeh Ibn- Ahmed, surnamed El-Hady, who may be regarded as the real founder of the Druse religion. Hakem had succeeded in establishing in Egypt a belief in his own divinity, and obtained something like sixteen thousand converts. Hamzeh became successively his follower, his vizier, the director of the new sect, and an object of veneration almost as great as Hakem himself. The disciple whom Hamzeh sent to replace Dorazi was named Moktana Baha-edeen. He it was who may be said to have placed the Druse religion on the basis on which it at present stands. His numerous tracts and epistles have ever been the chief subjects of study and contemplation in the Druse Khalwehs. " Nevertheless, the teaching of Dorazi was too seducing in its tendency to be ever entirely abandoned by many who had once reconciled themselves to a system of theology, which, under the imposing epithet of the Mysteries, threw a cloak over the indulgence of the worst passions of human THE "HOUSE OF WISDOM " AT CAIRO 188 nature. The schism was never eradicated, and to this day the Druses are divided into two sects, who, although bound together in a common faith in the Hakim and Hamzeh, are actuated, respectively, in their conduct, by the purer and more orthodox moral and religious teaching of Baha- edeen, or by the dark and unscrupulous libertinism of Dorazi. The former, it is but just to say, form a great majority ; the latter are ever ready for the indulgence and committal of every kind of lust and atrocity." * Dorazi, however, exercised his authority for a sufficient number of years to enable him to stamp his name on the sect which first arose under his auspices ; and to this circum- stance it is owing that all the followers of the doctrines preached by Hamzeh, instead of being called Hamzeites as they might and ought to have been, are called Druses. " Into that system," says the Earl of Carnarvon,* " Ham- zeh introduced every element of ^strength or attraction. The Mohammedan was reconciled by the profession of Unitarian- ism ; the Schiites, or followers of Ali, were already enlisted by sympathy for a Fatimite Caliph ; the Sufeistic, or mystical sects, which then, as ever, had their seat in Persia, and the far East, were allured by the esoteric doctrines and allegorical interpretations, whose existence must have easily betrayed itself to the initiated ; even the Karmathites, the Ismaelis, the Ansairis, were is some degree influenced by the ties of blood and locality, and the Christian was only required, by a simple process of conversion, to apply the familiar precepts of the Gospel to the faith of Hakem and Hamzeh. Thus blend- ing the doctrines of the Pentateuch, the Christian Gospel, the Koran, and the Sufee allegories, men were taught that seven mighty prophets in succession, whose order numbered not only Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses, but also our Saviour, had guided and instructed the world in its various periods, and that their ministrations were closed by Mohammed, the Prophet of Mecca, and Mohammed the son of Ismael, the author and head of the last and mystical development of the Faith." " The real facts of the case are," says Chasseaud,3 " that 1 Churchill, The Druses and the Maronites, p. 12. a Recollections of the Druses of the Lebanon, p. 60. 3 Chasseaud, The Druses of the Lebanon, p. 369, 184 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA the Druse creed possessing items of every acknowledged religion is itself a marvellous fable, evidently collected from every -existing creed, and yet so badly arranged that it contains in itself no plausible theory, and nothing that will admit of investigation. They tamely submit to the supposed superior knowledge of their Akkals, men, in reality, possessed of but little knowledge, and who might meet with a parallel in the professors of a faith in many lands claiming to greater civilisation than the Lebanon. " The word Akkal, which means sober or quiet, is very properly applied to the people who bear that name ; for, in reality, the Akkals are the more quiet, good, and sober part of the Druse population ; their whole lives are devoted to doing good, and they meet several times in the week in their Khalwehs, or sacred edifices, (or, as we should say, their Lodge-rooms,) where they discuss their creed, and give each other good advice." So much for the description from a non-Masonic point of View. It would seem clear, from the ceremonies of initiation into the sect described in a later chapter, as experienced by an American traveller who had been admitted a member of the sect, that these Akkals have attained to higher degrees in that Order of Masonry which has been preserved amongst these Syrian peoples from the very earliest periods of the world's history. The class of Akkals is not necessarily restricted to the male part of the population ; women are often admitted, provided they are of certain age, and are prepared to subject themselves to the same system of self-denial which character- izes the men. The following is the course of pro- ceeding which is adopted when a person is desirous of joining the Order. A necessary preliminary is, that the person who is a candidate for the honour of admission into the sacred corps should intimate his intention to an Akkal, upon which a special meeting is held. This is a very solemn affair, and the ordeal one of the strictest imaginable. An inquiry takes place into the general character and conduct of the aspirant ; his whole life is passed in review ; his habits criticized, and everything that is known respecting him fully discussed, THE "HOUSE OF WISDOM" AT CAIRO 185 Supposing him not to have been guilty of any crime, and to be well recommended, the next step is that he should be made acquainted with the requisitions of the Druse religion, which are then clearly set before him ; and he is informed that to be worthy of becoming an Akkal, he must forthwith abandon every vice, and relinquish all the idle habits he may hitherto have indulged in. He must not smoke, or drink wine or spirits ; neither must he take snuff ; he must be content to wear the plainest apparel (this is perhaps aimed at the fairer portion of the Akkal society) ; and, in short, laying aside every thought of splendour and luxury, must only consider how he can best show, in his demeanour and life, a firm devotion to the simple habits and sacred principles of the Order of which he now desires to become an adopted member. But this is not enough ; the capability to lead a holy life is not always equal to the desire. A temporary excite- ment of religious tendencies, a more than ordinary warmth of imagination, a sudden calamity, may for a time awaken the stings of conscience, and affect the tenderest sensibilities of the heart ; but the good impressions too often yield before the force of temptation, and the dormant energies which have been aroused for the moment sink back into their wonted lethargy ; or a zeal untempered by knowledge proves that we have undertaken a burden too heavy for us to bear, and that we had better not have put our hand to the plough if we cannot forbear to look back. The wise Akkals, therefore, are not satisfied with the best of promises. They require a little proof, and to this end they allow the candidate for admission into their ranks a certain fixed period, varying in duration according to the man's previous life, before the lapse of which he is expected to have made up his mind finally as to his capability of conforming faithfully, for the rest of his life, to the tenets of so strict and severe a profession. During this period of probation all his actions and pursuits are closely watched and scrupulously noted ; and should he, at the end of this allotted time, still evince a desire to become an Akkal, he is then admitted into the Khalwehs, and suffered to kttend of their religious meetings an4 listen to an exposition 186 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA of their creed and doctrines. Twelve months are now devoted to his religious education, at the end of which time he is considered to be sufficiently tried and instructed to assume the title of Akkal. Then the ceremony of donning the white turban takes place, for by this white turban the Akkals are recognized ; and he is thereupon admitted into all the mysteries of the faith, and becomes one of the initiated brethren. The sect is divided into the three degrees, Profanes, Aspirants and Wise. A Druse who has entered the second may return to the first degree, but incurs death if he reveals what he has learned. Heckethorn J refers to the allegation that they worship a calf's head in their secret meetings, but agrees that it is more probable " this effigy represents the principle of falsehood and evil, Iblis, the rival and enemy of Hakim. The Druses have been accused, as mentioned above, in common with other Syrian (and probably all other) secret sects, of licentious orgies, and they are said by Bespier, in his Remarks on Ricaut (an English diplomatist who wrote in 1700) to marry their own daughters ; but according to other evidence, including that of neighbouring Christians, a young Druse, as soon as he is initiated, gives up all dissolute habits, and becomes, at least in appearance, quite another man, meriting, as in other initiations, the title of " new-born." According to Druse traditions, the world was, at the appearance of GOD, in the form of Hakim three thousand, four hundred and thirty million years old, and they believe, like certain sects in England and America, that the millennium is close at hand. Every village has its meeting place (Khalweh), where religious and political affairs are discussed every Thursday night, the Wise, men and women, attending. The resolutions passed at such meetings are communicated to the district meetings, which again report to the general assembly in the town of Baklin, on Mount Lebanon. This was the fortified seat of government until, in the last century, Deir-el-Kammar (the Moon-Monastery), was built as the Lebanon metropolis. At the general assembly the questions raised at the district * Heckethorn, Secret Societies, vol. i. p. 128. London, 1874, THE "HOUSE OF WISDOM 5 * AT CAIRO meetings are discussed, and the deputies from the different villages who have attended, on their return home, announce the decisions arrived at ; so that the Druses, in fact, have a regular family council, to which, however, the Wise only are admitted, the uninitiated never being consulted in political or social matters. The Wise often retire into hermitages, whereby they acquire great honour and influence. Heckethorn puts the number of Druses as not exceeding fifty or sixty thousand occupying in the Lebanon upwards of forty large towns and villages, and nearly two hundred and thirty villages with a mixed population of Druses and Christians, whilst in the Anti-Lebanon they are also possessed of nearly eighty exclusively Druse villages. CHAPTER XXI THE RELIGION OF THE DRUSES " BEFORE we enter on an exposition of the religion of the Druses," says Dr. Wortabet, 1 who is a standard authority on the Druses, from his many years' residence as a missionary of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland in their district, " we shall premise a few remarks on the source from which it is derived. And we think there can be no hesi- tation as to the real origin of the tenets which were collected and incorporated by Hamzeh into his religion, because the authority of history in this matter is both explicit and unmistakable. About two centuries after the rise of Mohammedanism, several sects flourished in Persia and on the eastern confines of Irak, under the general name of Batenites, or Mystics. This name is derived partly from the recondite nature of their creed, which, on the principle of allegorization, raised from old and existing religions a new fabric different from them all, and partly, perhaps, from their outward profession of the prevailing and dominate religion of Islam in the East. Among them the Karmathians, by their sword, won the highest degree of celebrity and eminence of position. After subduing all Arabia, Syria and Irak, and threatening to capture the royal city of the successors of Mohammed, they were defeated by the Abbassides, and their religion and position reduced to their original narrow limits, but not, however, until their principles had been diffused throughout the extensive tract of country which they had overrun with their sword. The other kindred sects were supported by feeble numbers, and their * Wortabet, Researches into the Religions of Syria, pp. 297 ff, London, 1860* 16$ THE RELIGION OF THE DRUSES 189 influence out of their own communion could not have been much. It was from the doctrines of these sects that both El Dorazi and Hamzeh took the religion of the Druses. Both were Persians, and, according to the testimony of historians, learned Batenite doctors. But in arriving at this conclusion the greatest satisfaction may perhaps be obtained by comparing the Druse with the Batenite doctrines, observing the close resemblance between them, and in some cases the complete identity, and tracing the relation of the one to the other, as we trace a developed theory to the primary idea or ideas which gave rise to it." But the religion of the Druses can be traced to a still more remote source. For the Batenites have evidently borrowed many of their doctrines from the philosophers of ancient times, especially the Persian, as improved by Zoro- aster systems, which were so prevalent before the Christian era, which subsequently to it misled some of the Christian doctors, and tainted or gave rise to many of the heresies of the Christian religion, and which continued to exercise their fascination on some of the philosophers who professed Mohammedanism . Six volumes, containing one hundred and eleven treatises or epistles, form the sacred books of the Druses, each volume taking its name from the title of the first treatise. They were written by Hamzeh and his coadjutors, the other four ministers, in which they attempt to imitate the style of the Koran ; but the performance ranks far inferior to the rich eloquence, forcible expression, and classic Arabic in which Mohammed composed his book. It is said that a seventh volume was presented to them by a native Christian traveller, who found it in one of the libraries of Egypt, and for which they evinced much gratitude ; but no one, apparently, has ever seen the book, though the statement is probably quite true. These books contain a discussion of their doctrines, controversial treatises, and epistles to particular persons. To these have been added, in later times, other books written by some of their learned men, in explanation of their creed, on the morality enjoined by their religion, and on their future hopes and expectations ; but they are held ifi a much lower estimation as to authority and respect! 190 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA than the six books. None are allowed the privilege of possessing or reading them but such as have been inducted into the mysteries of their religion, and who form that class among them known by the name of Akkal, or initiated. If a stranger asks for admission to a Thursday meeting he will never be refused. Only if he is a Christian, the Akkal will open a Bible and read from it ; and if a Mohammedan, he will hear a few chapters of the Koran, and the ceremony will end with this. They will wait until he is gone, and then shutting fast the doors of their convent, take to their own rites and books, passing for this purpose into their subter- ranean sanctuaries. " The Druses remain, even more than the Jews, a peculiar people/' says Colonel Churchill, one of the few fair and strictly impartial writers. " They marry within their own race ; they are rarely if ever converted ; they adhere tenaciously to their traditions, and they baffle all efforts to discover their cherished secrets. . . . The bad name of that Caliph whom they claim as their founder is fairly compensated for by the pure lives of many whom they honour as saints, and by the heroism of their feudal leaders." As to the uninitiated, they are never allowed to even see the sacred writings, and none of them have the remotest idea where these are kept. There are missionaries in Syria, who boast of having in their possession a few copies. The volumes alleged to be the correct expositions from these secret books (such as the translation by Petis de la Crixo, in 1701, from the works presented by Nasr-Allah to the King of France), are nothing more than a compilation of * f secrets," known, more or less, to every inhabitant of the southern ranges of Lebanon and Anti-Libanus. They were the work of an apostate Dervish, who was expelled from the sect Hanafi, for improper conduct the embezzlement of the money of widows and orphans. The ExposJ de la Religion des Druses, in two volumes, by Sylvestre de Sacy (1828) is another network of hypotheses. A copy of this work was to be found, in 1870, on the window-sill of one of their principal Khalwehs, or places of religious meeting. To the inquisitive question of an English traveller, as to their rites, an Akkal, a venerable old man, who spoke English THE RELIGION OF THE DRUSES 191 as well as French, opened the volume of de Sacy, and, offering it to his interlocutor, remarked, with a benevolent smile ; " Read this instructive and truthful book ; I could explain to you neither better nor more correctly the secrets of GOD and our Blessed Hamzeh, than it does." The traveller understood the hint. Mackenzie says they settled at Lebanon about the tenth century, and " seem to be a mixture of Kurds, Marid- Arabs, and other semi-civilized tribes. Their religion is compounded of Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedanism. They have a regular Order of priesthood and a kind of hierarchy . . . there is a regular system of passwords and signs. . . . Twelve months' probation, to which either sex is admitted, preceded initiation." Madame Blavatsky, in quoting the above, says it shows " how little even persons as trustworthy as Mr. Mackenzie really know of these mystics/' " Mosheim, who know^ as much, or we should rather say as little, as any others, is entitled to the merit of candidly admitting that ' their religion is peculiar to themselves, and is involved in some mystery/ We should say it was rather ! " That their religion exhibits traces of Magianism and Gnosticism is natural, as the whole of the Ophite esoteric philosophy is at the bottom of it. But the characteristic dogma of the Druses is the absolute unity of GOD. He is the essence of life, and, although incomprehensible and invisible, is to be known through occasional manifestations in human form. Like the Hindus, they hold that He was incarnated more than once on earth. Hamzeh was the precursor of the last manifestation to be (the tenth avatar), not the inheritor of Hakcm, who is yet to come. Hamzeh was the personification of the ' Universal Wisdom/ Boha- eddin in his writings calls him Messiah. The whole number of his disciples, or those who at different ages of the world have imparted wisdom to mankind, which the latter as invariably have forgotten and rejected in course of time, is one hundred and sixty-four (164, the Kabalistic s.d.k). Therefore, their stages or degrees of promotion after initiation are five ; the first three degrees are typified by the ' three 192 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA feet of the candlestick of the inner Sanctuary, which holds the light of the five elements ; ' the last two degrees, the most important and terrifying in their solemn grandeur, belonging to the highest Orders ; and the whole five degrees emblematically represent the said five mystic Elements. The ' three feet are the holy Application, the Opening, and the Phantom,' says one of their books, on man's inner and outer soul, and his body ; a phantom, a passing shadow. The body, or matter, is also called the ' Rival/ for ' he is the minister of sin, the Devil ever creating dissentions between the Heavenly Intelligence (spirit) and the soul, which he tempts incessantly/ Their ideas on trans- migration are Pythagorean and Kabalistic. The spirit, or Temeami (the divine soul), was in Elijah and John the Baptist ; and the soul of Jesus was that of Hamzeh ; that is to say, of the same degree of purity and sanctity. Until their resurrection, by which they understand the day when the spiritual bodies of men will be absorbed into GOD'S own essence and being (the Nirvana of the Hindus), the souls of men will keep their astral forms, except the few chosen ones who, from the moment of their separation from their bodies, begin to exist as pure spirits. The life of man they divide into soul, body, and intelligence, or mind. It is the latter which imparts and communicates to the soul the divine spark from its Hamzeh (Christos)/' The fundamental parts of the Druse religion may there- fore be thus summed up : (i) The Knowledge of GOD, especially with regard to His manifestations in human form. (2) The Knowledge of the Universal Mind, the highest and noblest creating intelligence, yet the servant and slave of GOD. His name in the time of Jesus was Lazarus : in the time of Mohammed, Salman al-Farisee : in the time of El Hakim, Hamzeh. (3) The Knowledge of the other four Spiritual Ministers the Universal Soul ; the Word, or the Ambassador of Power ; The Preceder, or the Right Wing ; the Succeeder, or the Left Wing. These took the human forms of Ismael, Mohammed, Salman and Ali. (5) The Knowledge of the Seven Ethical Commandments, as intro- duced by Hamzeh Veracity ; Love of the Brethren ; For- saking the Worship of Idols ; Repudiation of Devils and THE RELIGION OP THE DRUSES 198 Delusions ; Acknowledging the Unity of God at all times ; Consent to the Actions of GOD (or, as stated by some writers, Secrecy in Religion, which is probably more correct) ; Implicit resignation to the Will of GOD. The Druses believe that though some degree of rewards and punishments is distributed to men, first during their lives, and then in the various fortunes or misfortunes which meet the soul in its transmigrations, yet the good and the wicked will not receive their just measure of desert until the last Judgment-day, or the Resurrection. By these terms, however, the Druses do not understand a real resurrection of the bodies which have long mouldered in death, an actual judgment scene, and another world in which the soul and body shall live through all eternity. They simply mean by these expressions that a universal and just system of rewards and punishments will be observed in a particular stage in the history of the world, which may be conveniently called the judgment-day, metaphorically the end, or mystically the Resurrection. " In any account of the Druses," says Wortabet, 1 " that which claims the first consideration is the complete secrecy in which they have kept their religion for a period over eight hundred years. Nothing but the actual plunder of their houses and places of religious meetings has brought their sacred books to light. For this watchful solicitude we have a sufficient reason in the view which is held in their books of all other religions and of their founders. Had the general body of the Mohammedans known that their venerable Prophet was regarded by this people as an incar- nation of the Evil One, who had first transmigrated through the bodies of Noah, Moses, and Jesus, who they revere as the apostles of GOD, they would certainly, in the time of their bygone power, have exterminated the Druses from the face of the earth, and they would even now, if they knew all, bear eternal hatred against them. It required, therefore, but little sagacity to show the Druses their real interest, and to indicate their wisest policy in this matter ; and so far from impugning the religions of others, they have actually assumed outwardly the Mohammedan religion, * Rtst arches info (hi Religions of Syria, pp. 327 ft 18 194 SECRET SECTS OF SYRIA and under this cover have effectually succeeded in deceiving men as to what they really believed for nearly nine hundred years. This outward profession, however, does not criminate them in the least before Him whom they believe to be GOD ; but it is rather a precept of their religion." It is, perhaps, with this object in view that they have divided themselves into the two well-known classes Akkal (the Initiated) and Juhhal (the Uninitiated). By the former is designated that class of persons who are admitted into the secrets of religion, and indoctrinated in its mystical meanings. The Uninitiated are excluded both from the knowledge of religion, and the meetings which are conse- crated to its service. No other present advantages are either gained or lost by belonging to the first or second class ; but thus another effectual precaution is adopted to keep the world in ignorance of their belief. On this subject Hamzeh says : " Keep away wisdom (religion) from those who are not worthy of it ; but take care not to exclude those who deserve it. For he who keeps it away from the worthy defiles his faith and religion ; and he who delivers it to the unworthy corrupts his confidence in the truth, Take heed, then, that ye do not deliver it to those who are unworthy of it, and see that ye are concealed in the prevailing religion." 1 When a Druse desires to be initiated into his religion, he is required to bind himself solemnly by the following covenant : " I, , the son of , in sound reason,